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Evaluation Report
CXTERIO.W.RESEARCH`& DESIGN,; LLC, Certificate aAuthorizatibn #9503 353 GNRtST1AN ST REET, UNIT'#13 OXFORD;.CT 06478 Rl IQNE< (103);262=9245 EVALUATICI�i[REPCtiiT PU jzt���, 6242a3 Pol lass USA, Inc. yg ;lvafuaitiow Report P12060.62:09-:1121 15o=Lyon Drive F1.5255-1125 Fernley; NVS840R`` ; 'Dade -of Issuance:02/24/2'009 Revision;21:.10%17/20 �6 SCOPE: . This Evaluation Report 'is ` sued ;under Mule .6162t3 3 and the applicable, rules and regulations ;;governing "the use of construction materials in the.State:.af F[oc'ida. The, documentation submitted has:been reviewed by Robert, Nieminen, P E. for use of the ,product :under, the Flor.`,ida:,, B,uil'd ng.,Code .and .Florida_ Building Code; = Residential Volume: "The products desccif etl. herein h"aVe .been evaluated f%i'r' cb, ofiance -With: the 5t�` �diti0t7 (2b14j :li5rlda Building Code sections .rioted - DEsi;RIPTIM.- Polyglass Roof_Undetiayrpents LABELING: Labeling shall be.in.accordance�vuith the requieements the�Accredited'Quality Assurance Agency noted `herein. CONTINUED 'COMPLIANCE. This Evaluation' Report is <valid until:such time as.the, named'.produet(s):,changes , "the referenced Quality Assurance, documentationchanges„or;pravislons�df�the: Code that relatetothe prodU0Change. AcCieptance.ofthis ,Evaluation Report by the named ;client constitutesa- reerrient to :notify: Robert' Nieminen, P.E. if the: prpduct changes or the referenced :Quality Assurance documentation changes. ``Crinity(iERd,requires Ta complete review of`this Evaluation. -Report relative;to"updated.Coderequirements wath.each:-Code Cycler AnvER,TISEMENT! The 'Evaluation Report" number :preceded by the words "Trinity j`ERD Evaluated„may bey displayed in advertising literature. if ariyportion'ofthe,Evaluati.on`Rcportlis displayed, then`itshall be done m"its�entirety:. INSPECTION: Upon, request; 2 .copy af. this entire. "Evaluation"zF ep'ort shall' be provided. to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available fo inspection.at the job siteat ttie ret{uest of th"e 13uj(ding,C+fficiaE. K .. , CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS thisROO,13 �1 ECT To >���es,l thro.�gh 1R , aNv conREc . ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PrepRet p FIELD INSPECTORS THA?fs�esrer CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Mp► CES6ARV iU OROERTO ryQ �,,� ti��1•r ;> CABLE CODES. '" - thTs!miasealoppegwas a P,0 d b R8.NQmarin - ' � � s t�`f � �' P E t%p 10J�7J2{Y15 Titis dn�s nbtsetve as air electronic�ily ROberE 1,N11. 11ii@rnlni'n, PM, _ �•, 'c Q ,rr w signed dotur}iei5t Signed, sealed hardcopies�hwel een k r0�ta transini#ted:trr the Ptatiuct A proval Administratwand wthe FIorfda Registry Lion Nos; 0 66 "Ffarrda DGA.ANFX983 " •�,•,t„narhed:ciienti p CEBTIFICAMON OPr.INDEPENorNCE " 1" Trlrlityl Ekb does hothave; nar d`aes it intend "to acquire or will it; acquire, a finahciel interest in, any co npariy'trmanufacturiri,g or, dtstrilg ting;products it evaluates .' Z. T"rinityl ERD.is"net ownedr..operafetl:or controlled by,�nytcdmpany manufacturingor disfrib.uting productsit:evatuates. 3, Robert Nrer myinen, P ,E, does.not have nor will acqujYe, a frngn,rlal interest rri;ar!y cn rparty,n anufactyrtng or'a>strib�uting product for which the,"evaivation,mports: are being issued, ; 4: Robert Nierritnen, :Pri . does; not have, nor wili.acqui%,,'a,Air ani ial. interest 'in.any°other entity involved irilhe approval. process;of:the 5;. .his is.a buildmg.:cod'e evaluattari: 'NeitherTeinitylEltp no Robert'Nieminen, P`X are,, in'ah wja Ahe;Designeraof,Record for any praject an'which,this, Evaluation R'erynrt, -or previous versions thereof, is/was useV, pe'rmitt(ng°or desigr%gdidanee unie"ss retairiei #gd.1ficallyfOft hat:purpose _ ST: LUCIE-COUIN TY RL�� Di cloy - ]REVIEWED FOR CiMLAACE REVIEWED Y DATE ' PLANS ANTPMMIT MUST BE IGPT OR NO INSPECT ON WILL BE M,�]pE.®N JOB �®��. � ���� RooF1H �Cp�nPONEr+iTEVkLU►TlOni a ��.. SCOPE ProducCategoy Roofing. Sub -Category:; tl:nderlaytnenf. compiiance &aterlment� Roof'Under�ayments.-=as pra raced by Poiyg a.,ss` U5A,; lnc.,) ave`dorponstrated compliance tb the following sections of'the°:Florida Bdilding :Code through testing in amordan. ce:=with=."the following Standards. Compliance. is subject.to the7nstellation Regtii'temerifs arid.lmitations ondition5 if :Use set forth'herein. Z STANDAkbs: Section, 'Orooe 5fandarif Year 15704:3.1. WInd:Uplift . FM 4414 2004 1504.4.1 WindUplitf' . UL U9,T 2004 1504.E 14CCEIkraledW6000irl' ASTM` 1,54 =2006 1504.E AcceJerafed iNeathe'ring ASTM G155 :2005 . 1507 2.3;1507.3 3 1507;5:3;1507;'7 3;, j . ' PhysiCa(Prapertiest ASTN :D226 1 06 " 150� $: 1507:93' . . 1507.2:415Q7.Z92,1507.5:3,1507,T Physical<Praperties° ASTM`D1976 2009 15D7.Yi.2 Physlcal;Prcipertles A5M D' 6164 2005' 1507,1�1.2 Physicai;Properties �- A5TM p6222 . 200E 1507.3,3 Installation Practice FR,S'ArrRi Apri1:202Z' :2012 15Z3,6:5;2.1 Physical Propertioi TAS 103' ., 1995 3: RF, tkbkts Enti 'Examination: Reference Date FM-Appro,vals;(TST 1867) WjndilUOliit 3004051 01j12i2;000 . PRI (T&T5878j PI'r`ysi61 Properties.. pR101111 .: 04%08j2002 PRl �TST;S878j _ '.."; Phy�icaf,Properties - • PUSA=fl05, 02-01 Oi/�1J2002 , PRI (TSl S87$j- Rhwical.prop`erties- Pi1SA-013-,0 -01 12j23/2002 PRl'(TST 58781; Physical irroperties Pv%013 02 02 . 12/2112602 P.RI,(TST:5878j Physical Prgpertie P,.USA=013-02-03 , . 12 f 23%2002 PRt-{TST:Sg7Rj; Piiysicaf"Prapertiesf PiJSA=018..03-01 07%14%2009 'PRII{TSTS878j' 00cal:Prapertles, PUSA028=02,0] 07f13J2005 'PRI;(TST 58781 Physical Properties PUSA7033 D2 01 01/.12J2006 PRI;(T, 9874 OhyAdiil Propeiihm P.tISA-035 02 01 09129,2006 P"R[(T5TS878): : :Physlml"Iprapertles PUSA-055-02-02 12710%2007, P9I"(TST5878j Physcar,Prapertles" PUSA06102=02 01J.812OQ8 PRi�(,M—U78)` Phys cal Properties PU5A-076=02 01 02j2212008 PRI,(TST5878) phys oal°Frbp'"ertw!s' - - PUS.A-683.02-01 474j14J2008 PRI (TVrss78) Physicai PrapPrii s PUSA=OBi 02` a3 07T sjz00 MTt (TST 25* ° Physical Pcgper{ies " 1X20ti7A , 04/01j200$ MTt(T5T2508j _ Physicai Propeta5 RXT48A, Ol/29%2009 ERD(TST°6049) Physca�`Rraperties= ,' 11752A9.99-1 02J08J2.000 ERD{TS,16049) • WindUplift • 11757fl801=1 08113/2001 ERD (T5T6049) Wind Uplift•` 11776.0E 02 : 01%1612003 , ERD (TSL`6049) Physiral,t'rdpertles :_° 02-20t1;07 03;. 07/4j2003 ER"Ii (TST 6049) WindUpliri .` P17?3r1C11.t77 i)1104J2007 ERD_(TST`'6049) PhyscalPrope..rties P5110:0407:3; 04/11J2Q07 ERD (-W,6043) , Wtnd .Uplift : P9250:03:08 " : 03/21/1008 ERii {TST16049) Phys cai`.Properiles. P1345Q 08:09 _- o8JS3J2`60S: ` ERD (TST 6049). , " Wind-ltpliit P3054o z1 p9-R1, 11J30J2009 ERD (TST:6049) Physical Propefties - P1103011.09-1 11/30%200J EAD'(TST6049j .Wind'Uplift P1103011.{i9 2' 71/30j2009 ERR {TST 6049) Physical Properties _, P1103011:09-3; 11/30J2009 ERG (T5T`6049) 'Physical Properties, P$3360 06:1t1 06/25h010 Exterior Reseakh and Designr:Lt:G , Evaluation Report ;P12060A2A9-R21 Certff 6te Qf Authprizofibli #3503 FBG NON -MRZ EVACUATION- FL5259wR25 Revis n z�:� .10j1zl2ta6 . Page. 0 1 4. Entity, Exgrnination` Reference _ Date ERD (T 5,T, AQ,4,9) tical, , Physical TQpeJ s 03t02/2,011 ERD '(IST'8049) I op hs' Physical' r ERD,(TST 6049) !Physical. Properties, P377300-11,0a1 ERD (TI$T-.6049) P4039.0.*'124 08/06/ -2012 ERD(TST,0Q4q) 'Physical Properties P40 O A212' 390, 8', 8 7/ ZQ12 'o /0 ERD (TSTZ04'9) Physical10'r 06. C41420.SA2�3 . bq/11/2Oil ERD (761'6049J winepolift P3968.0N.,01.13, /04/21113 E" (T�T'6Q") 94 45 :04,A6/ ERD (TST 6049) WWuplift P1738.02,5742 04/2912011 jfRb. qt_6649) -Wolibolift f$[) (TST Wn 'P11W P41690.0$, 0 06/2011 ERD (T-ST:,q u 1:101 '00ftZQ13 EF?D (TST td49)" n Ij ift.jl'l .0514 ERD (TST 699) Rhysi6lfropeftiess 15�620V,144 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6949j 'dp 1"' *1 :P6 ed 6$� 6620.091.14-2. ERD .(IsT P� 461,,Proj*rtlek 606,Mi Mr3 09'.08,_2014 ERD (TST ERD (TST.60j1J ,P hy4 icai Properties:'6020 0/001`42, 4 t.Rb OsT,6649) Properties EA0, fTST 6049Y r 4fPr6pe rtles- P46551 A10,14 I0163/2014 ERD (TST,6049) P401calTropefties.,, P4436.040.14,, :10/07/2014 ERD (TST 6D49) -10/17M14 ERD (TtT,80'49;)' Physical Prqgerfios�,, PL)G-5C7550.'03.15,. 03J24J2015 ERD (TST '60,49) hysI.cat Propoftfles P40390:04:]5 ° 04/0112675] ERD (TST 60.49) PhysIcaVPrqpOrtIOv: PLYYG=SC-80801'05454 E wfii'd u 'pIIft PLYG-SC8905,05J6=:l AS /17/2616, Physical, Pfdp&ti.Oit; FLIG-S.C8080.,07.16 Mo ITSTWO) PLYG 40/12/2016 I CC,4,§,(EvL 239fy KX0,004 P7 �j 1/2014 p ance, VaiwfaauringA � Adamit Products Cuirrent' Pblyglass, USA., PJC Afiitlavit Mplg-Hide C .,03/01/2008 Pdlygiass 135"A Materials Affidavit P i- am oun v ystJ&iSXC' '" 'd P_ "o 2011. �VCO h t. r.0 Service I 'Confinnation txp,,b 24 4.1 NMechartical(YP.Aiiened'UndiirlaVmeiits 4AA. bast 4.1.7 Elattdbase.,.,P,is,aap.olyester7,reinfbriced '.SJIS,m'odif[t6d bitumen basel'sheot. 4.1.3, PotygWss*,G1Aase,, is., af.IbergI.a:ss-reinforced;,asphaltic;base sheet. 4.1.4 Poly.glassAPP.Base 'isABberglass-reinforc6d APP,:modlfiedbituihenbase. 4,1A 06tyst"1k MU1$`6'h6Mi af60-milasphaltthick ,waterpro ofing1ripmbrape, glass; fiber re'iriforced,,surfaced 4141,4� 413 *Rh p (vol ft #a, N t MTS kus'' is apptnfnati6o-rn, thickrubberizedfi q0 waterproofing n asp r surfaced,With poly, film surface. meetsTA5.401., PPtVstick. K.Xeis a �nbmlnal 60-mil thiCkrubberized, asohalfw'ater0roofingmembrane, glass,.fber reinforced,. with an ,.Iggregat6,,surface;,,meets,ASTM AD 4.2.4' P'olyst* ckL�PlusJs a n ffi,inal 80 mil`'th►ck,r b ,0070c! asphalt waterpro"ofingtnenikirar1.te, glass fiber r",einforced,jwith a polyester fabricsurfate; meets"ASTM D2970 and TAS<103. 4.2.5 Palystick Tu ,P° is a, nominal 130-mil `thlck,"rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glassAtiber/polyester, teinfarced,.Vuith a granular surFaCe; meets ASf{Vi c�.i970 and fA51Q3',, . 41.6. Polystick"TU Max is-a'norninal-60-mil th'ick.rubberized asphalt,waterproofing membrane with°a 190.g/m2'polyester fabrii :surface; meets.A sTM D197Q ,anti TA303. 4.2.7 Polyflex SAPr Pblyflec SA P FR, Mule�Hir�e $l1-APP Cap°,SFieet and Mule -Hide SAAPP Cap Sheet":(FRj ar.,e`;polyeste'r. reinforced,AP.P.modiffed"bitomei n".capsheets;"meetRASTIVI p6222 4.2.8' Polystick Dual Prom As:a,nominal %0,mll .thick duaWaver rubbe6zed asphalt waterproofing .membrane; `fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; ilieeis"A5T.M Di970: ; 4.24Polystick"Tiler Pro.- Is a' nonirnal.6Q mil th ck,d'ual4a.yer rubberized �asphalt Waterproofing, membrane,;fiberglass reinfarced, uvth a polyester fabrlG surface, meet"S xs rM D197q and TAS 103,:_` 4.2.10; Polystick ;itiilJ X Is: ,a nominal 54-n7i1 °thick dual -layer' rubberized asphalt tnraterproofirng, membrane;. fiberglass renfofte' d,"With a polypropyleribfilm. surface; "meets.AC188 a.hd,ptiys cal?requ�r"'emerats of,4STIVl D197,..O,. 43 Mechanically Fastened and/or Booded Underlayments:. 4.31: lastoflex=S6 G`and tlastoflex.S6'G:FR"are polyester reinforced, S89 modified'`bltumen cap sheets :meet,AST:iv106164. 43`. areonorced pPP modified bitumen cap;sheets; meet ASTV; D6222°,x.x.r 5.;LINIITATION5 5.1 This "s a bu'itdittg code evaluation; ."!Veit"her:trinity�;ERD "nor --Robert Nieminen, P,'g.. are, lwanyway,"the" Designer of Record fdr any prnlet on which this. Evaluation Repi?rt, or previous yersiolns Thereof, isf was used for peKnitting or design guidance unless retained specificallyforthat-purpose; 5:2; - This, fvaluation Report is not. for u"se'in tlie. HUHZ, 5,3" Fire Glassificat� is :;not" part of this Eveluatlon Report, refeC te:current. pprdved'Roofing Materrals.Airectot.,for fire: ratings: of this'product. 5.4 Polygiass Roof Underiayments,.may be: used with °any prepared: rdi cover where tbe, product is specifically referenced within. FBC approval documientsti • ]U,nit listed, a request :m'ay, be .made to the -;Authority" Having, Jurisdiction for apProya� based on this eyaki tion rtnpin ci, with supportirig,data for`the prepared, "roof covering.. w 55, Allowable Roof Covers Un.eriayment Asphalt,shmggles Flail -On Tile- Foam-on1!ile Meta- & slate WcWdSha es, sShl ' les P.61V t O TU Max No " Yes Yes Yes No No Poly Uk 0u UK6 _ Y,eS Yes No Yes PolystickT.110 Yes Yes Yes ' Yes'Yes, 'yes' ,See 55;i ' Polystick MQ-X Yes No No Yes Yes, 'Yes., Elastofleit'S6'G Yes' "Yes', See 551 No' Yes Yes" ElastdfleitS6'GER Yes _ 'Yes. Aio _ Nfr yds _ 'Ye'v _ PolyflexG Yes Yes yes Na Yes Yes: See 5.5;, P,gIW(exG FR Yes ... , Yes` Nb: No -Yes Y Polyflex.,W or SAP FR Yes,' Yes See 5'si Nd Yes Yes Mule -Hide 5A APP-Cap'Shebt Yes Yes Ns,, No Yes '`Fes Oe M AO La Sftdet JFR), �..see 5:5A . " � " "Poem -On T f is Cirri ted_to tlse df Elie fotla wing Approved fife adhesives airless tenslle,adheslcsri 1' long"term aging 'data from ✓ Posck TU Max, 3t4�'"' 2-Gompaly vhent:Rogf Tile:Atihesi�re f1H-S5O FL6332j, P�ticic,TU P, Polystick'T.0 Flu"s,,, lyti ElastdfleX'S6" , 061'oex'"G,JPoly'f!ex-'SAP,; Poljjflex;SA.Cap: FR,,.CViu'Ie-Hide Si4-APP'Cap Shut or'IVlule-tilde SA-AP.P ✓ 3M �" Frsath Roof life AdF esnre qAT ,i "(f L627 , Polystick TU P,"°Palysticl "fU ,Phis, Polysticlt TV Mpx,,6lastoflex s6 _6; Polyfl.ex G, Pi110.1x 5AP, Polyflex SA Cap,FR, Muiie--Nine SA APA Cap Sl eet cir"(vluie ElideSA-APR dap-5(ieet (Fi3j Convenience Products' Touch `n Seai"StarmBond'Roof"Tile Adhesive (FL145O61: Polystick TV Plus; Polystick TV MaX:. ✓ " dnw TiieBond";(FL71""7)i Polystick° U Pw Potystiek'Tll Plus; l'olyFlexSAP or'TIe Pro; ✓" P.olygiass Poly'Lok Roof`Tiie Adhesive (Ft 7854):" Polystick TU' Plus:or:Polystitk TU Maxi. 5.6 Allowable 5i bstrates 5X.1 Direct-BonclAo=D`eck; Polyst ck [variations), Dud Pro, Tile Prot.Polyfiex SAP:ar�SAP"FRj, Mule�NiderSA-APP`.Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet �, ji,9)-setf=adhe'red'lto, . " Nevi untreated ply mood; ASTM D41 primed .0. unt'rea. ed plyuvood,. EXisfiipg=plytivoocl; AS7IVI 1)41 p"rirtied exi."sting `plywood;' New. or existing, :unpr reed QSB,. ASTK4 ,D4 . primed="058� 5'oather-n Yellow ;Fine; ;4STM" D41 primed Souther"n .Yeiininr"Pme,. ASTIVI D91 prime'c3 st(uciural: concrete `Huber Ehgirleered �illoods "ZIP System" panels . �designed,and rnstalled utllahodsop�ojectj Note.;.,Patyg/gss does'noC refit Ere priming pf'new or exrsting�,piytyood cfr t7St£.sheath ng. Neil-ar existing plywood'or OSS sheathing shouldi °be:clearied a f ol1 dirtw dxdebris• priar to application`nf;P, alystick membranes. Elastoflex,,96.j or56GFR;f'o hot asphalt to-,.` AASTItiI D4Iprimed'struttural concrete',,, „ 'Poly flE tG;drGPR-,orch-appliedto. A ;ASTM D 1 primed "structural concrete. fexterior Research and Design;,%'Cr; Ekaluation Raport P12i160'02,i�9-R2.1 Certiflcate ofAuthorizotion #9503 ., FBC N0111=HV.HZ'EVALUATION FL5259-R25 FAevision 21:10Ji7j2(li6 Page S of _ IN TY �.Ra, 5,6:2` Bohd-to4fisul'atl&6. Polysfick (el[ varrat►ons), Pa[yflex SAP or SAP FR,.Mule Hide 54 APP°Cap $heet" or SA=APP CaA), self-adhered ➢ AST M ,C12$9, Type 11, Class " i?"olylsopyatiuratp pr Type U pnlyisocyanurate-composite insulation, 15ens, Deck DtfraGud,i'd,; Q,— t Deck Ptj e. Oi. SECl1REXC> "G-yp wtr Flbec Rnof.Board, Vast oflex S6 G or $.G FIR m"lot asph"alt,to� `➢ Dens Deck prime°or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, Polyflex G;or "� FR° torch-appi.id fio>` ` :A .A5TM D'41 primed structural concrete,,Ceris DeckPrime'or,SECURO,,CK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board: For: nk6llabbri under mechanicaily,attaehed :prepared`roof ;coverin'gs,-insulation shall be ;attached "per minimum requireFrients: of the prepared coo :cave>',ng;" O Ufacturer's Product; Approval, For ,installations -.rider foam on" file systems,: insulation :attachment shalt3be:designed by, a qualified; design professional -and installed based on :testing; of the;insulationJutiderlaymeilt systpm iniaccordance wlih FBC SectlonISO9.3 i. 6A Boad_io.i leclanicaliYAttached=Base Laver.,i; Polystiek "(all variations); Polyflex SAP: or SAP FR, Mule-Hide.SA=APP Cap'.Sheet :or "SA APP "Cap, Sheet (FR);Dual Pro dr: Tile Pro seif:adhered do -ASTM.D22o;,TVpe l,or,11:feit,, "Eiastobase; tlastobase P or`Mule Hide„ Nail Base: Elastofi(ex S6 G:or 56 G FR,in:hvt asphalt to. ASTM:D226,Type for H felt; "Elastobaso, Elastc►base P,"Mule-HideshlaihBase orPolyglass:G2=Base; " Polyfl.eX G zr G. FR torch -applied -to" .� .." Y- EI"astobase El stobase:P,, lliule-Flue [�iail_Sase, Roiygiass G2-Base FolYglassrAPP',Base. For .nstalla#Ions ;und.er.' mech`ariica0yateactied °prepared roof.coverings; base Payer shall. be attached ;per :minimum codlf tl requirements _ For iristaflat ons i�r i er4 foarrt do tile,, systerr#s, base layer .s-Ball be attached per . r#inimU;rn, r..equ remenits :of PRSA/TRI April 2012, (04 11) Appendix A, Table d," or'as,'listed In: Section' 5.6.4" herein, ox .as :tested; in accor lai3ce'wfth FBC':SeWon 1504 31 5.6.4 wmd,':.Resistance.for'Underlayment SVsteMs-in "Foam -On Tile'"Agpu'cati6ns FRSAfrkl'.Apri1.2012.'(04 �2) daes not address wind,.UpT resistance of aft underlayrnerit sy"stems: J eneath, foam -on fill; systems,: whe-re the, underlaymeo. forms part: 'of the, load -,path.: The following wind; uplift limitations apply to .underiayment systems that .are not addressed in FRSAJ`tRl April-2U12'(0442 , ansl are used ,in foam on file appiicat,ions. ';fitlaximum'Design Pressure is the result' oftesting for:vvitid load resistance "baked on, allaWWJE wind loads; and reflects the. ultimate passing pressure ' divided byl lthe,2 to l.marg n of safety p'er FBC 1504:9 has already:been°ap{itied)- Refer.to 1 RSAJTRI April 26 (04- 12), Append,ix<A, Table 1A of FBC 1669 for deter minaton of ;;;sign uvnd )odds; . Maximum Design `Pressure # r91B o'sf: OeEk's Min',15%32 inch' plywood fo rneprproje�t requirements to saYisfectitirti' of Autlrclrity. Having lorisdctiari. Voiildrk' None; . Base,ply '(Opt'104) Polyst.I0 MTS PLU5, se[f`adhered; Under ayment: Pptystrek TU P P.plystrcl<?[! P#us P.d#ysticEc:T.0 tvlax Polyfleit SAP, P610ex SAP;FR, Mule=#aide SA4PFCap Sheet acid fVlul'e-Hide SA-ARP;CapSheet lFfi),'self='adhere 5,6 4.Z .Ma)titnuri!, Desigh,,Pressure:=� t97.5spsf< RO. Min ,15j37 inch plywood to,meei;proiect requirernents to satisfaciion of Authority Having 344E 4141on.. Prirytef; .. i'G1 0 beASrTM .p41; HaSe..Plya (Optional)'Polystck.MTS PLUS,<sdif`-adheretl'_ Uhderlayment Polystftk TU" P,,Pi lyst#ck TU Plus; Polystick:TU "Max; P,olyflexSAP,.:Polyflex SAP FR, Mule-Hide,,SA-APP?Cap Sheet and it 4jg4,Hi&SA=APP Cap Sheet"(FR) serf ad..hered and:baG_-nailed with nt`tha selvedge=.edge sjrle baps using 12,ga;-x 3'Y ring shank nails tlitough �32 ga f 1'S/8"':tliarneter tin caps spaced12 #rich g.c. Exterior Research and D.esli rf;-LLC;; Evaluation Repo(i P12060:02r09-R21 -Certificate of Apthorization.49503 .FEIC IVON4iVHZ:EVAWAI,TION; . TLSM-R25 :Revision 2i: 10/17/2bi6 Page 6,of'13 5 6.A.3,, Maximurn�Desiari Pressure.=:=1DS.psf: •- -- .. . ... Deck: Mm.15J32 mch plywood to meet protect requ�rerxients to satisfaction of Au"thonty Haying Jurisdiction �.. , Prkner :, W( -3bod Base•Ply: (Optional) Poiystick:MT5 PLUs,-self=adhered' Underlayment Polystick TU P,'Palystick TU; Plus, PQlystickTU'Max; Polyflex SAP;'Polyflex'SAP fRi Mule-H►de SA-APP Gap Sheet and Mule=Hi& SA=APP Gap'St eet. (FR) . setf adhered aratl back-nalk d inrithin the -selvedge=edge side laps using 12 ga. x - h it "' ring shank nails tiirc3ugh d2 "ga:,1-5f 8d�ariieter in caps spaced 12 rnch a.c. 54" MakiGnurri.Design .Pres'sure =--135 a fzz, Deck: M. n.15J32-Inch plywood to'meet:pr'oject'requirernents to satisfaction.'6.f Authority Haying 7urisdidion. Primer ;(Optwral},PG100o,ASl :D417 , Joint"s MK 4 inch wide stnps"of`Elastafle( SA V aver ail ptgwoc5d joints. gasePly: (Optional) Polystici<:MTS Pi_11S,.self�adhered Unilertayrrient:'RQlys'tiebt TU P; poiysiick CU Plus,• Palystick TU Max, polyfbex SAP, `Poly lex 5AP` r9, Nlufe.-Hde $A-APPGap Sheet and . ;Mull Hide SA "APP Cap;5h�et t1=R).`self adhered:; - . , 564;5: fV) mur►t°Design Pressure,=.315psf , ©e&k StrUctural concrete to" meet project regoirernents.ta satisfaction>of Auttority Havingjut sdretiari Primer:. .00'A 'PrAST.M`041 Base Ply: {aptiorrai), Pcilystick MTS PCUS,�sei�=atlhered! ` Uriderlaytherit: Palystick TU: P, Polysticic TU Piu's;; Poiystick fU Max, Tile Prts,•Polyflex SAP,; Polyfbex'SAP Ffl, Mule 11ide.SA-APP Cap ' Sheet-and.Muie-HrdeSA�APPCep:Sheet,(Flt},seifadhered:.. ; -5.6.4,6 Maximum:Pesran;Pressure = =622.5 •pSf�` ... ,_ : Decks 5trueturai concrete trr meet project reguicements;ta satisfaction of Authority klaying Jq Is. djct(on: Fninera:PG100of,ASTM'D41 Underlayme"nt ElastoflexS6,6,applied"infull"►sloppingof'hotasphat•trrPafyf(exd.torch-Applied: 5 6:4:Z, Maximum Design.Pressure.—A0. P4*1: 3 Deck:; Min.15/32-inch OSB`tb meet project requirements to:satisfactibwof Auitho,rity Having Jurisdiction . Base"Sheet:% Ebastobase or Mule Hide Nail Base (poiy=filrn Cop<surfa.} Fasteners - 11"ga. x 1.2S=ihch long"x 1-inch hea&diameier round metai"cap flails Spacing: 6-finch o",c. at the 3=inch wide sidelaps and 6-inch o:c. at twp:(2) equallyspaced':.staggered;enter;rows. BasePty '(Optional) Polystick;MTS P%U5 self adhered' Undei Iaym2rit Polystii 1t TU P,<PotystickTV Plus,:P.giystick U Max;: Pofyflex SAP,`PpfyllexSAP FR, Mule'=Hide"SA-APP.Cap 5tieet and Mule'Hde;SArAPP Cep;Sheet (Pl7},self»adhered., 5:6.A:8MaAmurm Design pressure = -37:S trsf*.. " Decks. Min. TS%32-lncl° piyw¢od sto meehsproJect requirements to satisfaction, of, Authority Havjng Jurisdiction; Base Sfieeti Elastobase:or Itriule-Hide >uaii ease"{poiy film topsuifacej Fasteners; 11 ga: x 12S-incf'.Iong x "1-an¢ii he"ad dlarrteter [`o'ttrid frietab.Cip nails' . Spec Ing: 6 lkh,6' c at the-34nch.. ide,side taps and 6, tnch'+�;e at fwo r2)aequally spacetl'stag'gered'center'rows , BasePiy: (laptiQnal) Polystick MiSPLUS; self -"adhered llr►derlaymen� 'Polystick TU: P, Polysticli"TU Plus,, PolysticlrTU Max;: PalyfieX SAP,:Pobyfiex SAP;FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and .Mule-i'ilde:SA,APP Lap°SheeN(FFt)„selfladhered. 5.6:49 Maximum Design Pressure.= 37iS-JAf*: Devi% . `MIIy< 19/32 inch 1 , p ywood ta;meet project requirements to satisfactiorr of Authonfy Fiayjhg Jurisdiction, Base5heet�: Ona {1j"°tip two (2) Iayers;As r D226, Type.bl felt Fasteners. : - �i: ga.-x �:25=inch'long x 1-inch headxdiameter raund4meCai`.cap nails Spacing '6 inch o.o at the=3 inch wide side'iaps and 2 inch,o,c atTw.o. f2) equallyspaced staggered center rows. Undorlayment Elastofl"G,opfib rnfuiirriappingofhotasphait" Exter%or Resedreh"and Design - Evaluation ,Report P1Z060 Q2.Q9-R2r ZeOif<cote ofAWhori . UdnW-g5O3 FBC NOY=HUHZ:EVALUATION L5259-R25 . " itmA i s on:"2T;1dJ17%2016 Page T:of13 RD Deck:= m 19J32 nthplywood;to meem.. hory Having jurisdiction. °Base--Sheeet'. `rune t1j IayerASTM>716;Typ'e-ttfielt" Fasteners; ' 11 ga.,x 1.25-inchx 3J8 inch head .diamete7" annular ring shank'roofing n6ils;at.,1-5%8-inch,.diameier t o caps. Spacing:, +inch..o c: at the 24nch wide:sidebps and 41 inch; o c attwo (2);equally spaced,staggered;center rows: Base _Ply; (Optional, far use w{tit self adiiering'underiayment.only} Ralysticic.MTS PLUS; self_adher §d Underlaymentt Polystick TU Pt Poiy"stickTU Plus,, Polystick,Tl.! MaX Polyflek SAP,11Po11, exSAP FR,, Mule -Hide SA: APP`C p: Sheet acid Mule=Hide $A-APP Cap"sheet (PR), self adhered,or.Elastoflex,Si;'Gi, applied,ln full,mopping.of hot asphalt, 5.6A.11 Maximum Design Pressure,=,-45r0sf Deck:, ' min. 19J32, inch plywood to meet projeci requirements to satisfaction' of Authority H ' r)g Jurisdiction, Base Sheet:; Tiva(2) layers ASTM Dx26, Type ll felt , Fasteners; 1a ga.:x 1;25-inch long Ii 3/8=inch had,diame"ter annular ring shark roofing nails at i-Sls-inch diameter'tin"caps ,Spacing 9 inch o:c, at the1 inch w#de side Taps and 0-inch o:c at two �(2j aqua{.fy spaced'.ataggered`center rows,° Base Y. (O# tianai, far use with self adhering eLnderiayment only)' Polystictc MTS PLUS# self adhered Inderlaymentj.Polystick TU ,P, Poiystick i'U Pius;. P.otystick.TU 'Max,.Poiyflex SAP, Po{y€Iex.SAP FR, Mute=Hide:SA APP'Gap Sheet and Mule=tlide.SA-APP(oheet,(FR),;self;adhered'or'Elastoflex S6.G,.applied in,=fuli,mopping,of hot asphalt 5.6AA1 iylax mUm°Design P"ressu"re = =45 psfia Deek Min S5I32 mch:plywobdto mer3tprotect.requiremettts tosatJsfactior 6 Authority;Hav ngJ► Ndictiooii Base -Sheet Eiastobase,(sanderi tbp surface plot hot -asphalt or torch-appiled cap^c r polyµfilm surface for torch applied cap) Easton Spacing 9 rnch o:e Athe:2 inch wide side:laps and i8 arch ox at two: (2j equally spaced staggered center rows.:. Underlayment E{astb#IekS6 G,'applled in'f ell mopping of h"cat aspliait or Pnlyfiex G, torch-appl ' , . 5, 6 4 :13' Maximum b.eskm Pressure = St:S•psf. Deck: Min.1Sj32-inch plywood:to meet<prajeci requirements to satisfactionof Authority Having Jurisdiction. easeShepfn Efastobase,(sanded top=surface?forhotwpWfor torch=applied,cap.arpoly=fiitnsurfacefortorch=appliedcap) Fasteners: Sitnples MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9 inch b':c. at the 2 uich.�vide sicJe`•laps and 12 °nth o`c. at ttiia'(2} equally spaced staggeredcenterroN§:. Underlay EiastnfJexs6.G,appl%i?diinlufi!•moppingofhatasptialtarP,ofyflex'ijorch-applied. 5.6Ai Maxfmurrii7esrttnPressure===52,&:psfi ` Deck;. Min,15J327inch':piywood;to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Sase 5h6W., , .06stobat oe, Mule-Hlde mbit 8ase{poly film- tbpsurfacej, Fastenors", ` .Simplo., qg NI Cap'Nall5� spacing:. 6 inch o<c at the 9 mph wideside laps and 6anch o:c; at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows: Sase Ply: ' (Upt{onaij Polystkk MTs pLUSrseif odherw;d Unde"rlayri'erit Poijistick TU P, Po{ystick TU Plus;,f o{ystick TU Max, Pblyflei,SAP,.Polyflek.SAP FR,. Mule-Hide.SA-APP cap Sheet and ::Mule=flfde'SA-APP,Gap=5heet,(FR), self, -'adhered::` MaxirY�umDesfgn"Pressurre =�:-52 5 psf: , Deck: Min ISP2 inch plywooI bp meetprplik requirements to sat..isfactici of Authority HavingJurisdiction: Base sheet:. Elastotiase (sanded top surface fcsr hcit=aspl at or torch -applied eap`i r poky=film surfape'fiirtorch-applied caps Simpl,6xorigiiiaicap,Naiis- r m Fasteners, , Spacing 6 meh;9e. at the 3 anch uvde sidelaps and 5 inch' o e ah"four (?tj equally spaced staggered centerr,.ov:rs. Underiayment> EiastciflexS6 "G, applied �ri full moppmgof hot aspiia(t or Poiyiex G, torch applied. 5.6*16: , Ma imum Design Pressure A0 asfi:-; ; Deck: Min.19J32-inch plywood to,,meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Hav ng.iurisd ctioh: Base Sheet::, Eiastobase (sanded top:surface fdrhotasphalt ortorch=applied cap or polyzfilm: surface:for torch=applied cap) ,._ i Fasteners- 11 ga. �i 125-inc}r long x 3j8 Am-. head dlarneter'annular ring Shan. roofing nails at l-5/8 inch diameter tin ceps Spacing: 8 Inch &C. at floe .4 inchwide side •laps and`8 inch` o.c: atxhree (3) etf ally, spaced'staggered°ceritertoves. tJnderaayment Elastafleit;S6-G, ppfled in fttli m6ppiiig of hot as 'ha[trir PalyHek G, torch -applied:. .> xterior Research and DesJgn,;-f i,C.. Evaivatian Report P12050 9Z:09=R2.1' ertiffcote of 4uthonzofri;n'#9303 FBC'NON=HVHZ!EVALUATION FL5259=R25 .. _ .evis: 2lsaohz%2t?�:6 -'Page 4'.of18 Q�TRIN TY ERR 5.6:4.17 Wkimurif Design Pressure is -6 psf Deck:; Min,19J32:inch plywood to meet protect requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Base,Sheet: 'dastobase:(sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap -or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners,- OMG 912.Standard Roofgrip with OMG Flat Bottom'Meiat Plates Spacing: 12-inch'o.c. at the 44ndf wide, s. de',[aps and' 12-inch-o:c: at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows; Underlaymeht: Elastoflex-56 G, appli- ;infull enoppmg,oi hot asphalt gr Puiy'ieic G, torch=applied. 5,6.4:SS Maximum` Design .Preswre -67.5 psf : Deck, Mih.15f.32-inch,plywood to:,meet;project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having jurisdiction. Base Sheet:, Polyglass G2 Base or. PolyglasvAPP Base;(requ res°use of torch -applied underfayment) Fasteners= 12 ga: x 1,25,4nch4ong x 3J8 inch head diary eter aririular ring shank roofing nails at l-5%8 inch. diameter tin caps Spacing: 9-16ch n.c: at the4-inch w de,side laps and 9-inch o.c. atfour (4) equally spaced staggered center -rows. Underlaymeni Elastoflex56 G, appliedanfuli mopping'of°hat asp(ialt or iorclt-applied'or Polyfl'ex G, torch -applied. 564.19; Maxirium:D:esign,Pressure.=-75psf, Deck: Min-15 92 inch piyu�oud to=meetpro)gct equirements to satisfaction, of, Authority Fiat' og Jurisdiction;, Base Sheet:. Polygla'ss G2 Base ar Polyglass.APP ease (requires use of tarcl alipHO uriderlaymeh Fasteners! :Rekfast #14 with Dekfast Hex platesi, tiMG°#14 HD :with 0,M ' ,3" GalvaluiMe, Steel Palates; OMG Roofigdp #14 with Q 1, Flat Bottom Plates (ACwTrac)j Trufast, HD with°Trufast 3-'inch Insulation: Plates or Simplex MAU, Cap Fasteners' Spacing: 1Q-inch;r�.c. at:the 4 inch wide sidelaps ara'd 10 inch o.crat-three. (-3) equally spaced staggered center rows. linderlaymenti :ElastoflexS6 G, applieii in full'mapping=nf hat asphalt or torch -applied or Polyfiex G, torch -applied: 5.6.4.Ztl Maximum Design Pressure Deck ;Min 15[32, inch, plywood to meet projec%.requ rements to satisfaction of Autf ority Having Jurisdiction: Base Sheet:' Elastobate (sanded tap.sudate-ibrhot=asphalt ortoreh applied C;�p.©r poly-f(lrri surface•fbr.torch 5ppiiecl cap) Fastieners:. Siinp(6x mAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6Anch o c. at the 2=inckl wide side;laps and `b=inch ox. at two (2)'equally spaced !.staggered ,center rows,.- Underlayment: Elastoflex'86 G,;applied'in "full mgppin$ of'hi7t asphalt or Poly'Rex G{ torch -applied. 5.6.4:21 Maximum Design Pressure. = =Ao psf Deck., min.15/324rich l ood to rneet,prg)ect requirements to satisfaction of Authority tfauing Jurisdiction; p yw ,Base5.heet:; Elostooase.(sanded top;surface fgr hot-asph alt or, torch -applied cap.or pgly, fil M. surface,for:torch applied "cap) Fasteners': ,OMG 4f12'standard Roofgrip or OMG 414.Heavy Duty°with OIVIG 3"Round Metal Plates'or°OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Sp ng> 6 inch ac, at theAArvch w de�side laps and $Anch. a:c. atthree (3) •equally space&staggered center rows,, Underlayment Elastofieiis6"G,,appl�ed in full mnpping-of hot asphaitor-Polyflex G, torch -applied, 5 6;4.22+ Maximum Design "Pressure==-90gsf: Decks ; Min.15/WAn 'h plywood to.meet;project requirements to satisfaction of Auth'arity fiav ng7urisdiction. Base Sheet: Elasfohase (sanded top_surface) Fasteners, Trufast, ##9 DQ grTrufast #14,H0 y,rith,Trufast 3" Metal Ihsulation Plato! Spacing: 5-inch o c. at the 4 inch •i V rle.sitle.laps and 6 inch o.c'. at t6"r"ee ($),equally $paced stagge"red,center rows. underlayment; ,,Ela'stofleXS$ G,.applmd'in full mopping -of hot asphalt. ' SA4.23,Maximum' Design Pressure --90 iisf; Decks Miir:15%3Z inch plyurood to meet project requirements to sajisfacUan; of fluth.onky, Havlhg Jurisdiction: ase BSheets Folyglass G2 Base or Potygiass'APP Base fr`equlres use of torel-dp'plier?'urirlerluyrnentJ Fasteners:, Dekfast. #14-wlthDekMst 14ex plates;. C1M`G #14, HD' with OMG 3";G9lvalume Steel Plates; OMG Roofgrip 414-with OMGFlat, Bottom, Plates,(Acculrac), Trufast HD` with Tr faInsulation Plates or Simplex,MWtX, Cap Fasteners � , Spacing: 9-inch o,c. at ihe4-inch v deAde'.laps and 9-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastofiex%,;G, applied' h full mapping'of':hotasphalt or. torch -applied: or Polyflex G`, torch -.applied: Exterior Research and Design; LCG,;` Evaluation Report P120b0 0209-R21 Certificate nfAutharizallorc#9.503 ;FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION Ft 5259=R25 Revision 21:.10J17j2016 'Page9 0 , f13 , INIT ER 5 6.4.24 'Maiiirnurim Desfgri `Pressure-=:-97.5 %s#x , , - 'Ncko, Min, a 9/3Z mch plywood to meetprolect requirements to sattsfai Mori: of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet. Elastobase or Mule Hine 1Var1 Base-" poly=Alin"top 'surface j Fasteners 11 ga.,x 125-inch x 3/$-inch head �diameter.annular.. ring shank iroofthg nails;at:1-518-inch diameter tin caps. Spacing: flinch md- at the*.inch wide'side'iaps and 4, inch; o:c: atfour(A.} equally spaced staggered centerrows; Base Ply: (Optional} PolystickwtT PLUS,telf adhered- �,. Undprlaynent odtyselck TU Pt 1Polystick ft1 Plus, PolystickJU Mw4;Polyflex SAP,,Polytlex.SAP FR, MU Le HWCSA-APP`Cap Sheet and ., .Mule-Hi±:ie"SIB-APP Cap.5h�etfER), elf=adher'ed... 5.6.4,25 Maximum Qesien`PressUfe =a=105 deck Mtn,15/32, meh,plywood to meetpto1ect requirements to Sat tsfaction`of Authority Having lurisdicticin, . . Base sheet Efastobase' (sanded top su"rface,for'hot-asphalt or torch -applied cap''=dr poly�film surfs"ce for torch' -applied cap) Pastert'ersi - Simplex MAXX Co.p,Fasteners; . $pacing ' 6 inch o:c at the;2-inch `Yids side Laps and 6-inch a;c: at.three (3) equally spaced.staggered,,cei ter rows; lmoo. _ ..ed.UnderlaymenBoex 56; appiiedih ull 'Poi ng fiaoPoi05 6.4;26 M"bAmUrh' Desi{;n Pressure :�'112:5'psf beckMin 19/32-inch piywood:to.meetpr9ject requirern6fi ,to satEsfiactiori. of "/tuth6tity Having lurisdiictidn: Base Sheet " - . ;Elastoba.wor Mule ]HIde Nall B.o ,(poly filrri topsyrface) Fasteners. 11 ga, x S 2S inch x 3/8 inch read diarrieter annular' "ring shank roofing nails at 1 8 inch diameter ti'n "caps Spacing:. 6=Inch o c. at the 4 inch uui le side:laps and S-itictr o:c, atfcur j41, e4ualiy-space d staggered center rows.: Primer` JOGIOU or, AMWb41 pr rrierat"all tin caps": Rase.ply: Polystick NITS"PLUS; self=adhered_ Underlaymeiit: i?olysticliTU-P,`PilystickTfJ Plus,.Polystiek=Tt1 Max; Pofyfle>ISAR,•PoiyfleicBAP FR, Mule-HideSA-APP Cap Sheet ,and .; . :Mule Hide 5A-ARP Gig SYieei P "self -%adhered. ' 56A,27 Maximum: Design Pressure. =s420 psf . Beck:' MIn.1�SJ3�-inch plyvsrood to ``lest proJecC re.,quirements to safisfactiort of Authority Harting Jurisdiction: Base Sheet: Etastobase (sanded top surface f or hot asphalt or to',rch applied cap a",r posy film surface for torch -applied cap) _,. Fasterie"r"si btVIG;#12 Standard Fiadtgrip,dr OMG #1A:Heavy Quty urifh C�itliG "Round"IVletal Plates!dr"t3tillG Fiat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing:y 6 inch o e atthe .4 inch wide sjOgjgps and 6 rnch oxw atfjve (5} equally spaced; staggered center,rows ' Unde'rlayment:,Etastoflez Sii G, applied"in ful) inoppiitg of hat asphalt or PdlyAt G, far`ch ap -116d. 5.6.4:2$; "Maximum >SesiRn Pressure=._12Q�sf, , t3eek , Min.15/32•incR plywood to rriee project r e'quirerrient5 to satisfacalprr: of Autttortty Haul rg lurisdictlon; BaseSl set: ETastobas6 (sanded top,surfeci?} t=as044*r Tru fast p bP 0fTtufast #% lip k ith Trufast 3" Met"J Insulation Platies . spacing: 6, inch a.c. at the.4 inch wide `side lap"sand &-inch i atfive (S}'equally "spaced staggered cente'r`rows. Underlayrnent:',FlaAcifIox-S6,0,applied,in ull`moK3pingof:liititasphali-. �: 5 6:4".29 A)i >D 6f direct deck; adhered Polyglass Un- eriayrr ant sy"stems kieneath., foam=0 tale asgstems. carry, a Maximum Design'Pressuce of -45,psf: 5,6,d.30. IF or mechanically a"tfia'ched base'sheet, the:'maximuin design pressure for the;seiected°asserribly.shall meet or'exceed th"e;Zone 1 design pressure "determined °in aci ordanoe with "FRSORI April "2012.(04-�21' Appendix A To.ble'IA "or FBC 1609 Zohes,z*id 3sshalj employ;an attachtnen't densitjrc esigi7ecl-tiy a qualit'd.,i�esigr% rofessli nal to'resist,the elevated pressure cr,`ii aria:, Commonly used ;:methods are iZAS 117;"?FM ! Pi S 1 29 and. ANSI/SPRf., iNA1. -Assemblies mark4,,�wg11. an asterisk* carry the. l rnitatitihs set. fotth in Section ,z 2 10.' .of FM `Lass" Pt ventiiyti Data.5heet 1-29 (lanuarj? 2016� for ZCirtie2J3 enhancerrretfts ". 5:�7 Exposure Limitations:= E astb'base, Elastabase P:, Paljig ass G2 Base or, Pplj+glass ,flee Base ,shall not!.be left etcposeci .for Monger tr.aii 30-days after(nstaAation.. PolyOck IR=Xe or Polystickim-U X-shail€`not be,left exposed for longer-thani9o-days after installation: . Po(ysf ck;MTS .iVITS "PLUS; TU , TWPId§, TUv1.. x, Anal. Pr`o" dr Tiie Pro sh6li"hot be left expbsed for longer than 18Q days after`installation Exter(or Research anal iQesign -LLG , Evaluation Report P120002.09+R21 Gera irate of Authofizot onW9593 " . PBC NON-'HVHZ,,EVALUAtON FL52S9=R 5 - -(leSiision'2110/17J2D1i6 Page 10 ofE13 ERD kINITT All, :Oyer fabric and ou`,er geaituCe endy)aps=shall have :a S=inch 'A d' ; hiform layer ,of Polyplus SO Premium Mori€led V1iet/0ryCementor Polyglass., PGS001Vlodified Cement applied: in. between tte application of;the lap. Polystick TU Plus, Doi Pro, an,d Ti1e.Pro may n'ot b'e.usedln any exposed,, application such'as+`crickets, exposed vallegs, or e>4ppsed ra,Ofxa"wall details . .. °' Repair of Pofystr'ck mernbranes.isto. fie-accamp0' ff, d`,byAppl�,iq Polyp lus.5lS;Prerriirm [Vlddified ViletJDry Cert�ent:nr tu6fi. inh patch othePolyg 540 vodrf led Gemint to theeainddofr' aet Polystick material° of like ;kind, set,arld 17and rolled ;in place over'the, repair area<. Patch ,fops, if needed, shall be rntall`ed in:a'ivatersttedding manner: All P;olystick::mem' b, ranes shall ,be. instilled -to, ensure full contact with, ,approved, substrates. , 'Polyglass requires .:a: minimum 4f 40 Ib Weighted -roller or, on steep slopes, u$e:of a strff'kroom with approxrrrtately 4b lbs'df [ond applied, ,for the field membrane Hand. rollers are;acceptable. for roClin,&of patches, laps (min.:281b rr�lier) or small,areas:of. the . roof that are:not,accessible'to a 1'arge. roller'ar`broom , TCte Ayolrcatfibm `tnat Alowred tar i�viyst rk [ f( .orPalsrsttrk: MU=X1' . Reference ismade toFRSAITRI April,2012.1fi4-� Installation=lliianual and:TabC,e Sherein, using theinstructions noted 00yq'bs a,gui'delrng . Eor riiecharifcaAy fastarred file roafang overt-ply'syst m, eonsfsting'of base sh`eetand'self=adhering tap;sheet(s); base shoat, fastetm'tngshall`be natlessthenFRSA/Tftl Apri12012 (Q?}=12}��'able 1. For adhesive -set tile'appllCatisns, refer to 5etion 5:6S 1 herairt. Fornarl .an.tile systems,oyer POtystipk`MTS, battens:are-required far'Ib a.'din. J staging & thaf le ,. For:nait on the systems cover Poiystick MTS 'IxLUS A :Bettens'a>je,requCred'far I 'a, ph staging oi`luggetl file rogardlessof'slope Battens are. reiiUlred for, loading/staging;of flat,the at slopes in excess;af kU.; 6 4.4 Two121�'P1v UnderIayment,.Svstems: Po(ystick MT.5 or'M.T$ PLUSfolio.,wed,,by Poiystick NllS, MTS:PI US, Tl7 Pj'T11 P1 TU Max; Tile Pro; MU xar maw iex, SAP` is allovable: far.. use under mechanically attached pr-epared roof. systems; Limits of uselare'those-associated with theto"p laye`rr�terial> This is nova regyirerYten,but`vlsFaljowablelfa ply:underfaymertt,syste►tiy is desired Polystick NITS: PLUS,folIowv4 by pol)strck,TlJ P; TIJ 1'tus,.TiJ Max, +TII "r. or Polyfley, is: allowable far'ttse.und'er foaiii-rtn tile -systems:; Lrmits gf use,are those; associated wiflithe, top layer materral; This `is;not a requirement,.Eiut is allowable Ifa,2-ply underlayrnent sysiem fs desired` . _ 61 Elastrfiex S6 G or 56G FR shairl fxe nstalled in calnplance with current Polyglots putlrshed; iristallatOn requirements. Foruse in tile ;applica#lonst reference,' smadeto.FltSgrRI Jipril 20x2"(0 12)"l6stallation,Manual: :and.Toble,1 herein;; 6 5-2 Elastaflex,S6:G ar.S6G, FR shall be ;fully asphalt applied tOthe s�bstrate5=note-d. iri SectiQ;n 5�6;, Side laps shall be minimum Mhch -and end"=laps minimum 8-inch wide, -off -set rrfrnimum :3:'feet.from course,to course. 5ido. and end laps shall tie fully adhered. in a couplet a .mopprng;af hot asphalk with. asphalt, extending approximately 3/8 inch ._ , beyond the<lap edge;. . 6,=6 Pnlvfiex 6 dr'IS 0i. 6.6,I PolyflexG.or'GFR.,shall'beinstalted:in,}comottance:withcurrent.Polygiass.publishedinsteliation�requirerrrents Fo"r..use rn tlle;appfications; reference is made,FRSA/Tltl Rprii 2612 (Q4-1�1'instailat+,qr Manual ,and Table herein,- 6 6;2` Pv(yfl G 4r" FR shall be fully torch appltecl,o thecsuostcates note. d it, Sectrop 5",6; Side laps shall be rjmnimum 3= inch and ,encl4aps minimum, 6, rnch' wide, tiff=sei mini murrt' 3'.feet.from' course to, course.. Side and end :laps shall be fully heatLwelded and inspected to ensure minirnt m. 3/8-inch #Iciwof modified compound Beyond the lap edge. 6,7 TiCa Stood , fi, 7,1 Tile shall: be"loaded arrd stagetl fn a "manner that revents: tile; slippage artdlor damage to the unde. rn, .nt' Refer,ti " 'Polyglass.pubiished 1requicementsrfor:tiI6(staging, Exterior Research and bes nt,. LLCI. Evaluation kepor,t k12nb0 02 09=R21 Lertifrcote of Avthoritatibrn49503 fBG•NON-HVHZ'EVALUATION ° . TL5259=R25, - [tevsioh2110%17j,��16 agell'l of'13_ PC I WING AVI, t p Amovu F POW 400FIN G, TaTAILtoo ^C ,nN,X 'Prepw "p. , . rM.Ta"tt. 545'$i)t(i6,3;4;9.tre.et.:'.gtdte 200. TeIPrneti N A .2", Propgrod, Byt, 91 .6fi W, 6, F1 2 0 or Ona. ogmoo 74106,t ,T,e irr "(OtSO VAM 0*366-1 This oport, edushO of EvuTuatio Report ages ncluclirag cover). t 'Ripport'No - IC2 Date: 3,;27AS :00� 62,240, T i Q,z ON' iRz 'It Manufacturer: Product Name: Panel Description: Materials: Deck Description: Deck Attachment: (Minimum) New Underlayment: FL 14645.3-R2 C2010-3 3.27.15 Page 2 of 3 Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation 5V-Crimp 24" wide coverage with (5) 1 /2" high ribs Min. 26 ga., 50 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel (ASTM A792) or painted steel (ASTM A755). Min. 19/32" thick plywood for new and existing constructions. Designed and installed as per FBC 2014. 8d x 2.5" long ring shank nails or #8 x 2" long wood screws @ 6" o.c. in the plywood field and @ 4" o.c. at edges Minimum underlayment as per FBC 2044 Section 1507.4.5.1. Required for new construction and optional for reroofing construction. Existing Underlayment: One layer of asphalt shingles over one layer of #30 felt. For reroofing (Optional) construction only. Slope: 1/2:12 or greater in accordance with .FBC 2014 Section 1507.4.2 Design Uplift Pressure: 41.6 psf @ fastener spacing of 36" o.c. (Factor of Safety = 2) 74.8 psf @ fastener spacing of 16" o.c. 196.75 psf @ fastener spacing of 8" o.c. Fastener Pattern: Type: #9-16 or 410-14 hex head wood screws with sealed washer. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8". At panel ends @ 6" o.c. across panel width At intermediate @ 12" o.c. across panel width Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with TAS 125-03 'Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems'. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2014 Section 1.507.4 Product Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2014 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum support spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2014 Section 1505 and current r FL 14645.3-R2 C2010-3 3.27.15 Page 3 of 3 approved roofing materials directory or ASTM E108/UL790 report from an accredited laboratory for fire ratings of this product. Supporting Documents: TAS 125 Test Reports Farabaugh Engineering and Testing Inc Project No. T181-05, Reporting Date 7/21/05 (Tests 41 & 2) Project No. T240-09, Reporting Date 9/22/09 Architectural Testing, Inc. — West Palm Beach, FL (Formerly Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC) Project No. 01.03-0712-09, Reporting Date 9/l /09 EXISTING SHINGLES (OPTIONAL) NEW UNDERLAYMENT - (REQUIRED ONLY FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION) EXISTING SHINGLES (OPTIONAL) EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT (OPTIONAL) NEW UNDERLAYMENT- (REQUIRED ONLY FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION) EXISTING SHINGLES (OPTIONAL) EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT (OPTIONAL) SEE DETAIL 2 SEE DETAIL 1 NEW REQUIUNDERLAYMENT ONYMENT - LY _",,,-SEE � (PANEL OVERLAP) NEW CONSTRUCTION) R EXISTING UNDERLAYMENT (OPTIONAL) MINIMUM ATTACHMENT: 8d x 2.5" LONG RING SHANK NAIL OR #8 x 2" LONG WOOD SCREWS SPACED @ 6" Q.C. 'IN THE FIELD & FASTENER AT PANEL FLAT REQUIRED FOR PANEL ENDS ONLY. MIN. 2X- WOOD RAFTER/JOIST/-7 L_ y 4" O.C. AT PLYWOOD EDGES TRUSS AT MAX. 24" O.C. TYPICAL PANEL INSTALLATION X-SECTION #9-16 OR #10-14 WOODSCREWS WITH SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36" O.C. 5V-CRIMP MIN 26 GA. PLYWOOD DETAIL 1 19/32" THICK (MIN.) #9-16 OR #10-14 WOODSCRE'WS WITH SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36" O.C. 5V-CRIMP MIN 26 GA. PLYWOOD DETAIL 2 19/32" THICK (MIN.) PANEL FASTENER PER ALLOWABLE PRESSURE TABLE ON THIS SHEET. 5V-CRIMP ALLOWABLE UPLIFT PRESSURE FASTENER SPACING (IN) PRESSURE (PSF) 36 41.6 16 74.8 B 196.75 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC). 2. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE MIN. 26 GA. (t = 0.0169"). EFFECTIVE COVERING WIDTH OF PANEL = 24". 3. THE ROOF PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER SHEATHING & STRUCTURE AS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING. 4. REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS SHALL BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT. THIS PANEL SYSTEM MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE REQUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS ARE GREATER THAN THE ALLOWABLE WIND LOADS SPECIFIED ON THIS DRAWING. 5. ALL FASTENERS 67USI BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING & THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF THIS DRAWING & THE CODE, THE CODE SHALL CONTROL. 6. RAFTERS/JOISTS/TRUSSES MUST BE DESIGNED TO 'WITHSTAND WIND LOADS AS REQUIRED FOR EACH APPLICATION AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. a it 0 - U N 0 LJN z LO rx DN BCD ✓>Y I Z MJ I j N Lux o 00 v W CL T z a � a a Nem CC CC 2 W"' U I Z Kom �Q0 M U OF TRINITY] Et :, t p� �'f k' 'tS f 3 i .;t : 'aa� , ^m....,°.� g...•� � a �c s"`v, °, a � � t4 z:A . � �tRE �" iNt�tty fJPttFC� . Et'�ibNCia:• e ° Tabfe Deik ° _ Application• Type Description "Page , IA, Wood; Newor Reroof (Tear: -off} AA,'. 86tided insulation,. Bonded Roo€Coster T 4 161 . " Wood.`. <NewprReraof l0r-Ofi A4: `Mesh.7Atta6ed.AricFidrSbeet,;eoniiedlti ulatioh;zBonded,RoofGoYe' 8, - i9=2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear-Offj oG ReCoyet'_ .: A-2;. Nlech-Atta.chidAnc(ioc5heet; Bottled iosutahon,.Hogded,Rapf Laver;' 10 .._.._ e blew; R foof.(i ear Q or, etover B itltech Attached Base lnsulatlon ,Bonded op Insulation Banded Roo, ,over 11 R ; -__ -r._._ . 1t3: Wood; ;blew„Recogf(Tear L7fiI cir RecoveY C tt/ cti Attaetied Inwiahoo, Bonded RoofGover 12-13 4 I Wood Rlew;•'Reroof (Tear= fiJ or Recover D RrOtimt AtrachedlnsulabOrv, Nfecft, Atfadhed Base 5heet,-Bonde0RoofOvec 1I=1 Wood; Newor'Reroof(Tear=iSffl, E Non-insulated,Mech,,Attacfied BaseSheet (naIN Bon ded;RodfCoyer. iF-2 W.00iio New;'Retoaf(Tear= fflok,,ReGoyer E.. Nan insulated, fltlectilAttactiedgase Sheet (screws & plates),':Bonded;itoof;Cdver 14 21 V 1G Wood: { Cew or Reroof(Tear Dff) F ' Non Cns4I5f Bonded Robf Cover . 21 �C a _ ZA. 5teelorConc;-.-° Alew„RerAof(T.eattrffja>Recover „B „` Mesh:Atta66, BaseIns4fation,BondedfioplitsuIafion;6ondedRoof`Gouer'" 22 ,26 5teei,ar,Con ; lVev�.Reroof,{Tear Of(j:gr, Rescuer G Niech.AttactiecC lnsula a[r, Bonded Roof Cover - _ 2G 5-teeitsr Q - :Flew :Reroof' . ear: 0 'ar Recover D Preltm ... ctie,d"Crlsulfiion, ktitecl� tEa�hed Base STieet Mn ed'f aol hover,`..; , a: 6 .. (f ffj 3A=1, Concrete tjtew ar Reroaf (fear -Of A Z- Bonded insuCatlatj Bonded Roof Cover .. 3A-2 Concrete' tVew or, Reroaf (Tear=Off), , A-1. _ Bonded Tempgrary'Roof, Bonded Insulation, Bonded.R'oof'Cover 32=33, 38 Consreie Flew ar Re[oof (Teae Off} - - F 'NOf`s-IriWAbd, Bonded Rrrof"Couer = 33: - X LWIC New or Reioof,(TObit OM A-1•: Bonded iris'ulatioti, Bohdeof, d RoCover 343_ S . 48 LotNewor Reroof (Teaz:[7ff}. Az2:, Mecfi, Attached Anehor5heet, Bonded It sufa6bn6'ondeii [iaof,Correr . 35 4E _ LW[G _ WeW or Reraof`(fear Qif} ::'.' ._ < , .: _ E," _ Rton Insulatetl, McCtt; AtEach',O ate Sheet Bonded- Roo fGoyer or. Reraof(Teacffr . , AABdi�ded Insulation, Bonded Roof Coue . S.B CWE` New,ReroaF(Tear tttfl ar Recover. ... A-2 " ' KRe.,ttacEiec(RncharSheetBorii.'ed`[.RsultrUgn,onded<fi4of Cover_, SG GVJ thew`• Recoof Tear=G1 or Re over B Mech Attached Base (nsulatlon Bonde ro insulation Bonded RoofGavee - ....g. _._ .-. d-. p. SD , CW� .;. tVew Recoof (Tear-(tff)Qr= Recover . C Niech Attached Insulation • Bonged Roof.Couer 42 5E CWF , 1Vew; Rerisof (1 ear=Glff .ar Re ave E Non-Cnsulated, Wc&,Attached Base 5heet16ond6d,'K6cf Colter . 42 6A, Gypsurrt `-, Reroof (teal ..* ' _ .: A=Z Bottled lrssatatCoii, Bottled Roaf.Coer :. 43 44 66 Gg{ssitni RE roof (tear Ofij:or. i%toYet R-2 -' ...: Me; t%.Attached ¢richor,'Sheet; Ronded%utsulatton, Bbnde&.FRdof Cover' 4§' 6G Gyp'surg Rekoof (Tear_t7ffibr.'Recoyer _ ; ... ... C. (i?iech Attached Insulatton, B,ogd0 Roof Cover..' d5 6Q ... Gypsum Iteroof (Tear Ofi(or Recmrer. , E' Ftors ,insulated, MechAttacfiec(. 9ase Sheet,, BgndedwRaaf Cover ?ts ?A. Various Recover A-1, Bonded liisulation, Bonded, Roof Cover' 46-48 - 76Various, Recov"er ,.. F Non -insulated, Bonded Base Shot, Bonifed Roof Cover 48` The foifawCit .,notesais tyfirstfigt erf ,''ditlinedhdtdiW= ' , ° " l' f 'on fs: Roo decksatrd:,structttral'memb'ers shal b`ein accordance Snn fl "i` uirerne tsto ttie satlsfatilon:of`the " ., load res stagce:of the 1 The roof systertt:evaivaUott herernRertatrrstoabove edc r .pomp , ,eg. f .- , -. I �,.,.. P Ak! . roof ddikshat( heiiutnented=tfirollghp roper:fiieHandlor'Fiflpproval doculrJenfattoo, 2 insulation, / basesheet faseaers shall'be of sufficient length forthe fallowing deck' engagement'; >y+food: - tVfinitttttm.0 7ch penetrafCpts'. ; "Ste lu►ilnitnurn,0:75-inch penetration and ;engage he'tap flyte of the steel deck A Ggncrete,Cin�rrttttn,l-inch,emtie"dment tntoplat Note �naccordance r�ith fastenermanufactucers published, instalat7oh.iristructtons B: ° Unless other.` ise i mted; insulatibn may be any one;•layer'ar combination of poMsoconumte; potystVrmnex Woodfiberboard perl�te, ,gypsum -based roof board,,or minerat-woaf'-roof board that meets the QA requirements of;F,A C Rule %1G204 and,is documented:;as meet rsg FBG1.505 !and'. for foairr plastid `F.BG Chapter,26, vthen Installed vgdh the;eoof cover.. EicCeriorResearthartd, ign lLt d(b%a TrnityOERD` EvawationRepo R4669QU6 R5forH16429 R GernfficateofAutbonzattonii9503 ® ion5 02flSf2t)16 Prepared bw RobertNiemmen, EY€: 9166 �� `� pp,. nd�x l; Page tofi:48 TRINIT E 4, tvltnim..p,m. zUO _ _ , m#nimum 2-inc..ft .Yhick.€f fiLwewht �nsu(aftn ;concrete;tna be:substituted for ri id insulatton board for `5 em :;; a "D mechanically attached base:sheeif horded roof cover}, iterel y the. base. sheetifastene s a a in , 1le throu h the L (C to en a "e the strutt i "steel orcoricrete deck;. 'fhe structura deck shall be of ual ar renter confi "ration toAheasteel; acid canerete deck:lfstlr s; ;Roof deck a; nrf C ... r .sta . d. g. �tf, g b urn.. 1 eq , ,.. . structtiral;membersshail be mn artcordarice with FBGtequuements.to the"satisfa"ttioii.afthe AHI' t oad,resfstance'of'the roof deck shall be=documented°through prt pet,cadiiied.andjar FBCAPproVal docu rmentation:. , 5 Unless otherwise noted insulatio" adhesive a licatf n:rates are:asfoitows: Ribf n or bead wfdtfr is.arthe iime'afa i'cafion 'rbe; bbons ads shaUex and asnoted Frt°the manufacturers ubl shed`#nstructians. 9HOasphalt{HEt"s Fullpygrageat25-�fflbsjsquare; __. _ `Qaw insta=Silk RoOfwrig Adhesixe {D l5}c: Gon2�nuous Q75 to;,T_ rw de ribbons,,12-#neh a.c: D Iv�ilenrt[u�t QlieStep,;FoartEab#eAdhe�lve-(t'v1-c7�Fa).. ,- ; . - 'Ci#niinuous;�ZS.ta,o:5-lt�chwlrle rioBor�. �2 €nCtx:4:G,>. -. . 4AG`(Si Bond50t) t350Q tfnuous=0 5 to:l4 i e'" fClb" 'S.12-i rlr s'c.: Pa "e ar[ of 5 ' t5hot;.. fVote . a `Bortd:Greett "rria : bowed wheie>, ;:Bond 500'u ' 0 Y . n ... {Q _ . I. Con _ ..7 . . ch w d_ ,r _ on .. n 1, c E?o. } fY Y h? reference. 3? "Qtyeond Classic (QB,Glasstc - Full E6veFage;5tl gaj/s4barei 1 8M CR-2Q; ' Goiii#nuoits 2€5r3S fnch�w#de riEinsl3-iprh a.c. , "Nate•Wheirriuliiple!favers(sjnfinsr�latiorranr�far.'taverhoardarinstaHedin"rifahonappifedadhesiVa;ftaaiifoiriirha/tbestnggeredi` ➢!S#otez ThemaXtnxum:edgeefsianeefrairr'thevdhesiverib6nmto€iteedge"ofthe nsulati hbcoard�spgllbehotlessiharzgnOaTthespecijredrih6ansspaa7ig:' 6. u rstess otherwrs.enobtW all rnsu!ations.are flat,stnck aril r:hoard d1the min€, ien thickness noted T, eTdd fP €sac`"aitutate at"tlie folld-W tiiickn ss km' ittdoiis ma ` b'4,si6stttuted tiv6 the OtoWng, l4Takkni Ain ,... .. f Aesfgn Pressure (MP) `ini tatIons. ►n.:na case,shall thew hies be" Rued to increase' the:MDP t€strngs:in the- ta4tes, rathe'r:if MbF' listidg.,belotir: meets-ar exceeds that,fisted for a paiticuia'r'.system en;tiie tab[esF rhea th6th#nnerbo5nt listed betisv"e°malt be used•a3a drop iFforthe:equfvatlent:2htc[cer;r iatetiai Ctstei Rn.ttietabte: tN#Aenniutn QrieStep€FoaittabteAdhesive'(M,QSF1 :. - fVtDP 15T.5'psi OS4 cKtWkkj y;C;MGQ[yBond5il0'jt65tM5je : tiA6P -.. a45Apsf(M#n<Q�S?ihehftslckMuiti,NlaxFit-3} �?-,d�Mta"OlyBcindSEJU(QBSIiSll}; MOP- 4975psf. (Min. .SA6chthicklSl}9S+G1}. . iti'01�ijG i?I,y Q[td5�a {U 504i ' ML;P r315 U W,` k FNR i' 3"1 Y L1tvlG'QlyBond-500 (08sotljs �PA}IP 87�5'.P f" (Mrrt,OS Itrehth€ckAOoam it} - y 3N# Polyurethane Foam insulation %adhesive C 7Q, {viL1P .1i7 5 psf" (Min, 1,Q €nch thic[c}. 7 Banded"cal'yfsocyanurate.insulat#ori':tioarrls"sEiat(berriaximum4k A, fL chi d':co :.d . 8.. Far rclecltamcafliratta a mpgn . s.or p, its ly bon ed-insular€ore therreaXinlurn:desigrf pressure foythe selected assem��y shail:,mietEdrexceeci tiie,ZolSe 1.iesigli pressure do one accordent e with F8G Cheer 16, •and Zones 2 and.3,shall employ an. attach rent densdy iiesigr ed y a"qualtfTed " lesfgrt' idfesslonal.to restst; t#le elevated piessure ixtterla: Commott#y Used method are RAS; it and":FM LP.OS;129; Asseini&es inaiiced irvitti ar'asterisk `,carry tFieifriiltatiiirissetforiF Rn 6ecttonr22.15.1{al o£ FEi4xLPDS IfaZoie 2f 3 enhancements: i €n� i a j ewl Et3CG a t 16 a t`o" a a" "Is'ls 9:.. FaY'fcel#y banded assegebifes; tkte matnmum des r#-pressute tar the selected assemlil shall meet or exceecGcrttmral'desmgle p _ensure -deter fried n ccor..iianc ... th . , h p er and;no-r t._ na(- n lys _ perm3tt An 10., .For mechantca€L :attached, com ortents'ouer: existfn Packs "fasteners shall; be °tested In the exrstin "-.deck `for withdrawal'=resistan¢ar A: tin fled'des# n: Sofes Tonal shall rev€ew�the data f+or,com anson to: t e Y p n, . _,.: B 4 g p. P,. min#tram requlfe_""meriffsforfhesystem-, Testingand aiialysisshetl be In accoSdar_pp,W th TA5145 orAN51.jSPRt F5l 1, r,eb `-' tfbIIi a'nd ba it e d inancewith the'se'iected edhesfv'e arid.'the eiti Wi eddf s"sterri shall:be ra` able.df., 1 For.exeshnsubsirates.ma,tionded recover rnsiallat once eMrst�ng;rztof sy terreshalle examined fn , mga sty p rf t .,- . g p p res�sttn ; " ro ectitesign pressures>nnits oven rnent.tothesatfsfactian oftiiezAElt, asdocumenfed thcoug(t:fietd iiplifttestirigin accordance inritfi=A5TM E907„EM ff>I3S`A-52, ANSijSPRi WA a TA5124. il:. Far Re+ over A pl tatians using System Type D,-the "insulation is,optional„ liomiever,,tite existing roof system stiaCi';be Suftab"te for a recouer applii anon:- i ," _ F " ' 0 9 • t . `e= ' i' - i dr. e " s when# ecM6LWICts r "fe `' ced tefe'rto current LWIC.ProdUct `royal for-s eciflc deck 13. LVttlCshail,be cast n accordance.wrth 8C Secti n,1 .17 oth satisiactlon of the A, utfior#ty Hay rrg,l.uisd#.ct olt. F syst m . ,p. a ten , SPp R . canstructwn.•andlRmftations. Foc systems wherespecmet W€G is:nat,referenced,. the;:minimum design mue shal#:be 300 psi. ln.alleases„the min#mums top coat thii knes's'ls.2sfiidres:. Far Lil3ftC overstructtrai concrete, refer tau rhad&, d FBC-Sectfan 1917 41f,,Fbilt,.L° Exterior Resea.rcl°and;0ess bja Trini. ERD- Evaluation Repgrz P4t}69(10613=R6far FL16G2.9-R& .Design I LC. dL tltl- . Certificate of Auihonzatfnn #9503' .. Revision 6; 02/1812t}16 i repgedlv. Robert N•rentinen,.PE:59i6Cz Appendix,l,Page 2 of49 - '. E,RD , 14 ' Uniesittherwise noted, referto the Eol(avring:references for bQrtded base, ply orcapsheet appf lcations $ �. ; •�' � �@ 4.�'� i q : �Y...::�ne 7 3 k 777777477 �MQR�ta�3... � ��a; �. .w .n.>:... ..,L�`. " ...R;a. ' � ,H ti c..h' .F&, e � "..: �_> .� a.., �, w � ��..;���. Referenoe tayer lVlateriai Appifeatibh SP Ap Base Ply One>or more -plies. XtraHex G2 Base; FBCApproved ASTM .o4601, Type ii (Base and'Ply sheets;:AsOhAt, Ply .C1nStormore.phes XfraFtex Pty`IV XtraFlex P,yVl, FBG ApprQye f ASTivi D217t Type IV;or Vl fiotAsptialt at2Q 40' lbs/"square Applied ACote: AspiioltappJied`sfieetsortnsnlatiaosholtnotbe;orsptiedtopgfyflmsrtrfgcedryrembrnnes':: SBS-AA (SBS,-Asphalt-Applied),: Base`P"or'PEy Qne:ormgre,;piiesXtraFiex,S65GlassBase:fpoly/sand},XtraFterr565 Poly Base .(poly/sand} J@raHexSB5GlasstnterplK,;Xtraflex- BS Base 654 , Hot Asphalt ,at20-40` ibsjsgaare: Cap XtraFlexSBS;6lass•lnterply,-Xtraflex5BSGlass G,I#4Flex;S13S;P61VG Jltote: dsphdk-dppliedsheeGsoilnsriJdtion:sboll.riot6eoppifed"L'o o tnr�srr' ocedriem5iones SBS TA (SBS�CdFciiVAppiied}:,, Bas Ply or Ply 'One' or more: 'iles XtraFles SSS Glass Base (sand%pc iji},XtraEteii 585 61ass Base f pdY/polyj, XtraEie'x SBS Glass interply; XtraflexSBS HT"Base 650 T'or h Apple .Gap _ . Xt F16S SBS"Glass Interply,-XtraEiek SBS Gla"ss G:•XtMFJdkSBSPd*'.G- ' ^ - - . :. ` Basely L7rie'or rriot� plies XtraFtex SBS �s�s1k , `- - " SBS SA tap Xtratlex56�G SA,.XtraFlex Koo! 5i S Self�kdhering!, ,. _ (SBS„Self^Adh6r,I Wrote ., .. _ .. .. .. Unless aiherwhe noted, permissible mertifirart str6strvtes/or S8S-Sa aretirnited:to flie S SS 8nse F(raptitttrsherein. Xtr0091, Asalms r5 &rse (paiy/sarrd) Sir IttroPk*$gS'6lass ease CpO poly).< APP-TA ;Base Plyor Piy °One ormor'e plies XtraFiesrAPP G1as;Base, ktraFlex PP S: 'Torch (APP.Jdi li-Aopliedj CaP.. -?{traF(ex;AFPS ,XtraFtex APP ,.3fLraEfgexXonl iiPp^G -Applied dap. XtraFtex APP G SAt XtraFle)cKoot APF S'SA APP-SA, (APP,Self-Adheringf ilio e: Untess otherwlse.noted,,' P" s bk rh66bidhL-sbbsft*i;f& App sA are ilrtii to thesgs-s4 Base Fly of tions herefn XtmFlex $8S Glass Hose (polyjsand) or )(traflex SB,S.Is/ass 8ase.(poiY/Poh/). Self -Adhering 15 Any of;the<fallawirfg;EBC Approved Coabns;may be;applied .to file top roof: membrane vnthaut attJerse effiYct oh the sysierzt snatid'load pbformaiseci Refer tfrctitrren"t Rtsofing Itlater a!s DlFectQry os re ra ngs associated.withE:coatiiigtfsage`E Y X661,lex 20 %n-Fiber",edBitiaMMous`Rvof°,Coating;; R 'Xtr4Flex 60 Eton=Fibered Aluminum Rao£Coating< .> , XtraFlex 65 Flbered Aluminum Roof Coating; XtraFiex70 Premium AcryficJFR Raof.eaatingorKMAcryi.25; )(traFie?t70QS, (quick Set} Prerrriunt Acrylr€,FR qwf coating or A;c y 25-Q f for'granul&surfaced A,pP orSBS,oni,Yl' r - XtraFtesrBb*phajttmulsloa Roof Coating; q . XtraFtex SRC9600` Igh 5tilitls 5 lioorYe Figof Criating orX raFtex SRC 800QSifiusne RoofGoatiOgfi 16.. The16MO Ing represent`ptllning reztuirements for gytrsum based cbverboards 5* IIensl2.eck anii Qeif3 Deck Prune shall Tie Reld=primedaliith XtraF[ez�1Q " ridrtt�-self-adi�ering`or:torch-applied merrilxane:ap(ilication::FJa priming1s requiredfoe tiof-alphatt rnembraiie applications:. P , Y SECURO"CK Gypstit Elbee. Roof Board does not V64'pl s field priming fbf any merribrahe; applicatlait.. 17: `MDP"�= Maximum ti-esign Pressumtsihe result;of testing forwend toad resistance based on all6wable:+w1po loads -Refer -to FBC 1609 for determinattgn of desfgrrwind loads. ' EzteriorResearch,and`Design, LLq dlb/aTriatylERp- fitaluat6n Report P4069606:13-66far'FL16419,-R6 Certiilca to ofktrthorizetipn, #9508 Revision 6: 02/18%Z0i6` Prepared by; Robert Meminen, Pt-591fi6 Appendix4,,15age 9 of 48 �JTRINJTY'JEIRD TQBlE 3f-2;: tN(iOD DE[[S�= NEWtONS2RUGT#O.M� RFRt]t)F. ;(7EA9 00) ttRRpWVm SYSTEMTY€�EEs P�4�iV-ii85LLiATED, ItitEGt9AM#CAG# yATTA HEDBASSSHE6T (SIRE -I & P AM),,gONDEDROOFCOVeR'• S ys tem Deck �s@e , _ base sheet`._ _ "Rodf Goxer (sde iaftte) . kflt} i! _ :Rta. Pdofe ) type Fastest; Attech Base Ply; Gap (PSfy 1tV�134, IVIm 19132r XfraF.lex SBS.GIass � e tpolY, fih �r Dekfast Ejex with,Dekfast#14 oi,Trutast3 Metal l2-inch d c 4h. �Rch lap";attd 12=€nch o.c in'tir�a SSS-SA, SBS SA APP-SA, c5di5*• jnch'plywd topj _ _ _ Irsylatt6Rpfate with Trufast HQ (2j equalEy spaced staggered renter rows 565 TA; APP-TA, W4351 IVlin,1.9/82- Xtrairlex ttS.Glass Base (poly-t(lm= DeWst Hem w th Del Last*14 orTruNst3" Meta#. 12-inch o c it*6ch (ap attd 124rlch a c in two XtraFlexAPP,.BaseSA APP TA: „ inch piywpad top} Insutat€ort Piatewith TrufastiHD j2), equally spaced;.staggered cepfer rows M €n 19)32- ( [.. XtraFlex SBS Glass base poly-f.km OMf Flat 6ottorR Plates s oars with RU (q . } afgl ip 12-inch o.c .(rC 4 itrch lap attd 12-€nct# o iTi:two SBS•SA-. SBS SA„,P PP S , 64.o-i W436 inch,plywoad fops #12:, (2);:equally.spaced.staggeredcenterraws SBS.T,t,;APPTA;- 4U'137 Min :19M3 t', Xtraf#ex 5BS Glass Base .(poly-fi(m �OU(i F(at Bottom Plates (sgW.q) with, RoofgTO 11-inch a;c .in flinch la#r and.124nth o cJn,fdo XtraPiex-AP Base,SR PP -TA= A.. 5D:{Sk V ine6,pl ood to 412• 2 ,e uai -s aced staggered center, rows ,. . _ CL7Ei15TRLICT#CiNb�REfiODF EA TABLE 1t3; W(]OD DEC((S" NEik{t " 5Y5iEM 1tPE;F :R2# #=Lta45l1t 4 FfD 96NDED RQoF eov} k, system �No: Deck (Sep Pr uner Raaf Co �Ta ver (See Lles1) MDP;(psf), !o(MTteaEment Ba p►y. ply, tap . Note1} " 4Y=138' (Optfana€) XtraF,.lek x0 Norte' SBS SA t3onal ::SBS-SkSBSr �p ° } 'SGS SA, APP=SA, S'8S- -98: snch pCYaroisd TA,APP-FA- IAA,APR TA tiN=i39' Min ,15j32< „ (Optional}XtraFlex (f None; XfraFlex,APQBaseSA (Optionalj'jPTA= APP TA 900 irteh.iiiv nrciod y-4b: #shin-15j32 (aptsonaO xtratex Sa. P1ywoodja!nts*6.ravened.Wth 44nch wide;str€ps ofXtraEte SBS Base SA; rolled - SBS S (O'ptionalj.585 Sa,585 SBS-SA, APMAt, SBS- 135 ti' iritir p#y ioo d into pfac2 to ci6eaAt6 dontirf4oUs bond._ _ TA, Ts4 _ .TNAPP J „ Uff I4I MSn 15j 2,-, ' - (Optional)-XtraFiex 10 PlywoadJ;nArzt's etecavered+saiY{s 4-inch wjderstrtps of Xtfa6 �, ,SS,Ba.. Sk, rotted f x fMflex APP Base SA . , Opt#onalj:'APP-TA. APP�TA �-135.L1 in A,1469S1 ;�. _ _. ; into.P.l 4 r+5 Lieat .cantinqqds 60nd:: ; ..