HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter- Applicant HandbookLydia Galbraith From: Lott, Cynthia <Cynthia.Lott@dep.state.fl.us> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 2:59 PM To: Lydia Galbraith Subject: RE: chapter 62-330 Attachments: Applicant's Handbook Vol 1.pdf, Chapter_62-330_eff_10-1-13.pdf Hey, Lydia: If the applicant is not impacting the river bottom or submerged lands, and merely replacing decking, etc. above the water level, the activity is exempt from requiring a permit. Of course, they should use Best Management Practices to avoid impacting the bottom with materials during the repairs. I have attached the Applicant's Handbook Vol. 1, for the Statewide Environmental Resources Permitting (SWERP) rules, re: Ch. 62-330 authorizations. Use FIND and enter a search word, such as dock, to locate information: Sec. 3.2.6 Docks and Piers Sec. 4.2 Request an Exemption Determination Also, the ERP weblink, https:Hfioridadep.gov/water/submerged-lands-environmental-resources- coordination/content/submitting-erp And http://Publicfiles.dep.state.fl.us/dwrm/slerp/erphelp/ihdex.htm These are great resources with much permitting info and example drawings, etc. That may also help with questions. And always, if you can't find the answer, just ask us! Hope this helps? Thanks, Cindy Cynthia E. Lott, Environmental Specialist III A Dept. of Environmental Protection/SE District Submerged Lands and Environmental Resource Permitting 3301Gun Club Road MSC 7210-1 West Palm Beach, A 33406 main line (561) 681-6600 ph (561) 681-6614 Cindy fax (561) 681-6755 ***MY EMAIL HAS CHANGED--** cyrithia.lott@floridadepov CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: https://floridadep.gov/southeast Please submit ERP applications to "SED Perm itting@dep.state.fl.us" View ERP documents and other related information C; httpJ/prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/searchPortal i y - a From: Lydia Galbraith [mailto:galbraithl@stlucieco.org] Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 1:57 PM` To: Lott, Cynthia <Cynthia.Lott@dep.state.fl.us> Subject: chapter 62-330 Hi Cynthia, I have a permit for repair of existing dock. They are replacing cross members, new stringers and decking. Structure was permitted in 2007. I.am trying to figure out if they need to have exemption permit thru self -certification or don't need anything at all. I got kind of stuck in the chapter, can you please advise me? Thank you, Lydia 15affiraith, Zoning Specialist Building and Code Regulation (772) 462-1555 galbraithl@stlucieco.org Please Mote: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.