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'P Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:204302026 Date:03-01-2022 Model Status:Active AHRI Type:RCU-A-CB(Split System:Air-Cooled Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower) Series:MERIT ML14XCl SERIES Outdoor Unit Brand Name:LENNOX Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package):ML14XC1SO36-230C" Indoor Unit Model Number(Evaporator and/or Air Handler):CBA25UH-036-230-" Region: Southeast and North(AL,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA,MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA,AK,CO,CT,ID,IL, Uk,IN,KS,MA,ME,MI,MN,MO,MT,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NY,OH,OR,PA,RI,SO,UT,Vi,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2015 are eligible to be installed In all regions until June 30.2016.Beginning July 1,2016 central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufact�urer of this 1-ENNO p duct Is iesponslble for the abng of this system combination Rated as follows n accOnlance wdh�ihe Is est edition of AHRI 210/240 2017 m nn'with Addendu 1 Perfoarice Rating-off, rnla'Ury r�1 Ae n s c„e 1 `�'Y'�{"-`ut-`--.TIl -J "`+,iz� A r CondifloningL&A4SOUr`e eat Pump Equipment an su ledtto reW dcCUracy AHRI-i so a Intl peddent,ihlyd ll, I testing; 'Cooling pacify(Z) Smg�e or Igh 51 g(95F) b f"' ( � Lf IIISSS 111 "SEER 1450 DER(A2) Smgle or High Stage(BSA,12 20 .. 1'Ac ive'Model Status are those that an AHRI Cedification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale;OR new models that am being marketed but are not yet being produeed7Prodacgon Stopped'Model Status are Nose that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT Is still selling or offenng far sale. Rat' q that CCpmp d by WAS indicate an Involuntary re-rate The new published retina is shown along with the previous fl.e.WAS)mling. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)fisted on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for, the products)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the produd(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www,ahrldlrectoty.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for Individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not In whole or In part.be reproduced;copled:disseminated; entered Into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's Indlvld us]. personal and confldendal reference. &RE RIGS ATION NETTING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTRUiE The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified atwww.ahrldireetory.org,click on'Verify Certificate-link .,makeldebett,- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, which Is listed above,and the Certificate No.,which Is listed at bottom right. 132906270037289007 ' ©2022Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO .. '- b..