HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation Report- 8-18-08a1 '01111 QOTRINITYIERD EXTERIOR` RESEARCH & DESIGN,. I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT 13 OXFORD, CT 06478 PHONE.(203) 262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT ICPAdhesives and Sealants, Inc. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 12505 NW '44th Street. FL6332-117 CoraLSprings, FL33.065' Date of Issuance: 08/08/2008 Revision 7.: 06/16/2016 SCOPE:' This .Evaluation Report is issued under Rule'61G20-3 and the applicable, rules and regulations governing the usea of construction.materials in.the State,of Florida. The documentation submitted: has been reviewed by Robert,Nieminen, P.E, for use.of the product under the FloridaBuilding Code., The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with. the 50 Edition (2014)VOrida Building Code `sections noted herein*. DESCRIPTION: ICPAdhesives Polyset® AH-160 LABELING:' Labeling shall.,be in accordance with the requirements the Act -edited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein: CONTINUEDCOMPLIANCE: This'Evaluation Report is'valid :until such time -as the named product(s).,changes,, the referenced.' Quality,Assurahce documentation changes, or provisions ofthe Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by -the named; client constitutes agreement; to notify Robert.Niemi,nen, P.E. if the product, changes or the. referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity) ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code` Cycle. .ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity _I ERD• Evaluated'•' .may be displayed' -in- .advertising literature, if any portion of the Evaluation Report:isdisplayed, then it;shall be: done,in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy Of this entire Evaluation Report shall be ,provided to the user' by the manufacturer. Or its distributors and shall be; available for inspection at the: job site`at the request of the Building Official. This'Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 9: Prepared by: RobOft,) M, Nieminen,,P;E: Florida Registration,No. 59166, Flodda.DCAA. NE1983 _The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen, R.Ei on 6611611016. This does not serve'asan electronically signed document.'Signed sealed,hardcoples have been transmitted to.the Product Approval Adminlstrator and to the named client CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Exterior Research & Design, {LC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD does not have,. nor does, It. Intend to acgblrb or'wlll'it acquire, a financial interest, in any company manufacturing, or distributing products•itevaluates. 2. 'Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a. Trinity I ERD is not Owned, operated 'or controlled by any company manufacturing .or distributing products it evaluates. .3. Robert' Nieminen,-P.E does not have nor inrill.acquire, a financial' interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products,for Which the evaluation reports are. being .issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinityI ERD nor Robert Nieminen; P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any ,project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was, used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically, for that purpose. File COPY \I TRINITY I ERD ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE:, Product Category: Roofing' Sub=Category: Roof Tile Adhesives Compliance Statement: ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH=160,, as produced by ICP Adhesives and Sealants; Inc., has demonstrated compliance with •the Florida Building -Code through testing in accordance=with the'Standards set forth herein. Compliance issubject to the, Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. I STANDAR & Sections Pro a Standard Year 1505 1. External Fire•Classifibation AST E108' 2607 1711:2.1. Wind 5STD11 1997 3. REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference Date ERD (TST 6649) SSTD 11 P39740_;07.12 02/26/2012 ERD: (TST-6049) ` SSTD'11 P.39740AL13-R1 01/02/2015 ICC=ES (EVL2396) 2012 18CCompliance ESR71709 12/01/2014 ITS (TST'1585) ASTM E108 101646522SAT=001_Rev.1 12/23/2014 Miami =0adeftEI2 150) HVHZ,'compl ii.ante 16-0315:01 04/07/2016 PRI.(TST`5878) SSTD 11 ECM-001-02-01 09/21/2001 PRI(TST5878) SSTD 11 PFI-006=02-01 05/09/2005. PRI'(TST 5878) SSTD 11 PF1-00&02-02 05/09/2005: PRI(TST,5878) TAS 101 PFI-007-02=01 10/11[2005 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11: PFI-008-02=04 02/21/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 4 PFI-009=02-03 D2/21/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11 T1GRI-001-62=03 10/30/2006 PRI'(TST�5878) ' ` SSTD 11 TGRI-0011-02=03 10/36/2006 P.RI.(TST;5878) SSTD 11 PFPI-010-02=01 12/07/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11 PFPI-011-02-01 12/07/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11 PFPI=012-02-01 12/07/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11 PFP1-013<02-D1 12/07/2006 PRI, (TST 587,8) 'SSTD 11 PFPI-014.-02-01 12/07/2006 PRI (TST 5878) TAS 101 ECM-003-01-01 66/13%2008 PRI (.TST 5878) TAS 101 ECM-004-02-01 06/13/2008• PRI (TST 5878) TAS 101 ECM-005-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI (,TST 5878) TAS 101 ECM-00&02=01 06/13/2008 PRI (TST-5878) TAS 161 ECM-007=02-01 06/13/2008 PRI (TST 5878) TA5 101 ECM-008-02-01 06/19/2008 UL LLC (QUA 9625), Quality Assurance Service Confirmation Exp. 06/65/2018 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 is a'two-component expanding p'olyutethane roof tile adFesiv. e that is mixed and dispensed from. a dispensing system provided by ICP' Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. The components are available imrefillable tanks or disposable:cylinders (ICP Adhesives'ProPack® 30 & 100). S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is,a building.code evaluation.. Neither Trinity) ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on. which this Evaluation .Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or designguidance unless. retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This :Evaluation Report is not for'use in the HVHZ. ,Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 Certlflcote bf AOhorization #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 2 of 9 \,I TRINITY I ERD 51.3• Concrete and clay tiles, having a current Florida Statewide :Product Approval or approved. on a local -level by the. AHJ, adhered using I:C_P .Adhesives PolysetO AH-160, maintain their respective roof fire classifications. Refer to FBC 1505.2, Exception 2, 5.4 ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 can be used with flat, low and'high profile tiles or any -rigid, discontinuous roof assembly having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval or approved on adocal-level by the AHJ. 5.5 Minimum underlayment. shall be' per FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) or having a: current 'Florida Statewide Product Approvalor:approved on a local -level by'the AHJ for use with, Adhesives.PI yset®;AH-160. 5.6 Field tiles using ICP Adhesives Polyset"'AH-160 are limited to projects having -an Aerodynamic Uplift. Moment (Ma), determined in accordance with FBC 1609.5.3 or Tables,2A and 26 of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), not greater than the following Allowable. IOverturning- Moment values. Refer to Section. 10 and ICP Adhesives and :Sealants, Inc., published' installation instructions for Adhesive, Paddy Placement details. TAetE 1 ICP'AorSIVES POsY1SP ET;°Y a $Ar,H,160 V MNOE4"r RTURNNG'MOMETPEDAA 2701 Au1iG�N OFSAFEIYAIRE/�DYApPUFO-WBOPDEPEHDENT(SNY6LEOR LON7INUpUS PADDYjPIACEM£Nr - - d .. MARGINOFS4fE7YAlREADYAA=FoA iNIiiOEpENDENT (nvo PADDYJPIACFM£Nr •, . -s ''" .. .. Tile - .. - Adhesive Paddy Placement, Allowable ovetturning Type `Profile Moment(ft-lbf) Independent;,Single Paddy,. Medium (2x7-inch, —30 gram) 60 Clay Flat Independent; Single Paddy, Large (2x104nch, —45 gram) 112 Concrete Interdependent; Two Paddy (44-inch on underlayment, 2x44nch at tile overlap); 54 Ind:ep'endent; Single Paddy, ,Wdium (20-inch, —30 gram) 39 Clay or Low/ =Independent; Single Paddy, Large: (2x10-inch, —54 gram) 67 Concrete Medium. Interdependent; Two Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at tile overlap) 58 Clay High Independent; Single Paddy; Large (2x10=inch, ^45 gram) 134 Independent; Single Paddy,, Medium (20-inch, —30 gram): 65 C Concrete Clay or re High Independent; Single Paddy, Large (2x10-inch, ^ 63,gram. 109 interdependent; Two. Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch-at tile overlap): 40 'Clay Barrel 2x107inch x ^35'gram for pans; 2.@'1x10'-inch. x °'17 gram for tap 147 ,Concrete Barrel 2x10-inch x 35 gram, for, pans; 2- @ 1x10-inch x -17 gram for cap 197 Clay Cap. atop 2x Independent: Continuous Paddy,(-34 gram/ft) 1315 stringer Concrete 'stringer Cap atop,2x _ Indepen.dent:,Continuous.Paddy `(!"34 gram/ft) 126" Clay y Cap.atop-2x Interdependent: 105 stringer g Head: One 1 ,#10x2W screw;,Overla 1 x 6 inch ^ 10.5 ram (.) p� ( gram) Concrete Cap atop2x Interdependent: 76 stringer Head; One (1) #10 x 2W screw; Overlap: 1-x, 6 inch ('10.5 gram) 5.6.1. Data in Table 1, relates to installation over a '30/90' underlayment system, as detailed in. theFRSA/TRI April 2012 (0442). Alternate •underlay .merit systems include those having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval and/or approved on a local -level by the AHJ specifically for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset®AH-160. 5 6.2. Tile roof systems using: tile. types, orprofilesother than those: listed, above acquiring acceptance for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 shall be tested Jn accordance with SSTD 11 or TAS 101. For the interdependent two -paddy method, an additional 2-to-1 margin above; that specified in •SSTD11 or TAS 101 shall be applied in determining the 'allowable overturning moment`. Exterior Research and Design, L.K. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 certificate of Autharlration #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2D16 Page 3 of 9 53 Hip,and ridge tiles using ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 are limited to projects having hip/ridge design pressure requirements, determined in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April.,2012 (0442); not greater than the. following values. Refer. to ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published, installation instructions for Adhesive Paddy Placement details'. R TAeLE2 HIp E.iRID�E TILES � ► ICP ADHESIVES,POLVSE7 160 .AH :ALLOWABLE UPLIFT RESISTANCE PERFORMANCE DATA 2 T01 MARGIN OFSAfET1 ALREAOXAPPLIED FORMINDEPENDENT (CON7iNU0US PADD), PtACEMENT ,4T02°MARGINOFSgFE7YAlFfA,DYAPPIIEDFORINTERDfPENDENTPtAGEMEAIT Allowable Tile Substrate Attachme,rit Method Deslgn'Pressure (Psf) Clay 2x.PT ridge. board Independent: Continuous Paddy (":34gram/ft) I16 Concrete 2x PT ridge board Independent: •Continuous Paddy (^e 34,grain/ft)• 107 Interdependent: Head; One.(1) #10 x 2%" screw; Clay 2x PT ridge board Overlap: 1 x.6'inch (-10.5 gram) 90 Interdependent: Head -One (1):#10 x2y° screw; Concrete 2X_PT ridge board Overlap: l x 6 inch ("'10.5 gram)„ 56 Clayor Hip & Ridge Chan nel,.Meta l,(FL5374): , Independent: Continuous Paddy(-34 gram/ft) 169 Concrete' galvanized;only Clayor Trim Lock'".(FL.5374): aluminum,. Independent::ContinuousPaddy.(f,�34.gram/ft) 173 Concrete galvanized, Galvalume-® or stainiess.steel Clay or Trim Lock'" Plus-(FL5374): aluminum, ® Iniie endent: Continuous Paddy (^ 34 gram/ft) p 178 Concrete galvanized, Golvalume or. stainless steel - Clay TopNotch (FL8095) independent: Continuous Paddy 32;gram/ft) 125 Concrete Top Notch (FL8695) Independent: Continuous Paddy (^ 32 gram/ft) 145 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 ICP Adhesives Polyset®. AH-160 and the tile roof `assembly shall'be installed in accordance with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and ICP Adhesivesand Sealants, Inc published. installation instructions, subject to the limitations. outlined.in Section S. 6.2 Hip and ridge boards or hip/ridge metal shall beinstalled in accordance with the FRSA/.TRI April 2012 (04. 12). Proprietary hiip..and ridge metal shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's Florida Product. Approval. 6.3 Installation shall be performed by applicators who hold a valid Qualified :Applicator Card presented; by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or ,Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product:, 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS. Tomball, TX 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL LLC=QUA9628; (41,4) 248-6409 Karen;buchmann@us:ul.com ,Exterior. Research and. Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03 O6-R7 'Certificate bf Authorization N9503 FL6332-117 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 4,of 9 (-)o TRINITY I ERa A. PADDY PLACEMENT DETAILS (FROM ICP ADHESIVES AND SEALANTS, INC. PUBLISHED LITERATURE: Nall through plastic cement When required) 7 Flat/Low Profile Tile iT Nailahrough plastic ce (when required) Paddy (Beneath Tile) >< Undedavmen 7Inv; 2 In. . Battensoptional Eave Course Fascia Weephole 10in in. -Eave closure Drip edge High Profile Tile i ProfileTile (Beneath Tile) l 'c-- Eav s Closuie Fascia .Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768:03:06.R7 Certiflc6te of Authorization #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 5 of 9 102 Independent, Large Paddy: Nail through plastic cement (when required) Underlayment ° o I optional ° >. Irse 10 in. flat/Law Profile Tile Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 \1 TRINITYI ERD Nail through plasticcement (when required) 10in:x\ 2 inftil wide Batten Medium Profile Tile Nail through plastic ce (when required} Paddy (Beneath Tile) Underlayment o O l� 90in.x a in.wide Battens optional Eave Course Fascia Weephole Eave closure 10,in. 2 Drip edge High Profile Tile (Beneath,Tile) —'Eave Closure Fascia Evaluation Report 02768.01,06,117 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/1016 Page 6 of 9 10:3 Interdependent, Two Paddy:. Nail'through plastic cement (when required) Battens optional ° Single padd on top of til, 4x4in, Single"padd under til ' Singlepaddy onunderlayment 2 x 4 in. 0 10m• N2i Flat/Low Pro (between tiles) '- Eave Closure L 'WM :�'A 6, ma. Nall through plastic cement Single paddy under file (when required) Paddy (between tiles) Battens Paddy (under tile) optional Single paddy �.Q on'top oftile �4x4in. -, 4� in.. Single paddy on x R , underlayment ar� 101n 1 2in. Eave Closure Eave Course Fascia Nall through plasticee Single paddy under tile. (when required) Paddy tbetweemtiles) Battens optional "� y Paddy (under tile) : -Single paddy on underlayment '4-x 4 in. � Single n 2x4i,� paddyon top of the "' y } Eave Course Fascia Weephole loin. in. - Eave closure �2 Drip edge High Pro8leTile ;Exterior Research and'. Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768:03 06-R7 Certificate bf Authorization #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 7 of 9 \\l TRINITYIERD 10.4 Two Piece Barrel Wap & Pan) Tile: cootaetarea on Remove top portion of the eave course cover tile.Abut tosecond coune'of pan tiles. Ensure eave end of pan and cover tiles are flush at eave line. Two Piece Barrel - High Profile Tile 10.5 ... Hip and Ridge (independent placement9: A bead of ICP Polytet,*AH-160 maybe applied nboee.the Field To attach Itiptrid�e tiles, ,,,d 0 CP Pol}'s?'dSGAii-160 may the surface on both sides of the bipWge board or galvanized be allied Arnm the center of the hiryhidge boart! orgahioizrxl natal framt to pv%ide weathe blocki4. fnmet Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03:06,117 Certificate of Authorization. p9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 8 of 9 10:6 :Exterior' Research and: Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 'Certificate ojAuthodzatioa #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: O6/16/2016 Page 9 of 9 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT 13 OXFORD, CT06478 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 .EVALUATION REPORT ICP Adhesives and Sealants, 'Inc. Evaluation Report. 02768 03.06=17 12505 NW 44th Street. FL6332-117 ,Coral.Springs, FL,33065' Date of Issuance: 09/08/2008 Revision 7: 66/,16/2016 SCOPE:, This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61620-3 and .the: applicable, rules and regulations governing the use, of construction:rnaterial9 in the State,of, Florida. The documentation submitted. has been reviewed by Robert Niem'inen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for .compliance,with the ,;5`h Edition( 2014),Florid''a B.uilding..Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: ICP AdhesivesPolysetO AH-160 LABELING:: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited, QUaliity Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This 'Evaluation Report is. valid until such 'time ,as the named product(s): changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code.that relate to`the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named, client constitutes agreementito notify Robert Nleminen, P.E.if the product: changes or the referenced Quality,Assurance documentation changes. Tri.nitylERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements With each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated:' may be displayed in a'dvertising.literature. If any:portion -of the'EvaluationReport :is displayed; then it shallbe done,k its: entirety. INSPECTION;: Upon request,, a copy of this :entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to "the user' by. the manufacturer.or its distributors and shall: be available for inspection at theJobsite at -the request of the; Building;OfficiaL: This Evaluation Report consists of p`ages 1 through 9. Prepared. by: I Robert JI.K Nlerhinen,?.E: Florid o'Registration:No. 59166, Flodda.DC4ANE1983 `J TRINITY I ERD The facsimile. seal appearing'was authorized.by Robert Meminen, P.Eion06/16/20%. This does hot serve' as an electronically signed document. Signed, sealed bardcopieshave been transmitted to.the Pioduct Approval Administrator and to the named clienf CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Exterior Research & Design; I.LC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD does not have,.nor does.it intend to acquire or will it acquire,. afinancial interest 'in any company manufacturing,ordistributing products itevaluates.. 2. Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a. Trinity I ERD is not owned, operated 'or controlled by any company manufacturing .or distributing products it evaluates,: .3. Robert' Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products -for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5'. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity I ERD nor Robert Nieminen,. P.E.are, in any .way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was. used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically, for that purpose. TRINITY] ERA RijoRkiDiMPONENT EvALUATIoN. -1. SCOPE:,_ Product C.ItegQry: Roofing Sub=Category: Roof. Tile Adhesives :Compliance Statemvnts JCP Adhesives 'Polyset® AH460, ap produced by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc.,, has. demonstrated compliance with theug. : Florida I§Uilding.(ode thto' h vith theStaridards setlorth p ,lestingkn:abtordance hereim, Compliance- isesubject to the. Installation. Requirements, and, Limitations Conditions of Use set forth 'herein. 2. STANI)ARDS: Sections Pro Standard Year 15054 PxteMal FjwClassificatlon ASTWE108 IqW 1171.1.2.1, Wi0o 5S.TD1 11, 1997 3. REFERENCES: Enti Examination Reference Date-, 'tRD:(TST 6040) SSTD 11 P39 1 740.0 . 2.12 01/20/2012 EkD:(TST6049)- SSTD 11 P3974011.13-111 01./02%2015 1CCAS(IiVL2396) 20,12, 10;:Cornpilance ESR-,1709 12/01/2014-­:, ITS(TST 1585) ASTM E10,8 .101646522SAT-001Rev., 1 112/23/2014 Miami-bade.(tER 1592) �HVHZcorppliance -16,-,0315.01 PRI (TST SSTD,11 Et.­M._001-012.'-01 09/21/2001. RRI,(TST,5878) SSTD 11 PFI-006;02-01 -05/09/2005, P111 (TST 5878), SSTD 11 PFI-006-02-02 PRI (TST 597,8) TAS, I01 16/1000S PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11, PFI-008-02:.04 02,21/2006-., PR! (TST 5878) SSTD 11 PFI-009-02M 02[4/2006 P ) . . R1 (TST 5978SSTD'11 TGRI-001-'62703 10/$6/2006, PRI (M-5978) SSt.V11 YGRI-.001-02-03 10/36/2006 PRI (TST 5878) SSTD 11 PFPI-010-0240*1 12/07/1006 PRI, . (T . ST,5878) SSTD 11 4131,011-02-0I 12/07/2006 PRI (TST-5978) 11 PPP1_-,O12-,02-M 12/07/2006 PRI (TST 5478) �SSTD. -11 M)A13702-04 PRI'(TST5878) :SSTD 11 PFPk014=02-01 17/072006 PRI (TST $879) tAs iol ECM-00370-01 '06/13/2008 PRI (TST 5978) TAS 101 EGM-004-02-01 06/13/210108; PRI (TST 5878) TAS 101 ECM005-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI (TSTS878) TASf 101 ECM-00&02=01 66/13/2008 PRI (TST-5878) -TAS, 161 ECM-06T02-01 06/18/1008 PRI (TST 5878) TA5 101 EM.,008-02701 06/13/2908 UL. LLC (QUA 9.625), Quality Assurance Service C6nfirmation Exp: 05/05/2018 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 0 ic - Adhesives. P c , qlysptl- AH�1�0 is a,twd- orilpor(ppt expanding -polyurethane roof the adhesive, that is mixed ,and dispensed from" adispensing system provided by ICR-Adhesives and Sealants, Inc., The components are , available inx.efillable tanks ordisposable:cylinders (I.CPAdhesives ProPack" 30Z,100). 5.1. This is,a building,tode 6valuatibn.. Neither Tri , nitVI'ERD nor Robert Nieniinen, P.E.`arejn-any-way, the Designer of Record for: any project on; Which this Evaluati . 6 Rppo,rtj 'or previous versions thereof,'is/Was Used 'for permitting or desigp:,guidance unless. retaine&specifical ly forthat purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report isnot for use in the HVHZ. ;Exterior Research and, Design, LLc. Evaluation keport 02769.63;664u� 'Certiftiate bfAkhorlzadon #9503 FL63 , 32-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 2 of 9 �l TRINITYIERD 5.3 Concrete and clay tiles, having a current Florida Statewide ,Product Approval; or approvedon'a local -level by the •AHJ, adhered using ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160, maintain their respective roof fire classifications. Refer to FBC 1505.2, ,EXceptioh. 2. 5.4 ICP°Adhesives'Polyset" AR-160 can be used with flat, low and'high profile tiles or any rigid, discontinuous roof assembly having:a current Florida Statewide Product Approval or approved onadoca).-level by AHJ. 5.5 Minimum underlayment shall be per FRSA/TRI April. ;2012 °(04.42) or having a current Florida Statewide Product Approvaior approved on -a local-level'by the AHJ for use with.ICP Adhesives P.oly5et®AH=160. 5.6 Field tiles using ICP Adhesives Polyset®'AH-160 are limited'to projects having;an Aerodynamic Uplift.Moment (Ma), determined in accordance with F0C 1609:5.3 or Tables,2'A and 26 of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), not greater than the.following Allowable; Overturning Moment values. Refer to Section 10-and ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published' installation instructions forAdhesive' Paddy Placement details. , TaeLE, i FiFLn TIiEs Ir%ICP AotiEstvEs PoivsEr° AH=160w `' ALLOWAfiu OVERTURNING MOMENT PERFORMANCE°DATA , a + K2701 MARQlNOFSAFEIYAUWYAPPLEDFOR/NOEPENDEM(SINQLEORCOIInNUOUS PADDY)PIACEMEN i � i MARGlNOFS4fE7YAl�E�l,pYAPPLffDfOA,IN7FRDEPEIJDEN7t7NAD PADD�PIACEMENr°�, �,��,y°H,�k ^ m„i,{r;ae fir° Tile. Adhesive Paddy Placement Allowable. -overturning Type Profile Moment'(ft-lbf) Independent; Single Paddy, Medium (2x7-inch, -30 gram) .50 Clay or :Flat. Independent; Single'paddy, Large (2x10-inch, -45 gram) - .112 . Concrete interdependent; Two -Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, W-inch. at tile overlap) .54 Independent Single Paddy, Medium'(2x7-inch, -30 gram) 39 Clayor tow/ Concrete Medium Independent; SinglePaddy, Large (Ix104nch. .-54,gram) 67 Interdependent; Two.Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment,, 2x4-inch at tile overlap) 58 Clay High Independent; Single Paddy, Large (2x10-i6ch,.-45 gram) 134 Independent; 5inglePaddy, Medium (2x7 Inch,_�30'gram) - 65 =. Clay or Concrete High Independent, Single Paddy, Large (2x10-inch, ^'63 gram) 109 Interdependent; Two Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at tile overlap) 40 'Clay Barrel WO -Inch x ^ 35'grarh for pans,.2 6'1x10=inch: x 717 gram for,cap '; 147 ' ,Concrete Barrel 2x10-inch x -35 gram for,.pans; 2 @ WO -inch x-17 gram for cap 107 Clay Cap.atop 2x Independent Contjnuous Paddy„("34 gra rn/ft) 135 stringer Concrete Cap atop•2x Independent: Continuous Paddy( 34 gram/ft) 116 stringer ClayCap atop,2x interdependent: 105 stringer Head: One (1) #10 x"2%" strew; Overlap:1 x-6inch (°'10c5,grain) Concrete Cap'atop2x Interdependent: 76 stringer %' Head: One (1) #10 x.2screw;.gverlap:1 x:6 inch (-10.5 gram) 5.6.1. Data in Table 1, relates to installation over a '30/50' underlayment system, as detailed in the FRSA/TRI April 2012. (Q4­12)w Alternate underlayment systems include those having a ,current Florida Statewide Product. Approval'and/or approved -on a local -level bythe-AHJ specifically for use with ICP Adhesives,Polyset® AH-160. 5:6.2 Tile roof systems using tile types. or profiles other than those listed above acquiring acceptance for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 shall be tested 'in accordance with S5TD 11 or •TAS 101. For the interdependent two -paddy Method, an additional 2-to-1 margin :above, that specified. in.,SSTD 11 or TAS 101 shall be applied in determining the'allowable overturning moment'. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization.p9503 Evaluation Report02768.01or,41 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 3 of 9 V�TRINITYJERD 5.1 Hip -and ridge tiles using ICP Adhesives Polyset" AH-160 are limited to projects having hip/ridge design pressure requirements, determined: in accordance; with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI :April..2012 (04-12), not greater than the following values. Refer to ICP Adhesives -and Sealants, Inc. published installation instructions for Adhesive Paddy Placement,:details: ~TABLE 2 HIP ikRioce TILES IN ICP ADHESIVES PoLvaET®-AFI 160 . ,qpy° ;' 'sALLOWABI: UPL►FT RESISTANCE PERFORMANCE DATA Z Ta 1 MARGIN OF SAFETI'ALREADYAPPLIEDWR fNDEPENDENT (CONriNUOUS PADDY PLACEMENT , 'Ytk' , - 4T01 M'ARGIHOFSAFETYAIAE�YAPPUED'FOR 'INTERDEPENDEN,TPLACEMENT Allowable Tile Substrate Attachment Method Design'Pressure - - (Psf) Clay 2z„PT ridge board Independent: Continuous Paddy(�YM'gram/ft) 116- Concrete 2x PT ridge board Independent:,Continuous'Paddy (- 34:grani/ft) '107 Clay 2x PT ridge board Interdependent: Heath One (1):#16 x 2%" screw; 90 Overlap: 1 x 6'inch (-10.5 gram) Concrete 2xTT ridge board Interdependent: Head: rie (1) #10 x 2'/:" screw;' 56 ,Overlap:l x 6 inch (^'10.5 gram_) Clay'or- Hip & Ridge Channel Metal,(FL5374): independent: Continuous Paddy (-34 gr,,am/ft) 169 Concrete gd1vanlze8 only, Clay or Trim LockT" (FL5374): aluminum, Concrete galvanized, Galvalume -or stainless.sieel , Independent: Continuous Paddy (f134 gram/ft)• 173 Clay or Trim LockTm Plus (FL5374)s aluminum, . Independent: Continuous Paddy (� 34 gram/ft) 178 ... :: Concrete ® galvanized, Galvalume' or stainless -steel , Clay Top Notch (FL8095) 'Independent: Continuous Paddy (" 31 gram/ft) 125 Concrete Top Notch (FL8095) _ Independent: Continuous Paddy (781 gram/ft) 146 INSTALLATION? 6.1 ICP.Adhesives'PolysetO AH-160 and the tile'roof'assembly •shall.be installed in accordance. with FRSA/T- R1 April 2012 (0442) and ICP Adhesivesand Sealants Inc., published installation. instructions, subject to-the!lirriitations outlined in Section;5. 6'.2 Hip, and ridge boards or'hip/r.idge metal,shall be installed in accordance with the FRSA/,TRI•April 2012_(04-12). Proprietary hip .and ridge metal shall, be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's Florida Product Approval. 6.3 Installation shall be performed by applicators who hold a valid Qualified Applicator Card presented, by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. 7. BuILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Qfficial or ;Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Tomball, TX 9. QUAUTYASSuRANCE ENTITY: UL LLC—QUA9625 (414) 248-6409 .Kareri:buchrrlarin@us.ul.cot-6 Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03:06-R7 Cert1ficate of Authori atioti #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 016/16/1016 Page 4.of 9 \,,,/TRINITY ERD 10, PADDY PLACEMENT DETAILS (FROM ICP ADHESIVES AND SEALANTS, INC.-PUBLISHED LITERATURE);, 10.1 Independent, MediumPaddv Nail through plastic cement Paddy (when required) Underlayment ° o W 7 im - Battens optional ° "`VE.2` Eave Course 10 2in Flat/Law Pr( :Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate pf Authorization #9503 .Nail through plastic cement, When required), 71.. 21n. optional o loin, Nallthrough plastloce {when required) Paddy (Beneath Tile) Underlayment , a � 7In. 2 in. Batteris optional t< Eavecourse Fascia Weephole loin. 2in. Eave closure Drip edge High Profile Tile Paddy (Beneath Tile) Eave Closure Fascia r Evaluation Report 02768:03:06-R7 FL6331-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 5 of 9 .02 Independent. Large Paddy: Nail through plastic cement Paddy (Beneath Tile) (when required) Underlayment °ice 10 in. � w eattensoptional_ _ Eavo Course o fir^„ -t Fascia "r2 in Eave Closure \4TRININ I ERD Nail through plasticcement (when required) Paddy (Beneath Tile) Underlayment f' 22m.w� Battens optional a 10 in 2 in. Eave. Closure Eave Course! Fascia Medium Profile Tile Nail through plastic ce (whenrequired) Paddy(BeneathTlle) ; Underlayment - 2 m.wide Battens a optional - ►t. Eave Course Fascia Weephole Win. 2 in. Eave closure DrlpAge High Profile Tile Exterior 'Research.and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768:03.06-R7 Certificate ojAuthorization #9503 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 6 of 9 10:3 Interdependent, Two Paddy Nail through plastic cement Paddy (between tiles) (when required) Battens optional ° ° Paddy (under tile) Single paddy 'onto of the 4 in, �4x Single paddy undertil - Single paddy-_ -- ` - - - - onunderlayina 2x4in. o }.- 0 & loin. 2 in. Fascia Eave Closure Flat/Low Prc Nail through plastic cement Single paddy under file (when required) Paddy (between tiles) Battens Paddy (under tile) optional IL- Singlepaddy .� on top of tile x4m. 2x4in Single paddy on underlayment 10 in. ' 2 in,. Nall -through 'plasticce Single paddy under tile (when required) Paddy(between tiles). Battens Paddy(undertile) optional Single paddy .� /. onunderlayment r '4x4in. Single 2x4ia;�M paddy on top of tilo f�+ Eave Course Fascia weephole loin. in. Eave closure Drip edge High Profile rile I Profile Tile '�— Eave Closure Fascia ;Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL6332-117 Revision 7; 06/16/2016 Page 7 of 9 V I RINITY (ERD 10.4 Two'Piece Barrel (Cap & Pan) Tile: i ),Place enough adhesive to achieve 65 io.70; In contact with tha pan tile. sl Turn Cove a upaWo down: Pthe Wheat" ,172.In, ta'� (hch_In Isom outside edee�of.covorfle. `, Inetall eaver,0le Er ?uro 20 ta26 sq. Ia. c6htaotama cn i Remove top portion of the save course'cover tlle.Abut to,setond course of pan tiles. Ensure eave end of pan and cover tllis are flush ai gave tine: Two'Piece Barrel - High Profile Tile 10.5 Hiwand Ridge:(ir dependent placement): A. bead ofICPPoly VAR•l60may be appal abovethe field To attach hiphitige On, a. bead of ICPPolysetRAH-160 may file strtfaeeon both sides of dw hipWjg board or gntvii ized be applied down the c wter of the hiplridge board or gatvhrizrd uwW frarat to protide weatheibloeking. frame. .. Exterior' Research and. Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R7 CertWate d Autharization.N9503 F1.63.32-R7 Revision 7: 06/16/2016 Page 8 of 9 r 10 6 Hia'and Widee-finterdeDendent ola"cementl; Exterior Research and Design, LCt. Certifkate of Authorization #9503 QOTPuNITYIERID Evaluation Report 02768:03:06-R7 FL6332-R7 Revision 7: 06/2Q/ 016 Page 9 of:9