HomeMy WebLinkAboutVinyl Sliding Patio DoorNAIL FIN INSTALLATION I.In•MiN. EMBEDMENT 1 FPM%E STANCE ' FROM EDGE: ]/q• 2X WOOD FRAME M[N.DTSTANCE 3 FROM EDGE.?/A• IN M. DISTANCE 1/4° MAX 3' YA1L 114-MAX FROM EDGE: 3/49 SFD:M SPACE 16.T0 0.0. NAX. FROM sNtM SPACE HRU JAI{B RNERS IN, DISTANCE 12•7S' ROM EDGE: 3C/4" 3 D.C. MAX. THRJANB9 2X WOOD FRAME OJAI 1 �� 21 . .I.7nr "• 1 q,Tmt. P Edo "EMBEDMENT I rr G=o n �� Ill�i�ll �t • i . 1 • : . t—r DOOR WIDTH (190:025" MAX.) I TYPICAL ELEVATION wITY/FASTENER SPACING TWO, THREE AND FOUR PANEL CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED Installation Notes: 1., Seal flange/frame to substrate. 2, Use #10 PH or greater fastener through the nail fin with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1 1/2' into the wood framing. For 2x wood frame substrate (min. S.G. = 0.42). 3.. Host structure (wood buck, masonry; steel) to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all.loads to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect'or engineerof record for the project of installation, Digitally signed by Hermes F N,orero, 131. Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2015.07.1018:31:25-04'00' This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the window to achieve the rated design pressureup to the size limitations noted; It is not Intended as, a guide to the installation process and does not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall conditions. For the complete installation procedure,, see theInstructions packaged.with.the window or go to wwW.jeld=wen.com/resources/installation. DISCLAIMER. This:drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reproduced or copied 'in -whole or in .part or used or disclosed to others except as authorized byJELD-WEN Inc. r �0 SBB EeTaE eSStF X, GLAZING DETAIL WOOD -FRAME SECTION (TYP) VERTICAL SECTION .4.4 L✓u-w � W v l by � x'� Qa.n MIND: FROM E In. MIN. EMBEDMENT' WOOD FRAME SECTION,('TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION tIOTE: foA b.rn.a N. q ". A W. JOT-ny 51 Tf1TNr_ PATTn hnnD Max Frame. _DP RATING IMPACT 190 5/8" x 951/2" +/-50 1 yE5 Large and Smail Missile Impact General Notes: _ — 1. The product shown herein is designed, tested and'manufactured to comply with.the wind load criteria of the adopted International Building Code (IBC), the International Residential Code (IRC), the Florida Building Code (FBC) including HVHZ and the industry requirements for the stated conditions. 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300: 3. At minimum, glazing is 3/16" tempered;- airspace - 3116" annealed,- 0.09"'.SGP Interlayer by DuPont - 3/16" annealed, 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. 5. Installation methods can be interchanged within the same opening. 6; An impact protective systelnIs not required where wind borne .debris protection is mandated by local. building code. 7. Maximum sizes are buck sizes and do not include fin or flange. W& PROIECi'ENGiNEER: DATE: 02/25/13 3737 Lakeport Blvd., DR. Vez: .SCALE: JELDVEN Klamath Falls,-.QR. 97601, RA Vezo NTS Phone: (80.0) 535-3936 1. y 1PPROVED BY Premium Atlantic Vinyl Sliding .Patio Door OXXX 'ART PRO ECr0r3 Nail Fin Installation (190 5/8" x 95 1/211) D0 NO.:. I REV. 00 I SHEET 1 OF 4 _ft. 19.8•,O.C. MAX. B* MAX. FROM RNERB: THRU JAMB I�. L JL 9#7 l DOOR .W01N (120:on* MAX.) 1 .TYPICAL ELEVATION 1VI7MFASTENER SPACING TWO, THREE AND FOUR PANEL CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED 1. Seal flange/frame to substrate, 2. Use (2)410 PH or greater fastener through the frame per location with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1 1/2" into the wood framing. For 2x wood frame substrate (min. S.G. = 0.42). 3, Host structure.(wood buck, masonry; steel) to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 'to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the project of installation. This schedule. addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the windowto achieve the rated design pressure: up to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall conditions. For the complete installation procedure, see the instructions packaged with the window or go to www )eld-wen.comlresources/installation. DISCLAIMER: This drawing and its contents are confidential and arenot to be reproduced or copied in whole or in part'or used or disclosed to others except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. PROM DISTANCE 3 I THNSTALLATIROUGH FRAME MIN. DISTANCE Z I l/7' MIN. NT EMBEDME I� L 1/4' MAX SHIM SPACE MIN. U FROM 1 25.4— P,7mg 4,Tmm 4.7m, Dow 995, G ZM D-6— MIN. D FROM E GLAZING DETAIL WOOD FRAME SECTION (TYP) VERTICAL- SECTION FRAME JAMB SECTION (TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION. 0 SH[AI SPACE I yr MIN 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. SLIDING PATIO DOOR Max Frame I DP RATING IMPACT 190 5/8" x 951/211 +/-50 1 YES and Small Missile. !ral Notes: The product shown herein is designed, tested and manufactured to comply With the wind load criteria of the adopted International Building Code (IBC), theanternational Residential Code,(IRC), the. Florida Building Codes (FBC) Including HVHZ and the industry requirements for the stated conditions. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. At minimum, glazing is 3116" tempered- airspace - 311611 annealed = 0.09" SGP Interlayer by DuPont - 3116" annealed. Use structural or composite shimswhere required. Installation methods can be interchanged within the same opening. An impact protective system is not required where wind borne debris protection is mandated by local building code. Maximum sizes.are buck sizes and do not include fin or flange: ,�- �r ••(•" ]"• �' .' z : % T T z ct; to 0�` •'� O �P' • _� .� - ••4. � s Ndre o7 39e to 990 nF*g1y,�i�►IDoa PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE: 02/25/13 SCALE: NTS 3737 Lakeport BIVd! JELD�VEN Klamath Falls, OR. 9760Y Phone: (800) 535-3936 DRAWN BY: D. Vezo CHECKED BY., J. Kantola TITLE; Premium Atlantic Vinyl Sliding Patio Door OXXX Through Frame Installation (190 5/8" x 95 1/2") APPROVED BY: PiBT 60 r31/ IDENTIFIER No. NCTL210-3851- PLANT NAME AND LOCATION: -FBC Venice, FL CAD DWG. Na.: REV: 00 SHEET 2OF4 29.8' O.C. MAX. 8' MAX. FROM RHER9 TNRU JAMB 3 n v $a' l DOOR YADTH 1190.025" MAX.) I TWO, THREE AND FOUR PANEL CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED: 21.378' O.C. YAX. THRU JAM88 InstallationNotes: 1. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 2. Use (2)-3116" Tapcon or equivalent fasteners through frame per location with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1 1/4" into concrete or masonryar each;location with a 21/.Z` min. distance from ile edge. For concrete:( min, fc = 3000 psi) or masonry substrate (CMU shall conform to.ASTM C90). 3. Host structure (wood buck, masonry, steel) to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads to the structure.. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the: project of Installation. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations noted. It is, not intended as a guide -to the'installation process and does not address he sealing consideration that may arlse in different wall conditions. For the complete installation procedure, see the instructions packaged with the window or go to www teld-wen.comlresources/installation. DISCLAIMER: This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. S' t� F. A/, �* .' MASONRY INSTALLATION SLIDING PATIO DOOR Max Frame I DP RATINGI IMPACT 19.0 5/8" x 951/211 1 +/-.50 1 YES Large and Small Missile Impact . 1. The product shown herein is.designed,'tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria of the.adopted International Building Code (IBC),'the International ResideniiaLCode (IRC), the Florida. Building Code (FBC) including.HVHZ and the industry requirements for the stated conditions. 2. All glazing shall conform'to ASTM E1300. 3. At minimum, glazing is 3/16" tempered - airspace- $116" annealed- 0.09" SGP Interlayer by DuPont 3/16" annealed. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. 5. Installation methods can be interchanged within,the same opening. 6. An Impact protective system is not required where wind borne debris protection -is mandated by local building code. 7. Maximumsizes arebucksizes:and.donot lncludefn,orflange. ...... .•� 1� 7.1 .� ;'•�� •. 'p G • �0 PROJECrENGINEER:' -- DATE: 02/25/13 SCALE: JELDVENKJamath373TLakeportBlvd. Falls, OR. 97601 DRAWN BY: D. Vezo NTS Phone: . ,(800) •535-3936. CHECKED. BY: . J. Kantola TITLE : :•• �• tti Premium Atlantic Vinyl Sliding Patio Door 0%(XX APPROVED BY: O� '�Qom' ;P' ��.` � 6%dF.1U,*N Masonry Installation (190 1/2" x 95 1/2") P RTP O E6T�ro: N'ryJ����6b��M39e d3dh 1y ��i1lte 338 IDENTIFIER No. PLANT NAME AND LOCATION: CAD DWG. No.: REV: SHEET 1�`FVq�3 DD4 NCTL210-3851- -F6C Venice, FL 00 3 OP a DOOR WIDTH (100 5/0• MAX) — TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER sPACING TWO, THREE AND:FOUR PANEL CONFIGURATIONS APPROVED Installation Notes: I. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 2. For anchoringbto metal framing, use (2)410 TEK Self Tapping screws per location with sufficient length to achieve a minimum embedment of three threads past the frame thickness. Locate anchors as shown in elevations and:instaliation details. Steel substrate min..18 ga (fy = 33 ksi).. 3. Hoststructure (wood buck, masonry, steel) to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect orengineer of record.for the: project of installation. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the ,�►r,t �[��� window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations ����� �S F. 4 noted. It is. not intended as a guide to the installation process and does not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall �� ..••• .•• , For the conditions. complete installation.procedur% seethe instructions VIVO. 7 packaged with the window or go to.www.jeld-wen.com. + * .. DISCLAIMER: �O '•., �P This drawing and its contents are confidential and are,notto be ( �i T .•''• �' es"NONe q,< reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. - see E!��X� u„n <Aein 47nm �—TZ1� i-°awspa BITE GLAZING DETAIL WOOD FRAME SECTION CWP.) VERTICAL SECTION MAX 1/4' MAX SHIM 5PI C MIFI DISTANCE 1 FROM EDGE-1/2° Min. embedment —� of three threads I post frame IS souse min . Steel Stud MIN:. DISTANCE FROM:EDGE: 112° 4 C STEEL INSTALLATION b "'� Pall f.ime SLIDING PATIO DOOR -"TA7� Max Frame. DP RATING IMPACT 1 W1ARE DBE, yr d 190 5/8" x 951/2" Large and Small Missile Impact General Notes: -' 1. The product shown herein is designed; tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria of the adopted International. Building Code (IBC), the International Residential Code (IRC), the Florida Building; Code (FBC) Including HVHZ and the industryrequirements for the stated conditions. 2. All glazing shall conformto ASTM E130.0.. 3. At minimum, glazing is 3116".tempered - airspace- 3116" annealed - 0.09" SGP Interlayer by DuPont-- 3/16" annealed. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. '/ PROJECTENWNEER: -DATE: 1' -- 05/28/2015 3737 Lakeport Blvd DRAWN BY: SCALE:. JEL�IIiEo. N Klamath Falls, OR, 97601. D. Vezo NTS Phone: ,(800) 535-3936' CHECKED BY: TITLE: 1. Goossen APPROVED BY: Premium Atlantic Vinyl Sliding Patio Door OXXX. $38 00 1a"Cci 40F4