HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0300 .~ 8''0 )j I I J I ~ ~ ~ fJ Ij l..~ ~ '1 .; i \ I j j J . I .1- r. \ \ P. ll. !YLBR, G17ARDIAII, to GUARDIU'S DDD. L. MATBBSOB. .\ \ THIS IlIDBlTURB, )lade thl_ 16th dq ot Iluoh A. D. 1920, between r. II. fller al Guardlan of the eetate of ~red R. flier, non oompoa mentl_, part7 of the flrlt part and L. Matheaon, of st. Lucie Count7, rlorlda, part7 of the seoond part. WIfftBSSBD, that the sAld P. 11. ,T71er, guardian: as afare.aid, having on the 14th , da7 of Jannar" A. D. 1920,b7 petUlon applied to the ~dge of the Clrouit Oourt of the ~ ~ifteenth Judioial Oiroui t in and for st. Lucie COunt7 and State of rlorlda, for author- ~ it7 to sell all tho r18ht, title and intere.t of sald ~zed'R. T7ler, In and to oertain ~.a1. ..tate I7ing and 8ituate in st. Luoie OOlDl.)7, no~1da, more parUoulu17 delorlbed hereinafter; and the prqer in said Pett tlon haviJig appeared to s81 d Judge to be reasonable - , . ~ and 3ust, and to the be~t interest of Bald ked R. !7ler, non oompos menU., and the Cout being :ful17 8aU8ned of the expedie.. of luoh 11&10 and that lli1d guardlan had given the reQulzed notloe of hi8 .tBtention to make applioation to ~uoh JUdge for authorit7 to sell laid propert7, hQving made an order dated February 14, 1920. dlreotlng t~. .aid guardian to sell the right, title and intere.t of the said 'red R. Tiler, non oompol .entis,' in and to aald"rtU'e8tate at'priTate aale, and thereupon the said guardian havlng oontracted to sell Baid real estate to said part7 of the8eoond part ~or the Bum of tf;.OO in oaah. upon I delivery of this instrument; and the said guardlan having reported sald oontraot to the I I Court aforesald and the Court'belng :ful17 advised in the prem18e8 and satisfied that the 1 prioe o:ffered for said real estate 18 falr and reasonable and that the oondi tions of suoh I I 8ale are suoh .. the interest of sald 'red R. T7ler. nonoomp08 mentia, requlre b7 order dated IIlarOh 27th, 1920, having raUfied and oonfirmed said oontract of sale and ordered said f gu&1'd1an to maJi:e ~.ed to said part7 of the sec.nd part o' all of the right, t1 tle and in- i terest of the said Pred R. Tyler, non oompos mentis, in and to the real 8.tate herelnafter I del~rlbed, upon the terms hereinbefore .et forth; '1 . Bowf therefore, in oonslderation of the premises and the sum of Plr~ >>o11ar8. lawful I money of the united states to him in hand paid b7 the part7.of the seotnd part, at or be- I fore the enseallng and deliTer7 of th~se. ppesents. the reoelpt whereof is hereby aoknow- { ! . l " I . i ledged, the said P~tl of the first part as guardian aforesald, ha. granted, bargaillo4, I i sold. aliened. ~.mlsed, relea8ed, oonve7ed and oonf~rmed untt the .ald party of the second i part and h1s heirs and a8sign. foreTer all the right. title and interest of the said Pred I ) . I R. 17ler. non oompos monUe, in'~ to thefollowlng desoribed land s1tuate,171ng and be- I Ing in the Count7 of st. Lv.oi. and State of .rlorida: I f '" i. 3,4.6 and 6 Bast of .. B. C. Rallw~ of Tyler's BubdlT1sion of Lot ., Seotion 10. Township 1 ' . ' , } 86, South Range .0 Bast, being Andrews' and Riohards' add~t1on to Port Pieroe. acoording I ' , i to plat reoorded ~ Plat Book 1, at page 191, st. Lucie Copt7 Rellord.. I 1'0 HAVE A1lD fO BOLD, the 8i11e with the appurtenanoe., unto the Bald P~t7 of ~)l. i .eoond. ~t, h1s heirs and assigns to' thelr Oft proper nee, benefit and behoof forever. I And the said part7 of the tirat part hereb7 oovenant. to and with the sai4 pazt7 of · tho ....DA _t, hl. h.lr. _ ...1_ \hat 1D 011 \h1JlC8 III _ .b."t ..14 .01. lIIl~ thl. t oO!1Te~anoe he has oonfomed to the orden of the Court and the Statute. of the state of Lot 3, of Blook C of wm. F. Riohards' and James Andrews' resubdivlsion of Lots .' {;; . nori4a in auoh o..e. _de and proTlde4. ~. I 'J '" <~-;: ,~~~<,~~~. '-~:~':~'~~'~' ': :::.: ':~ ~'. ..'.'::.-.'..<.. '~.~:-.~. u , > f- u -~ \''''' , .'...,.. , '. .-.' .'t '";-.- -...... . i ! . . i ! ~ I' .: