HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIBERGLASS STAIRSO Lila Steps Home Specials Appliances Bath Doors 9, 1Yin, :;prs Flectrical pleating & Cooling home Improvement & Repairs Kitchen Plumbing Set -Up & Transport Fiberglass Code Steps Constructed from pressure -treated lumber f i Fiber -glass and resin exterior coating Non-skid surface on all treads and landing Rounded edges and comers White with black "pebble" finish Steps and rails must be purchased separately 38" wide platform on all code steps Part No. Dimensions Side Rail 12-4398C...... 38"W x 14"H.................12-4399C 12-4412C......38'rW x 21"a.................12-4411 12-4412CB..... 38"4i x 241111-8" risers ....... 12-44118 12-4413C...... 38"W x 28-H.................12-44114 12-4413C8..... 38"W x 32"H-8" risers ....... 12-441148 12-4415C...... 38"W x 35-H.................12-4416C 12-4415C8..... 38"W x 40"H-8" risers ....... 12-44168 12-4417c...... 38"W x 421,14 .................12-4417R 12-4418C...... 38"W x 48"H........... ...... 12-441OR Aluminum Code Back Rail 12-4414....... 38"W Economy Steps and Rails Same construction as our code steps Reduced platform sizes to fit your needs Extruded aluminum rails Steps and rails must be purchased separately Part No. -Dimensions Side Rail 12-4398E......321114 x 161111, 14" Platform.....12-43998 12-4398.......34"W x 16^H, 24" Platform... . .12-4399 12-44009...... 38"W x 24"H, 14" Platform.....12-4406E 12-4402....... 38"W x 24"H, 24" Platform.....12-4406 12-4402E...... 38"W x 321H, 14" Platform.....12-4407E 12-4403....... 38"W x 321111, 24" Platform.....12-44064 Special order Steps Our fiberglass steps can be ordered to fit any application Contact the sales staff for more information Our Company Terms and Conditions Atlantic Service Prime Supply Last upda.L - -: Thursday, September 44, 2008 12:37:04 PM Downloads CQnta_ag US Customer Feedback Home Proi_e_tts Site Man r http://atlantieprimesupply.com/id79.html 9/6/2008 02-18-'19 99., 58 FFM- PI li"Ift"Adetkodng GuWallnes corm "patallation o 2 ab AAW deshv4p6altion &on& ]&A* iToft ftir�a, 2) Iftsialt L4WACI" UOg w x 20 x 2 -114" , 8fe, waihmv ana-mb. 3) Ma�,k lo&doh othols In L-bridwt on the Ohm& 4) Move ft s"'mw'y'ftii dw house. DAII hales in coneraft at do duhud be"Ons. Tap in VA" emiXft anchm. 5) Repko mp so ft U& " of *e =erft ors Pmftwe.&Mgh Aw t-bft*e%- Sw= whfi the no *Ad waslkn. 9 T44,49 P661/010 F-634 efeim6-In'SW 'Won Lat of c"Dwas (2) 441514Atdior AsumMe EwboWbly InWWwa �(I) 3A,10 * I WO bg �-I) 7A 0 X I Ws wasber l .0 orreulyd insl soon iftnow 1) wed ' So step In do — . md wk *8 ft 000 in I; Oum so 04 PIthe RO or .'OWP at the W& of the later&-0 4) Fsom sir t w IOVI� ftwm 6mmba tlEww Of1he iwh and VwaAw. WAWUKr.'. Failum to hot OW SWP PwpffIY w cr"mawUmry.PIw� ftpipmft houm mab we &e gal on whM ft ap mm is level. Mot CraK Yet Dmw A "04 Uhb 4WO 1401BIL' JAOM ®VIVer'�e���a��m��9 Uba5g/467 jjahenwaid, TennesW 1j4 18 1/2' (toundBd)„ 10118 �' # MMA 59009 59011 W62 WMS 14p13 A d 1 UOD flcmls PCT WC., O 160397 eve}lc, �canessee 37216-03%7 orkw9 f�IFIC VA 31150 flit p 0315" &al l gl ��traP � strappin > A ' -A!A 31150 rani'Zed Split Bolt wPhe head st �d q g jj sw out sbaf ' 1 '150 7116, 2 s/4 zinc p}atcd 3150 Crimping - fp 10 PUND yvi4h CIA 15 41 } , °' ai�t��d W }9 WI-srel strapxy.. 2.60/V,f 035 9 sty nnector strap f.... ! A 3,150 Wed4 �, 5 ,f Y. i .340 bolt and a� connector for Frith 59002 and 5 gut 394 J�bed yy NIk ` Y�i� Beams 9 ff x 6 S`29, Y- if44[f�t15ed /3 ��th J7�fllr tongitudlasA connector 14f Jk 49i wneC1amp 6- 61UUIS YaW9 Be'Iilap 5 �O tT i! NIA LVpo4u Clamp �iirtdfl�r Support �t�r �.djus h�� 6 }6 j�00i �Ih SupportCo►Zcre�m A.nchar T�asla� 14ed W/Lag 141 Bolt �o�cret� Anchor patio L 4 4,725 49725 tog f 4d5 4,725 25 39150 �g�SV NIA W6 4,725 4,725 4,725 __.,A IWO Ffiam, spikeusm9abuckkisM acce hie- TO lfflefl a factory ta�adk strap ih dia �1d, ae double sri nbp rrsi spi.ice ir "auued- Crver- ia � p tuxifrmmly 12 bwheS 'ind UN tV2 Miiwe seals evenly spatcc-d. ,- 1 r;M7 a f eeeals —ALVAMMD STRAPS M OUNCES EACH Sly OR WWWAL GJiS Hwiftaow mquircsiha ail stta�tt� lie ex tas g13 vaizr ic+ gseacet fWM dw �, Alf swing �t be mulz i t u1 it tuna., Atd -A � M stray Buhl iadscate `QUAD COM 0-120.' TheASIM 39 I Y sdf is x*nAgad on ft to Mcm ccaftmM to a#te "LTD Cad-, an d Cho- 011.5 W!H in& Mhe- tlM A]t s a nLitt bL, r ed emy W w 1 !?". ftmp Marking trap t G me-n- �i(rap rem be fham Mt&WM wthe cow=€ingbracket. conncctin hv&ets Yk Wt have a Faffim dip to PMW t€ o strap fmm slap edges. Field "� crimp seats = if o fougeralltt 3 f -vm on stv W attcli W. ftuft - f-'e toas or flam. r ::isle via of P 550it12 �t with radim dip. �--an#5W trap o lece I � { TIE DOWN ENGINEERING& CERTIFIED T ANSI AMI A M 53 -yi GALVANIZED �ts.�� QUAD THICK G- C0 O ' I_ Wt info anchor hti:ad, a0mch lj+ M stems gWt bvh ladMwcutssa that 10 to 12 l o stmp are avaaabk to wag MW d112 r 3. tlsimg 15116' wrench or SoE, WM 1,1Je eft. MRd- !ngg the " ]i'tvc �mplue rams Minimum until tht strap is adegasately teRsiai I bs rt tu-�-ea 1m tlt, Ax in bolt Until flMh Via. opptz6k side of M¢. 0 t siM while tigssten! a the nut, dtaviing dre head of ft #soft into the reams. Afau the bolt is locktd deer ss;con-da eto tighwn ik nus UP01 se- Mmly fastmed- 2 Cr s par S�Wf 37 c 6. 0 n hlon, LONDRUdlinal a lateral St8g1l121ng SOMMIS 0 U ro CL C. "6s! to o1 t— CD to a� w E �(D �o of � Excgedsrequirements for all wind zones. Eliminates frame ties and stabilizers, saving time and money. w Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal M Flat pad design installs easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground 99 luv qu8llty, ttdduy gclulut; z LLL"I vlUlliuea stability a utilizes adjustable tubing for structural integrity with less inventory m E35V to install and neatly packaged for €enousing and transpon Top-quafily heavy gauge steel throughout system Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal RM gad design rrtsfslls easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad Into ground �6�A&anch Longltudinai System Includes 1 - 20" Galvanized Steel Pad 2 - Beam Clips with Hardware 2 - 1.5" Square Bracing Tubes 0120355 39"¢ Longitudinal System for All Zones 0120357 53"" Longitudinal System for Alt Zones Lateral/Longitudinal System lnClUdes'. I - 20" galvanized Steel Pad 7 - ijU" AdJUSIAMe Laxeral TUpa with rtardw�tre 2 - Beam Clips With Hardware 2 - f .5" Square Bracing Tuts 0120377 391* Lat>~raltLongitudinal System for All Zones 0120378 44" I_aterakongitudinal System for All Zones 9120279 F11" f®41t'3t s`Y1 nnOi1„rlir,al QYOfr'rn fr%r all 7rinrmc " Refers to the isngth ofift bracing tube Lateral System Includes: I - 20" Galvanized Steel Pad I - 60" Adjustable lateral Tube Wth Hardware 0120370 Lateral System foot afoOad atatt locations Replacoment Penn for Pan Systems 0120368 Speciflcations Subject to Change without Notice ow ' kddrtq oi9A LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM T `-INsDE RIVE FRA11E f#hU OUTSIDE HOME BEAM 4-yi x%a" SELF DRIWNG f,ARPoAGE DOLT MML.BC SEAM CLIP seREws _ z-FA. soe t-r,• Ip ME W/ 4 '-2�x1 —}�" IM.STAU. AFTER NUDE s SET ALL TINT IST• FOR 99z" MAX. SPAN CARRWGE BOLTS OL us ARE TINT BOLTSo CARRIAGE SOLT' 1—yZ" LONGITUDINAL BRACE TUBE 2— 30" FOR 18" TO 24" PIER 2— 44" FOR 25" TO 32" PIER FOR 33' TO 40 PIER 2— 65 FOR 41" TO 48" PIER Y2"x2—Yz" CARRIAGE BOLT Spa PIER PAD 4NGlTkfD! At 8 ACC. D�T� LATMAL TUBE CLIP `'I-kt" R S 1 60" PoR 9?.5" MAX. SPAN O MAX 45 {TYP.) }2"x2-Yl CPIIRIAG£ BOtT t/2' HEAVY DUTY WASHER CARRIAGE BOLT R 7AI NOTES,, IT DRIVE PINS MAY BE USED IN CLASS 2 & 3 SOILS, 16" PINS MUST BE USED IN CLASS 4 SOILS. MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHT- 48" U4XPMUM SIDE -WALL HEIGHT 96" MAXIMUM BEAM SPACING 99.5" WHEN USING LONGITUDINAL BRACES„2ND PIER IN FROM THE END OF THE HOME MAY BE USED TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRACE TUBES. W RAL BRACE OETAiL LONGITUDINAL & I ATFRAL BRACING SYST M DUALAgAfty I+AN NOTE-, 1/2' BOLTS ARE GRADE 5 1,IINUTE MAN ANCHORS 10/10/01 REV /6/02 I� 61 Dlh SIAAMWEER CAP L EEE MAIL DY97 3 I-- 7 712 / I TOILSEEmr,HIM vuxull I I X ❑IA. 3f4't-'A � F ❑ sqpCIAI-JMUQTIf�P 5 j ALABAMA •MAX PIER HEIGHT 32' •Hi jD LABEL HOMES ONLY III:I FLEETWOOD - MAX PIER HEIGHT 32" 'BOTH LoNGRUDiNAL AND LATERAL BRACES MUST BE USED ON ALL SYSTEMS ; -MULTAMDE HOMES ONLY .I "4.3:12 MAXIMUM ROOF PITCH *90' MAX SIDEWALL HEIGHTS A'CW. SMAE WCAP ME CMAL D%13. LCCATONOF KH"A Ro-1 � FOR IIfAO GEWL EFE Cs'1G. \ „ TiS1�� 9 G0.BC�E4FD EDGE HOP,y GS^:-?0A.Et ZLt—D 3.9814021)14 I u CA CU✓P.YCtNO M MW4.02 DAA.. �•� flYr; NE117: 5.98?b.D20tA. `4GA, CGUPACI11Y6 p:'EI: 3.95:4.02 mx. walk F-MLM&trnEflWAfl 8AE3'I.4 SOA5?F9A36 N10iT MODEL 4430-CZDH '' C1EC: 9 G-A. &'1'f LEO EOGF NPJ% Y'A q 463L1 3. US. PAT Na A923.165 3.98%4.0201A. i�DEL: 6 - EZDH z' mod. q2 4, WILD NdEM CO.tiiDid W AM AM CLASS EA70" , yyg1 5. FAM TO BEA taVGlMWAEA 0M9ARICOATA'G• 1, ALL SSEEI.VSEO AIM'CtiORf�'. 3. U.S. PATIID-d,923,F6S COA'FORI.iSTOA51FA A34M1G:v V4tLDy, PALVFTOSEEAL T,%VMREO""O — 2 - - 3f4' A93 Il. Ventilation: �i�alm V LUs . 9IRT INO M 11 ' 1 (;enter Vent 8.4 sq. i0ft. of panel LiLLWIMM11'112, 11; Available Colors .040" 1 Solid!Panel Centir'Vent Panel .040" "'IUP. White Grey Top Front Trim .0591, Tan To Pack Tjim -.0591, 4 Clay *I Boftorrf Trirrhj .047 Sand ntilation: �.�'r}[�� Cen�ei Vent 4.9 sq. in./ft. of panel inyl Skirting 1 Avadable Colors §olid Panel -M 35 White Vented Panel :.)35" Grey Tan lij 0 p Front Trim D50" Clay N p Back rim 1.)48" Sand E ottorn Trim Trim k1i coparlsion: � Premium Plus Eagle Front R611 .0591, i .050. NOTE. Top Back trim for Baok .0691, 04W Premium Plus and Eagle E301to �F"C"oann .047" .040" Um Kile.ar dimansionsi a the Same Top Front Trim idth 4.725" Upper .594, 1 .550., The re+s6n man � installers use Prsmlu . M Plus Trim and, in areas where blow-oul is a problem, Pr12MIurn Kit i with Eagle Panel is because 1i i Plv-!s offers mare rigid protection ab#st HEAVIER; blow-out. i 90/60 :Ijvd 10d3U 3WOH 3119OW o8zMVE98 9t?:L0 riel inferior se proporeionsn dos conjuntos de agujeros. J stos se encuentran dentin del canal, en la pate de soporte, Los davos grmsos Para el piso se pueden ClAvax a troves de cualquicra de los agajeros a una disnancia do 19 pulgadas entre si. 6. ln3ralaci6Q en pism de concreto, Use im clavo de 3/4" para mamposteria. As€ mismo se puede taladxar un agujero pars un toxniho de 3116" tipo Molly can oncla pl"tica. (Los rnatcriales de elavos y los tornilios estan disponibles en la mayorin de hs ferret�a$}. Para insular el producto alrededor do las esquin.as, consulte el pasp E. STEP Co PANEL 114STALLATION 1. Brginning 2V away from the lowest corner of the home., measure from the ground up to 1-1/2" above the bottom edge of the back rail. (If the temperature is below OF, with frozen ground, measure to 3" above the back rail edge.) 2, Mcaslrretrtents on sloping ground should be taken every 16" (width of panel). 3. Cut the bottorn of each panel to angle with the ground. Each cut panel section should. align 90° to the bottom edge of the home. Use aviation snips oe a power yaw (with a fiat' toothed saw blade tu=d backwards) for cutting. 4. Punch lock tabs every 4' along the top and hottom edge of cut panel sections (or outside portioxt of each panel face for 13" VariBest). A, Malco (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch tool is recommended. Consult your skv6ng supplier &r obtaining this tool, Tabs are to be positioned outwattl to catch on the hooked edge of the fails. 5. Litexlock panels and imerr into the bottom rail. Begin with the first panel inserted into the bottom rail, Lock tabs should snap past the hooked edge of the bottom rail. Insert next panel section into the interlock hooks along tht: vertical edge of the panels, Seat each panel securely into the bottom rail. Repeat interlocking panels, forming about a 124ot sectiom l' mmc panel cut and interlock method, To install around corner, refer to Step E. PASO Q iNSTALACON ®E LIDS PANELES 1. C;omemAndo a 24" do ]a esquina inferior mis baja do la Casa, niida desde la supesficie del piso hasty 11/2" arriba del borde i fferlor del riel de spoyo. (Si la temperature ambimm duxante la instalaci6n es inferior a tog 407y el piso estd congdado, mida hasty 3" arriba del borde del riel de apoyo). Z. Las medicioues en pisos corn desr&el deben hacerse a cads 16" (anch,0 del panel). 3. Carte la partc inferior de. coda Hanel cn anoo segn. e1 dcsnivel del piso. Coda seccida do panel cortado debe estar a escuox6 (901 con el borde inferior de la cam Use tijeras de hajdatero o una alexia electrica (con una 1loja de come do diente fino colocada al reves) pars coxmr los paneles, 4. Perfore las lenottas de ciexre coda 4" a to largo del borde superior e inferior de las secciQnes de panelea cortados. Se retomienda el use de una punzonadora de rmno Malco (SL-8) Snap Lock punch, Cmisulte con su prowedor de ccncfas sobre c(mo obtener osta herramienta. Las leng,etas deben colocarse hacia Aem a Fa de pAr enganchax el borde do gaucho de log rides, ouir i TInTIr7wr-trd_r.1nuI 74'CGI CT .-11—Ttl S. Eng2nchc 1Qs panclm c ►ntrodkcaios err el riel inferior. Comience coa at primer panel introducido en at rid inferior. Us leng,etas de dean deben engancharse hesta mh affsi del horde con gan.cho del rief do npoyo. introdu%ca la siguientc secd6n de panel en los ganrzbos de ertclavamiento a to largo del boxde veracal de los pmeles. Asiente cads panel firmemente en el rid inferior, Rapht el cridaftmiento de los pmelcs hasta forsmax un.a secclk de apmximadernen" 12 pies. Rude cl Corte do los paneles y el m&odo de snclavamiento. Para instalar el producto en las esquinas, consWte d paso E. MP Ds IMM11LOCK FRONT RAIL VATH BACK Rail. 1. sma snapping one end of the &out top rail into the back top rail, creating the interlock, Push the Fzartt top rail upward, its entire length until the front top rail is completely interlocked with the back rail. 2, Overlap 1" each top rail se';60n. To install around comer, refex to Step E. PASO Da EWUVAMIEM DEL RIEL FRONTAL CON EL FUEL DE APOYO 1. Comicnce engaachando art extremo del riel frontal superior err el ricl superior de spoyo, pare (owner el mecsnisrno de end vamierrto. Empulc d riel superior de apgo hacia arriba en toda su lotiotud Rasta que el rid fronW superior este complaurnento engwhado err el riel de apoyo. 2. Traslape V cada seccibti del riel superior. Kara insmlar el producto an lam esquinas, consu to e! pare F. f �P E� A��� CORNER INS7`ALL 1. Top back rail — Make a 1 vertical slit from the top, Trap nrtedock hook should be completely out daxough. Month 454 on bottom curnd 4. 2. Battotr call — Notch the back portion with snips, as illustrated, Bend wound a comer and attach to the ground. 3, Panels -- Cott panel to proper he*t. Determitre point of corner bend; bend over a table edge, forrning a unifautn angle. 4. Top &ont rail — Notch at both the tops and bottom hoaks of the front rail, as illustrated lend around the corner and .fit into the interlock with the top back rail. Refer to Step D. FOUR PRE -NOTCHED TOP FROM' RAILS ARE INCLUDED IN TRIM PAK, PASO INSTALAC& DEL PRODDCTO EIS LAS ESQUINAS 1. Rjel superior de apoyo — Haga ten corte vertical de 1" desd , la parte aupeaot, El gaucho supcnor de eadavan} ento debts cortaae completameoteL plaga una muesca a 45' on la laata cctrvada inferior. 2- Risl inferior — Cnrre la pord6rL posterior co.a 6jesas de hojalatm segda se muntra en to Austtacibn. D ido) alrededor de una esgwva y rlavelo 4 Pisa. 3, p0eles — Cortc el panel a la altm apropiada. Determine c:l panto de dobieat doble d panel sobrc el borde de un a ngsty para former un tingulo recto. 4. Ricl frowal superior — Corte las gmcbos superior a'ofi:ric+r del reel frontal, segt}u se iiustra en la ftgrua. Doble la pieta akededot de la esquina y m&cJh a to el enclavamietato con d rid superior de npoyo- Comulte el Paso D. EN EL CONJUNTO TRIM PAK SE INCLUYEN CUATRO RIMS Sl1PERIORES FRONTALES YA COR'1"A00S. non .,r r-nnmlonnn-r ,❑r—T 9WTJ4/0T1U72T1V-W09d SS;60 GT,-LO-Zip