HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PLAN C t O C U Q) } N w T } U L O O 3 "i � �GENERAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION INDEX OF DRAWINGS Revised xx-xx-xx M =NL Owti =L O_L _ 0 " O O a-+ O cn DESIGN PARAMETERS: `0 -0 2 on 'In, " SUMMARY OF WORK: Florida Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) LU" g Florida Residential Code (7th Edition 2020) J' J' J' J' J' a--� E 6 3 L 1. Project Description: New 1-story residence. � '�. �, �, �, �, -� L �, a 2. Work Involved: Florida Existing Building Code (7th Edition, 2020) 'y Q- Q- Q- Q- Q- fo W (u , Florida Plumbing Code (7th Edition 2020) J��+i +� +i' +i +i E ' 3 at a. Roof: 5V-Crimp Metal Roof , Peel-n-Stick Roof Underlayment, exterior sheathing, pre-engineered trusses, R-20 Florida Mechanical Code (7th Edition, 2020) Sheet Sheet Title 0 -}' -}' -�-' -�-' -}' •�, 3 Spray Foam Insulation for A C space. p y / p Florida Fuel Gas Code (7th Edition, 2020) s 2 _ b. Walls: 2017 National Electric Code `0 a) o o o i. Exterior: 8" CMU walls with exterior stucco finish and min. 1" Thk rigid board insulation, 1X P.T. furring 2012 Florida Accessibility Code (7th Edition, 2020) C1 Cover Sheet, General Information + Notes and 1/2" drywall at the interior side Florida Energy Code (7th Edition, 2020) Q 3 U � 3 iv U ii. Interior: Metal studs, batt insulation, with 1/2" drywall each side CU Florida Fire Prevention Code (7th Edition) Al Floor Plan, Details + Notes O -a L(lJ c c. Ceiling: A2 Foundation Plan Details + Notes ■ U Q o Q a i. 5/8" drywall - see plans for trays, coffers and vaults A3 Building Elevations ii. Exterior ceiling finish shall be 1/2" thick stucco on high rib lath attached per note on wall section. d. Foundation: Concrete thickened slab edge and 4" concrete floor slab S1 Roof Framing Plan _ e. Mechanical: i. Provide (2) unit per plans a) M o-0 � J = Building Design. Enclosed S2 Structural Details � N .� ii. Exhaust all bathrooms and dryer P1 PlumbingPlan Schedules + Notes Ultimate Wind Speed: 160 mph 3 second gust (n -6 f. Electrical: a� > � cv � Nominal Wind Speed: 124 mph E1 Electrical Plan Schedules + Notes ■ � m L i. Provide power and lighting per plans .. r� 2 ii. Provide 200 amp service and 40 slot panel Building Category: II + ( cn04 Wind Importance/Use Factor: 1.0 0 O g. PlumbingProvide water heater per plans Internal Pressure Coefficient: +/-0.18i. L •� Lu Building Mean Height: 15 6 a) U) ii. Provide sanitary lines per plans and risers Roof Overhang: 1'-4" E - iii. Provide plumbing fixtures per plan Roof Pitch: 5/12 E 0 + h. Work completed shall meet all local and state building code requirements. Garage Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+28.1/-31.0) U COORDINATION: 120 sqft. Ext. Zone (+28.1/-34.1) :3 1. Contractor shall verify existing site conditions of project location prior to commencement of work. Door Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+30.0/-32.9) U 2. Contractor shall coordinate and verify all utility requirements, compatibility and location of projected utilities of project, as 50 sqft. Ext. Zone (+30.0/-37.9) � shown on the drawings. Window Design Pressure: Int. Zone (+32.0/-34.9) 3. Contractor shall verify space requirements and location of project utilities. 20 sqft. Ext. Zone (+32.0/-41.9) U 4. Contractor shall field verify all dimensions of project. Do not scale drawings. Exposure: C G� 5. Contractor shall notify Architect of any discrepancies in drawings and/or specifications of project. Commencement of the Design Loads: Roof Dead Load/Live Load: 15/40 psf work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. Floor Dead Load/Live Load: 15/30 psf 6. Contractor shall notify the Architect, when the full intent of the drawings and/or specifications is not clear. Impact Protection: Impact Resistant Windows and Doors Commencement of the work without proper notification to the Architect, the contractor will assume responsibility of work OCCUPANCY: performed. R3 One-Family Residence 7. Owner and Contractor shall coordinate Schedule of Values, Application of Payment, Construction Cost and any other fees related to this project. CONSTRUCTION: Type V n d CHANGE PROCEDURES: Unprotected, Unsprinklered 1. Architect will submit Supplemental Instructions for minor changes. Ext. brg walls - CMU Nicole LbyNicoleL.2. Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for change to Architect. Architect and Owner shall give written Pre-fabricated wood roof trusses SYM BO LS approval for all changes made by the Contractor. Commencement of the work without written approval from Architect Int walls-metal stds & drywall Norton and Owner, the contractor will assume responsibility of work performed. _ O F1_ AREA TABULATIONS: (include exterior walls) # mate: 1 11 .3 •' SUBMITTAL: A/C space: 2,266 gross sqft. 0 Window Ax.x Detail .'{ 1. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list to the Contractor of required shop drawings submittals for 1 3:55:06 -0 C +� E L ND 4 q P 9 Garage: 467 gross sqft. o• G0 RT this project. Covered Patio: 258 gross sqft. o: - - ' • 2. Prior to construction Architect and Owner shall submit a list, to the Contractor of all required testing for this project. Front Entry 46 gross sqft. ## Door ## Keyed Note Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any testing requested by the Owner. Y % TEMPORARY FACILITIES: Total New Bldg. Area: 3,037 gross sqft. � •. . .� XXX Room Name # Interior Elevation ' 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain access to the site of the project. xx.x � D 2. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner for temporary facilities requirements, if required for this project. ,_ 3. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a clean and safe construction site. Product Approval SubmittaI AffidavitWall Type Exterior Elevation 4. Contractor is responsible for the removal of all construction debris. xx.x a� signed anct sealed by NbCOLE o MATERIALS: Bldg Address: Dyer Road Contractor: Homecrete Homes NO#TON, I L`�nAP � a Q 1. Store and protect all project products and materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Products and materials # Wall Section # Building Section Digitai Stnature and Date. Printed of this project shall be installed free of damage. Opening Schedule: Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Fixed Glass, Windows, & Skylights: AX.X Ax.x Copies are not cons�ered ed FL# or Product Model # Manufacturer Glass Attachment Method Type, Building Design Product Design be vesea3ieded on tsiy el.etmust N Yp � 9 9 9 be uerified on �rry eiet[rlaniC Miami-Dade Description Size, Spacing, & Embedment Pressure Pressure # Revision 0 Miscellaneous Key Copies_ FL#5823.2 SINGLE-HUNG 8100 Vinyl Custom Windows Impact Resistant Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet +67.5/ -70.0 WINDOW SH LOW E and Doors 7/8"thk Type'A' FL#5823.2 into 1X P.T.wood buck 270 Impact Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb O Attachment: Head/Sill-6"max from corners Head/Sill-(1)@ mid-span Head/Sill- 4"from center PROJECT CONTACTS Jamb-6"max from corners 16 Jamb-16-9/16"max O.C. Jamb-(1)@ center Embedment: 1-1/4"min into concrete thru 1X Use 3/16"dia. Elco Ultracon Anchors N OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ARCHITECT: O FL# 16177.1 SINGLE-HUNG 8100 Vinyl Custom Windows Impact Resistant Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet +70.0/ -70.0 M WINDOW SH LOW E and Doors 7/8"thk Type'A' FL#16177.1 into 1X P.T.wood buck Homecrete Homes n2 architecture + design 270 Impact Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb Attachment: Head-6"max from corners Robert Cenk Nlkl L. Norton, R.A. Head-17"max O.C. U Sill-Not Required U Jamb-6"max from top corners 2162 NW Reserve Park Trace 2081 SE Ocean Blvd. Suite 1A Jamb-(0-1/2"O.C.from bot corners Port St Lucie, Florida 34986 Stuart, Florida 34996 Q) U N M Jamb-10-1/2"max O.C. 000 Jamb-4"either side from center 4-J (772) 873-6707 (772) 220-4411 V L O) 9 Embedment: 1-1/4"min into concrete thru 1X N Use 3/16"dia. Elco Ultracon Anchors L r} V 4- FL#20468.11 FIBERGLASS Smooth Star Thermatru Corp. Impact Resistant Tapcons shall be spaced as per product approval See Cover Sheet +67.0/ -67.0 (� ) O (� N ENTRY DOOR Opaque Sidelites on Sheet 8 of 11 E Anchors: 1/4"X 3"Tapcons @ Head and Jamb T�e Buck Attachment: Head-4"max from corners LOCATION MAP • ' v O Jamb-4"max from corners 'L Jamb-13.00"max O.C. (n O Frame Attachment: Head-6"max from corners O Jamb-6"max from corners Jamb 14.00"max O.C. E LI_ r Ln O FL#20838.1 S.G.D. 8800 PVC Custom Windows Impact Resistant Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet +65.0/ -65.0 ` � -�. r, . . .-... ti-_ .,,, = 0 UI IMPACT 1"Overall FL#20838.1 into 2X P.T.wood buck ` _ L.L V M SGD and Doors '�, r • `.. � ,- .. ' � � Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb ` ;•` t '' M" n� �i Head/Sill-6"max from corners ' �"� L.- Attachment: Head/Sill-(1)mid-span of panel Head/Sill-4"either side from center L \ M Jamb-6"max from corners /� W Jamb-21'max O.C. + L V s„ Q) 0 (nN 0 Buck Embedment: 1-1/2"min into concrete Q 4-1 v Use 1/4"dia.ITW Tapcons. 3"from corner,8"o.c.stag. L r\ 0' Window Embedment: 1-3/8"min into 2X � - 0 O Use#12 wood screw anchors I CD FL# 16546.5 GARAGE CLOPAY CLOPAY N/A Attach track as per Product Approval and Track See Cover Sheet +36.0/ -42.0 _ ^' ' DOOR MODEL 73 W6 Supplement Guide-Attach Buck W/5/8"0 x 6" D • � f• - ; y,,� �• sleeve anchors @ 18"O.C. ` Rev. # Date C '�'1�4�1i��ry�-_i� r:� .rtoz. D. .•.' .. -. , ... X ..•`, 1 •. ►.�6 FL# 11602-R13 ROOF TITANIUM Owens Corning N/A Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval See Cover Sheet -45.0 UNDERLAYMENT ROOF Roofing and Asphalt FL# 11602-R13 y - • , 1 �, UNDERLAYMENT NI PSU-30 CD Self-Adhered and back nailed 6"O.C.max with 12 ga. galvanized annular ring shank nails through 32 ga. ai♦ •^, v 1-5/8"0 tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt,LLC published installation b; requirements.Ln ' 4 Product Model # Manufacturer Attachment Method Type, Building Design Product Design Size, Spacing, & Embedment Pressure Pressure - ` �- �' Mullions Tube Mullion Custom Windows 3"Tube Mullion-Installation shall strictly adhere See Cover Sheet +65.0/ -65.0 ••� ° a FL#9520.1 and Doors to Product Approval Use 3/16"dia.ITW Tapconsns att each each hole wpm 7 U Provide a minimum of 1-1/4"embedment ♦ All, c ROOF 26 GA Extreme Provide #10 x 1-1/2" Hex-Washer Head wood screw See Cover Sheet N/Arn � • .'_'. � � `�iM�?' - � 5V-Crimp Metal Fabricators to penetrate 3/16" min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment 00 Panel into wood plank 0 FL# 17022.1 , {' Siding Stucco - 5/8"Thick Light Textured Stucco on Typical Concrete Block Const. See Cover Sheet N/A ' Project 21-0783 Number Soffit Stucco - Stucco finish over high rib lathe See Cover Sheet N/A ` •o Status CD Issue 30-Nov-21 date LA I have reviewed the above product approval information and and approved it. NI Name: Nicole L. Norton/n2 architecture + design Pp \ Sheet o Signature: Certification Number: AR 91827/ AA26002853 Date: y T. �► 0 A aw man t a C) o Cover Sheet C t O C U O } W w T } U L O �p L _ C � WALL LEGEND L L � u � �� � ¢ � 3 ° N -O ,3) L � L �••' O- a) L O w O L O- 8" CMU WALLS WITH (1) #5 VERT AT 48" O.C. MAX, ALL CORNERS AS SHOWN AND EACH SIDE OF OPENING AS SHOWN. EXTERIOR FINISH SHALL BE TEXTURED STUCCO. INTERIOR FINISH SHALL a c BE 1/2" THK GYP BD. WITH 1" THK. (R-6.5) RIGID BOARD INSULATION AND 1X P.T. FURRING O z o 0 U 3 U E -o L C: ¢ INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALL PARTITIONS - PROVIDE 25 GA METALS STUDS AT 16' a O.C. a--� w o °, L 2:- MAX WITH 1/2" DRYWALL FINISH EACH SIDE WITH BATT INSULATION WHERE APPLICABLE. L E 3 010 ATTACH DRYWALL WITH #12 X 1-1/4" DRYWALL SCREWS @ 8" O.C. MAX AT SIDES AND 12" 3 'm `6 '3 O.C. MAX IN FIELD �L C o - o _ a 0 WOOD FRAME BEARING WALL - 3-1/2 U.N.O. - PROVIDE R-11 BAIT INSULATION WOOD STUDS SHALL BE @ 16" O.C. U.N.O. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. O 3 a) �" 3 U ro +� n , L '— Y L 7 C — •— U C U C C U Q uuQ -a EaQ O � ¢ M DOOR SCHEDULE 55'-6" a) .5 6 C 25'-0" 30'-6" DR SIZE DOOR FRAME NOTES: .- (A LL N U) NO. (SEE NOTES BELOW) L WIDTH HEIGHT THICK MAT. FINISH HDW. TYPE ELEV. MDL# MAT. FINISH T'HOLD m v L 7'-8" 12'-4" T-0" 1'-4" 13'-3" 1'-4" 13'-3" 1'-4" 101 3'-0" 8'-0" 1.75 FBR FAC 1 6-PANEL - - FBR FAC AL 2,3,4,6 + M W04 103A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL - - WD PTD 4 Co O O �� CONCRETE PAD 103B 5'-0" 8'-0" 1.00 HCW PTD - BI-FOLD - - - a) U) 104 2'-0" 8'-0" 1.00 HCW PTD - BI-FOLD - - - p b _ 105 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL - WD PTD 4 0 o 106A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL WD PTD 4 HB 00 � Iy 107A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL WD PTD 4 �--+ M 115B EGRESS 110 NOOK co 107B 5'-0" 8'-0" 1.00 HCW PTD - BI-FOLD - - - U MASTER SUITS } w 110 � COVERED 108 2'-6" 8'-0" 1.75 FBR FAC 1 6-PANEL - FBR FAC AL 2,3,4 L > H B (6 115 Q Lu PATIO �V 109 9'-0" 8'-0" 1.75 VIN FAC - SLIDER - VIN FAC AL 1,2 © a N 002 WC 110 6'-0" 8'-0" 1.00 HCW PTD - BI-FOLD - - - EGRESS 14'-0" 2'- 00 7'-8" 7'-0" 15'-10" C0 8" 112A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6 PANEL - - WD PTD 4 Ln M _ CABANA 112B 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL - WD PTD 4 1 8 112C 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.00 HCW PTD BI-FOLD - - - - � 'n 115A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 2 6-PANEL - - WD PTD - 4 O 115B 6'-0" 8'-0" 1.75 VIN FAC - SLIDER - - VIN FAC AL 1,2 VEN 109 107 00 116A 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 HCW PTD 3 6-PANEL - - WD PTD 4 O 116B 2'-8" 8'-0" 1.375 SCW PTD 1 6-PANEL - - WD PTD AL 4,5 -- 117 16'-0" 8'-0" 1.75 AL FAC - SECTIONAL - - AL FAC 2OF FI-0 QIQ � UIw \ o m 36" A.�.F. 1O HARDWARE LEGEND Co ,0'� 'ORp © O 1 1 SCW SOLID CORE WOOD FBR FIBERGLASS PTD PAINTED FINISH a — — CO � © SCM SOLID CORE METAL MTL METAL DOOR/FRAME PWD PAINTED WOOD EGRESS O a0 ¢ H � _ GL TEMPERED GLASS DOOR WD WOOD DOOR/FRAME FAC FACTORY FINISH `¢ '�R`31 127 � 0 X - LIN C d$ io HCW HOLLOW CORE WOOD AL ALUMINUM DOOR/FRAME MFR MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDED O O O /oIS j ^ BEDROOM #4 EGRESS VIN VINYL DOOR/FRAME •, J , ' R&S R&S O 107 ' __ zD --- - --------- -�J U � W — I i � I I � 1076 HARDWARE - T-4" - 2'�0" 5'- " T-p 16'-2" 2' 11'-0" u_ ITCHEN NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 EXT. DEADBOLT LOCKSET LEVER HANDLES LEVER HANDLES LEVER/PULL HANDLES THUMB LOCK BB HINGES signed an0 sealed by NICOLE O I � W.I.C. I I � � � � � WEATHER STRIP BB HINGES NOfkTON, RAC LfED AP using a W.I.C. 114 GREAT ROOM N BEDROOM #3 Q i 113 i i i 109 i 106 Digitai Signature and Date. Panted < 106B Copies are not Consxered 54ned L -1 REF 1. NEW GLASS DOORS SHALL BE BY CUSTOM WINDOWS AND DOORS and sealed and the Signature most m N R&S R&S j 2. INSTALL ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AS PER PRODUCT APPROVAL AND MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. be yefii5e on any elfoniC N ^ 3. FRONT ENTRY DOOR SHALL BE BY THERMA TRU. [omits 016 NICHE ce 4. HARDWARE SHALL BE BY KWIKSET. 5. 20 MINUTE RATED SOLID CORE DOOR WITH WEATHERSTRIP AND SELF CLOSING HINGES. C:) SEAT 6. PROVIDE MATCHING SIDE LITES- INSTALL AS PER PRODUCT APPROVAL. N - U I .1 > 41 1PA — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — B _ EGRESS � WINDOW SCHEDULE TEMPERED GLASS C11D o w - _ N Ln & LOW WALL = / w 116 °? WIN SIZE ROUGH OPENING TINS FINISH MANUFACTURER MODEL#/SERIES TYPE NOTES: o / M = M -' TYPE (STYLE) (SEE NOTES BELOW) m - In ' 112 106 ao O WIDTH HEIGHT WIDTH HEIGHT COLOR ELEV. WINDOW HARDWARE A 6 _�e '-0" 5'-4" VERIFY VERIFY - WHITE WHITE CUSTOM WINDOWS 8100 VINYL SINGLE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STE BATH 0J AND DOORS HUNG - �p _ _ CUSTOM WINDOWS SINGLE V 11 1 B 3'-0" 5'-4" VERIFY VERIFY WHITE WHITE AND DOORS 8100 VINYL HUNG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 m ROMAN 2 D V C 3'-0" 3'-0" VERIFY VERIFY - WHITE WHITE CUSTOM WINDOWS 8100 VINYL SINGLE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 W v N _' WC AND DOORS HUNG V � ro TUB o o U o TUB D 3'-0" 4'-0" VERIFY VERIFY - WHITE WHITE CUSTOM WINDDOOROWS 8100 VINYL SINGLE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 L 3'-6" 7' 0" ;0 T-2" 6'-8" 19'-2' _ 3'-8" 9'-4" p OWC LAU DRY NOTES: C: 0DINING ROOM © 1. NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE BY CUSTOM WINDOWS AND DOORS O M LA TEMP. Lo o W 116 102 105 BA H #2 TEMP. 2. TYPICAL WINDOW HEAD HEIGHTS SHALL BE 8'-0"A.F.F. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, REFER TO ELEVATIONS SHEET A3. E O O WOOD BRN'G - 3. 5.7 SQFT FOR EGRESS FOR ALL BEDROOMS AND LIVING AREAS. fu Q - WALL HALL 104 4. VERIFY WINDOW ROUGH OPENINGS WITH WINDOW MANUFACTURER. ■_0 I �_ o0 - R&S 5. INSTALL ALL WINDOWS AS PER PRODUCT APPROVAL AND MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. C 116B WOOD BRN'G � 104 LINEN ------- -------- 6. AS PER FBC R308.4.5 PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS. �W p O CRASH POST in •� �/�/•H, � WALL 7. PROVIDE OBSCURE GLASS AT ALL BATHROOM LOCATIONS. ARCH - 0 Ln p V GARAGE 103 = p .— z'-o° 7'- ' V l0 o� 117 O 8° 6'-8° s' E 4-J L.- N CDU 22X54 o0 FOYER 6'-0" Q� � J ATTIC ACCESS 101 co U 4—i 00 L — — — — — 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" � Q N in a N O m p a � ' 101 0 C) _' 21'-0" 4'-8" -0" 13'-4" o - `� °? BEDROOM #2 M v Rev. # Date _ COVERED 103 ENTRY pl HB 001 N O L= Q) 00 TEMP TEMP c GLASS GLASS z O in a rY � w (Liu w EGRESS C 117 '� 2 - WINDOW TYPES m SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" 00 O Project 21-0783 Number 0 T-2" 16'-0" T-2" 4'-11" 4'-11" 2'-5" 4'-6" 1'-9" 7'-4" 7'-4" Status CD 22'-4" 9'-10° 8'-8" 14'-8" Issue 30-Nov-21 date a� 55'-6" Sheet 0 1 - FLOOR PLAN U SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" N' Floor Plan O 0 C 0 T } U GENERAL NOTES : FOUNDATION PLAN o � O- N L O w NCL L 1. CONCRETE 2a. Alternate for wire mesh: a. shall be Class 1. Fiber mesh made of synthetic fiber manufacturer b. shall meet 5" Slump Test. per ACI 544.IR-82. Fibers shall be a certified suitable a T c. shall meet 3000 psi compressive W/C ratio = 0.5 replacement for welded wire fabric per SSTD 10-93. @ o 3 L p P ( ) p strength after 28-day cure. 4-J d. Grade floor slab for drainage. 3. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT 10 E � 3 a o L L — a. shall be meet ASTM C 90. 3 _ E L e. Finish concrete with single trowel. b. shall load bearing concrete masonry units. C) .S `� f. footing design based on soil bearing c. shall meet 3000 psi compressive capacity of 2500 psf 'o a) -0 0 o 2. REINFORCING strength after 28-day cure. o�� C LA3 d. Grade floor slab for drainage. 0 ,� a. shall meet ASTM standards for 60 Grade. ' 3 e. Finish concrete with single trowel. 3 � U - L Lu U b. vertical reinforcing shall be 3/4" from See Finish Schedule for floor finishes. O _ " c: cE masonry. 4. MORTAR U — ° ` W M C. vertical reinforcing shall extend from a u Q _6 E a- a footing through pre-cast lintels. a. shall meet ASTM C 270 standards. d. horizontal reinforcing shall be cont. for b. shall be type M. pre-cast lintels over openings. c. joint type shall be concave. Fu Q E d. horizontal reinforcing lapping shall 55-6 a min. 22". 5. GROUT C 2 v � o a. shall meet ASTM C 476 standards. .5 � oN e. protect for reinforcing: U) _J N U, 25'-0" 30'-6" floor slab: 3" min. cover from top b. shall have a min. 3000 psi compressive strength. L ^ a) 2" min. cover from bottom c. shall meet 8" -10" slump test. m ti 3'-0" X 3'-0" X 16"D over 10 mil vapor or barrier 6. SOIL BEARING CAPACITY + m W c14 3'-6" 8'-4" 2G CONCRETE FOOTING WITH p footing: 3" min. cover a. shall meet 2500 psf (General Contractor to verify). c0 0 O '� 2A A2 #5'S @ 8" O.C. EACH WAY walls: 1-1/2" min. cover V O (TYP.) @ EA. COLUMN (TYP.) beams: 1-1/2" min. cover L I I I I r_____ _ I E 3 ^+ r--rt� ------------- ---------t-------t--------- --------------------fi--, I #5 REBAR I #5 REBAR #5 REBAR N - _ @ EVERY 4'-0" o.c. @ EVERY 4'-0" o.c. @ EVERY 4'-0" o.c. < 1 @ BOTH SIDES OF ALL E a @ BOTH SIDES OF ALL a �� @ BOTH SIDES OF ALL }' L--�-- -J MASONRY OPENINGS g MASONRY OPENINGS MASONRY OPENINGS V 22'-10" 7'-0" E SEE PLANS E SEE PLANS E SEE PLANS N = w = w = w << �--+ r------------------------------------ ----------------------, j p II p �� O �I RECESS FTG4" CONC SLAB CONC SLAB =rr - CONC SLAB V FIN FLR I� FIN FLR rn I� FIN FLR _ _ - a EXT STP � r � FIN GR � x,�� x�� FIN GR �0 00 OP I A2 4 j 4„ ✓/ j///// '�// �„ 2 3")IN COV. 3" MIN. COV. �i���< #5 CONT 1M6 (2) #5 CONT j MI /����� (2) #5 CONT MIN. 3" MIN. COV. `�1'-6" 1'-6" I L----------------------------------------- ------------------------ A BEARING FOOTING B BEARING FOOTING @ EXT STEP C BEARING FOOTING @ GARAGE SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I I � #5 REBAR Of FJ_ ^2A @ EVERY 4'-0" o.c.@ BOTH SIDES OF + A2 j g II MASONRY OPENINGS L ' E PER PLAN o ; Ell SEE PLANSNCONC SLABO RECESS FTG 5-1/2" °CONC SLAB CONC SLAB "'FIN FLR FIN FLR FIN FLR 4 .1R{I182I ' '- EXT STPx � - FIN GR — - df x �-a� x°— x x=z rn 3 Go 3" MIN. COV. U_ • / ��' 3„//�///�/' MIN � A2 MIN. (2) #5 CONT (2) #5 CONT MIN. (2) #5 CONT 3" MIN. COV. MIN. 3" MIN. COV. signed ar�d sewed b N4CQLE -0 3" MIN. COV. 1'-6" 1'-6" Y o 1'-6" V-6" NORTON, Rik LEER AP using a Q Digital SignatirreandDate. Printed FRONT ENTRY FOOTING @ GARAGE OPENING BEARING FOOTING @ SHOWER c4v;e, are nea wrisxered stgned I I SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" and sealed and the signature Must 2X P.T. BOT. PLATE be vuffied on any elemufliC j 1/2" DIA x10" ANCHOR copies_ MAX. (7" MIN. EMBED.) N w BOLT (UNO) AT 48" O.C. > ALONG BRG WALL 0 2F CONC SLAB rn A2 j FIN FLR CONC SLAB �CONC SLAB 4" 3,000 PSI CONC. SLAB W/ FIBERMESH, AND/OR •� FIN FLR FIN FLR >s u� 6X6 -10/10 WMM WITH MIN. 1" COVER ON 6 MIL. v' �' POLY VAPOR BARRIER OVER COMPACTED CLEAN FIN GR o x °X x x x / // /% °x a, FILL. - / � % z./ / / / cv �n //V�/�/ :r / /�/V -' ch / FOUNDATION SHALL BE TERMITE TREATED IN M �\ 3CONT i \ V \ \ ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 1816.1 - 1816.2. MIN. 3" MIN. COV. /�A/ (2) #5 CONT (2) #5 CONT � FOUNDATION SHALL BE COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 3" MIN. COV. MIN. 3" MIN. COV. MIN. Q) V 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR, IN ACCORDANCE WITH 4" 1'-4" 4" 4" V-4" 4" I 1 j ASTM D1557 AND COMPACTED IN LIFTS NOT TO V 0 EXCEED EIGHT INCHES IN DEPTH. j THICKENED EDGE FOOTING AT GARAGE STEP WOOD BRG WALL a--i V M Ln G SCALE: 1/2" — 1 -0 H SCALE: 1/2 — 1'-0 (DILNTERIOR SCALE: 1/2 — 1 -0 N i j 1/2" DIA x10" ANCHOR Ln r---� BOLT (UNO) AT 48" O.C. Q M � 3'-0" ,-0, L--------------------------------- -----------------------1 MAX. (7" MIN. EMBED.) OR E 5/8" X 7" WEDGE ANCHOR fu v 2K W/ #3 DIA. WASHER I �_ ALONG BRG WALL CONC SLAB (n .L Q) o a 3'-0" X 3'-0" CONCRETE 2J j A FIN FLR - - EQUIPMENT PAD WITH L_ J U j THICKENED EDGE x X =� Ln r- -� 2H //�/i 0 o i � I A273 4t/ / �j� � ���MM _ ,M ° ..r // /� ^^�� "DW(2) #5 CONT �A '�/v/i /I -J L 3" MIN. COV. MIN. L � i I `n i i i I 4�, 1,_4„ 4„ L (> Q pL---------- - INTERIOR WOOD BRG WALL L fV LU 2C 2 - FOUNDATION DETAILS Q�JK SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" o 00 0 OJ I A2 � � I I I 0 2 `n A - 2" Rev. # Date � � I LI ' L---------- ------- 36" HIGH BY 2" DIAMETER STEEL o `�° CRASH POST FLOOR FLANGE W/ -- -------------� „ v (4) 3/8 EXPANSION BOLTS INTO SLAB STUCCO RETURN EXTERIOR FACE OF WALL Ln (D 2X8 P.T. AT HEIGHT OF DOOR ;= SET 1/2" INTO OPENING ❑ 2D � I I A22A O, c 1„ 1n 1" lu n n o z 12 1z z 5/8 X 6 REDHEADS WITH v A2 L. GARAGE DOOR HARDWARE MINIMUM 2"0 X 1/8" WASHERS = L ---------------------------------- --------- AT 18"O.C. AND 12" AT ENDS 00 TRACK BRACKETS TO PT BUCK 7' HIGH DOOR: 5-3/8" X 1-7/8" LAG SCREWS WITH WASHER HEADS, Project 21-0783 SPACED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER AT EACH SIDE. Number 0 T-2" 16'-0" 2E 3'-2" N 8' HIGH DOOR: 6-3/8" X 1-7/8" LAG SCREWS WITH WASHER HEADS, Status CD -' SPACED AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER AT EACH SIDE. 22'-4" 9'-l0" 8'-8" 14'-8" Issue 30-Nov-21 LA ❑ �N date (V 55'-6" 4" � 4" � Sheet /� — — — A 1 FOUNDATION PLAN 3 CRASH POST DETAIL 4 GARAGE DOOR ATTACHMENT a) a SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE : 1/2" = V-0" Foundation Plan C N + Ti U) 4-; aL-+ 0 i C L O MC: L U C OIL E - Q O O C O w p C f0 3 N N L L a..i L a••1 L O.L yt. O O V) 3 4' '0� O (U v c = ao mCL c a� a C T U L L E .6 L C Q 12 5 a� � aU � L � � fl O - - - - - - - - - - - - 12'-8" 3 T.O. BEAM 0) 3 C � t 3 O L L \ f0 a) -o -a o = o 10'-0" J, o - - - - - - - - - - O 0 C T.O. BEAM r ' C U C C U v - 8'-0" Q � Q � ;= aoQ 5V-CRIMP METAL ROOF V-4„ HEAD HT. OVER PEEL-N-STICK ROOF \ 0.— UNDERLAYMENT OVER 19/32" (6 Q EXT. PLYWOOD SHEATHING - H z-- M v o 4 4" v SIMPSON CONNECTOR, - tL N R-20 SPRAY FOAM SEE CONNECTOR SCHED. 1111 El El INSULATION N EG ESS � m Er (NOT GARAGE) Ll 11 E� O 0'-0"T.O. SLAB � 3 VARIES K F1 TRUSS B N i �;F1 D-F] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O c + 5/8" GYP BD CEILING OVERHANG 14„ 1 - FRONT ELEVATION 8" X 16" BOND BEAM @ ALL I U PERIMETER WALLS - PROVIDE 2X6 WOOD FASCIA SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" (1) #5 TOP AND BOT COURSE WITH LEVEL STUCCO •_ RETURN CONTINUOUS I V 1/2" GYP BD WALLS OVER 1X P.T. FURRING STRIPS & 1" THK RIGID INSULATION BD. FINISHED BASE K 8" CMU W/ ' TEXTURED STUCCO FINISH 12 (1) #5 VERT AT 48" O.C. 5 FLOOR FINISH MAX 1.1 JOINT REINF. BETWEEN TOP (2) COURSES AND AT ALTERNATING COURSES BELOW 10, 01, I SEE FOUNDATION PLAN T.O. BEAM FOR REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS 8' 0" Of f to T.O. SLAB HEAD HT °\ O.H. o -E L NDI? 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER CLEAN COMPACTED, z:� TERMITE TREATED FILL © Q AFt9177 NOTE: ASTM C 1063, EXPANDED 3/8" (9.5MM) RIB LATHE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO HORIZONTAL AND u_ VERTICAL(44..5 MM) PENETRATION FRAMING MEMBERS R STAPLES O PROVIDE E NOT LESS THAT 1TRATION INTO HORIZONTAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS,, AND 3/4" (9.1 MM) 0'-0"T.O. SLAB PENETRATION INTO VERTICAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS. - - - - - - - - a� signed and sealed by NICOLE Q° 5 - TYPICAL WALL SECTION 2 - REAR ELEVATION "°�T°"' PA �° � tr a Digiital Signaturrarsd Date. Printed m SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" signature must Copies are not Constdered signed and sealed and the N e vuified on any a etXfpntC 0-) copies_ N 12 O N 5 0 m N O m 0 u 10-0 - - - - - - - - - LL- Li - - - - - - - - - - T.O. BEAM 'r )) m Q/ U N 5V-CRIMP METAL ROOF HEAD HT. 'r r Q) r\JIZI- OVER PEEL-N-STICK ROOF O.H. �L) -0 c UNDERLAYMENT OVER 19/32" Q) �0 M Q) EXT. PLYWOOD SHEATHING 0 SIMPSON CONNECTOR, 3'-0" 3'-0"SEE CONNECTOR SCHED. Q) O .0� TEMP. EGRESS EGRESS E -0 LL � 0 � O o _ 0 _ VARIES 00 - 0'-0" T.O. SLAB� 0 ,U r.,)i TRUSS BRG 'r N � Z o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-J L J ('Y') 1'-4" 3 - RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION U >' 4-; 00 � OVERHANG o cn Q 2X6 WOOD FASCIA SCALE : 1n t n 4 = 1'-0" 0) 4-1 N WITH LEVEL STUCCO / 0 L p RETURN O CQ 0 1A\ ai STUCCO CEILING AT o COVERED PORCH - BEAM - REFER BEAM CONSTRUCT AS PER SCOHEDULE Rev. # Date c NOTE BELOW r� 12 Q 5 i N O N V C LA N �C C 101-0.1 CONC. SLAB OIL SEE FOUNDATION PLAN T.O. BEAM 'r FOR REINFORCEMENT = REQUIREMENTS 8'-0" 0'-0" AfN T.O. SLAB 'r V-4„ HEAD HT. m 00 a x�e r` \ O /, i,//\//\ \ ° e \//\\\/\//\//\\/\///\//\//\//\//\//\/\/\/\/\ \ iv 6 M I L VAPOR BARRIER — CLEAN CO M PACTE D o '\ii\/i\\\\ \/ii\ii\/!%\\\\'':i% \/i'\\`\'\ © © Project 1- 7 N TREATED FILL 3'-0" Number I EGRESS EGRESS O Status CD NOTE: ASTM C 1063, EXPANDED 3/8" (9.5MM) RIB LATHE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO HORIZONTAL TEMP. ISSUe 30-NOV-21 AND VERTICAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS WITH NAILS OR STAPLES TO PROVIDE NOT LESS THAT 1-3/4" o - date 0-0 T.O. SLAB (44.5 MM) PENETRATION INTO HORIZONTAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, AND 3/4" (19.1 MM) � Sheet i PENETRATION INTO VERTICAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS. N O A 3 6 - TYPICAL WALL SECTION @ PATIO 4 - LEFT SIDE ELEVATION Building N SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Elevations O In C t O C U O } N 0 T } U t O GENERAL NOTES CONNECTION SCHEDULE L ` � 0 =o0 � Q 3 _ � BEAM/LINTEL SCHEDULE a� WE L � L UPLIFT FLOOR CL TYPE MANUFACTURER NAILING REMARKS L 'n 1. G.C. SHALL FURNISH SIGNED AND SEALED TRUSS SHOP DRAWINGS WITH SUBMITTAL PACKAGE MARK LINTEL SAFE APPLIED SAFE APPLIED TOP OF BEAM COMPOSITE CAPACITY CAPACITY - o 1.11 c aui LENGTH GRAVITY GRAVITY UPLIFT UPLIFT � a -2. � 2. ALL TRUSS CONNECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS O (10) 10d X 1-1/2" @ M � 0 3 3. ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTORS SHALL BE ENGINEERED AND SUPPLIED BY THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER B-1 PERIMETER 6113 2000 2724 1000 10'-0" 8F16-1B/1T A SIMPSON HHETA20 2235 - - (9) 16d 4-J : o L 4. ALL TRUSSES SHALL BE SOUTHERN PINE W `O °U " '' B-2 PERIMETER 6113 2000 2724 1000 12'-8" 8F16-1B/1T � L 5. ALL TRUSSES ATTACHED TO LEDGER W SIMPSON LUS28 HANGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. O (9) 10d X 1-1/2" L Fu E �_ 3 a0 / B SIMPSON HETA20 1810 (8) 16d 3 .S m °' NOTES: °i n 3 co - =o = � 1. Refer to wall sections for more details. Refer to Framing plan for lintel location. C SIMPSON VGT 4 940 - (16) 1/4 X 3" SDS •� ° ) � �� 3 2. Refer to Floor Plan &Roof Plan for information on door and window details. O a,� C W = (1) 5/8" ANCHOR 3. Reinforcing of concrete tie beam shall be continuous. All splices shall be minimum of 22 inches. 0- 3 ? U . 3 See reinforcement notes sheet A2 (22) 10d X 3" `0 + a) -a °' - CU 4. Lintel will have to be modified to prevent overhang @ windows @ angled corners. Lintel depth may be increased, but OD SIMPSON MGT 3,965 - _ L + -C 0 c not reduced. U o L L Q u Q E a Q F= FILLED w/GROUT QUANTITY OF#5 REBAR @ TOP O SIMPSON HTS16 1,310 - U= UNFILLED (1(1 X 8F16 - 1B/1T (16)) 1 10d X " X 3 3" 2,0 E NOMINAL WIDTH - M NOMINAL HEIGHT QUANTITY OF#5 REBAR @ BOTTOM OF (2) SIMPSON VGT 7,185 - (32) 1/4 X 3" SDS (D L� (2) 5/8" ANCHOR = ch o 0 "0 U) LLN 'U) GO SIMPSON DETAL30 2,480 - (18) lOd X 1-1/2" m If L \J B - 1 HO SIMPSON MSTCM40 2,800 - (14) 16d SINKERS O O L U) O v O JO SIMPSON HGUS210-2 4,095 - (46) 16d X 3-1/2" B - 1 - (16) 16d X 3-1/2" O 3 + D B 1 OK SIMPSON LUS28 1,165 - (4) 10d X 3" U a a ❑ B ----�— I — -- I . I I-----1----7F----7T-- I 1 ---�----� I —1_ I I I I I I I I I I B - 2 L I ® I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fx --------- ----- ---- ---- r--- -------- "CAST-C RETE" LINTEL SCHEDULE i MARK LINTEL SAFE APPLIED SAFE APPLIED COMPOSITE LENGTH GRAVITY GRAVITY UPLIFT UPLIFT I I I II 2'-10" 6113 2000 4460 1000 8F16-1B TY'Y El4 ❑ 1 T-6" 6113 2000 3547 1000 8F16-1BCEI ING L I I I I O 1 1 1 ❑3 4'-0" 6113 2000 3079 1000 81` B 16-1 7-�7 7_ -- -- --------------1 ® 4'-6" 6113 2000 2724 1000 8F16-1B 2093 1000 8F16-1B OI I I I I j _ _--- ❑ I ____1 ____ I_ __ 1- --I r z O ❑6 8'-0" 2661 2000 1634 1000 8F B 16-1 - - I j I i t O / ❑7 9'-4" 1843 1500 1133 750 8F16-1B OF FLO __ I ____ I____ I I I -- \ \ Oz\ / / ® 10'-8" 1533 1500 914 500 8F16-113 ' I �- ---- ---- --� 1A -�-----r----- i I I �--I-- I I . \ \ \ \ /O / �,a•'• .•. \O \ / 0/ ❑9 14' 0" 1002 800 559 400 81` B 16 1 ❑ y I I I I I I I I /Px \ \ Oi \ / 10 17' 4" 950 800 500 400 8F16 1B/2T o. �W+ — —ro4, # VARIES-SEE PLAN950 800 500 400 8F16-1B/2T �`7� o \\ O\\ \\ // 11\ 2 \ \ •'Q•+* ,,/R97 827 T� NOTES: ,CI L \ Q - 1. Refer to wall sections for more details. Refer to Framing plan for lintel location. z 2. Refer to Floor Plan&Roof Plan for information on door and window details. I I I I I I I - _ _ - \ z / 3. Reinforcing of concrete tie beam shall be continuous. All splices shall be minimum of 22 inches. ► I I I I I I I I \ 0 l 4. Lintel will have to be modified to prevent overhang @ windows @ angled corners. Lintel depth may be increased, / Oz \ but not reduced. LL I I I I I I I I JI IL Lr11 �1 O I1 ORIDGE , 7-1 T----i V-4" 2 F= FILLED w/GROUT QUANTITY OF#5 REBAR @ TOP sag nca aro sewed by NI[DLE� U= UNFILLED r - - - / NoTaN, La usin ao 8F16 1B/1T 0 z O NOMINAL WIDTH DigitaiSignat3re and Date. Printed QUANTITY OF#5 REBAR @BOTTOMO O Copies are not oonsxered 54ned0 4- NOMINAL HEIGHT— and sealed and ehe signaTure most O\ I be vesilSeQ an any ele[tronic � r------------ -- I I I I II I \ \ I I [opies_ r--- _---_ -- -�- ---� -- I I I I I I I I O \ I I I I I I I B 1 \ O 1 1 O 1 O 20 SQFT +17.8/-39.3 1 1 I I I z I 1 50 SQFT +14.0/-33.5O ca 100 SQFT +12.7/-28.8rn Q Q 00 1 1 Q 20 SQFT +17.8/-55.0 s I ---- -----�-----I - - --I - - r I I I 1`{ � 14 1'-4" 1 L� � IL : I�----�--� -- ----�---� I I �� ry ---J i i 1 1 1 1 1 NO 50 SQFT +14.0/-44.7 _ _ - -, 1 1 .S@-- 1 ----i I I ,j I 0 I I 100 SQFT +12.7/-37.0 440 I I I I �� I 1 10 s 2 s LJ L _ O +20.6/-74.5 M 0 0 - O O 0 O _ I I z I I I I I I 1 1 ______ I__ � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I L, ----- --—---- VALUES BASED ON TABLE C_ -L------ J L — — —p I I ! 1 r rt - - - - I u Q Q Q tol R301.2(2) - FBCR 2020, 7TH Q) I n , r,n I I _ 1 EDITION W U N I I Li ® 2 - WIND LOADING DIAGRAM V ' I I I I I I I I I SCALE: NTS L, O M - - - - P 1 q<< 1 J a 0D --- ----- ---- ---- ------ - - - - - - - - - - — — I �/� //���� Q \ // I . . i I. . . � . . �I. T W _O A U I E © I J ROOF MATERIAL u- L I i ♦ I D C-------- - E:--I +� _ __ _ I___ I D SIMPSON MTS16 W/ O 0 - - - - - - - o - r \ I -� -- - -� � �� - - - - - - - - r -i- W/(14) 10d NAILS = 0 •�_ U j j + - - - - - - I j (2) 16d TOE NAILED EA. SIDE () to OBI -i- � - - - - - - - L - \\'�_- - - - -I- 1 1 � L _ _ - J_ DRIPEDGE, FASCIA&SUB (2) 16d END NAILED 1 1 I \-AT jE- I - - - - - - O FASCIA TO TYPICAL L -Ad iMS, I K DETAILS L V LU 0 4-; 00 - - � —I- -1 - - - - — - - ❑ — - - - - - - � —I— I 1 1 6 C 1 Q L N a) ' �__ — — — — __� IF•IV _10 1 4 _ • PRE-ENG. WOOD O m p TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. yi _ _ N _ + (2) 16d END NAILED CD C m I jO BLOCKING AS - � - - - - - - - - - - - - O ❑ _ _ _ DBL X8 P.T. LEDGER W/ x4_ _ j REQUIRED 2 DIAGONAL BRACEING Rev. # Date —1- 5 N 3 W 5/8"0 EPDXY ANCHORS W/ GABLE END TRUSS @ 8' O.C. W/ 3-16d NAILS B i i B m 4" SQUARE PLATE WASHERS 3.5" SHORTER �i O1_ _1O El STUCCO 16" O.C. STAGGERED _ STUCCO FINISH OVER CD L___ j PAPER BACKED WIRE LATH OVER 5/8" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD ---------- -------------- SHEATHING N —I— � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —I— o Ln ---------- --------- ---- � I CONT. 2x4 LATERAL � - _ - BRACE @ 8' O.C. OR 2x4 BLOCKING @ 4' O.C. TOP -I PER TRUSS ENGR. & BOTTOM W/ 3-16d NAILS 0) j j g _ 1 @ EA. END 2x6 P.T. PLATE U ❑ 16d @ 8" O.C. TO 2x8 P.T. I I •' I L______ 2 16d END NAILED 2 I 1 m 1 ------� STUCCO CONTROL JOINT ( ) -C---- - ----- J 00 ro %2x4Y2 EXP. BOLT OR "1" BOLT @ 32" O.C. . i CONC. BOND BEAM Project 21-0783 o B- 1 STUCCO FINISH Number Status CD (2) 16d TOE NAILED EA. SIDE Issue 30-Nov-21 *ALL BRACING/BLOCKING SHALL BE SO. YEL. PINE date SHEATHING NAILING PATTERN: 8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. @ EDGES Sheet C) S1 N� 1 - ROOF FRAMING PLAN 3 - GABLE BRACING DETAIL Roof a SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: 3/4" = V-0" Framing Plan C t C C U U1 } PLYWOOD EDGE T c o^ s o DOOR AND WINDOW ATTACHMENTS 0 L U Co � , V L }' L J- • •• • SINGLE-HUNG SINGLE-HUNG FRONT ENTRY S.G.D. C +L O j DOOR _ L v c + Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval Tapcons shall be spaced as per product approval Installation shall stricty adhere to product approval C, o O • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • FL 5823.2 into 1X P.T.wood buck FL#16177.1 into 1X P.T.wood buck on Sheet 8 of 11 FL#20838.1 into 2X P.T.wood buck O C, u C O •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb Anchors: 3/16"anchors @ Head,Sill and Jamb @ M M 'o o" 3 E Attachment: Head/Sill-6"max from corners Attachment: Head-6"max from corners Anchors: 1/4"X 3"Tapcons @ Head and Jamb Attachment: Head/Sill-6"max from corners E 'o L O Q Buck Attachment: Head-4"max from corners 4-� O O O -p,O, Head/Sill-(1)@mid-span Head-17"max O.C. Head/Sill-(1)mid-span of panel � O „ � Jamb-4"max from corners O O O Head/Sill-(2)@ 4"from center Sill-Not Required Head/Sill-4"either side from center + ••I •• Jamb-13.00"max O.C. ,� — 0 L CL o Jamb-6"max from corners Jamb-6"max from top corners Jamb-6"max from corners •L � � � 3 Q� • • • Jamb-16-9/16"max O.C. Jamb-(2)at 4"O.C.from bot corners Frame Attachment: Head-6"max from corners Jamb-21"max O.C. 3 . E O Jamb-(1)@ center Jamb-10-1/2"max O.C. Jamb-6"max from corners o_' N Embedment: 1-1/4"min into concrete thru 1X Jamb-4"either side from center Jamb-14.00"max O.C. -o L o Buck Embedment: 1-1/2"min into concrete L C O + • • • Use 3/16"dia. Elco Ultracon Anchors O �6 L Use 1/4"dia.ITW Tapcons. 3"from corner,8"o.c.stag. a) -o O � o •• •• Embedment: 1-1/4"min into concrete thru 1X en L O t u 3 0) a) M i +� Use 3/16"dia. Elco Ultracon Anchors Window Embedment: 1-3/8"min into 2X u Use#12 wood screw anchors 3 ? 4-;' L ul 19/32"THK EXT. � � f6 3 • PLYWOOD SHEATHING O +, N Q � ._ CU a C U O C C L HEAD HEAD HEAD U Q ° E a - 160 MPH WIND SPEED 8" CMU WALL �aI 8" CMU WALL I 8" CMU WALL I Q M o EXPOSURE 'C' ---�I I°n, h° h�..I FASTENERS (RING SHANK NAILS): .. VERTICAL STEEL �o VERTICAL STEEL VERTICAL STEEL = M o C • ASTM F1667 RSRS-03 (2-1/2" X 0.131") REINFORCING REINFORCING REINFORCING LL N EDGE OF WALL ASTM F1667 RSRS-04 (3" X 0.120") p � ° II° II I Q) > t N BELOW • o --- aua aua .. NAILING PATTERN: .. HORIZONTAL STEEL HORIZONTAL STEEL HORIZONTAL STEEL v N • RAFTER/TRUSS SG = 0.42 - 4" O.C. EDGE &FIELD REINFORCING REINFORCING REINFORCING • RAFTER/TRUSS SG = 0.49 - 6" O.C. EDGE &FIELD • ROOF JOISTS • • = 2X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID 2X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID i O w ••I @ 24" o.c. '• 1X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID FLASHING PER FBC FLASHING PER FBC a) U) FLASHING AS PER FBC E WINDOW AS PER E 0 N • •• SCHEDULE CAULK AT FRAME CONT. CAULK AT FRAME CONT. U N FASTENER AS PER FASTENER AS PER \ EDGE OF ROOF N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL DOOR AS PER @ OVER HANG SEE NOTES DOOR E PER SEE NOTES FASTENER AS PER }' SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 1 SEE NOTES- ROOF PLYWOOD SHEATHING NAILING PATTERN SILL N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL WINDOW AS PER }, SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" SCHEDULE CAULK AT FRAME CONT. FASTENER AS PER EXTERIOR JAMB INTERIOR EXTERIOR JAMB INTERIOR 0 N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL DOOR AS PER DOOR AS PERG� 2 X 4 PT w/ 3/16" X 3" FLUID APPLIED WATER SEE NOTES SCHEDULE SCHEDULE TAPCONS @ 12" O.C. PROOFING/FLASHING AT ALL OPENINGS (TYP.) SHALL CAULK AT FRAME CONT. CAULK AT FRAME CONT. COMPLY WITH AAMA 714 REFER FLUID APPLIED WATER FLUID APPLIED WATER TO FBC R703.4 FASTENER AS PER FASTENER AS PER PROOFING/FLASHING AT ALL N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL PROOFING/FLASHING AT ALL N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL OPENINGS (TYP.) SHALL SEE NOTES OPENINGS (TYP.) SHALL SEE NOTES LINTEL PRE-CAST CONCRETE COMPLY WITH AAMA 714 REFER COMPLY WITH AAMA 714 REFER WINDOW SILL TO FBC R703.4 TO FBC R703.4 8" CMU WALL —--------------- 2X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID 2X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID 8" CMU WALL 8' CMU WALL FLASHING PER FBC FLASHING PER FBC AklVERTICAL STEEL VERTICAL STEEL VERTICAL STEEL __ I I°° REINFORCING REINFORCING S2 REINFORCING - °° 1/2" PLYWOOD FACE- JAMB SILL SILL BOTH SIDES-8d @ 6" O.C. •'' ' 2 X 4 - 6" o.c. (2) 10d EA END INSTALL THRESHOLD INSTALL THRESHOLD `{ ' WINDOW AS PER DOOR AS PER DOOR AS PER AS PER N.O.A./PRODUCT AS PER N.O.A./PRODUCT c� �E L QM - ARCH AS PER SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROVAL- SEE NOTES SCHEDULE APPROVAL- SEE NOTES o ' ELEVATIONS b — * — FASTENER AS PER �. : . N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL FASTENER AS PER FASTENER AS PER z:� 8" CMU WALL----,,,,,,,. SEE NOTES N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL N.O.A./PRODUCT APPROVAL Q AR91827 1X P.T. WOOD BUCK W/ LIQUID SEE NOTES SEE NOTES 2 - ARCH DETAIL FLASHING AS PER FBC °e VERTICAL STEEL O °q pp REINFORCING �`�ED o SCALE: 3/4" = 1t-01t a • a e a n+ #5 CORNER BAR WITH ° 8 ° ° 8 ° signed and sealed by NICOLE o 15" MINIMUM OVERLAP NO#kTON, Rt LIED AP using a Q / DigiitaI Signatureand Date. Printed WINDOW EXTERIOR DOOR SLIDER EXTERIOR DOOR Copies are not Constdered signed w 5 - WINDOW H -S-J DETAIL 6 - DOOR H -S-J DETAILS Bflid sealed and the signature must �� tt t n n t n be verified an artyIetpniC SCALE: 1-1/2 = 1 -0 SCALE : 1-1/2 = 1 -0 #5 VERTICAL REINF. (TYP) o #5 HORIZONTAL REINF. (TYP) i BOND BEAMS AS cv PER SCHEDULE m 1 CORNER BAR " �12 8 �' TRUSS BRG � V " ---- =�-- . i i U N 00 .------- --------- _® V -J v7 o HORIZONTAL REINFORCING SHALL BEND AND TURN INTO BEAMS 4 3 - BLOCK TRANSITION DETAIL AS SHOWN Q �0 M �� 10'-0" -,--- ——— --------- ®- .- fu SCALE: 3/4" = V-0't �' TRUSS BRG , O (n °L 0 SIMPSON (2) LGT2-1 PER SIDE (16) 16d SINKER @ WOOD W COLUMN PRECAST LINTEL E u- AS PER SCHEDULE 0 O O SIMPSON CONNECTOR, = 0 VI SIMPSON (2) MTS16 SEE CONNECTOR SCHED. STUCCO CEILING FINISH � V o (14) 10d X 1-1/2" R-20 SPRAY FOAME 4—J SEE NOTE BELOW L73 @ (2) 2X4 STUDS INSULATION SIMPSON SPH4 OR (2) 2X10 HEADER Q) � J SPH6 TOP & BOT SIMPSON MSTA 24 #5 BARS AT 24" O.C. L-J (2) 2X4 WOOD STUD OF EA. STUD \ EACH JAMB HOOKED TOP &BOT. L V �` a--� CO � � � ry p TOP PLATE ' _ VARIES BOND BEAMS AS 4- TRUSS BRG U o PER SCHEDULE a (2) 2X6 WOOD HDR 0 ib O al SEE HEADER SCHED. 1'-4" ° ° PRECAST LINTEL H� _ a- o OVERHANG, AS PER SCHEDULE _ �° 2X6 WOOD FASCIA 16d FACE NAILS @ 12" Rev. # Date SIMPSON SPH4 SIMPSON - LTSA 24 o WITH LEVEL STUCCO O.C. EA. SIDE STAGG #5 VERTICAL REINFORCING (12) 10d X 1-1/2" (18) 10d PER STRAP l RETURN SHALL HOOK INTO FOUNDATION TOP & BOT PER STUD OPTIONAL 1X BELOW AND BEAM ABOVE NI BLOCKING AS 0 1/4" X 3.5"TAPCON NEEDED v DEL. 2X4 STUDS 80" MAX C 2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. _ l 8" CMU WALL � o Ln Fq SIMPSON SPH4 - (12) 10d X 1-1/2" 2X4 OR 2X6 2X JAMB STUD 16d @ 12" O.C. 1/2" DIA x10" ANCHOR TOP & BOT PER STUD STUDS @ 16" O.C. P.T. C X 3-1/2" BOLT (UNO) AT 48" O.C. �' STAGGERED P.T. COLUMN 8" CMU W/ � MAX. (7" MIN. EMBED.) OR >s 5/8" X 7" WEDGE ANCHOR TEXTURED STUCCO FINISH W/ #3 DIA. WASHER IINI= ALONG BRG WALL - P.T. WOOD STUD 2X4 OR 2X6 " PL 0'-0" 0 1/2" DIA x10" ANCHOR = N 2-SPH4 OR BOLT (UNO) AT 48" O.C. TOP OF SLAB e, °° ° SIMPSON HTT16 SIMPSON SPH4 - 12 SPH6 @JAMBS ( ) SEE FOUNDATION PLAN MAX. (7" MIN. EMBED.) OR 5/8" X7" WEDGE ANCHOR ''°%iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii x `00^ (1) 5/8' ANCHOR/(18) 16d 10dX1-1/2' TOP &BOT FOR REINFORCEMENT ° PER STUD REQUIREMENTS W/ #3DIA. WASHER /�i�� o QU S ALONG BRG WALL ��i�����i���i�����i� ' 6" '%i\ii a:• a a�° ii�ii\ii�i �i ii�iiiiiiiiii . ii;` c�v P.T. 2X4 WOOD STUD � °° BOTTOM PLATE �i 0'-0" i\/ % i� i iii i i %��%j; ;� Project 21-0783 O x z x x x xa ° ------ T.O. SLAB i /\\ a Q Status CD NOTE: ASTM C 1063, EXPANDED 3/8" (9.5MM) RIB LATHE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO HORIZONTAL \\\ a Issue 3 0-N Ov-21 AND VERTICAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS WITH NAILS OR STAPLES TO PROVIDE NOT LESS THAT 1-3/4 " i. iiiiiiiiii°iiiiii°iiiiiiiiiii°iiiiiiiiiiiii°iiiii° 6 MIL L VAPOR BARRIER iii�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i a� �e • > (44.5 M M) PENETRATION INTO HORIZONTAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, AND 3/4" (19.1 M M) date LA CLEAN COMPACTED, i!i!i!i!i,!i!i!i,!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i,!i!i!i,!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i,!i!i!i,!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i PENETRATION INTO VERTICAL WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS. Sheet C) TERMITE TREATED FILL v) 4 - TYPICAL WALL DETAILS 7 - TYPICAL SECTION AT FRONT ENTRY a SCALE: 1/2" = 1t-0" SCALE: 1/2" = V-Ott Structural NI Details C t o C U a) 0 T } U GENERAL NOTES : PLUMBING � � uQ 0 C30 � � � L L J� L L 1. Contractor shall field verify location and size of all existing utilities & 14. For drainage line for dishwasher use copper type 'DWV per ASTM B-306. C 0,45 "'V, 3 water pressure prior to construction. Any discrepancies with existing 15. All copper pipes shall avoid contact with all other metals & and concrete conditions and Permit Documents, contractor shall notify the Architect masonry. If copper water lines run through metal studs, provide a) a ; -° C Q, 2 prior to modifications. protection with metal stud inserts. O _ '00 3 L 2. All labor, materials, and equipment provide by Contractor shall be in 16. Install main water cut-off valve and backflow preventer at water meter. 4-J : ` Q accordance with all local & state applicable codes. All work shall be Install in an accessible location. Main water valve shall be ball valve and � fu- 2L - installed by a licensed plumbing contractor. backflow preventer shall be a double check valve. 3 .� , 3. Water & Sewer lines shall be capped and sealed to maintain dust free 17. For all domestic water shut off valves install ball valves. _021� 3 systems. lines shall be free of debris prior to connection of new 18. Install pressure balance and antiscald valve (140°F) for tubs/showers. L a, -o o o equipment. 19. Install a ball valve at water heater on the cold water line as it enters the o) M °' 3 4. Piping penetrating any walls and floors shall be sealed. Any penetration water heater. 0- 3 4-;' 3 of fire walls shall be sealed with firestopping material, where applicable. 20. All connections at water meters, backflow preventers, and appliances 0 5. Piping penetrating the roof shall receive flashing and counter flashing. shall be made union joint. U a o Q a a Coordinate with roofing manufacturer. 21. Install cleanouts every 50' on 4" drain lines and at base of each vent in 6. Provide sleeves for piping penetrating the slab and under-ground water accordance with all applicable local and state codes. piping, with 1" min. clearance between sleeve and inside surface and 22. All piping shall be concealed within the walls, chases, between floors, pipe exterior. and under slab. Provide access panels for all concealed shut-off valves. ¢ o 7. All insulation and adhesives shall have a composite fire and smoke 23. Coordinate all piping to avoid conflicts with all trades. C: ..2 M hazard rating to meet ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723 not exceeding a 24. All plumbing fixtures are located on the plans. -0 cn i N •21 flame spread rating of 25 and a smoke developed rating of 50. 25. Plumbing layout and plumbing riser diagrams are diagrammatically � -6 L 8. Insulate all hot water pipes with 3/4" thick flexible foam. drawn. Field conditions may require modifications to layout for proper CY m 9. Insulate or wrap all piping to prevent vibration and sound transmission installation of piping and fixtures. No modifications shall comprise the + m U) Cq caused by water flow. design intent of the building. Co (D p 10. Insulate all domestic water piping where exposed in non-conditioned 26. All finished of pluming fixtures shall be coordinate with Owner prior to v O .� spaces. Provide aluminum jacket and label piping. order accessories for plumbing fixtures. cLu 11. All pipe hangers and supports shall be factory fabricated and comply with 27. Owner shall select all plumbing fixtures and accessories. E - all local and state applicable codes. 28. Fees for permits and other related items shall be coordinated between E + LIE 12. All domestic water copper pipes and fittings above ground shall be type the Owner and Contractor. 0 N 'L' and underground shall be type 'K' per ASTM B-88. 29. "Flowguard" CPVC shall be used in lieu of copper piping where 13. All drainage & vent pipes and condesate lines shall be Schedule 40, applicable. U Type DWV in conformance with ASTM D2665. N H.B. NOOK MASTER SUITE 110 COVERED Q H.B. V 115 PATIO 002 I PLUMBING SCHEDULE E� I t P-2 I P-3 ITEM MANUFACTURER/ /6ABANA # EQUIPMENT MODEL NUMBER LOCATION FAUCETS Y/ 108 P-1 KITCHEN SINK TO BE SELECTED KITCHEN TO BE SELECTED - BY OWNER BY OWNER P-2 LAVATORY TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH TO BE SELECTED - BY OWNER BATH #2, CABANA BY OWNER I I P-3 TOILET TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH - - BY OWNER BATH #2, CABANA - I P-4 SHOWER TO BE SELECTED BATH #2 TO BE SELECTED - BY OWNER BY OWNER , y �. P-5 WASHER MACHINE TO BE SELECTED LAUNDRY - a' BY OWNER j p-( SHOWER HEAD AND CONTROLS TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH _ �, + L. i BY OWNER BATH #2 - ■D a, Z. ( P 1 I p-7 WATER HEATER TO BE SELECTED GARAGE _ ''Q AR91827 B`dIIDROOM #4 - BY OWNER O I 107 P-8 DISHWASHER TO BE SELECTED KITCHEN _ +' r--------- ----------- I BY OWNER - D P-8 ` / 1 1 1 I p-9 ICE MAKER BOX TO BE SELECTED KITCHEN U_ I I KITCHEN � �I I - BY OWNER - yy I TUB TO BE SELECTED BATH #2 a I 111 - I P-10 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER BY OWNER signed and sealed by NKZLE W.I.C. 114 I III P-11 CULTURED MARBLE TUB TO BE SELECTED MASTER BATH TO BE SELECTED NORTON, LEEO AP using a III GREAT ROOM BEDROOM #3 BY OWNER BY OWNER DigitaESignatuTeand Date. Printed Q 113 I lii 109 106 P-9 III I Copies are ncn consx�ered *ned ------ -------- i PLUMBING SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES: and sealed and rLhesignaturemust m III I i be verified an any electronic � I 1. Contractor to provide electric and water per specifications. 2. rn I % \ I i ttt 7 I / MASTER BATH I \\\ v 112 I I j 1 `\\ I L__J SHWR vvvv Q a� N 2 I t aj �IL2 VTR �� r , L � p I P-11 i - 1 P-3 i \\\ I - P 2 P 3 J Jr I -,L2" VrR �V P-2 I P-2 LAUNDRY vv I i i i '�^ I ♦ P5 -------------------------------- I -z------ ---L----- • 116 DINING ROOM �\\ BATH #2 P-10 I MASTER BATH M E 1 (-'-'� 102 �' 105 ST OVENT fu HALL -° P 7 104 i TUB I \ LIL2" VTR SINK \ W L I LAV I � 2� O Ln 01a I I INDIRECT DRAIN DW O v GARAGE I LAV 3" FOR DW V I'D I O 0 117 I 7 I FOYER 1 �' 2" KITCHEN LAV (� N I� 101 I 3„ L Q 0 1 3 211 I 0) E Q L .a 1 omo a� I WC WASHER 2" AIL2 VTR 3" WC I � COVERED I BEDROOM #2 I 31 CABANA Rev. # Date ENTRY I 103 LAUNDRY 4" I pl H.B. 001 i L 3" CD v 1 I 4 3" Ln J I I z w c w C J w C.O. S I LAV Tr U 3 2" I CONNECT TO SEPTIC 000 3"I\ 4„ 3" WC 0 BATH Project 21-0783 2" TUB Number N o C.O. Status CD .4 Issue 30-Nov-21 TIE INTO EXISTING date a) CITY SEWER Sheet 0 I Pi 1 - PLUMBING PLAN 2 - PLUMBING RISER SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: N.T.S. Plumbing I Plan C t O C U O } N t O Ip L = C RISER DIAGRAM GENERAL NOTES : POWER ` Q L° ° � a � � 30 N -O � L � L � a N L O w L a..+ O /v u) � O C y 3 X ALUM X OR 3 y an y y 1. Contractor to verify d coordinate utility service with local utility 9. All outlets installed outdoors, bathrooms, and garage shall have a 2/0 C.U. > u company. Locate meter and panel as required. ground-fault interrupter circuit breaker or receptacle. All outlets O Z � 0 3 L 2. Install temporary power for construction as required. installed in the bedrooms shall have arc-fault interrupter receptacles. 4—J o o — Q 2"GALV/IMC ❑ 3. All electrical work and materials to be installed per NEC, NFPA, local, 10. Load data and calculations were designed based on information given � ° E L a o state, and national code. to Architect at the time of the design. Prior to installation of all 3 ._ o 200 AMP 4. Location of electrical raceways, switches, panels, equipment, equipment verify size of equipment and panel sizes. _ °i� ^ 3 MAIN BRKR •L , o -. a ro i fixtures, etc. shall be adjusted to accommodate the work to avoid 11. Electrical system shall be grounded. See Riser Diagram. a) -a - o o o interferences anticipated and encountered. 12. Outlet boxes shall be pressed steel in dry locations, cast alloy with U) C °' U, 3 5. Contractor shall verify switch type and locations with owner prior to threaded hubs in wet and damp locations and special enclosures for 3 U _ L �, U TYPICAL 200 AMP installation. Color of cover plates, switches and receptacles shall be other classified locations. t METER selected by owner. 13. Disconnect switches shall be H.P. rated, heavy duty, quick-made, U a o Uu, Q a a 40 SPACE 6. Contractor shall determine the exact route and location of each quick break enclosure required by exposure. MAIN electrical raceway prior to make-up and assembly. 14. Smoke detectors shall be hard wired (110 volt type) to 1/2"SCH 80 PVC BREAKER 7. Outlets and appliances are shown and located on the drawings as non-switchable light circuit and shall not be connected into the load accurately as possible. All measurements shall be verified on the side of a ground fault circuit. Q M E project and in all cases the work shall suit the surrounding trim, 15. Smoke detectors shall be located on or near ceiling inside and outside C: M o E GB-5 GROUND BRIDGE 7 p) PER NEC #4 BARE C.U.TO finishes, and/or construction. each sleeping area. Verify locations of smoke detectors with the -� LL N U, ROD AND STEEL 8. Heights of all outlets shown on the drawings are approximate only. drawings. > If N ACORN G CLAMP 16. Smoke detectors shall be 110 volt type, with a test button with m m P battery back-up system and visible "power on" indicator. + C, 0 U) " 17. All electrical outlets shall be A.D.A. compliant. cv 0 BACK TO BACK 200 AMP SERVICE-SCALE: N.T.S. i U E p ELECTRICAL POWER LEGEND U xx" x x }, �— S �XXX Duplex outlet (Arc Fault Interrupt) Q Telephone outlet CLG @ 10'-0" NOOK xx" xx" U 110 COVERED r.v G� CIO S_ PATIO Q -'XXX Duplex outlet (Switchable outlet) T.V. cable outlet 115 CLG @ 10'-0" xx" CLG @ 11'-0" 002 ]Q Duplex outlet (Ground Fault Interrupt) SD Smoke Detector I / XX„ GFI (mount on ceiling, unless noted otherwise) CABANA �wP Duplex outlet (Waterproof) co Carbon Monoxide Detector (mount on ceiling, unless noted otherwise) xx" ��-- \ D Dedicated outlet D/ Disconnect ED -� ; XX FLR. A £/G Ground Fault Interrupt) p CLG @ 10'-0" \�\, �� _0GFI Dedicated outlet t) ® Recessed Floor Outlet \ SD CO SD 0 OUTL T /---� S/Is� Mounting height to the center line of the receptacle of FLO �\ I I XXI ! I � xxx -� \` \� I I 1 GFII I ��nn / \ o.c 0 )v / '\ Type of receptacle a _ _ ' : • FLR. CLG @ 10'-0" SD ,� Si S / E DISP. 00 Q I 9 8 TO OUTLET BEDROOM #4 I � ---- I r _� I I L@1 - GENERAL NOTES : LIGHTING 4 I Q j KITCHEN //GFI V, a I ' GFII ' 111 1 1. Contractor shall compare the electrical drawings and specifications 4. All electrical work and materials to be installed per NEC, NFPA, local, N I W.I.C. I GFI 1 1 Signed ano Sealed byNKZLE CLG @ 10'-0' I Illb with drawings from other trades. Contractor shall report any state and national code. O W.I.C. 114 1 1 ' NORTON, LEER AP using a -a 1 1 GREAT ROOM BEDROOM #3 discrepancies to the Architect. Obtain written instructions for any 5. Location of electrical raceways switches panels equipment Q 113 Digital Signat�Irr and Date. Printed 1 109 106 necessary changes. fixtures, etc. shall be adjusted to accommodate the work to avoid Copies are nca consx�ered signed L--------- / ---------JI CLG @ 11'-0" CLG @ 10'-0" 2. Furnish and install fixtures as called for on the plans or as selected interferences anticipated and encountered. 00 by Owner. 6. Coordinate heights of wall mounted lighting fixtures to clear mirrors, and sealed and the signature must Ln I TO OUTLET be verified on any eiemorlic o FLR. 3. Contractor shall verify fixture type and locations with owner prior to cabinets, built-ins, trim, etc. 1 installation. 7. All switches shall be A.D.A. compliant. copies_ S / N O CD CO SD / 0 9'-0" 1 i ' rn ELECTRICAL LIGHTING LEGEND 7 �5�5 IS (D N ` S Switch Single Pole Door bell CLG @ 10'-0" 3 ❑ MASTER BATH di GFI $ Switch 3-way ® O Door bell chimes I 112 $ Switch 4-way U meo CLG @ 10'-0" GFI ,� O O Thermostat Q� a--i N ]Q, / - O Recessed can ceiling light V L � � � .� SD I �_ Ef] Electric meter O 01 4 LA C QGII ' GFI LAUNDRY DINING ROOM `\ BATH #2 Vapor Proof recessed can ceiling light Exhaust fan p M E l02 �.\ ios Wall mounted light Exhaust fan and light - exhaust thru roof (u o CLG @ 10'-0" g 0 D/ HALL o �� �, D/c �'�S �, -� l04 -0 Wall mounted light 1X4 or 2X4 a) O _ %� I \ Surface mounted fluorescent light �/ E -0 LL 4P A U�dN A�TtIC $ Wall mounted bathroom light O L.L � PROVIDE OUTLET K--- -� j / S = O . C AND PULL STRING Ui P/GFI LIGHT IN ATTIC I \��� I GARAGE CD E M SPACE L ' CLG @ 10'-0" FOYER 1 `\ Ceiling fan J TO OUTLET L 0 �\ L U -�,\ CLG @ 10'-0" � � Q) -1 N q- i---� 4-1 O m O a d ,/' `\ • I I GFI PRE-WIRE FOR CFI WP/GFI T.V III i LL �I GARAGE LOAD CALCULATIONS \ OPENER DOOR BEDROOM #2 Rev. # Date 3 CLG , COVERED 103 ENTRY o� I I 001 CLG @ 10'-0" 200 amp PANEL CD Load Calculations: Total Panel Load: 200 AMP TRANSFER SWITCH FOR WHOLE 2,266 sqft. @ 3.0 VA/sqft. = 6,798 VA 1st 10,000 VA @ 100% = 10,000 VA � J SW a HOUSE GENERATOR Appliance Circuits = 4,500 VA Remaining VA @ 40% = 10,199 VA E J % Refrigerator = 1,200 VA A/C #1 @ 100% = 7,500 VA M w Dishwasher = 1,500 VA Range = 12,000 VA Total: 27,699 _ Washer/Dryer = 5,000 VA U Water Heater = 4,500 VA 00 A/C #1 = 7,500 VA 27,699 VA = 115.41 amps o Sub-Total: = 42,998 VA 240 V Project 21-0783 Number N Total Amps required: = 115.41 VA Status CD .1 Issue 30-Nov-21 Summary: date a) Use a 200 amp 40 circuit panel, coordinate meter with local utility company. Sheet 0 1 - ELECTRICAL PLAN El a) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Electrical Plan