HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0403 , ~ ---r-" " ..__,_.. ,1 ,__ " . . ~ ' -- ~ tho Grant.., for h1l1Belt and hie helra and a8BigD8, In oonelderation of the ex.ou- il~ :,', Itlon 8D4 ~ellverl ~f this deed, here'bl oOTenant aDd agree wl'th the Grant~r~ ~~e BUooeleor. ; ,lam .ellgna to holel &aIel realoa'ta'to herein deeorlbed upon the following 'tor...:- t, p"v..t~ : 1. Sald Real '.'-to Ihall b. useel exoluelve17 forA dwelling houEe purpo'~es anel at no . . \ 'i tlM sh8J.l be ueeel tor bualnees purpoaee, Onl7 OIUt nob hoU8t 8h~1 be ereot~el, plaoeel or s ' i lJUftered 'to remain upon 8814 premaea, and the ooet of oone'truotion of whioh ehaU be no't , , '1,lee8 than T1rent7-fl..,.e BUDdred (12&00,00) >>Ollare, and prior 'to June 18t. 1926, no BUoh hou8e j . - . ~Bhall be ereo'teel, p1aoed or suffered to remain thereon until the plans and .peolfloatlone ,. ~ therefor have been approYed b7 tbe Grantor herein; nor shall the front wall, poroh of pro- ~ . ' ',' , : Jeotion of noh house 'be 'l'eoted, plaoe~ 01' BUffered to remain thereon wUhin le08 than , J , lf1ft7 (60) fee't from the :front prOP8l't7 line, lIIMDiDa therGb7 the 1nelde of slde waU, nor , ' ~w1thln 1ee8 than i.elye (12) feit of ''tlie 81ele line of aJ1f adJoining or abutting land,' nor ~ . - ~ - - : nearer 'than Went,-flye (2i) feet of 8117 ,other elwe11ing. ' 2, Jlo tenol or wall exoeeding three (3) feet in hoight shall be ereoted or maintained , 403 "'; I i i i I i I "U. '. i J i \ I I 1 on 8D7 part of the premise8 he;reb7 oOJ1Yfl',ed, nor shall approaoli within 88yent,-flY' ('Iti) ~ . feet of the etreet l.1Jl,e. 3. Jlo plaoe of >>ub1io entertainment, apartment hOUB8, flat, boarding house, nor build- ing deelgneel for the reeldenoe of moro than one famil.,; nor hotel, tavern, elanoe hall, or . ',other reeort, Bball be eBtabl18heel, ()oneluoteel 01' maintained on sa1d premses. .. Jlo mUeano'e nor adYert1s1ng e1gns, bill boards or other adTerUBlng deTloee, exoept , :;. ~ae pertaining to the land on .hloh said Jlign 1e lOGateel, shall be, permitted ~n salel premisee; ; . nor 8hal1. thl prem1l!es be useel 1h 8Zl,)' wa7 or for any !>urpose that may endanger the health or , UnreaeoDabl, &l.tarb the ~et o~ &n7 holder of a4~olning land. 6. fte Gran~or herein resenee ~or itself, Ua BUooeesor8 or assigns. the rlght or prlY116p of aright of -1 to 1a7 ancl _intaln water 'pipee for eewerage, or oth&nr1se, l ,t . aoroee sa14 premseo a~ 8D1 plaoe; and al80 to 8tring eleotrio l1ght and telephono w~.e , . ao~OBe the B&.lIlI,' and ereoT euoh pol..s as may be lUtoesB817 to 08rZ7 said wlres, at &n7 plaoe. 'f Jlo ...erase or waate pipes shall be extendeel to or drained ,nto the Indian'RIyer or the ....t1antlo-04ean, nor ehai:l the waters be oonpminated b7 elepoe1ting refuse or waste water in ~em., The abo..,.. eD.Wl8rated reetriotione, agreements, OcW6tlan'tS and' oonditiona Bhall be , . eleemed ae ooyenante and not as 00001 tlons hereof, and ohall run with the la~, and Bhall bind the Gran'tie, his heir. and assign., until tlMt first c1Iq of 11&.7, A. D. 1960; but, wUh the onl)' and eBpeolal 11a1ia'lon oOTered ln that porUon of olause JlU.IIIhered (1) in thie oontraot, ,and appertain1J1S to the eubmissiOn of all. plana and epeolfioatlon8 in referenoo to bu11d1n8, and whioh aut be approyoel 'b7 the Grantor heroin, up to and inoluding June 1st, ( A, D. 19&6. ., 91 In .11;nea8 Whereof, !rhe Grantor hae oauaeel these present. to be eigned In Ue n&1D8 b, 1 i te Preeielent, aDd 'He Oorporate SIal to be affixeel, atteated to 1:, its Seoret817 ~t tho on, O,f Ole..,.elaracl, coun~1 of OUJllhoga, Stat.e of Ohlo, th18 28th elq of .1a,1, 1919. ~ nao UJ.OR DBVXLOPMBlT OOMP.&.lIT, By J. B. SII1'th " Pre.lelent, , \\" , ....tto.t: \ Bo~ B, lapt ~ 81guel. 88aled aD4 ,ellllYU'lel 1D Olll' pre..D08: Jf. >>. BopI'. ! ! \ J. DeL BID f , (OOBPOJU.D SKU.) . '. -".... '.~' . ~ .0.. ~ _~ _ ~. . - ~- I . . .,': 1:.. .. ". "- ; ... --. ';.... l;I ..-.. _ _ _! _ _