HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas Piping SchematicBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC (A2] [A4] [L4] [L8] TANK L1 1.3 L5 1.7 SIZE 1.21 [L6] [A1] [A3] TANK SIZE: 500 GALS. APPLICANCE — TYPE/SIZE Al cooktop A2 water heater A3 A4 A5 A6 PIPING LENGTH & SIZE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT . SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building and Code Regulation Division R:E�Efiz- NOV 0 7 2017 [L12] FREVIEWED . LUCIE COUNTY ILDING DIVISION [A5!,REVIEWED R OOMPLI BY ANSAR P I IT BE KEPT ON JOB OddECTION WILL BE MADE 50000 BTU 150000 BTU BTU BTU BTU BTU L1 30 FT. 3/4 INCH DIA. L2 20 FT. 1/2 INCH DIA. L3 - FT.. INCH DIA. L4 FT. INCH DIA. L5 FT. INCH DIA. L6 FT. INCH DIA. L7 FT. INCH DIA. L8 FT. INCH DIA. L9 FT. INCH DIA. L10 FT. INCH DIA. L11 FT. INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. (PIPE SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM THE 2014 FBC FUEL GAS CODE — TABLE 402 ) raT Website: www.stlucieco.aov 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL. 349g�a 5652 a. Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-15 -, 1 1 Revise4,7/22/14 �,; `I Descript on, Certlficailons, Properly and other Survey related dab' BOX MDENOTES MEASURED OHCDENOTESOVERHEAD CABLE PDENOTESPLAT PPDENOTES POOL PUMP RDENOTESRADIUS TR DENOTES TELEPHONE RISER UE DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT AERIAL PHOTOORAPH UPDENOTESUMPPOLE PAAYNOTSHOWLATESTAFROVEAENTSI jWHDENQlESWATERMEH (NOT-TOSCALE) / RECH NOV 07 2017./ / PERMITTING i 4 County FL / UNEM LEGEND:_ BOUNDARY LINE BUILDING UNE CENTfRl1NE ------------ EA511MUNE — x — x — CHAIN LINK FENCE WOODEN FENCE —1 —1 — OVEMEAD CABLE ENCROACHMENIri TOWN IN RD tETTEWNG St. Lucre qz DOAr°off / CORROR �.• , J/ LOT 28 \ ` / INWATER. cow DIWAlm 15.00m 5 LONO7tlE a` CONCRETE DOATRAIW • IN WATER '7 586°0I 31 w 70.00 D • hy6�G� CORNER % INWARR EDGE OF WATERS ��.�• Z 1 CORNER INWATER , !� STARS 7 ,t� j 2' WOOD DECK O AREA OV 34.I0' l— 7 / � TWO,5TORY 9 CORNER W WATER 1 R61ma • ; 1101 i Asa FOUND I& ` IRON ROD C�`P WM [TR G I RRE ROM WATER VALVE(Z) \ 1or27 \ .I L= I88.sa CA=135°0000' a i 6 \ i =OF � WATERDRWEWAY 5TAIR9L ZAIC CONCRETE AREA i v ovERD:oWx j �fOa a�a—a—a—a�a�a�a�a�a—a `CORNEK �a�a�a a�a�a—a —ammo— N89'5829 E 20831g1) IN WATER UP 50Unt FIAT BOUNDARr �N)y& n'?.�/4hOLIDAY OUT' IBLIC U1BJ11ES n'(J / m, avY -e 5. LA5 OLA5 DR 20 ASFt A T ROEGWAY SD KMITO-WAY W56M . 893_46YN A ■— —jam FOUND 112' RON ROD FOIV OF COMMENT 3.6TWEST ONUNE 5EODRAT3RLOT r • COICRETEMD BOAT RAMP EXTEND INTO NORTH END OF PROPERTY 5UBJECT PROPERTY LEGAL DE5CRI.PTION A5 5. 89'5629' W. ALL DEARING5 5HOWN HEREON REFERENCED THERETO. LandkSu*ngoRalsWon lhraghoutDleSleleolFlaida.ftereferbeurweMat wwwlanWuNW.comfarpbftbtmababoulour bc gm and coveragearea.. This survey has beds Issued.by to b4oW 1 Left Surueft olfxe:. 600 FairwayDrive - Ste.101 Deerfield Beach, FL. 33441'°" Office: (561) 367-3587 Fax: (561) 4658145 www.LandtecSurvey.com . NvolceNomber:74&WE . .. • • • . • �.,——.---^�*�:... . . ;,,.�.-:_........- • .. . -:.. U: RY t N T`'t 0,'yy��pp'pppjj'°��ryQ� ��p• i}.-J��1� Drawn By: B.7AB . oabofrawD: osrlonots . Reftn: Revaial: Provide. rMe I emdaeg porch flu t sac P49 Vj&+e,r- (4ed3-zev- 6z(00,0,0001z), 4 SECOND FLOOR PLAN O 4 SCALP 1/4- - 1'-0. SCOPE OF WORK ,+ Coo SECOND FLOOR REPLACE RAILING WITH NEW ALUMN RAILING REPLACE DECKING WITH 5/4X6 MARINE GRADE PT ),00pr-�Gv) FLOOR PLAN TYPICAL NOTES- SCALE 1/4' - r-cr L Contractor to vanru ALL notes and dumsnmona prior to procaedmg with work. 2 Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL 0514A -Reguirementa. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Ref"m etc__ to have a mromim 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. 4. Ho dnaamslar maul@ to touch. 5. ALL Concrete used ror slabs shall be 2500 P51 concrete, and ' ALL Concrete used for vertical filed calls, corn. tie beams etc.. to FFLk shall be 3.000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4.000 P.51 gran Rpr L. Drymell at canlnnga shall be levelad rind attached to bottom chord - or iruaaea moth acre" - 1. ALL mood in contact with concrete sha➢ be pressure treated. 8. ALL mall dimensions are nosanal and not raushed mall or stud dimrnsionm 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low rim 10. Contractor to Provide Dram at motor heater in accordance with the Florida Plumbing Code 2001 edition. 1L Contractor to Provide a 2'-8' wide door at one bathroom for haumdcap acueaubdMS'reguirementa. 12. Loecst finished now to be act by Governing Building Department survagw to set in rreld. 13. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R304J and R309.2 14. Door between garage and residence shall be 1-3/4' sold mood, ateeT. or %asomte. ®= Water Heater in Pan oath Dram I5. Wall and Ceiling sha➢ have a flame -spread claswrication of rat greater than 200 IL. Well end celhn runahes shall have n amoka-develvped index of not greater than 150 Il. All expoasd a tic insulation aatenals installed on attic floors sall have a critical rauluant Flux not law t an O_IZ matt per square centimeter- Exposed foam plastic Insulation matenala exposed on the underside or the roar deck or on the attic walls shall comply with F.B C_ Residential Section R314 sae permit mro box or cods edition 18. G awe board material shall conform to ASTM CU C-19 C415. C514 C630. C931 C`10 CI002. CI041.0 m, CII18. -GI218. CI395, or Cf39L and shall�rntallad aeeording to the fallowing ,99"" l..emu� On mtat m � .�ae.mr�a, d +u�C _ d rv" �.n x.r same .z cmv rwpedoW 74• -r a" es. I air Ing ark rva' b-d oR oAv aa.r.. I yr tm oWVC aim : sir try .ea s. IrWIOR Cw7.p r.�mwrYr 24'. •M .p•. ppa.Ft/e'Iem ml5tVM}�Yd �• emde'-nwrd w 4d1­d- ri °vr'O4i..adr°: r yr ka .sh °�' �ie:..rwa a r Y� oe Mod .d OA't6• de. 19. ALL ceramic tile surfaces installed sha➢ conform to ASTH AIO9.I thru A109A. .AIOS.I. A118.1. A118.3. Ai3L_I and AI31_l' 20. Cement, flbar-cemont or gloss mat ggggpom backers in accordance,mitb A5T1M C12B8. CI325. OR C1118 and nstallcid I.A.W. nmanufacturcra recommendations shall be weed as backer for the mall tile m tub area■ and man panel* In shower areas. 2L Insulation including faangs such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed Iethun flow -.ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, ea➢, cramd spaces and attics andl have aflame spread index net to exceed 25 with an neeampongln smoke [=,developed index not to exceed 450 when tested In adcwdancr meth ASTM E 84. tip shell comply with F.B.G. R31L. INSTALL NEW SLIDING DOOR5 IN REAR WALL WITH NEW STEEL COL MAND EXISTING BEAMS REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET AT BEDROOMS ADD NEW SHOWER IN BATH REMOVE EXISTING TUB REPLACE' EXISTING CA135 AT KITCHEN - INSTALL NEW IMPACT WINDOWS IN EXISTING OPENINGS IM CT A I I %1=111 =Ar /' e%l 1-r /•1/1n c A P, pr n -A - A Lin Mark A 6 C a a Product Appite.et seam s� uuea m.s.w a I mount wmma sin.. nlrrn s mmw.,aeer sir L ¢-Min I.W. Has t w r,� yML t.r-sir 1 m-ocus tn...e sbgee acre.'rer zlr''wr a H-10mm per' roram eO er+ - •L x-ousos smmy or. o_ 1.m r .s To. -cm provide ire rail Brand aastmg parch rrplaee .resting dectuag eah cue rn+Nr ,�, ., rpe,¢wrl Trex dstiaeep over eostmg Fwti E> STING PORCH . �'rff l 1 ^uxsT mamm 7Oer�ewwr EDED As NE =111001MASM ON A=ORDNGLT a�ASLD 0 GREAT ROOM coffer up I \ , I 1 1 1 1� 1 �ol11li1 01, t� iom. 1 1_ nor. Nil II II M BEDR II II. closet !I 11 II SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCOPE OF. WORK new tad around Parch nw doer m Bait reaovr FLOOR PLAN "rT YICAL NOTES• SCALE V4' - r—O' L C.ractar to verity ALL notes and dwanmats prior to procoa2. Contractor with STRICTLY anforce ALL OSHA Requirements. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam. Ratters, etc— to have a mission 1,400 P.S.I. Fiber stress. 4. No dumanlar metals to touch. 5. ALL Concrete used Far slabs shall be 2S00 PSI concrete, and ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, cart. tee bamas etc._ to shall be 3.000 PS.I. concrete and/or 4.000 P_SJ. grout ma L. Drywall at tailings shaH be leveled and attached to bottom chord ' of trazaas with aerinim -I. ALL mood in contact nth concrete shell be pressure treated 8. ALL ma➢ dammmona are nominal and not rinahad wall or stud dmrnmona. 9. ALL phunbtng fixtures to be lam flat 10. Contractor to Provide Dram at water heater in accordance with the Florida Plumbing Cad- a001 edition. II_ Contractor to Provide a 2'-8' wide door at one bathroom For hondicop accewbdrtg' requirement*. 12. z Loeest finished Floor to be aft by Goverrune Building Department smva➢ar to set in Field. 13. Separation between residence and'gerager shall be per FBC R309.1 and R309.2 14. Door between garage and residence shall be I-3/4' solid mood, start. or Masorete. ®= Water Heater in Pan with Dram . 15. Walt and Celhrg shall have a flamtr—apread.claawrtcatlon or not greater than 200 IL. Will end cethny fnshes shall have asmoke—developed index or not greater than 450 I1. AH oxxppovd Ran trmalatton materials metalled an attic floors allall hive a critical radiant flux riot laic t„an O.12 watt per square contactor_ Exposed foam plastic msdaUort matenals exposed on the imderado or the roof clack or on the attic malls shall comply with NBC Residential Section R314 saeecrsut Info bar of code edition Is. GgpBur board material shan conform to AST17 C31, 019, Cii5, C514 C430, C931 CRa CIO02, CIO41.CI171, CII18, •CI218, CI395, or C139L wed she be natal according to the rolleanngr twat.n o1renrm �'a �� K"ba it m �a., wY NW �� ... T * wbn Crdem repmdcir i4' T (S Dow 1 air 4i eek Ntr 6d - oov er.°R.w.r . t yr 00.0W 1 rar hq �tb 1­1 mrr. wr r r K' it +." "ni1 Mow der. r i.q r.,t,wmsa r• .r -Er. up-t-sir. him *"-.rvsr ova �• w.a. t=iter. Dr to, e: r K• OA'13' dr°: 1 Vr bes.sh Vr ..d om Mid aM OAfT der 19. ALL ceramic tiler surfaces installed shell conform to ASTM AIOB_I thru AIOS.L. AI08_I, A118.1, A118.3, A13L I and A131.1' 20. Cement, Fiber —tenant or glass sit ggpsun backers in accordance. with A5TM C1288, C1325, OR C1118 and installed I.AJ➢. manufacturers racommandettons stldl be used as backer for the malt tde m tub areas and mall panels m *homer areas 21_ Insulation including facing* each as retarders or vapor permeable members metalled within moor-rnbrtg otuembhot .s, ro—eaelatg assemblies, call, crawl space* and atttcs 5hda l have flame spread Max not to exceed 25 with an aceomponymg smoke elevelapmd 1ltdex riot to exceed 450 when tested inaccorda;= ith ASTM E 94. SECOND = L O O R Irtwtatwn shed caaply with F_B_C. R31L. REPLACE RAILING WITH NEW ALUMN RAILING REPLACE DECKING WITH 5/4XG MARINE GRADE PT INSTALL. NEW SLIDING DOORS IN REAR WALL WITH NEW STEEL. COL "AND EXISTING BEAMS REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET AT BEDROOMS ADD NEW SHOWER IN BATH REMOVE EXISTING TUB REPLACE EXISTING CABS AT KITCHEN INSTALL NEW IMPACT WINDOWS IN EXISTING OPENING,5 110 CT A I I 6I1=111 1=wir elf l=t=at=r% t 1 A t71•'1u 1/'1111•Y•* Ct —%0tea -Tr tat 1 /1t tT rr!—/1 I'I 1'1rt /1/'%n 4 z 6 A P. _ pr In _ A A urt — an w6 Produat; Approval yys a mum mmar,oaa N.s t a — L,, m-osm,o arm& Nee 5--::Y A_M d Tine -er 1 s-0aaes t1 T*ea�amOOW aA�iae 'ire •er a N-19SM ^ Tp.e.y xO m — .t r-CM°w ta3a eu.. mar .1ic ry r n.. To. -Cu