HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Single 6 Panel Impact1 - FiniiaaD ro 4 Iv, BCiS Home j tog In User Registration Hot Topic i Submit Surcharge Stats & Fads Publications FBC Staff j BClS Site Map Links ; Search Oz.,Product Approval USER: Public User /� Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List >' pi lion tail Fl-# 7184-113 Application Type Revision f Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida license Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Plastpro Inc. / Nanya Plastics Corp. 5200 W CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 (4440) 969-9773 Ext 16 rickw@rwbldgconsuitants. com Vivian Wright ritkW@iwbidgconsultants.com Scott Johnson 5200 W Century.Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 (440) 969-9773 Ext 18 scot#ohnson@plastproinc.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. PE-43409 National Accreditation & Management Institute 12/31/2018 Ryan 3. King, P.E. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL17184 R3 CQI Certificate of Independence odf Standard. AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I. S.2/A440 ASTM E1886 ASTM E086 ASTM E1996 ASTM E1996 ASTM E1996 ASTM E330 TAS 201, 202, 203 Year 2005 2005 2002 2002 File ile copy'. -A 2005 2002 1994 Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17184 R3 II Inst 17184 6 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A ( Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17184.6 for any additional use limitations, I FL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 6 odf i installation instructions and product particulars. i Created by Independent Third Party: Yes J 17184.7 g. Fiberglass Door Up to a 3'0 x 8'0 Glazed "Non -Impact" Fiberglass Single Door With a Sidelite (OX or XO Configurations) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17184 R3 II INST 17184.7. pdf I Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17184.7 for any additional use limitations, F117184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 7 pdf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes t ( 17184.8 h. Fiberglass Door i Up to :a 3'0 x 8'0 Glazed "Non,Impact" Fiberglass Single Door I I with Sidelites (OXO Configuration) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17184 R3 II INST 17184 8 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created; by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports 1 Other: See INST 17184.8 for any additional use limitations, FL17184 .R3 AE EVAL 17184 8 odf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.9 I 1. Fiberglass Door Up to 60. x 8'0 Glazed "Non -Impact" Fiberglass Double Door (XX Configuration) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No. FL17184 R3 II INST 17184 9 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified Byc Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other See`INST 17184.9 for any additional use limitations, FL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 9 odf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.10 �j.berglass Door UP to a.6'0 x 8'0 Glazed "Non -Impact" Fiberglass Double Door with•Sidelites (OXXO Configuration) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved foruse in.HVHZ No FL17184 R3 II INST 17184 SOpdf Approved_for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other. See INST 17184.10 for any additional use limitations, FL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 10 odf + installation instructions and product particulars. Created`by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.11 I k. Fiberglass Door I Up to a 3'0:x 6'8 Opaque "Impact" Fiberglass Single Door (X l C Configuration). Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved. for use in HVHZ: No I_17184 'R3 II INST 17184.11_nrlf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other. See INST 17184.11 for any additional use limitations, FL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 11 pdf installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.12 1. Fiberglass Door Up to a 3'0 x 68 Opaque "Impact' Fiberglass Single Door with a Sidelite (OX or XO Configurations) inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17184 R3 II INST 17184 12 odf + Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 17184.12 for any additional use limitations, fL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 17 odf installation instructions and product particulars. i Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17184.13 m. Fiberglass Door Up to a TO x 6'8 Opaque "Impact" Fiberglass Single Door with a Sidelite (OXO Configuration) Inswing/Outswing Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No. R-17184 R3 II INST 17184 13 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Design Pressure: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ,N/A Other. See INST 17184:13 for any additional use limitations, Evaluation Reports FL17184 R3 AE EVAL 17184 13 Ddf Installation instructions and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i plastpro M-it 5200 W. CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 '.�S••.. OPAQUE. FIBERGLASS .DOOR ►NSW►►VG / OUTSWING IMPACr' GENERAL NOTES 1. This: product has been evaluated and is in compliance w)th the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome. debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level"DI and includes Wind Zone 4 as deFlnedin ASTM E 19M and Section 1609.1.2.2 of the FBC. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysts by a licensed engineer or registered architect. iABLE.OF CONTENTS SHEET# I DESCRIPTION Typical elevation, deslgn pressures, R general notes 2 Door panel details 3 Horitontal cross sections 4 Vertical cross sections 5 Buck and fromeanchoring -2Xbuck masonry construction 6 Fromeanchoring -IXbuck masonry construction 7 Bill of materials & components V (V K 37.50" MAX. OVERALL a FRAME.WiDTH CF -1 F0 z N � O 5= a7 m w W e.. � X o 'o � c SWfNG OVERALL ` FRA/u(E ,,,DlMENSIt?N_ Dl SGN PRESSURE (PSl PfJS1T1VF� NEGATLVt: ° INSWING 37.50" x 82,00" +65.0 -70.0 OUTSWING 37.50" x 80.50" +65.0 -65.0 owc. sy: AL cKK. By. LFS ORFL"-1 NO,; FL17184.11 R1Cfients\Plattpm.In, PERMANUC\Flmido Roduct Appmvals\FL-17184\C- Drawing$\CuncntlFL-17184.1l-.2odvS 2.1 792S MAX. DOOR PANE. HEIGHT tV 0 C) LEI Z pC) v >C —EN goQ1 01 Q 'm Pn yO b m a m as o 0F71 0 0' Al vim I ao G n. 1 t� a Z Z n o y. G1 cf o to - - 'ti r�ir r �A x z V G•�. n oa n � rn O in" m m n 0 ;;u u a N R. O n N 3 Q m V 4 O �s 'n a= 3� m �z r� J " i1 z I 1-- i m —{ 1 a w n n - N N m O � z I'1S4+lkt ))�7�i No. 43409 ....w....... rraParaa PLASTPRO Lyn F- Schmidt F101aD1,•..' IN V o 2 N FTSERCLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 I� to m ��)p lllillt�` 41 04PART OR ASSEMBLY: }{ BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC. ca to 7 ' 22 15 UPA4TE TO 57H EO. (2014). FBC JK J 1��� P.O. Box 230. Velrico. FL 33595 NO DATE BY DOOR PANEL DETAILS Phone No.: 813.659:9197 REVISIONS FBPE CJA. No: 9813 R'llentsVbstp%InC PERMANWROcrida Produti Approv4s\FL-17181\C- Drawings\Cunert\Fl--17184.11.2odwo. 3.1: • a -Row l �eQ 0 FE M-- I - I m JR 22 ;u 0 Q 0 A ly m 0 I70 CA 0 W 4/ �O X �¢a V C n 0 C" m — m n a m v o ae as 1 4/22 15 UPDATE TO 5TN, ED.(2014) FBC. . JK. NO DATE I gy ``�`%SC 4lIIIi No.48409 r �lzz.r PR- PIASTPRO Dveumanta.Prep—r %rl,�I Lyndon F. Schmidt R FIBERGLASS DOOR RE No_ 43409 IIIIN1Q 'PART OR A4S—LY: RC(�/ BUILDING CONSULTANTS, - INC. HORIZONTAL. CROSS SECTIONS i�I�' P•o. sox 23D, Valrieo. FL 33595 Phone No.: 813.659:9197 FBPE C.R. No. 9813 J °° ° � ^ to , � . • ° ....... B° � ° u' '///t 1111 P\\\\ an m z° Z6. -• 9 � �. UNo L `9 gg S VrEa 1 N V .9 7 oLU mm / O C. moo' ( J E i NMa 7a<m C V a mdaT yLL 0 E oZ 40 � 'u 0 7 � Z � 40 zo 7 z1 0 INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR O y o 1� l 4 J VERTICAL CROSS SECTION Inswing shown=outswing 2 ` -VERTICAL CROSS SECTION a� also approved 4 - Shown w/iX sub -buck 0 ` o> a INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR AO lip s m z 30 31 40 w 33 F ^� -�5 f o a E °. A • av ° A 4 A Z O Dale 8 25 14 ° 3 SCRLe N.T.S. ° DWO.8W AL m' %31 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4VERTICAL CROSS SECTION cBK. BY. LFS 3 DaavnNc No.: a v FL-17184.11 0 q Inswingconfiguraiion 4 OUISwing.configuration SHEET 4. DF J N f MASONR' OPENNNC I 2X BUf BUCKANCHORING HINGEJAMS CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: I. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mmiar joints: 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as "MAX. ON.CENTER"must.be adjusted to maintain the Mtn. edgedistance to mortorjolnts, additional concrete anchors maybe required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER"'dimension are not exceeded. 3. Concreteanch'ortabiet ANCfOR ANCi10R 'M!N MIN GIEiIRANC[i MtN CLEARaNC� TYRE S1IE EMBEDMENT TO MASONt2Y TO ADJACENT ..._.. ., ....._EDGE AN.CHOR.....: ITw TARCON 1/4" 1-1/a" 2" 4" EL. C ULTRACONe 1/4" 1.1L4" 1" 4" WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES:' Mal t� d dldnnra. R f"n n ennnrnp.nf 1. Maintain a minimum 5/t3 edge distance, 1 en wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. W. �. zo � ''irrrNrl� TYP. HEAD 8: t MASONRY JAMBS g OPENING �Cll V FRAME 2X BUCK •a F TYP. SILL STRIKEJAMS RLJ •a FRAMEANCHONNG Masonry 2X buck construction HINGE DETAIL LATCH & DEADBOLT DETAIL va. ay, AL e ar: LFS NWtl7a Na.: IL —Ill 14.I1 �r 5 6F 7 a . a I MASONRY TYP. HEAD & JAMBS OPENING FRAME 1 X BUCK M F TYP'. SILL �a a a'o HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING Masonry I buck construction CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: I. Concrete anchorlocatlons at the corners may be adjusted to maintain the min: edge dfstance.famortarjoints. Z Concrete anchor locaftons noted as MAX. ON CENTER"must be a$justed to maintain the min, edge distance.to modar jotnfs, additional concrete anchors maybe;requtred.fo ensure fhe MAX. ON CENTER dimension are not exceeded. 3. Concrefeanchartable. ANEli ANCHOR M!N MfIV GLEARANCte; MrN OLEARAK? TYPE EMBEbM6NT TO MASONRY 70 ADjACEM ,St�E ;... :,. ,.:.:EbGE •,;;: ..:ANCHOR . ;':. PC-1/4" TAPCON 2" 4" ELCO ® ULTRACON 1 4" 1.1/4" 1" 4" WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION' NOTES: MdI fc' If H11 .I. R. 1 f.,,.,-r.,rt.,r I. Maintain a minimum 5/8 edge distance, I er wood screws to prevent the s�Ning of wood. STRIKE JAMB HINGE DETAIL LATCH 8 DEADBOLrDETAIL N.T.S. BY: AL BY., LFS NO ha; -17184.11 8 of 7 < • ............. •.M =w; * � =�r `y'7 z 41'p o0 / _. ��/•� J O.InO m vi tl 1� V N •: 'z c z.o V a' ! Em m m 456" 456" ---�j y` �� Oa 9 0 °' n cm o a m aaa a O E bz N 4! LF 20 NEAD &S1DE 2i HEAD 8 S1DE Jamb Poloberlamb o0 5 0 I . `^ I -"a" m w DU. Q. m �m m cl o11 o R X 0o W1NG THRESHOLD �1 LNG ING 7NRFSNOLD o s w G z 0 o m z Z a DATE 8 25 14 °z srvF N.T.S. 9 DWO, BY. AL m CHx. BY: LFS 3 DBAVONO ND.; FL-17184.11 a - o d SHEEP 7 OF % N BILL OF MATERIALS 11EM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A 1XBl1CKSG>=0.55 WOOD B 2XBUCKSG>=0.55 WOOD C. 1/4"MAX: SHIM SPACE O 1 /4"X 2�/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL. E .MASONRY', 3,OOD PSI MIN.'CONCItETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO'ASiM:C_90 CONCRETE F 1/4"X 2-i74"PFH ELCO OR ITW. CONCRETE SCREW STEEL G 3/16" X 3-1/4".PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL H 1 /4'' X 3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J 1 /4'.' X 3.3/4"PFH ELCO OR BW CONCRETE SCREW -STEEL L #10X2-1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL M #8 X 2-i /2" PFH WOOD SCREW g'� 6 .SEALANT SILICONE 7 WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 9 4"HINGE STEEL 10 #10X3/4"PFH .WOOD SCREW STEEL 20 JAMB FINGER -JOINT-PINE WOOD 21 POLYFIBER;'COMPOSITE JAMB POLYFIBER 27 LATCHSTRIKEPLATE STEEL 28 DEADBOL7PLATE STEEL 30 DOOR SWEEP 31 OUTSWING THRESHOLD BY DLP QOSH} ALUM,J WOOD 33 INSWING THRESHOLD BY DLP ISCS ..ALUM. WOOD 40 :DOOR PANEL =SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEEP FOR CQNSTRUCTION'DEIAIL& - 41 DOOR SKIN MIN.0.075"THICK PLAST-PRO/NANYA F .=11,063 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS 42 TOP RAIL CELLULAR PVC 43 LATCH. &HINGE STILE CELLULAR PVC 44 REINFORCEMENT WOOD FOR LOCKS WOOD 45 BOTTOM RAIL CELLULAR PVC 46 FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE 47 LATCH & HINGE STILEREINFCIREEMENT LVL