HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0424 . 424 , ' \ ~ , -l I I I t I I I I I I , I I I J ! i I I , , , J } 'i ' , 'i ~ i f . , J, i l i J l f I \ ~ PIWlL GRIGGS, Unmar:r1eel ~ , TO, ! I i O. O. GRIGGS. i I ) I I . I (Unmarried) of 1lBUDBIOm Oounto)' .n the t I. \ WJ.RRAlITY DUD. This Indent'Q.l"e Wltnesse~. Tha1; lIBABL GBIGG8. 8tate of Incllana O,onve)' ana. Warrant to O. O. Grlas_. his heirs and assigns for.....r. ofJ!UTJUK Oount)', in the S1;ate of Indiana, for and In oona1deratlon of ORB Dollar ($1.00) an40ther val~ble oons1cleraUcn the reoo1pt whenot 18 hereby aOlmowleclged, the follow1Dg ), ~ ~ J...; ~.a;tr. '"" l deaor1b6el Ileal Batato in at. Luole Oount7. J'LQRIDA To-wit: ' , ^ OR-THIRD IllTBRlST in and 'to the followiDg elesorlbed real e8tate: bot ten (10) in the Borth half (al) of 8eoUon twenty-nin. (29) Township Thirty-two ~32~ south, Bange Thirty-nine (39) Eaat. Conta1h1D8 in all Ten (10) aore8, aa the same 1s de81gnat~el on thelaat general plat of lands of the Indian R1.ver laru Company,' l11eel ~ the offloe of the Olerk of the ljiroult' Oourt of Saint Luole Oount)'. norlda. AxOOp't the'right of we, for publlo rOad8, drainage oanals &ucl elltohes. as ahom on the plat \ of said lands, r Together wIth all and singular the easements~ Improvelllen'ts, tenelD8n1;s,' heredl~amanta, ancl appurtenanoes thereunto belonging, 01' ,in anyd.se appertainiD8. and the reversion and reverslona, remainder and rema1nd.r8, rents, issues and profitd 'thereo~. And the salel Part)' of tho forst part does hereby tully warrant the 1;itle to said lend.! aild will defend the same against the lawfUl. olaims of all llersons whomsoever. In Wltnessimreof. The B81d Pearl Griggs (unmarrieel) has hereunto set her hand and seal, thIS 19th cia)' of Bovember 1920 I Pearl Grigg. (Seal) Signed and sealed in the llresenue of eaoh of u.: Ruth Leonarel , ' > l ~ James W. lerreo Witnesses. (60; I.R.stamp. Canoeled) 3t3te of I11lli&na. P!ltnam COilDty. 8S: , : J ~ 19th day of lfO'V'ember, Ju D. 1920, person.o.lly app~arecl the within _d Pearl Grigga (Un- Before me, the undusigneel, a Dotar)' .Publlo in and for aaid ,Coun~y and 5tate, this married)'Grantor'1n the above oonveyanoe, and aoknowledged the same to be her To1untary f · ~aot and eleed,_ for 'the use. and purpose. 1herein ment1~ned. i In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto subBorlbed rtf1 name and affixed IAJ offioial seal. I J I ~ i j t i . I I i i II. E. Watkin. Botarr ..Pl1bl1o. My Commis8ionexpires Bov. 19, 1922. ~ UIO'l'.ua SJW,) IUecl 8Dd reoorl.oc1 thie 2nd day of Deoomber, A. D. 1920. ~~ <'0 'J'"q V(a , ~~t1 (Ct. C!, BBAL) p, C. Blclrecl. Clerk Cirouit Oourt. B7 /hLo/;e #1}~/D' O. I'" . i; ;::{.y ~-(~~}: ,;'; ::':'. ~ - .. .- . , , ' , ' . . . - -.. . ~. . ,- . ~. . ": . _ _' ,', -'.r~-:~".',: ~~,:), "