HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation ReportSpPclalty Structural EnglnPPrinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Evaluation Report Curb Mount Profile Base Solar Powered Roof Ventilation Appendix A To Evaluation Reports: FL13339 .1 To .5 Manufacturer Attic Breeze, LLC. 1370 FM 116 Gatesville, Texas 76528 (877) 288-4234 for Florida Product Approval # FL 13339.7 R5 Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014) Per Rule 61G20-3 Method: 2 - B Category: Roofing Sub - Category: Product Name: Product Description: Prepared by: James L. Buckner, P.E., SECB Florida Professional Engineer # 31242 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1916 Report No. 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1-6 Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System Curb Mount Curb Mount Series with Hood/Dome Mounted Solar Panel & Remote Mount Solar Panel File Copy Seam DesvWr5ta1 />Deave,Jr fuWnrttai L. I BUCkb''% �P OGENcF'•.•CC,p�I ` No31242 w� ��,T'•, STATE OF 4/1� ''; S/ON'AL�C��`� DiginllySlgned by'. James L. Buckner, P.E. MUCK, Inc. - Palm Beach County, Florida2017.06.15 15:38:22-04'00' Phone: (561) 491-9927 • Email: cbuck@cbuckinc.net' Website: www.cbuckinc.net Speclalty Structural t=f- ginL=L= nc;i FL #: FL 13339.7 R5 Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Report No.: 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Page 2 of 6 CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Manufacturer: Attic Breeze, LLC. Product Name: Curb Mount Vent and Fan Base Models Product Category: Roofing Product Sub -Category Roofing Accessories that are an Integral part of the Roofing System Compliance Method: State Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 (2) (b) Product Description: Curb profile vent fan base for attachment to roof curbs. Curb material is the same as the self flashing base in FL13339 Evaluation reports .1 to .5. Product Assembly as Evaluated: Curb profile base attached to roof curb designed by others. Appendix A Scope: Model Numbers Included in This Report: This Appendix A is linked to FL13339 Reports .1 through .5 The vent units model numbers in this report are the same product specification in Reports .1 to .5 , including the same minimum base specifications. This report .7 includes additional model numbers. The envelope structural components are the same as previous reports. The differences are internal mechanical and/orelectrical. This report addresses options for attaching the Curb Profile to roof curbs. FL13339.7 AB-1020 AB-2042A AB-3042A AB-4042A AB-2042D AB-3042D AB-4042 D AB-6042D FL #: FL 13339.6 R3 Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Report No.: 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Page 3 of 6 ISpeclalty Structural EnginPPrincj CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Vent Unit Curb Base Support: Type & Minimum Strength Specification: Design of curbs is outside the scope of this evaluation 1 Wood Description: 15/32" or greater Plywood, or Wood (based on minimum density/specific gravityof0.42) 2 Steel 22 gauge minimum thickness, 33 ksi minimum yield strength (3) Aluminum 1/8 inch minimum thickness, alloy 6063-T52 or 6063-T6 Roof Slope: Slope shall be in compliance with FBC, Chapter 15 based on the type of roof covering. Allowable Wind Resistance: Performance: * Positive Design Pressure: + 115 PSF * Negative Design Pressure: -115 PSF * Allowable design pressures for allowable stress design (ASD). Performance Standards: The following test protocol was performed to demonstrate compliance with the intent of the code as this product does not specifically addressed the performance standard in the code. • ASTM E330-02 —Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors and by Uniform Static Air PressureDifference Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014), Section 1709.2. FL #: FL 13339.6 R3 Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Report No.: 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Page 4 of 6 Speclalty Structural Engineering CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Evaluation Report Scope: This product evaluation demonstrates compliance of this product with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code, as related to Florida Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.001. Limits of Use: . Scope of "Limitations and Conditions of Use" for this evaluation: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval' contains technical documentation, specifications and installation method(s) which include "Limitations and Conditions of Use" throughout the report in accordance with Rule 61G20-3.005. Per Rule 61G20-3.004, the Florida Building Commission is the authority to approve products under "Optional Statewide Approval'. • Option for application outside "Limitations and Conditions of Use" Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(e) allows engineering analysis for "project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with the alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code". Any modification of the product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. Refer to applicable building code section for ventilation requirements. Design of support system is outside the scope of this report. Fire Classification is outside the scope of Rule 61G20-3, and is therefore not included in this evaluation. This evaluation report does not evaluate the use of this product for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade & Broward Counties) Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of roof vent products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through Keystone Certification, Inc. (FBC Organization #: QUA 1824) C10=11 1•- Specialty structural Engineering Component(s) Material Standards: Evaluated Referenced Data: Vent Base Material _ Thickness: Yield Strength: Corrosion Resistance: Fastener for Wood Curb Type: Size: Standard: Corrosion Resistance: FL #: FL 13339.6 R3 Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Report No.: 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Page 5 of 6 CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Steel 22 ga. 33 ksi Minimum Galvalume or Zincalume per ASTM A792 AZ 50 or in compliance with the FBC, Section 1507.4.3. Pancake or Hex Head Wood Screw #10 x 1 in. Minimum Per ANSI/ASME B18.6.1 Per FBC Section 1506.6 Fastener for Steel & Aluminum Curb Type: Self Tapping or Self Drilling Screw Size: #12 x 1 in. Minimum Standard: Per FBC Section 1507.4.4 and/or SAE J78-1979 Corrosion Resistance: Per FBC Section 1506.6 1. ASTM E330-02 — Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference Test By Certified Testing Laboratories, Inc. (FBC Organization ID# TST 1577) Project #: CTLA 2002W, Dated: 11 / 20 / 09 2. Quality Assurance By Keystone Certification, Inc. (FBC Organization ID# QUA 1824) Attic Breeze, LLC. Licensee #740 3. Certification of Independence By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering (FBC Organization # ANE 1916) 4. Engineering Analysis By CBUCK Engineering Report #17-144-EA, Dated: 6 / 11 / 17 FL #: FL 13339.6 R3 Date: 6 / 11 / 17 Report No.: 17-144-C-SPA-CM-ER Page 6 of 6 Spr2c1a1ty Structural Engineerinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization ##8064 Installation Methods Attic Breeze, LLC. Solar Powered Roof Vent Attachment To Curbs Attach to Wood Curb: Option to attach vertical leg or horizontal flange. Screw: pancake head or hex head minimum #10 x 1 inch 3 screw on each side for a minimum total of 12. Maximum spacing of 12 inches on center and within 6 inches of corners minimum distance to base edge 1 inch Attach to Steel (22 gauge min.) or Aluminum ( 1/8 in min.) Curb: Option to attach vertical leg or horizontal flange. Screw: pancake head or hex head minimum #10 x 1 inch 3 screws on each side for a minimum total of 12. Maximum spacing of 12 inches on center and within 6 inches of corners minimum distance to base edge 1 inch Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment.