HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERAL NOTES IS GENERAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION INDEX OF DRAWINGS Revised xx-xx-xx cft31 No m � t: DESIGN PARAMETERS: y c a c SUMMARY OF WORK: Florida Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) "r< A a � 3 c, 1. Project Description: New 1-story residence. Florida Residential Code (7th Edition, 2020) ��!!�„" ' �� <G`a' .{J c= " c R 2. Work Involved. Florida Existing Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) 1 :If m Florida Plumbing Code (7th Edition, 2020) ' a E : ccc°.c° a. Roof: 5V-Crimp Metal Roof , Peel-n-Stick Roof Underlayment, exterior sheathing, pre-engineered trusses, R-20 Florida Mechanical Code 7th Edition, 2020 Sheet Sheet Title + � " 0 e V Spray Foam Insulation for A/C space. c 41 0 „ Florida Fuel Gas Code (7th Edition, 2020) Cc "yam o 6 n b. Walls: 2017 National Electric Code rti^ B o H 1. Exterior: 8" CMU walls with exterior stucco finish and min. 1" Thk rigid board insulation, 1X P.T. furring 2012 Florida Accessibility Code (7th Edition, 2020) C1 Cover Sheet, General Information + Notes ■ ' ° �` H and 1/2" drywall at the interior side Florida Energy Code (7th Edition, 2020) �- a 3 # Florida Fire Prevention Code(7th Edition) Al Floor Plan Details + Notes ■ 0 e � a�' (i. Interior, Metal studs, Batt insulation, with 1/2" drywall each side r v "� is c. ceiling; A2 Foundation Plan Details + Notes ■ U s Eat L 5/8" drywall - see plans for trays, coffers and vaults A3 BUildln Elevations ■ ii. Exterior ceiling finish shall be 1/2" thick stucco on high rib lath attached per note on wall section, d. Foundation: Concrete thickened slab edge and 4" concrete floor slab S1 Roof Framing Plan ■ 5 ¢ r E e. Mechanical: c d 1. Provide (2) unit per plans S2 Structural Details ■ yl � ii. Exhaust all bathrooms and dryer Building Design: Enclosed P1 Plumbing Plan Schedules + Notes ■ `o Ultimate Wind Speed: 160 mph 3 second gust 3, tf v f. Electrical; } i. Provide power and lighting p Nominal Wind Speed: 124 mph E1 Electrical Plan Schedules + Notes ■ - z, P g g Per fans c ^ w ii. Provide 200 amp service and 40 slot panel Building Category: 1 + Wind Importance/Use Factor: 1.0 �p g. Plumbing' Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/-0.18 '` w Q? i. Provide water heater per plans Building Mean Height: 15'-60 0) ii. Provide sanitary lines per plans and risers Roof Overhang: 1"-4" E r iii. Provide plumbing fixtures per plan Roof Pitch: 5/12 E 8 + h. Work completed shall meet all local and state building Cade requirements. Garage Design Pressure; Int. Zone (+28.1/-31.0) C? cOORDI 120 sgft" Ext. Zone (+28.1/-34.1) � 1, Conte Door Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+30.0/-32.9) � 1, Contractor shall verify existing site conditions of project location prior to commencement of work, 50 sgft. Ext. Zone (+30.0/-37.9) 2, Contractor shall coordinate and verify all utility requirements, compatibility and location of projected utilities of project, as la' shown on the drawings. Window Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+32.0/-34.9) 3. Contractor shall verify space requirements and location of project utilities. 20 sgft. Ext. Zone (+32.0/-41.9) rl U 4. Contractor shall field verify all dimensions of project.. Do not scale drawings. Exposure: C S. Contractor shall notify Architect of any discrepancies in drawings and/or specifications of project. Commencement of the Design Loads: Roof Dead Load/Live Load: 15/40 psf work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. Floor Dead Load/Live Load: 15/30 psf 6. Contractor shall notify the Architect, when the full intent of the drawings and/or specifications is not clear. Impact Protection: Impact Resistant Windows and Doors Commencement of the work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work OCCUPANCY: performed, R3 One-Family Residence 7. Owner and Contractor shall coordinate Schedule of Values, Application of Payment, Construction Cost and any other fees related to this project. CONSTRUCTION: CHANGE PROCEDURES, Type V Unprotected, Unsprinklered 1. Architect will submit Supplemental Instructions for minor changes. Ext. brg walls - CMU A �� L 2. Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for change to Architect, Architect and Owner shall give written Pre-fabricated wood roof trusses SYMBOLS approval for all changes made by the Contractor. Commencement of the work without written approval from Architect Int walls-metal stds &drywall and Owner, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. AREA TABULATIONS: (include exterior walls) ¢ SUBMITTAL: A/C space: 2,266 gross sgft. Window Detail � 1. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list, to the Contractor of required shop drawings submittals for Garage: 467 gross sqft. cv this project. Covered Patio: 258 gross sgft. o w 2. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list, to the Contractor of all required testing for this project. Front Entry 46 gross sgft. ## Door ® Keyed Note Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any testing requested by the Owner. Total New Bidg, Area: 3,037 gross sgft. TEMPOBA_RY FACILITIES: Room Name Xx. Interior Elevation 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain access to the site of the project. 2. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner for temporary facilities requirements, if required for this project. r 3. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a clean and safe construction site. Product Approval Submittal Affidavit 0 Wail Type Exterior Elevation 4. Contractor is responsible for the removal of all construction debris. UL MATERIALse Bldg Address: Dyer Road Contractor: Homecrete Homes 0 1. Store and protect all project products and materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Products and materials Wall Section �- # Building Section a of this project shall be Installed free of damage. Opening Schedule: Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Fixed Glass, Windows, & Skylights: FL# or Product Model # Manufacturer Glass Attachment Method Type, Building Design Product Design Miscellaneous Ke Miami-Dade Description Size Spacin , & Embedment Pressure Pressure �# Revision y on o�j FL#5823.2 SINGLE-HUNG 8100 Vinyl Custom Windows tmppact Resistant Installaton shah strkty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet +67.5 0-70.0 SH LOW E and Doors .- WINDOW 7/8" A`ink Type" FL#5823.2 into IMP ,wood.buck 270 Impact Anchors:3/16'anchors 0 Had Sill and Jamb N Attachment:Head/Sill-6"max from corners ® HeaddSill-(1)a mid-apan N Head/Sill Jamb-16 14"from car PROJECT CONTACTS Jamb-6"max from corneas Jamb-(1)0 center16. O.C.. 00 p`I 63/1W die,E1 u/co min m into titru IX use (�9Rf p�e�1L9 1]fL P+T FL#16177.1 SINGLE-HUNG 8100 Vinyl Custom Wind OWS Impact Resistant Installation shall stricty adhere to Product approval See Cover Sheet +70.0/-70,0 "'YY N ER/CO1 YTRAC 1 OR: ARCHITECT: T" WINDOW SHLOWE end Doors 718"thkType"A' FL#16177.anld1XP.T.woatlbuck Homecrete Homes n2 architecture + design tv M 2702mPact Anchors: 3/S6"ad-&I iN murncomerslamb Robert Clank Niki L. Norton, R.A. N Attachment: Head-6"max from tamers Head-17"max O,C. O Sill-Not Required Q� r lamb-6"maxfmmtopcornees 2162 NW Reserve Park Trace 2081 SE Ocean Blvd. Suite 1A ® Jamb-(2)a211 max.from botmrnera Port St Lucie, Florida 34986 Stuart, Florida 34996 ;"� Lf4 Jamb-10-Sd2"max O.C. to Jamb-4°either side from center t/ 6 f} j 7 'y 0 �I y y t0 Embedment: 1-114"min int000ncrete thru ix `���� ����"�`"� {772) 22Q-4411 (u 8 Use 3/16"dia.Elm Ultraom Anchors pq t7 r FL#20468.11 FIBERGLASS Smooth Star Thermatfu Corp. Impact Resistant Tapcons shall be spaced as per product approval See Cover Sheet +67.0/-67.0 ENTRY DOOR Opaque Sidehtes on Sheet 8 of Si ../ c LLto eJ Anchors; id4"X 3"Tapcons N Head and lamb E Buck Attachment:Head-4"max from comers LOCATION MAP ._ 1 -� Jamb-4"max from corners Jamb-13.00"max O.C. f� "Q yFrame Attachment:Head-6"max from corners _ �? Jamb-6"max from comers Jamb-14.00'max O.C. ILA.. N l Q N FL#20838.1 S.G.D. 8800 PVC Custom Windows Impact Resistant installation shall stricty adhere W product approval See Cover Sheet +65A/-65.0 = Q " ® IMPACT 1"Overall FL#20838.1 into 2X P.T.woad buck �y �yCe 1 SGD and Doors C ko ,•�2I V✓ O Anchors: 3/16"anchors W Head,Sill and lamb O 1 (Y} Attachment: Head/Sill-6"max from comars J u1 Head/Sill-(1)oni-span of panel (U Q} C J aab-61 4"either side from seater N (L Q {e L j U Jamb-6"max from comers .."" iF i r kill Jamb-21"max O.C. O ...® (D % } VJ Ivan min Into concrete „U d s E p,,,` {�CJ Buck Embedment:1- 6v1 Use 1d4"did.ITW Tapmehs. 3"from corner,8"c.c.stag. Window Embedment:1-3M-min told 2X U fattS5 yQ ® 0 ® C Use#12 wood screw anchors C .a °} i`4 W (� rs N r FL#16546.5 GARAGE CLOPAY CLOPAY N/A Attach track as per Product Approval and Track See Cover Sheet +36.0/-42.0 wJ E 7 DOOR MODEL 73 W6 Supplement Guide-Attach Buck W/518"0 x 6" � C 8 d sleeve anchors 0 18"O.C. C e Q Q Rev. # Date c FL#11602-RS0 ROOF TITANIUM Owens Corning N/A Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet -45,0 S > ¢ o) N UNDERLAYMENT ROOF Roofing and Asphalt FL#11602-RIO 0 W D N Cl UNDERLAYMENT PSU-30 Q O Self-Adhered and back nailed 6"O.C.max with 12 ga. L- 1-5/8°0 t nalvaizedacapsnnul in accar ordance wshank ith Owels n Corning C R0012 and Asphalt,LLC published installation ,Nc mqulremants. f/.1 6yJ. O G I Product Model # Manufacturer Attachment Method Type, Building Design Product Design E Size, Spacing, & Embedment Pressure Pressure Mullions Tube Mullion Custom Windows 3"Tube Mullion-Installation shall strictly adhere See Cover Sheet +65.0/-65.0 = FL#9520.1 and Doors toProduct Approval FL#9520.1 Use 3/16"that.rfW Tapcons at each hole U Provide a minimum of 1-1/4"embadmert Roof 26 GA Extreme Provide#10 x 1-1/2" Hex-Washer Head wood screw See Cover Sheet N/A m SV-Crimp Metal Fabricators to penetrate 3/16"min.thru deck or 5/8"embedment ..._,,. , , 010 Panel into wood plank 9 FL#17022.1 i Siding Stucco - 5/8"Thick Light Textured Stucco on Typical Concrete Block Const. See Cover Sheet WA " ,. - d,-, Project 21-0783 ry > Number i Soffit Stucco Stucco finish over high rib lathe See Cover Sheet N/A Status DD Issue m 24-Aug-21 date I have reviewed the above product approval information and and approved it. Sheet N Name: Nicole L. Norton/n2 architecture + design Signature: C 1 Certification Number: AR 91827/AA26002853 Date: al N Dover Sheet a