HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Panel Wallsa ✓ s��a i + fF �x`t sMr r ��, �„ y•4 h .. ♦ 4 J�/S/{` f �ir�.c`4 , r 'rr ;C. ri �ir.,�6y� a]•�,�,. 1r � '��,ty`�( 'fr•��� � is s �a.4 asrrt�r�;- e�naE usrit, ai4lst#�' �idt Pit Ho6da Depaftwnt(f r> Product Approval Professik fi P. USM: Public User Regul• tbn Llunseeffi�imdy. fitguldie(341y. .. f b W ytatt� ,�Fg Appi e e Application Type Code Version Application Status eftail Comments Archived' Product Manufacturer Ply Gem Siding Group Address/Phone/Email 2405 Campbell Road ` Sidney, OH 45365 (937)498-6720 alan-hoying@plygem.com Authorized Signature Alan Hoying Alan.h,oying@ply.gem.com Technical. Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Panel Walls Subcategory Soiiits Compliance Method Evaluation. Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received' Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the AIIenN. Reeves Evaluation Report Florida license PE-19354 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ted Berman, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate ,of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL17673 R0 COI VariformSoffitCOI-2014FBC odf Standard AAMA 1402 ASTM D3679 Year 1986 2009 File COPY Product Approval Method Method 1 Option. D a Date Submitted 04/24/2015 Date Validated 04/28/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 05/04/2015, - Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary FL # er or Name Description 17673.1 !HVHZ- ffits !No! Aluminum & Vinyl Soffits Limits of Use Approved foruse ed for use es Impact Resis Design Pressure: N/A Other: See Product Evaluation Report for Design Pressures Installation Instructions FL17673 RO II VariformSoffitinstallationDetail 2014FBCodf Verified By: Allen N. Reeves 10354 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17673 RO AE VariformSoffitEvaluationReoort-2014FBC bdf FL17673 RO AE VariformSoffitInstallationDesians- 2014FBC.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes sack Next Contact. Us 1. 1940 North Monme'Stm t llahas a Fl 3 Monek 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AAjEEp employer. r'ooyrieht2007-2013StatO of Fbdda, [:.privacy Statement :: Aocessthity Statement :: Refund statement Under Florida law, eman addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address ' released in response to a public -records request,do not send electronic man to this entity. Instead, contact the of ice,byphone or by traditional mail If you have anjquestions, .please contact 850.487.1395.'Pur nt to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1,2012;.Ikensees Gcerrsedunder Chapter 455, F.$: mustprovide the Department with an emai addrss if they have one. The email provided may used for official communication with the licensee. However emai aiddresses:are public record: If you donotwish to supply a personal address, please provbde the Department with an email address which can be made availableto the pubGc:To determineF you ate a licensee Linder Chapter455, F.S:, please dick here Product Approval Accepts: go IME ER M 5CCUritv.51;.T11rC5 a ALLOWABLEDESIGN WIND PRESSURESIN?SF -. SHORT SPAN TABLE . VARIFORM - EAVE WIDTH IN INCHES 10" t2" 16" SOFFIT TYPE Double (Aluminum)12", Nails +169.1 +135.3 +96.6 Solid-36780 Vented-36781 -169.1 -135.3 -96.6 Double 6 (Aluminum)12", Staples +169.1 +1353 +96.6. Solld-36780 Venttd-36781 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 Triple 4 (Alpmiriuin)12". Nulls Solid- 3669.4 +169.1 +135.3, +96.6 C..Vent-3G695 Full Vent -36696 .169.1 435.3 _-96.6 Triple4 (Aluminum)I ,Staples Solid-36694 +169.1 +135.3 +96.6 Center Vent - 36695 Ful)Vent-.36696 477.0 -141.6 -101.1 Qusd4(Alumlaum):1G',Ne1ls, +126.8 +101,5' +72.5 Solid-36797 Vented-36798 .126.8 -101.5 -72.5 Quad 4 (Aluminum) 161, Staples +126.8 +101:5 +72.5 Solid-36797 Vented-36798 -132.8 -1062 +106.8 -75.9 DurabufltDoubie6,(Aluminum)12,:Nails +133.5 +763 SoUd-36782 Vented-36783 -133.5 -106.8 -76.3 DarabuiltDebbie 6(Aluminum)12",.Staples +133.5 +10618- +7613 Solld-36782 Ve -11-36783 -177.0 --141.6 -101.1 DurabuiltTriple 4 (Aluminum) 12". Nails +133.5 +106.9 +76.3 Solid-36687 CcntTVent-36688 -133.5 -1063 -76.3 Fu)IVent-36689 DutnbuiltTriple 4.(Aluminum).12",.Staples +133.5 +106.8 +76.3 Solid -36687 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 Center .Vent =36688 Fall Vent-.36689 - +9216 .013 T4 (Alumitmm) l2", Nai'ts Solid 36768 +115.7 +66.1 ConwVent-36769 Vented-36770 -115.7 .92.6 -66.1 .013.714,(Alumbnvn)12",Staples Soiid36768+115.7 +92:6 +66.1 Center Vcni-36769 Vented-36770 .177i0 -141.6 +165.3 -101.1 Bea lcd (Vinyl) 7", Nails +206.6 +1183 , Solid-157 Vented-158 -104.0 .83.2 -59.4 Headad (Vinyl) 7", Staples +206.6 +165.3 +118.1 Solid-151 Vented-158 -123.9 -.99.2 -70.9 Double 5Standard .(Vinyl)10",Nulls +206.6 +165.3 +118.1 Solid-144 Veaicd-145 .72.8 -59.3 -41.6- Double5Stoadaid(VinyoID"- +2066 +165.3 +118.1 _ Solid '-144. V - -145 ;B -69.4. -49.6 Doubles utn(Viny1)10";Neils +227. +18I ,8 +129.9 td- 140 Vented- 141 $0.1 -64.1 -)5.6 ouble 5 Premium (Vinyl) 10"; Staples +227.3 +181:8. +1299 Solid-d A5.4 -76.3 +157.0 -54.5 (Vinyl)l2",Nails Solid-230 +196.3 +112.2 - Center Vent-231 Full Vent - 232. 5 46.1 -32.9 le ? yl)II2 "a¢r1a 35 �230_ +196.3 +157.0 +i 122 Vent 271FutllVart,-232 -68.7 -54.9 -392 Trivent Triple 3 T/3-. myl 10", Nulls - +22 +191.8 +1299 Solid 133 Hidden Vent-134 1 64.1 AS.8 TriventTriple 3l/3;(Vinyl)10",Staples +227.3 +181.8 +129.9 Solid-133 Hlddea wiL -95.4 -763 -54,5 . Details that go with this table appear on Sheet 1 of 2 DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED IN TABLESARE BASED ON COMPARATIVE AND RATIONAL ANALYSES DONE IN BR PROJECT 15030002 AND ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND THE 2614 FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE. THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE IN SECTION 1609.1 AND THE 2014 FLORIDA RESIDENTTAL.CODE IN SECTION R703.1 DIRECTLY MANDATE THAT THE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES ON SOFFITS ARE TO BE THE SAME AS THE ADJOINING WALLS. WHERE SHORT SPAN AND LONG SPAN TABLES OVERLAP, THE LOWER VALUES GOVERN AND SHOULD BE USED IN INSTALLATION DESIGNS. i j C 1 F/isTENERS yiy EAchr NA./L /r-/4 fi.RB /z/LONG ROOFING- maiLS WIT// ar/( JNANI(3` AAJD s."O HEADS''OR STAPLES yyiT// N LONG LEGS AMP y� / (l6 G4,M) .SEE TRBCES FASCIA- QoaRo 4ROA.PD %Cl ✓� .Woo v.� �, OR' -SOFF-fr. >A•L+E¢ hJETAt Sce ZAin4 S 'F`rNANNEG. WJTH ensE MA.tDNRJf TRIM I NAADENG b "r*12A 4-1'U4 BLacM wA(1 6AVQ wim NAILS o, o971�X �rrLoN6 EAVE WIDTH SEE TABLES @ 250MAX/MLM SPACING SEB 7'g6J.ES SOFFITS • la/ITN N/ASOA/Rv Black WALLS' M07' To SCALE rAs-rpN6XS AT 6A,eN NA)I- qem E/TN.E,Q yi"LeN.S Ava FING Np/A.S wlrR ye SHAVWX .VNO ?u0..Ne'aaJ,_ aR' STAPLES "WO LEGS ANf Al`)JG G4GE� �A SEE TABG£S -� FACIA rA JM 7-1MA)ER TR4A2/IVa ' Sd6 TABG -� 1 P'ArifN[Rr�SPaeIM SAME-'4T 97 AUCIA SOFFIT WlrH WODD RRAMEb WALL. ___ NOT rO SCAL HR Engineering, Inc. 6ATE•3b AVGOSd Lott. PROJECT CUFNT, VAR/ FOR Al 11 SYL REEVES _ MECT 21 2Xf WooO TArwNr .UGocH Co 37�GIt WALL - ✓'.. �NANNEJ_y SAe1E- AS q7- FA.feg ALTERNATE WAAL b_ETAtL Nor To JCALFc FASTENERS AT EACH NAIL i/M88R PcAl Eyrmair / "40,ve e20'/4 i760F/NGr NA/4 S .iVITN j n� SNAWNJ / AIV-1%"01/EAb j oR srAFtE4 WTp I-Odc EEGs 4,vo CI; GAPF,� Sze rlW as FASCIA BOARo � ' /x2 so SEE TABiE$ 'SAVE W/OTH SEE 7AOtLTS SOFF/r ! rv. ROoF i"h'A/✓//NG ' ,NOT 'rO SC4LE - "- Z3 iQ/R7L 2oJ5d P' �No.19354� Tense #19354 ,Cif iE p'. STATE OF W 6SHEET / OF ■ ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES IN PSF LONG SPAN TABLE VARIFORM EAVE WIDTH IN INCHES SOFFIT TYPE 12" 15" 181, 21" 24" Double 6 (Aluminum)12", Nails +288 +170.4' +112.5 +79.8 +59.5 Solid-36786 Vmted-36781 -275.3_ -1629 -107.6 -76.3 -569 Double 6 (Aluminum) 12", Staples +288 +170.4 +1125 +79.8 +59.5 ' Solid-36780 Vented-36781 -275.3 -162.9 .107.6 -76.3 -56.9 Triple 4 (Alvminum)12", Nails SoOd-36694 +288 +170.4 +112.5 - +79.8 +59S CentvV. 36695 FullVent-36696 275.3 -1629 107.E -76.3 -5.9 Tdple4 (Alummn)12",Staples Solid- +288 +170.4 +112,5 +79.8 +59.5 36694 Center Vmt-36695 FullVent-36696' -275.3 •162.9 -107.6 -76.3 -56.9 Quad 4(Alum inum)16".Nails +216A +127.9 +84.4 +59.8 +44.6 Sand-36797 Nestled-36798 -206.5 -122.2 -80.7 -57.2 -42.7 Quad 4(Aluminum)16".Staples . '+216.0 +127.8 +84A +59.& +44.6 Solid -36707 Vented-36798 -206.5 -122:2 -80.7. -57.2 42.7 DumbuiltDouble 6(Aluminum).12",Nails . +2273 +134.5 +88.8 +63.0 +47.0 Solid-36782 Vented-36783 -217.4 -128.6 -84.9 -60.2 -44.9 DumbuiltDouble 0(Aluminum)12",Staples +227.3 +134.5 +88.8 +63.0 +47.0 SGIW-36792 VM&A-36783 -217A -128.6 -84.9 -60.2 -449 DurabuiltTriple 4(Aluminum)12",Nails +2273 +134.5 +88.8 +63.0 +47.0 Solid-36687 Center Vent -36689 -217.4 -128.6 -84.9 -60:2 -44.9 pttl1 Vent - 36689 DumbuiltlTlpla4(Aluminum)It, Staples +2271 +134.5 +88.8 +63.0 +47.0 Solid -36687 Center Vent- 36688 FullVent-36689' -217.4 --128.6 -84:9 -60.2 44S .013T4.(Aluminum)12",Ntdis Solid-36768 +197.1 +116.6 +77.0 +54.6 +40.7 Ccnt.Vent-36769 Vented-36770 -188.4 -111.5 43.6 -52.2 -38.2 .013 T4 (Aluminum)12",Sd7676+197.1 ro3hl730 +116.6 +77.0 +54.6 +40.7CenerVent-36769 -188A. -111.5 -73.6 -52.2 -38.2 Beaded (Vinyl)7";Nails +4276 +253.0 +167.0 +11&4 +88.3, Solid-157 Vented-158 45.9 -73.7 '599, -50.5 43.6 Beaded (Vinyl) r', Staples +427.6 +253.0 +167.0 +118.4 +88,3 Solid=157 Vented-I58 -99.2 -76.3 -62.0 -52.2 -45.1 Daubte53taadard(Vinyl)10 NNails +2993 +177.1 +116.9 -+82.g +61.8 Solid--144 Vwtod-145 67,I -51.6 -41.9 -35.3 -30.5 Double 5 Stan (Vinyl)10", Staples +299.3 +177.1 +116.9 +82.9 +61.8 Solid -144 Vented-145 ,69.4 -53.4 -43.4 -36.5_ -31.5 Double 5Premium (Vinyl)10 Nails 329.2 +194.8 +128.6 +91.2 +68.0 Solid-140 Vented -141 -73.8 -56.8 46.1 -38.8. -33.6 DoubleSPremium (Vinyl)FO"-Staples 329.2 +194.8 +128.6 +91.2 +68.0 Solid-140Vented-141 -763 •58.7 -47.7 -40, -34.7 Triple4(Vinyl)12",Nails Solid-230 -+236.9 +1402 +92.6 +65.6 +49.0 Center Vent-231 FullVmt-232 -53.1 1109_ -33.2 -28.0 -24,1 Triple 4 (Vinyl) 12 , Stepies Solid-230 +236.9 +140.2 +92.6 +65.6 +49.0 Center Vmt- 231 Full Vain -232 _54,g .42,3 -34.3 -28.9 -25.6 TriventTriple 3'la, (Vinyl)10",Neils 929.2 +194.8 +128.6. +912 +68.0 Solid 133 Hidden Vent-134 -73.8 -56.8 46.1 1 .38.8 -336 TriventTriple 3M,(Vidyl)1r,Staples 329.2 +194.8 +12 X +91.2 +68.0 Solid-133 Hidden Vent-134 -76.3 -58.7 -47.7 -40.2 -34.7 De" that o with this table at'o found on Sheet 1 of 2 LEGEND Double 6 has "V".grooves every 6" across width, and each pawl is 12" wide. Triple orT4 has'grooves every 4"across width, and each panel is 12' "" wide. Quad 4 ha8 "V";groovos every 4" across width, . and each panel is 161 wide. Beaded 7" has "V" grooves every 7" across width; and each panel is 7" wide, Double 5 has'N grooves every 5'* across width, and each panel is 10" wide. I Triple3 lbhL "V" grooves every 3•1I3" across width, and each panel is 10" wide. M&M,14if WMN "'84 P." WOOD Scsez wr F ASCI A ,BOgRd fAdC/R 7`RI M RAI43CA rR A Al � Z=O",MAXInOM Ss"Ae/N C' /yes LONG .QOO F/NC NAILS OR STAPL&.t Wir# /"LONG f_ECSx-4'i(/f. ' 6A 6L ) (d JK eAOd N41L 0&4 VAR/FaRl7 -� 'For, i ica ML'L7'(il'AN TABLE l2�' .� G'71AN(J�LA MAX. :M4k, IFASrXM&Af �ICArlNC AJ &A'VE WIDrN (/NLIN)/TED AT 94r7'GNS S�Ff�r fO/Q w/OF. _cAVr_S AND E)(TER/OR Cell /N NOT TO SCALE REV, HR Engineering, inc. OATF:, --Vd R/Vh a- 11 __ Z 3 +7I•C !c � o l5