HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuest Engineering 1-29-1801/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 Pg 2/ QUEST Consulting Rubin Custom Homes, LLC 4253 SW Meadows Highway Palm City, FL 34990 Engineering - Testing January 17, 2018 Attn: Mr. Steve Rubin RECEIVED Re: Report of Geotechnical tudy Kaufman Garage Additio JAN 2 9 2018 1491'NW Wild Olive Co rt Palm City, Florida Lucre eduit 0r fitl8 QuEST Report No. J-17225.002 Dear Mr. Rubin: As requested, Quest Engineering Services & Testing, Inc. (QuEST) has completed a subsurface study at the subject site. The fieldwork involved the drilling, of three auger borings to a depth of 7 feet below existing grade. The.approximate boring locations are indicated on the attached Boring Location Plan. The attached boring logs, indicate the. types of materials encountered, the results of the field tests and the measured groundwater depths. PROJECT CONSIDERATIONS The subject project site is located at 1491 NW Wild Olive Court in Palm City, Florida. We understand that plans are to construct a garage addition. We understand that the existing SF residence on site is supported on shallow foundations. This geotechnical exploration was required to determine the suitability of the foundation soils in the addition area to support the planned construction. Owing to access difficulties for our drill rig, the field work consisted of drilling three hand auger borings to a depth of 7 feet below grade, at the locations indicated on the attached Boring Location Plan. STRATIGRAPHY The stratification of the profile components as shown on the boring logs represents the :subsurface conditions at the actual boring locations. Variations may occur within a short distance from the borings. Lines of demarcation represent the approximate boundary between the types.of,materials encountered, but the transition may be gradual, or not clearly defined. The! borings disclosed the soil profile .at the subject site consists of sand to the terminal limits of the exploration at 7 feet below grade. Hand held penetrometer tests done in the upper four feet of the subsurface.profile indicate the soils to be in a loose to medium dense state. Groundwater The ground water table was encountered in the borings at a depth of about 4.4 feet below grade. In the absence of other data, we suggest assuming that a 12 to 18-inch rise in the water table could occur during periods of prolonged rainfall and at the peak of the wet hydroperiod, which typically occurs in the Fail. Quest Engineering Services &Testing, Inc. Jupiter Ph (561)747 8886 Pompano Beach Ph (954)582 9800 Fax(954)582 9836 O1/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 Rubin Custom Homes, LLC ' 2 - QuEST Report No. J-17225:042 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our field tests, we believe that the, site soils can safely support shallow foundations designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) provided the earthwork recommendations given in this report are followed. To provide an adequate factor of safety against a bearing capacity failure, the new footings should bottom a minimum of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Continuous stem wall or monolithic footings should have a width of at least 24 inches and isolated footings 36 inches. Footings should also be reinforced adequately. Such footings are estimated to sustain maximum total settlements of about 1 % inches and differential settlements of about 5/8 inch. The slab may be ground supported. A vapor barrier (preferably 1.0-mil thick) should .be placed over the building pad fill, prior to placement of concrete for -the floor slab. This will minimize the entrance of subgrade moisture :into the slab. CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Prior to beginning of construction activities, all topsoil, vegetation, roots, uncontrolled fill, and other deleterious material should be removed from the addition footprint area plus a 5-foot wide .perimeter area. Buried structures/utilities (if any) should be removed in their entirety. The stripped building addition area should be compacted to the degree specified above. The :addition area may then be filled to the required slab subgrade elevation. The fillfbackfill soils :should comprise of clean granular soils having no particle size larger than 3 inches, The fillfbackfill should also not have more than 10% fines {material passing the U.S_ No. 200 Sieve). The fill should be placed in 12-inch thick (loose measure) lifts. Each lift of fill should be compacted to 95% of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. Care should be taken to ensure that compaction operations do not cause any distress to nearby structures (existing residence and swimming pool). Likewise, when addition area excavations, including, footing excavations, are made adjacent to the existing building, care should be exercised to ensure that the existing structure's foundations are not undermined. This may require the use of sheet piling along the existing building's perimeter areas that are adjacent to the new construction area. When footing trenches are excavated, the excavation bottoms should .be examined. If any organic, soft or fine-grained soils are encountered in the footing bottoms, they should be "removed in their entirety and replaced with compacted fill. The footing subgrade as -well as the slab subgrade soils should be compacted to 95% of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY The recommendations submitted for the proposed construction are based on the available subsurface information gathered and the information provided. Any revision in the plans for the .proposed .structure from those enumerated in this report should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that the may determine if changes in the. foundation recommendations are required. If variations from the indicated design assumptions or deviations from the noted :subsurface conditions are encountered .during construction, they should also be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may evaluate them in light of the foundation design :recommendations and make appropriate modifications, if deemed necessary. ��� f 3C N',..f 4 1 Pg 3/ 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 Pg 4/ Rubin Custom Homes, LLC - 3 - QuEST Report No. J-17225.002 The soils engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein, have been promulgated after being prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice in the field of foundation engineering, soil mechanics and engineering geology. No other warranties are implied or expressed. After the plans and specifications are more complete, it is recommended that the soils and foundation engineer be provided the opportunity to review the .final design and specifications, in order that the earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented. At that time, it may be necessary to submit supplementary recommendations. Monitoring and testing :should also be performed to verify that suitable materials are used for foundation and building construction. QUEST appreciates the opportunity to be of service. if we may answer any additional questions .or be of further service, please call. Sincerely, Quest Engineering ices & Testing, Inc. R a J idan, P.E. Project Engineer Florida Registration No. 60223 Attachments: Boring Location Plan Boring .Logs 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 11 �- '8664807498' -> 7724621578 Pg 5/ Rubin Custom Homes, LLC QuEST Report No. J-17225.002 Boring Location Plan SPT Boring Logs -4- 00 CD Rdl cli 00 a) 0 00 Rdl co co 00 0 LO 0 I UMT 14. AB- AB-1+ Title: Project: Quest Engineering Services & Testing, Inc. 2737 NW I 9th Street Client: Pompano Beach, FL — 33069 ProjeCt No. Ph (964) 582 9800 Fax (964) 582 9836 1 J-1 7226 cow ;OYM r-c.—1 oat. of r. CMK UaE XIALM BORING LOCATION PLAN Kaufman Garage Addition 1491 NW Wild Olive Court Palm City, Florida Rubin Custom Homes, LLC. 'Inn RJ + Auger Boring I NTS 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 11 rr,• - Pg 7/ BORING LOG Project Name Kaufman Garage Addition Project Number J-17225 Client Name Rubin Custom Homes, LLC. Boring Number AB-1 Boring Locat16o "See i Boring Location Plan Date Drilled 01/11/18 Water pepth €4' -511 Drilled By Jorge DEPTH SYM- DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL. Blow Depth N Value (FT) B"OL Counts (Ft) 0 0.5 Light Brown ND 0.5 1.0 1.0 n ti i u y fix. s v}Pr s lk:r a 1.5Brown 1,5 z s x SAND 2.0 i WY zit Lys a 1i57 2.0 2.5 2,5 z ark Brown D with ome oots 3.0 3.0 3.5 1-53 `e r;K rown AND 4.0 4.0 1 s- i 4 5 4.5 4 r {'" y& 0 { ray AN 5.0 07 �'t ��,,E << ��� .� A. 5.5 n 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 65 7.0 7.0Fraz, f }j CN 7.5 7 1.} fY tSt Lr End ot Boring 7.5 8.0 8.0 8 8 5 8.5 w f 6 9.0 x 9.0 9 r 9.5 9.5 r 10.0 10.0 10 10.5>{1 10.5 Y 11.0 11.0 cur 11.5 11.5 12.0 12.0k 12.5 12 12.5 13.0 13.0 13 }7F SyGY ate : t 4 13.5 13.5 i 14.0 14.0 14.5 14 a z x ` y , A' 14.5 15.0 F 15.0 15 15.5 16.0 16.0 t 16 16.5 17.0 17.07 17 17.6 17.5 18.0 18 0 78 E, ' of 18.5 18.5 's 20.0 20.0 20 Ground Elev. Not Known Completion Depth 7 Feet Type of Boring .Auger Boring Casing NIA Hammer Wt. N/A Hammer Drop Ht. NIA uEST 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 BORING LOG Pg 8/ Project Name Kaufman Garage Addition Project Number J-17225 Client Name . . Rubin Custom Homes, LLC. Boring Number AB-2 Boring Location See Boring Location Plan Date Drilled 01/11/18 Water Depth 14' - 5" Drilled By Jorge DEPTH SYM- DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Blow Depth Nvaiue (FT) BOL Counts (Ft) 1 o os 0. Light Brown SAND 1.0 1.0 1=•3 �� r�7sK`; 1.5 1.5 t4�, 20 2.0 2 5 2.5 2` 15 i r1 6fi /r.- Brown AND with Some Roots 3.0 3.0, F Y s� is , Gray SAND 3.5 3.5 s,>{{{'< 40 4.0 t ''tt,♦ar �2� � n �itsr� 4.5 q , 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 t 5 =xs { 5kr "` r.� 6.0 6.0 a _ 6.5 6 • eJ r > Vv t r1 7.0 5, 7.0 a i A�Yh 7.5 7.5 7 nd o Boring 8.0 r t,J<Y,wl fc 8.0 8 8.5 8.5 r k Mr 9.0 9.0 +y 7,FSG � k4� X Sk xY•,4 3 Jtl { 9.5 9.5 9 n r1 10.0 10.0 10 10.5 10.5 11.0 11.0 11.5 11.5 12.0 12.0 ` 12.5 12.5 12 ° , dW4tft 3l 4 `rh A 13r S 13.5 13.5 14.0 14.0 qq 14.5 14.5 3 c AY 4 �j� t ✓ �> 15.0\} 15.0 15.5 j>� �` F Uyy� 15.5' t`>i4 16.0 16.0 16 16.5 16.5 1 17.0 17.0 17.5 17 L �s t 17.5 A}fire at4 X 18.0 18.0 18.5 18.5 19.0 19.0 ' 19.5 i 19 aa,.{rrr yn 9.5 20.0I yr 20.0 20 Ground Elev. Not Known Completion Depth 7 Feet Type of Boring Auger Boring Casing N/A Hammer Wt. N/A Hammer Drop Ht. N/A QUEST 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 11 Pg 9/ Project Name, Kaufman Garage Addition Project'Number J-17225 Cliellt'Name .Rubin Custom Homes,.LLC. Boring Number AB-3 Boring Location ISee Boring Location Plan Date Drilled 01/11/18 Water Depth 14' - 5" Drilled By Jorge DEPTH SYM- DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Blow Depth N value (FT) BOL Counts (Ft) 0 ° 0.5 Light Brown SAND 0.5 f �t 1.0 1.0 2.0 ?unu fjai 4 2+ L 2 2 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 ' t y �7 can 3:5/ 3.5 a rr q ,ro 1 c ark Brown D 4.0 57 ySis j y 4.0 a IfU z r1 rsi j tk ray A D 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 e Y 5.5 6,0 h V 7 J} yY 6.0 r� 6.5 s )J n 6.5 la R,F, - -. 43 W k 7.0 7.0 x 7.5 <`f� x )Y k n o Boring 7.5 V 8.0r' I� 8 Q 8 s:. rf 8.5 8.5 , 9.0 9.0 9.5 91 y 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.5 10.5 ; 11.0 r ". 11.0 Jvr'H _ f z 11.5 11.5� 12.0 12.0 12 a 12.5 12.5 13.0 x 13.0 13.5 7s fJiyt:l 13.5 14,0 14.0 14 14.5 14.5 15.0 7 s 15.0 15.5 15.5 3 16.0 16.0 16 i r 16:5 r 17.0 17.0 17 J ! 17.5 17.5 18,0 18.0 Y r 18.5 18.5 18 19019 19.0 19.5 19.5r 20.0 20.0 I _ w- 20 Ground. Elev. Not Known Completion Depth 7 Feet Type of Boring Auger Boring Casing NIA Hammer Wt. N/A Hammer Drop Ht. NIA 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 _ Pg10/ Client Rubin Custom Homes, LLC 4253 SW Meadows Highway Palm City, FL 34990 Consulting Engineering Testing SHORT FORM AGREEMENT Project Kaufman Residence 1491 NW Wild Olive Court Palm City, Florida Attention Mr. Steve Rubin Ph (772) 283 0553 Fax (866) 480 7498 Mob (561) 222 1392 entail srubincustomhomes@gmail.com Prop. No. P-17271 Date 10/10/17 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY RATE ($} I AMOUNT ($) Soil Compaction Tests: 1 Proctor Test No. 1.00 100.00 100.00 2 f In Place Density Tests (Min. 4 per Trip) No. i 4.00 25.00I � 100.00 I TOTAL) 200.06 Conditions: 1. The work will be done in accordance with the attached QuEST General Conditions. Acceptance Sincerely, Quest Engineering Services Testing, Inc. R a Ja4an, P.E.Xz a' Agreed to by on Signature: Title: Company: Quest Engineering Services & Testing, Inc. Jupiter Ph (561) 747 8886 Pompano Beach Ph (954) 582 9800 Fax (954) 582 9836 01/29/18 11:18AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 t Pgll/ GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. PARTIES AND SCOPE OF WORK: Quest Engineering Services & Testing, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "QuEST") shall include said company or its branch, subsidiary or affiliate performing the work. "Work" means the specific engineering, testing or other service to be performed by QuEST as set forth in QuESTs proposal. "Client" refers to the person or business entity ordering the work to be done by QuEST. The ordering of worts from QuEST shall constitute acceptance of QuESTs proposal and these General Conditions. The client assumes sole responsibility for determining whether the quantity and the nature of the work ordered by the client are adequate for the client's intended purpose. The scope of our services does not include verifying compliance with life safety, fire safety and/or OSHA safety requirements. 2. SCHEDULING OF WORK: The services set forth in QuES'Ps proposal after client's acceptance will be accomplished in a timely and professional manner by QuEST at the prices quoted. If QuEST is required to delay commencement of the work or is required to stop or interrupt the progress of its work as a result of changes in the scope of the work requested by the client, interruptions in the progress of construction, or other causes beyond the direct reasonable control of QuEST, additional charges will be applicable and payable by client. 3. ACCESS TO SITE: Client will provide the requisite access to the site for QuEST to perform the work. QuEST shall take reasonable measures/precautions to minimize damage to the site as the result of its work or the use of its equipment. QuEST cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the testing or incidental to the testing. 4. SAMPLE DISPOSAL: Test specimens or samples will be disposed immediately upon completion cf the test. All drilling samples or specimens will be disposed thirty (30) days after submission of QuESTs report. 5. RESPONSIBILITY: QuEST shall not be responsible for supervising or implementing the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, evaluating, reporting or affecting job conditions conceming health, safety or welfare. QuEST has no right or duty to stop the contractor's work. 6. WARRANTY: QuEST warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein, have been promulgated after being prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice in the industry. No other warranties are implied or expressed. Statements made in QuESTs reports are opinions based upon engineering judgments and should not be construed as facts. Should QuEST or any of its professional employees be found to have been negligent in the performance of its work, or to have made and breached any expressed warranty, representation or contract, Client, all parties claiming through client and all parties claiming to have in any way relied upon QuEST's work agree that the maximum aggregate amount of the liability of QuEST, its officers, employees and agents shall be limited to $10,000.00 or the total amount of fee paid to QuEST for its work performed on that project, whichever sum is greater. 7. PAYMENT. Client shall be invoiced periodically for work performed during the preceding period. Client agrees to pay each invoice within twenty five (25) days of its receipt. Client further agrees to pay interest on all amounts invoiced and not paid or objected to for valid cause in writing within said period at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum until paid. Client agrees to pay QuEST's cost of collection of all amounts due and unpaid after sixty (60) days, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. These General Conditions are also notice that QuEST shall file a lien whenever necessary to collect past due amounts. Failure to make payment within 25 days of invoice shall constitute a release of QuEST from any and all claims which client may have, in tort or contract, whether known or unknown then. 8. INDEMNITY: Subject to the foregoing limitations, QuEST agrees to indemnify and hold client harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, costs and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs arising out of QuEST's negligence to the extent of QuESTs negligence. Client shall provide the same protection to the extent of its negligence. In the event of a law suit, the client shall pay to QuEST the costs and expenses incurred by QuEST to investigate, answer and defend it, including reasonable attorneys'/witness fees and court costs to the extent that QuEST prevails in such suit. The contract may not be assigned to a third party without written authorization from QuEST. 9. TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated by either parry upon ten day's prior written notice. In the event of termination, QuEST shall be compensated by client for all services performed up to and including the termination date, including reimbursable expenses. 10. WITNESS FEES: QuESTs employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate, written agreement. Client agrees to pay QuESTs legal expenses, administrative costs and fees pursuant to QuEST's then fee schedule for QuEST to respond to any subpoena. 11. PROVISIONS SEVERABLE: In the event any of the provisions of these General Conditions should be found to be unenforceable, it shall be stricken and the remaining provisions shall be enforceable. 12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and may be amended or terminated only in writing, signed by each of the parties hereto. 02/01/18 11:46AM GMT-05:00 5 YA, , '8664807498' —> 7724621578 Pg 1/ Please see the attached NOC, ARB Approval and credit auth for the Hunzeker Residence. Please let me know if you need anything else I will be there in the morning to pick up the permit. Thank you, Tiffany Ooley Rubin Custom Homes recel2t.ionl.rnbincustomhomesta) .F,nail.com Office# 772-283-0553 RECEIVED FEB 01 202 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 02/01/18 11:46AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' —> 7724621578 JOSE.PH E . SMITH, CLEui OF THE FILE # 4396517 OR BOOK 4092 CIRCUIT COURT - SAZNT Lc;CIE COUNTY PAGE 1347, Recorded 01/31�. R C EEIVED FEB 01 2018 NOTICE OF CC3MNfFNCENTENT � a4zti ounty, Permitting Permit No. _� .%�� t .` 1�'� _ Property Tax ID No. ._ _ - State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that itmprovenlent will be roade to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 113, Morida Statutes; the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description of property and address if available. 12394 Harbour Ridge Blvd 5-5 South Share Village Unit 5-5 (or 4016-1948 General description of improvements Window Install n,.,.,arn"v,.a Kenneth $ Patricia Hunzeker Address 11310 Stonelodge CT. Reston VA 201111 _ F Interest in property: Fee ;Simple 'Title holder (if other than owner) _.. __.... _._.._ ._ &-ddres5 ContractoriL;tY\ :'rddress���� ``� � � � 1�C xc�V � L Fax u Snrety Phone#4, Address Fax Amount of Bond Leader _ _ Phone # Address Fax n Persons }within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) I., Florida Statues: :Name _. —._ Phone ## Address _ _ _ ... - - _ Pax H In additinn to himxelf, owner designates --ot Phone 0 Fax 4 to receives copy of the L,ienor's Notice -is provided in Section '13.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. F_xpiration date ot'noti.ce. of commencement is pne year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. WARNI NG Tit OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS AAf)f BY TIT: OR'\.1R AFTER THE EXPIRATION 01' 7VE NOTICE Or COMMENCEMENT AR.F. CONSIXERF.r] iMPROPFR PAYMF.N TS Ui,:UER CH:I13.13, F.5_, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYJWG'rWICL 1'OR JMPROVHML'NTS TO YOURPROPER'rY. A NOT.ICr Or CONIMRNC.` TENT MU 1' BE RECORDED AND POSTP.D ON T11i7.10111 SITE nl F'OR THETIRSTINSFECTION. IP YOU INTENDTO 013TA N :rINZ 1NCINIQ .00NS1.7l;r Wrl'H YOUR LI:NDL•Tt OR AN ATTORNEY .BF.FORF. C:OMMENCIING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE or LanamcrNel���T. /� ? ifs Ownei/(.esscc, orCYwucr's .u• Lessee's A nthorihld U(ricer/DirectorlPnrinedP•7anagcel5iPnnture gnRtan,•'s'.fitletOffiec - -'- - � State of Florida, Count of_,l_ Ac wle g dlieforc Inc this--=+ day of �.�i=f-----ZO l�%� by 1 G�ii (;tGt i F 12L�i_ �vhU t 1.31own -to nie.or Avho has produced as identification. i ~ Type or Print Fame of Notary =� : �• 3Hc Signature of\atary i° V: q'•_ _ RRIKEt,t • '.:Cornm;ssion#Fr < '.:p�g��Pi(es0tyob 595L,9 Title: Notary Ppkrlie Commission Number ere. 2D2U _ aoraedtAm7roYrahllk't&xotCti136670 Pg 5/ 02/01/18 11:46AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' -> 7724621578 5 '. Pg 2/ 02/01/18 11:46AM GMT-05:00 '8664807498' 7724621578 Pg 4/ BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE. FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 772-462-1553 FAX 772-462-1578 TO: St Lucie County RE: Permit #... Credit -Card Users: 1.5% Sureftr#e OddedPer transaction. Payments must be received .in this department by 4-00 PM for transaction to be processed that day, if not it will be processed the following business day. VISA MASTERCARD . . .............. Credit Card Number . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiration Date ode 3 digit security cod Amount surcharge Business, Nar Authorized S Print Name, .. ......... . Phone: ... . . ...... . .......... Fax: %malk Comments: ............. -sLtPDSD kev,'kd-4/0f/P0J0 EN