HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0434 , , ~ - -- \ r.nta, issues and profito thereof; and a1l the estate, rlght, title, interest, olata and : d.1IBD4 what,~e7'1' of 'the sald part)" of the firat part, eUher In law 01' equU7, of, in, ~ . I 434 " - ~ ~ , . , i , I I ! .~ i m..utOHB .. J.IUI8DONG .&.HI) HOO.uID to ,.RR"Nft .DUD. UABt JlAllfDJ) ~ HUSB.l1ID. I Thil' h04, )(a40 thl. lat el~ of Oo"ber in the Jear of our LON one thouaancl' nine hUJ1O.r.a . ' aDd tnD.tl 'between Blutho lI. ArluVOll8 ana. L. W, ~1;roDl, her huoban4 of tu Ooun'tJ of , . Bent, &114 8tato of Ooloraclo, o"t tho flrat JlU't, ant IIa17 ~ .nel'I, Bobert Ka7J1&1'el of , , , ' 'the Oount, of Bent, U4 8tato of 0010rado, o~ tho HOOn4 part; ~~~.~ .Uuelsoth. fha, ~ho _14 part7 of tho' fir8t part, for and 1D oonalderatlon of 'thena, of One Dollar and othor oonaldoraUonnm.,.aRR, 'tot.ho 8&14 parUes oi the ,~lrat part In hand . - . .. :palel b, th. 8&lel 'parUea of the 8800ud Jar"_ the reoe1pt wher.of 18 horeb1 oonfesBeel an4 aoknowlodgeel. haYO g:rantoel, bargamet, so~a and OOllTe,eel and bl the.. proB.n1;e eloe. grant, ~ bargain, ael1,aooueJ'":. oOnf1ra, 1ID.to the salt part7 of tile S800M per't, 'their helra and i ' r 88ilgna foreyor, all tilo following deaoribed lot or paroel of land, altuate, 111118 and bell18 , i in the Count7 of st. Lule and state of ftorida, to-wit : - - " .ul of 'the Bortheaat Quar1;er of 'the 80utheast Quarter of Seot1-on J'ourteen (14), ~ !lownah1:p Thlrt7-fo'Ul" (M), South of Range ThiX't7-nine (89), &&at. oonte,1n1n3 40 aores, ! 'f more or'le8s, s1'tu.atec1 1D the Count7 of 8t, Luole, state of norlela. '\ , Together With all and alngu1.ar the hereditament. and appurtenanoea thereunto beloJl81ng ~ ..c . or in &DJW1ee appertA1.nh'8, ancl the royereion and reyeralona, rell81nder and remaindera, ; and to the abeye 'bargalned prom.... with 'the heredi tamants aDd appurtenanoeo, !fo HaTe and to Hold !he sa14 promi.e. above bargained aD4 ele.orl'beel, with the appurtenanoea, .( unto tho 861el partie. of the seoond part, 'their heira and aselgns fonyo!'. .lD4 the 881el I Blanohe E. ..&rm8~Ona and L. W. ~8uong "r h1l8'b8D4 partz of the first part, for thoir , . i htire. eDoutors and adJI1n18trator8, doe8 oO'Yenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the salel ]l&l't7 of the aeoond part, their hell'S and .saigno,thatat the time of the onoeal- 1Dg and dellY81'7 of the.. presenta ahe 18 we11 eeisecl of the premiae8 abo'Y8 oOllTe)".d, aa of goocl, BUn, perfeot, abeolu1;o and Indefe8s1b1e eatate of Inher1tfiiloe, 1n'l~., 1ft feu Dimple, and hea goocl right, ftll po.er and lawful. authorU, 'to grant. bargain, ..11 and oonTe7 the same, in manner &Del foral aforeaa1el, and that the same are :free and olear from al~ ~ormer , ' . i ,&D4 other grant., barga1J18, salea, liena, taxes, aBS8B8DI8nts and lnoUlllbranoe8 of whateTer 1 lt1D4 nature SOeyeri Bxoept a lIortgage >>eeel to the )11rat Hatlonal Bank of Weat : Palm Beaoh. i'10r1cla, to a.oure the ~nt of '60~.OO, .h1~h Mortgage Deed ls tU~d of ! reool'Cl n1;h ~he Count7 Clerk and Reoorder of 8t, Luo1e Count7, l'lor14a. ; and the aboYe barga1neel })relD1..8 1n the q1l1e't and 18 aoeable })9SaeBBlon of the saiel put)" of " , ; the aeooDA part, her helra and 8881gnai against all. and OY~r7 person I,)r persona lawhll, i ola1ll1q or to 01a1ll tho whole or &lq part tileroof, tho aalel part, of the firot part shall . ",:~arran't aDd J'oreyer hfe.. ("y)/' .. , ' i In W1tne.. Ibtroof, The I the el87 aD4 leer fi1'8t aboye \ . saiel ~artJ of the fl1'8t' part hao hereunto ..t her hand ancl seal I wrl'tton. . ! j 81gae4, Sealocl and >>Oll.,.r8d 1D Pro..noe Of ; ~ n1k10 Baa ! i Ina .N4 ~ . , 1 I ~..~_.~-_..._--_._._._---' '~'......... .. J.. w. ~tro1ll (SBAL) CSlU.L) Blanoho B. u.atrona .,.- ~~ .&" '-- :;-<>:'\H;~'>' :;.;: ;~:.-: '. : - ... .... ~,:.,;.~,\:~ :/