HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC08/07/2017 12:59 7724626448 SLC,CODE COMP PAGE 05/05 na M9 1m2. P-0011001 JOSEPH Z. SMZT9, CLEM -OF TRZ CIRCUIT COTRx SAINT LUCI9 COUNT7 FIVE # 4333804 OR 9007,4023 gAGR 1188r Recorded 07/25/2017 03;33:27 ak FerMit Na. LL64, Z:& ej_ Tax Fatty W. State of Florida - Covnty of &, Laths The undeolsned hereby gives notice that Imrlprovement will be made to certain real pro al InaZzz with spier 7�3, Florld45tstutes, the follOwing iniorMatt4n le pravttted ire lhFs Notlw aF Cammenczment, , QWvM oyM9Ioh er Lesson iftf+(}nrraylop tffhe LatNee contracted far Me Impravementt a� In prnpertyaiF a sand address offee pie titiehtllder (if dl rqn mom uvmer Rd above): Lr; ® Contractor's Nams: ; 0tractorAddl�essm ® Number. 700 l 4pP2- 56}sty (If oppllcabK a copy of the payment bond it uttachmi. Amount of bond' $ �F1rJ'me and address: numben Lander Name:_ phone Number: bender's eddrdsd; ' Pereom wftlrin thirState of Flortda dalreated by Owrierupon whom notices er aMor docurtmvrft msV bo served aS PYMAdOd by Sa Vcm ,,^`. ,ZS�,�(J)ta)7.,Ftofldssatutass Name: Phone Number•, Address: - -- — — In addition to himself or herself, Gwrw' dslilgodas of _,,. _ to mesiva a copy of the Liaor's Notice as prWded in Ser:tion l) (b),florlds 5tatub a. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner: , expiration data of notice of eommencgigent: (tha explration date may net be before the completion of constrwtion•and Rhaf payment to the contrader, but will be i yearfrom the data of recording unless a dlrferent date Is epadfled) WARNING 710 OWNER; ANY PAYMEA , MADE BYTH9 OWNER A119117HO WIRATION OFT149 NOTICE OF CdMMENC[MENT ARE CONSItIF.flED IMPROPER PAYMOM UNDER C"APTEP 7U, PAv I, Smak n3,1 sLCRIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAY1NOTWICI FOR %4PROVEMEN73TO YOUR PKOPERYY, -A NOTICE OF COMM&NCif ENT MUST Be MCORDED AND POM ON THEJOB 511E PAVOR97HO FIRST :N9plooN. iFYOU INTEN070 013TAIN nNANCINCir GONSULr WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN AI70RNEY DEFORE CtIMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COM102MMMENT. UnderpenoltY of perjury, i declare that I have road theforegoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the beat of my knowladgQ end behaf. `e � ' ur Loan, or esor Wsee's Authprbed Officer/DlMMM/PartnelYMOTI lW Instrument was cum cTN u_W1r - Stattf lRoddil • — (Pdnt, Type, or Stomp Com—MMIMFmd?Jame eFNotary Public) Or, %op 1k, il�ieisur ti 1Z� "{Yp7IMjl8$ICfi FFiU9Gi� �* t: F A� tRflxysanoTA 0 WF T+.ktteldei for r) parry an behalf of whom tnatromeM was ewlea0ed Personally I mmM .., or produce dentiflatIch Type of Identification produce 42,