HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Metal Roofaw Florida BiAlding Code OnUne Ni yage I or a= mffo I LCO ZA I wrMakwation "ft7bo- SubwAS,� &w&Fam pob4CM ftw am aft 4 FaC f4m ine, 55,1 PMVaI Ir'01, 5 3,Prod t or AbofltMA 581reh> Apargagm U9 I-, APORM" OMH FL a �,�RA6952-,Rl Application Type Poevidon Code version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments A!"IlVad Product ManLffactu ar AddreWPho" i ill American Metals Supply, Inci 3119 Queen Palm Dr. Tampa, PL 33619 (813) 242-8100 SantO'—GOAZaW2*6m&icenmttai--us; 'Authortwd SIgnigi v Santos G011221ez SanWs-Ganzalim@americamosbat--us Technical Represer ztlw AddrewVhonWern I WAY Amrance epreseetaUve cato4ory ' . . . : .. subcategoryMetal Jtoof4np Compliance metto Evaluation Report from a Rorida Registered Architect or a Ucensoa f%r'Oa Professional EmIrAw,, Evaluation Report - Hardtopy Rec&ed florkla Wrow oi Am= Nam v" deywopw Do Kim ft.Roiwoh R% wt Florida Ucense FE-49497 Quality Assurance wtty PRI Construction matemisTechnolooft, LLC Quality Assurance, 'oftad Bottion Date IV3VZ020 Validated By 3ames.L. eudmar, P.E. at CWCK Enginvedng On C eddist - Hotdcopy Received CeMlIcate of Inds l wWence FU6952RI kitrenced Stan de -d and Year (of standard) eQuivalen 6 Or U* SWderds Certified By - Sections from thlee I 1504 IS07.4 1609 2002,4 1 /1900 16 AMERICAN METALS SUPPLY -ALUMINUM ROOF PANELS M�jE'RICAH 3119 Queen Palm Dr. ' ALS-' v Tampa, FL 33619 SUPPLY (813) 242-8100 • LOCK PANELS TO INSTALL L_ 5 fzIBS P[R PIM44t. (OVALLY �PA(Eq i 3" RISER ROOF PANELS PRODUCT APPROVAL DETAILS: _ • BLDG CODE: 1014 FLORIDA BUILDING, COD!' • HVH2: NOT I-ORUSE INHVHL • LIMITS OF USE: FOR PATIO USE ONLY. -CARPORTS -PATIO COVL•RS -SUNROOMS -SCREEN ENCLOSURES -CANOPIES -OTHER SIMI- M M" tl DO •1<IM 6 ASSQCIIr E:S• Lll s u CCN UIt,TING STR CTURAL ENGINEERS T°f^Wt FL 33679 IN01t STRUCTURES Notes: 1. Aluminum roofpanels shall be ofaluminum alloy 3105-Hl orroved seal. 2. pP q Reyto°e+ oestttiuuoa - Roof panel metal thickness tested: 0.024" and 0.030", cs� atko 3. Product tuaterinis conform to ASTM B209. 4. All inside bend radii are 0.047 unless otherwise noted. t ! 5. Standard ManufucturingTolcmnccs: Dimension * /- 0.005 ----- Rudius +/_ -00S ! �� Angle +/- 1° -- 6. Product test report For 0.030" and 0.024" Thickness Rolled 3" Riscr Roof Pancls, Tat Report No.: - - E9946.01401-44, Oci. 2, 2015. ASTM E330/030M-14. Architectural r Testing. Inc, an lntenck company, 2250 Massaro Blvd., Tampa, FL 33619. to 7. All product perfomtance specifications and construction requirements shall be engineered by a licensed design professional in accordance 3 with the Aluminum Design Manual, Speeifrrvrionr & Guidelines jor Aluminuur Suvctures, Washington, DC, for = rn wind resistance in conformance to FBC Chapter 16 for ComPonems and Cladding Loads, ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 for RoofC000p(,nents ti G L: w 3 and Cladding for Enclosed and Open Structures. E!fectivc area for wind load calculations based 36 to ai O on sq. feel (absolute value ofcontrolling design Pressure is shown on span tables). 8. Span schedule show IR � m nmximunl roof panel slmns betwwn supports. Max. span deflection. !irnit L60. 9. Mean roof height ofstructure shall not exceed IS feet above Span Cl) O'6 0 w grade. tables for open struetvres_iii based on 5° rrw(, roofslope. Span tables for enclosed structures based on 27° max. roof slope. 10. Each O mof pxnd dull he connected per design professional's instmetions, but shall have min. of (3)-410 SMS w/nwPrcne gasket and washer'" C L. U U LU O M each su n PP int or other approved connection by design Professional) w/ rain. 0.040" thick, 6063-T6 Z a 1 alumina base metal. E oar ! 'ressureSpanTable ! F- CC(Y n• ENSTRUCTURES 11 tri- U W OC� 0.024"span It 0.03D" a ¢ Q to span (ft .-, ,.,. _r I- U W ? O i7 U z Y. ENCLOSED ATTACHED) STRUCTURES rr tX, KIM u-T -tit d S ed 110, Oesl n Pressure 0.024" s an It 0.030" span (ft)O � 120 23,0 9.63 Iz00 U.W.FL ss) s79 Ft 130 27.3 9.09 11,74 32-1 '^ Ss OR101" G��. S7�NAL �a' 140 &32 1L21 37.3 150 8.53 42.7 7.21 7.79 iFiO 48•6 6.497. Q5 Drawing No,-740376 _........... .........__._..___............ SHEET t OP 1 rtv1 'Florida BUMUS colb Oak VI I ProduLt Approval Method MOthad 2 Option 13 Dan Submimed 10130/20I5 Pate ValldaWd 10/30/2015 Date Pending F9, Approval 11/04/2015 Date Approved 12/15/aOI5 i Wudx PL l4odef, Ntunber or NaMe 115952A 3' Riser Aluminum Roof Panels 0. 024" and 0.030- thick 3-, x 12 YOde dw Llmfts of Uve roof panels APIW--d for we in HvmZl No IaseallaHon Instruwa A00f*Vdd for rMP&* R" a oubskle HVHZI Yes FI IT 20 rib NIA 2w"w ol P +486/-4&6 verined By! Do Kim PE 49497 . Mort For u Instaltetlon IRst created by rMdoWdentJhfrd Part-p, Yes 014dOlOr patio Construction only, See R-luatlan Reports Ons for other dawgn limitations, I k P �►Cated by fro vartyl yee, iwrtatt TDO SWO Of rk k1a Is in A*jWo empWir. under naamj" QIeMwl:ftnwt SecWn 43127 ernalloddrEnegarepuma r ly �bmwck ambetm MID. eftmag addle" mlexSed h rewonm to a Pufttworiat roquot do cam Kb =1 v.=MIUfYbUhvV0&nyq W-M =1 I =. t*7 twe One. The awoH Pmwul two frolis P, weAq&M awaad ..l Chapw 465, Fl wwt r FnAt:,fadfor6Mdo ' the Dvwbmrg VAM 40 ftnag owr�qfisv Pal Pravw OSP&W*M wul cmm"Inlolfbn "U"Var 4=3 3dd en WrAV Iliddren whkh can ba made avillabla 14 y6l; 66 Oct *IBM M CNAW#to, ft&., VAl rkk OUNO'TO YIN Oft 4 JiMMU under AWMYW A=4ft 'J! htq)s-://www, avo dtl,asvx?t)ar4m—, EVXO��vRwyli'9T,7N...