HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnderlayment Option BFRSA)TR_I,' M-6del"Ti'le bkjide­hnes —AuMJ,§V,!005,: System .Four G 'U..ndeilaymeiiit:Option "'Bl.I NOTE- The following tabh� 4-K &;Oodtf These _s.s(e4q,,qan(qqly,.b"e. used on ,pitches, designated jgn lle)# 'bqloW: Sjopq Of' Rbijf, Direci Deck-, Choice of UndbrhLy.ments- Pla C.-O ment a Penetrating Undertaym6nts.. Ref6rence 2':12"'and Dlieb.t 1'. Hbf-'Mop No.3,9-,or_'Np-.43/90#, Orgarfic.or-I -'Required; 3.'02A beck- lVlbdficd Cap Sheet; greater. Deck, :Orgardc orMba6 d-- Cap;%eei j�'. SelfAdheredSee:.n6te Adheted.Uriderl ent -Applied below greater _N.reC__' Direct to Wood Deck: 2': I'T?'.and Direct 4..N6.10/Self-Adhered Underlayment S66,iiOte bptft, 8.02D gfeata, bttk As'lested, Direct 5. Alternative Membranes See,00ie Mow 3.-'02E- NOTE: Refer -,tb-und&tlaym6dt,--ihanufaletur6k'?§i!i6eohitft6Mitti6jig. COPY.- 3.-02 si­_Ystem, #4, - Option 4 6W U n er, ay -,men Application Choose one of the following d' I NOTE On cap -,sheet;, cuf fishmouths.and, 1h dald flashing se cement and' br"-' where applicable. adhin- Table I Anchor Aw�WW4*" 9 WGIE"' Anchor, sheet shall be wmifiimamI-,pIys in the. valley., !, IVo 36&N -tq� J�- d ;the �� men. 0�,4,3 can b Uw� fq p with files system (except on,.S.'02!Q. A., fktMqpApplication /Wdrpi Modified Cap Sheet .(See I?t]a-l), 9- A, iwo-­pty,-x66fa I!The' 6 ,pp cafton commonly call6da, �H&Mqe"Sysierm '�rodf--cover'.is't'er.nuna ed. at xi etal sh-&t- <be,mdcOallyI;4ttdbh6d,'I_to ;the wood nai mgs.,A _0300N �d& "si ."" t Oft f4% spa to or fig caps, rou nd , .. ov Wh O Sheds Fastening Tables I .'io5C.-Ex,tend,anchor--she&t,,-am"uu'm'um,,.df--,-.41'jup-ver.'ticid surfaces. Anchor Sheet side.laps Shall be a,rrununum 6" ,and Bead sh 1"lini of±�.'.Ovdf installed anchor.sh of y� e afionrate--of 2 1 5VI sq ��f, 4ppl' "th cap- sheet ;w.i .,an� . /�_-±.15,0k-moppmg. of asghatt. x . Pet' W� Vu, s sheet ..... . sheet, alla lapsand. . is, v Bead laps back nailed 121'lon center: B,: Cold Process Apphcattan�- No 30 or No 43/9(i# Organic or Modified Cap Sheet (See Drawing B-1�)- A.,two ply.,,roof-:application commonl.'y, called a. - C761d,_Process.? SyStem, A No3fl�.or/NW_43 anchor, sheet shall be.hk Ihed 'the wQQ'k .w1 s, ro cap, nails 'or. -other �.fasiener.s�..�paced,.according lu-Anchor-�Sheds: 'Fastening 'lables.* Extend anchor _ftc or.".."i We. M Claps: shall be':a. rn,n mum of 6" and head laps shall be a minimum Of �`Ovet instatled anchor skqot,ripply the zavsheet. dn.a,continuoM layer ;of cold process adhesive at4he rate,, of L5,-gal/sq, or according to underlay hu�dhi5siid t&dis. iec6mme6datio..Cbb Sheet --side'. .. shall 27 -on center -be a_minim=-ofW?,:_headfays �shall be of 3"Ind backnailed 1 7, wady ,n. s5 ig y- cap- _qO Process sheeta nwIn. Y, on, ddto spot _.qt ". p t.laDs-;.9t:a maximurTof..,3,'-,.-on-cen-t6r.-, Cz D Self-,A�dhere.d��Uhderlay.,�ment,.�",,Applied " -4,* Wo.d.-Decl, Direct A single ply underlayrriett system utilising self adhered underlaymenf df;a8h Apply one, layer- of s ered undbrlaymeni in compliance with Self:-adfiered!underlayment-,manufacturersI ,D_ No.36/S6lf:Adhered-'-Underfqy.rneni A two --ply roof :APP cationatt zinglu seIf='aAh red i_me'rI4ymentN030 felt shdI be. attached to theyvK p4*-VitIf "i,apd_' tift d or. ,otherfastetiers.,,spa . cedaccording- to Anchor ._Sheeis, 5,CEkt"en'd.,andhor.,sheef-a vertical k..,Ag laps,-.shall',*be -a minimum m—imum of'T":,.-,,OVerinsialled,:andhor-.she6t,,,apply one_.'Iayer-,6ft:self-:adhered A coiripliahc& with the tielf adhered underl'aymerit manufacturers' Too 0!1:, R A-Iternative Membranes, cin to AOY product�P�Wtgbf OP&p7 the, appli cation beentested in compliance -with- the, building - a ­ prepare& roo&,covering,