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Product Approval Modified Bitumen Roof System
,, 11 , l Ile :, ,il I 1 v.11 1� y I ,til Ili 4/17/2021 t � I �Iu�Z • ; a • ' •- `• Florida Building Code Online 'tfll��'il,�l fir. v �v 6i �Ey + k .v s. IM 1�t t� rip i 3'191 !l 4t 1'4� l •�4 ° . Avn ('��' T. "�' , 'i!` YNrJf k ,P,�v[ rt'� `3� tin i •. i _d....,'t �.d,.... +;.�•=cs* :X " .'..-�..,, - f''#�.fbc :M rifrtrYh�#a � 1���6:ri� +41W� r I•, p,'i 11,i{tl �!1!;i.-'LTLo In :i se Registration �•r'Hot To I!s.. Surcharge l'Stats.K_0a s Publicationsl.4 ntfict ,&".'; _.'66I Site BCI5,HomeMap •f��Lfnl(e'i� Search_ '• g p ` j' Submit Surcha 4 +il;• Product Approval I +i ! USER: PublicUer i?roductAoproval Menu > Product 'r%1o}Slication Search > Application List > Appllcatlon,Detall V1��„ FL,# FL1654-R27 Application Type Revision CodeVersion2020 1 Application Status Approved i'- ' "Comments- {I.l,i chived ,•,RECEIVED . �}t�,`i1' Product Manufacturer i POLYGLASS USA r' lAddress/Phone/Email 1111 W.' Newport Center Drive FEB 4 5 2021 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 i 1i, , _,... T _ 2334330 Ext'242 U malpert@polyglass:com q 1 St' LuFie County i'n l'I , r li 7yl f permitting ,. I ilt �l,l l� q I „' •• !�If � � ., :�' 1} I_ ,w 4 1 1- l. �S `1 ' 1i! %" �i� Glr�f! Authorjzed Signature 'Maury Alpert ,••f ,'i { F , r t 1t { YI p 5 ,i r�lt 14 i 'I 0 1 k ll( Yi� 1 malpert@PolY,glass.com, .. ' yl��'� }I (� rt`hrr,, ll!F •,, �4 !, ,!; 4 1 K}t till ll nr ' el' 1{SS til �i4f 4illt t•, ,, ,, +, I !1 "�lv ll .ti I: 4 •I• +technical Representative y .' TECH REP n i Address/Phone/Email! 1111.West.Newport Center Drive' Deerfield Beach, FL'3344z ' p� Y . _,r_.. 866 802-8017-...�,I� „1 j is uspolygiasstechnical@polyglass.corriryl it utility Assurance Representatives' ' QA REPt ;Address/Phone/Email ilia West Newport Center Drive , Deerfield Beach, FL33442 (888) 410-1375 uspolyglasstechnical@polyglass.com Category Roofing "'SU category ;' Modified -Bitumen Roof System ; lil �'i c. 111 1 11„ Compliance Method r Evaluation Report from a Florida Registi:r rl Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer tt ; ,� ii ;+� r 4ily , Evaluation Report -'Hardcopy Received Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nleminen f (',• T I,+ ,'F , Evaluation Report 1 •:' Florida' License PE-59166 t l' a ! > Quality.. Assuran,ce.Entity ..,:., . ., _ .. .r.VL LLC... Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 11/07/2022 I;I dh, 1 }lil + Validated By John W. Knezevfch, PE t 1 ; i' 13dt +}`y G)gy1 + t Val idatlon'Checklist -Hardcopy 0,6ceive 11 �l wl, 1t� II li tt ,l �lq�llii'�!I'{,tn�!.t , �rrlirtslyn�!t�itlCertificateofIndependen4e FL1654'R27 COI 2020'Ol,COIrNIEMINEN�pldfyll4: •41i M1t, Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard i' i ! y Yeas I r 4 i ; ,' »., �. �.,,.,_.......,,.. • .;,...., . , , n, .T ASTM D4601 nq i )S' Li ',� I II ,r+o •nv 2012�.^ S F + i,� ASTM D4897 2009i"(li jlll�l'' ASTM D6162 2015,, ASTM D6163i�r�';'1��2015 ' ai iir iris ASTM D6164 i I` `I 1 2011 , ASTWD6222 ,I; ij!n�1 !,,ill`Itf ,yli,' 2011 't . ,p ASTM'D6509 pP',I i'Y jl I I'ppI �l �I'; 2015 Ir,+i, I" (I '!i 2013 ASTM' G155 � l ,�1� tl� fU'L if I, https://wwW.flci a Building.org/pr/pr_app_00.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUPv2pw6pKxAhNIxQbXaKI ,.3, /yOAYxuQ%3d%3d 1/2 l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RAYMOND VILLANOVA INSURED RAYMOND AND CAROL VILLANOVA APPEARANCES: September 23, 2014 2 On behalf of 'the Insurer: j DD L BRANT, EXECUTIV GENERAL COUNSEL UN AL PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Suite 1110 W. Co eF ial B levard Fort Lauder ,_ F"L 3309 Phone: 954.95t5 On behalf of the Insur d: MICHAEL L. MCKI ON, JR., ESQU LAW OFFICES OF ICHAEL L. McKINNO R. 911 Delaware A enue Fort Pierce, F 3'4950 Phone: 772.46 .4300 ALSO PRESENT: LINDA GOLD UNIVERSAL PIkOPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY ()ESQUIRE 800.211. DEPO (3376) EsquireSolutions. com 4/17/2021 it Florida Building Code Online I ' ,''�'' ' 'I `'! ' • ' " ''' i`� VSi'll`I FM 4470 �i t,lilY,i 2016 �'jl, Il I 1''rJI,iIIJ�L'; I FM 4474 a r`.I r, °', ��j,l•, 2011 f ;, , ,t,•p'• UL 1897 J" 2012 r •' �i., 1. � � � � ,'i. :'i�• Equivalence of Product Standards: i; Certified By 'Sections from the Code :,, ill I jlt,,�i',,. I � {{ yl l�li��{�{i {ti j. � , � I 1,'' ,i'� •• • I ��� ;�� t ; , i I , I ',,, ' i, I;I,I j { G � ' I J y . I , ' , ,fl fi,}I, a i i i �r,. ; ,' �1 '' i lye , 1, ', • tl i •,, I,�; tl1�Jil1i Approval Method •Method 1 Option D I 1, li ,, I r I l • ll' ,: . I Date Submitted 10/02/2020 y0. DateValidated—,—, . ...... 4, 1' Date Pending FBC Approval 1 10/12/2020 . P I II � l �: r i I 't ,'� i?Al sl ,n :Date Approved ' 12/15/2020. i, �I, i ''� •:.4 ' i JI lip i�h' '- 'SWrnmary • � t � I ,t' f gi11'I I'! �_ � .. ��'I, ', - i of Products.. I, , e , ' J- I, J•r Model;: Number or Name Description 1654.1 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof SBS and APP modified bitumen roof,systems Systems Limits'of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 'Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Other: 1.) The design pressure in this application relates FL1654 R27 II 2020 09 30„'FINAL .Al' ER PG MODBIT,'I FL1654-; R27.pdf Verified By: RobertNieminen,,,��PE-5�166 { {' '• Created by Independe�tT'* d.Rar'ty:)Yes . • �''' ,' Evaluation Reports" .,I '1, to one particular assembly over concrete deck. Refer to the ERA ppendix for other systems and deck types. 2.) Refee to ' !Eii, Section 5 for other Timis of use. Refer to FL16717 for HVHZ jurisdictions. FL1654 R27 AE 2020 09 30 FINAL ER PG MODBIT FL1654- R27.pdf [' Created by Independent'Third Party Yes Next , tl. i �`I� it 7i,' I}�11jlll, '850-487 Pf ti i., 4' Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 18 4'I'r The State of Florida Is ap AAJEEO employer. Coo4right 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statemeht °:: Accesslbillty Statement is Refund' Statement: '•Under'Flodda law, email addresses are records. If do not want your• e-mail address released In response to a pubilc- 4ordls;request, do not serSil electronic I , r public you mall to this entity. Instead contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please 'Ontact'$50'48�"7395.','Pursuant to Sectlo41455.275(1); Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department viltii'an emall'address If they have one. The emalls a I o nsee unl en" C supply a persona leaacldre s, please provided YdAill r4 theDepartment with anaemarll ddressiwhlc with y � hapte 55, F.S, leas click here i becmaadde avallable to helpublic.sTo determine lIf. o provide P are ,P r�f r` tit I 5 r � Producq Approval Accepts: j I !1'I I'I� '� I I ill � � ®' � ® r,nl�t Y� �tl �il� � � , l . j1 '' . • �'j�s'���i , " ... .. . , 1 I � {I,t• ',� ri��e in I i4, l iI Jll';, I.I. I Credit Card }I' I Safe I t j l 1 ' i it • t 'b'�iil�l,u `i���y4��) t ,' I I I� A I I i ,l I i l ', 1 Ig}l, • Il; tr r 1 'I; 1 {i�� ,1 .A.O ' t1'611�I�_ �tl u I https://www flo�Idau,llding.org%pr/pr app_dfl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUPv2pw6pKxAhNIxQbXaKm 3z9HjV,0AYzuQ /o3d /o3d, ' -2/2 RAYMOND VILLANOVA INSURED RAYMOND AND CAROL VILLANOVA INSURED: INSURER: CLAIM NUMBER: POLICY NUMBER: DATE OF LOSS: VFL14-0114191 CARO OP TY . 13, 2014 September 23, 2014 1 VILLANOVA AND CASUALTY EXAMINATION UNDER OATH F RAYMOND VILLANOVA Tuesday, June 30, 015 10:41 a.m. - 12: 4 .m. 1680 SW Bayshore Boulevard Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 Reported By: Kristen A. Houk, RPR, FPR Notary Public, State of Florida wpba rt Tyr-jDn8 i t i nn qtmryi r-ag - " i b #Jo 12 9 3 8 2 U800.211.DEP0 (3376) S O !. U T 1 0 N 5 Esquire Solutions.com APPENDIX 1: ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND UPLIFT RESISTANCE TYPEDESCRIP110N = - 1A - ` WoodorReroofNear-Off) , . A 1. Bonded,ljrisuCatron Bonded Roof Cover . 5 111. Wood ': - rNew orRer-oof (Tear -'Off) - .A--2 :" _ Mech: Attache3 Mclior Sheet, Bonded:Cnsulafi6n, 86nded Roof Cover- iC Wood - New;.Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover : A-2 Mech. Attached An Sheet,: Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover - 1214 1D Wood -New; Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B-1 - Mech. Attached. Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover . _ 1E Wood New, Reroof.(Tear=Off) or Recover C-1 Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover -is =19.: 1F Wood = - - New, Reroof (-Tear-Off) or Recover D 2 Insulated, Mech: Attached$ase Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover - - - - 49 23 . -_ -" iG Wood = New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E-2 Non -Insulated, Mech: Attached'Base Sheet (nails), Bonded Roof Cover 23-29 1H Wood.:- - J New,:Airoof{Tear-Off) or Recover - E-2 Non-[ns' ed;, !Mecl Attached Base Sheet -'(screws & plates), Bonded Roof Cover 11 -. Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover, _ - 37 2A - Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B-1 Mech.'-Attached Ba'se Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 38 43 2B Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C-1 Mech. Attached Insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 44-50 2C Steel or Structural concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D-2 Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 51-53 21) Steel or Structural concrete. New, Reroof (Tear -'Off) or Recover D-2 Insulated; Mech. Attached Velociflex,. Bonded Roof Cover 53755. 3A Structural concrete `, New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5Cr68 = 3B . Structural concrete M. New or Reroof (Tear -off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover - _68 ' - 4A Lightweight concrete- New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded -Roof Cover = -69=73 4B ... Lightweight concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached A,ichor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover: - - - 73-47 4C Lightweight concrete New'or Reroof (Tear•Off) E-2 Non -Insulated, IVlech: Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover - 7478 ... SA: Cementitious wood fiber Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded, Roof Cover 79780., 5B Cementitious wood fiber Reroof (TearvOff) or Recover . 'A-2. Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover - 80-82 5C Cementitious wood fiber Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B-1 Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 82 5D_ - Cementitious wood fiber -, Reroof (Tear -Off) -or Recover C-1 Mech: Attached -insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 83 - '' SE-'-` Cementitious wood fiber -_ Reroof(Tear=Off) or Recover - - E-2 Non -Insulated, Mech; Attached -Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover - 83 - 6A. T. < Existing gypsum _ -'-_' "- -_ _ Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1- Bonded Insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 84-88 - y - .-6131- Existing gypsum r r - Reroof_(Tear=Off) or Recover - .: A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 88 , 6C. _ Existing gypsum _- ,_ __ _ Reroof (TearvOff) or Recover _ C71 Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof_Cover_ _ 88, - _ -- 6ff Existin sum _ --_ Reroof earv0 or Recover E-2_ - Non -insulated, llilech Attached Base Sheet, 8orided RoofCover 88 g gYP (T Y_ ff) - -" 7A; Varous-= - ,4 --= Recover _ _ _ A-1 = = Bonded Insulationi_Bonded Roof -Cover- - -- _ - - - - "�Recover '; :___ F _ Non Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover = -- so- - --• - �. NF O_ETCULC-= _ _ _ _ z . ---- ' : _-__:Evaluation •Report P9290:U_ 2:08-R25:fot11654iF27 Certificate of Authorisation #92455 - = _ 7- EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION" _ _ Revision 25 03/30/2020 ©2018 NEMO'ETC, LLC - Polyglas4�Modifiedbltumen Roof Systems; (954) 233=1330 __ - _ - Appendix 1; Page 1 of 94 - In the Matter. Of: INSURED RAYMOND AND CAROL VILLANOVA Ul'R 800.211. DEPO (3376) EsquireSolutions. com S O L U T I O N S WO The folrowmg notes apply to the systems outlin_edlerein _J- 1 The-r of s stem.e aluation herein itains to above dec "roof cam onents Roof ecks`and -trudural membersjfiall he in accordance with FBCr -- w[ entst9#heaat�sfad on of th 'uthpritjt Having _ = --- - -- _ .. - - Jurisdiction. Z Fastenersshall be of sufficient length for the following engagements: Wood Deck:: Minimum 1-inch plywood penetration or wood plank embedment. ➢ Steel Deck: Minimum 0.75-inch steel penetration and engage the top flute of the -steel -deck. ➢ Structural Concrete: - Minimum 1-inch embedment into'pilot hole in accordance with published installation instructions. - 3 - Unless otherwise^ noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of FBC Approved -(Local or Statewide) board(s) that meet FBC 1505 and, -for foam plastic, FBC-26,.when installed with the -roof cover. _ - = - 4- - Minimum 200-psi, minimum 2-inch thick FBC Approved lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Types B-1, C-1,:C`2;-D-ror D-2; whereby fasteners are installed through the lightweight insulating concrete to engage the structural deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater type, thickness and strength to the`steel and structural concrete deck listings.: Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. This is a wind uplift resistance allowance and does not purport to address non -wind -uplift -related issues, such as deck venting or moisture levels within the LWIC and the potential effect on overlying components. 5 Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D: Unless otherwise noted, refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (February 2020). = 6 _ Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application; the-ribbons/beads shall expand as noted. in the manufacturer's published instructions. - ➢ Hot asphalt (HA): Full coverage at 25-30 Ibs/square: _ ➢ DuPont INSTA STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive (D-IS): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons,l2-inch o.c. ➢ = H.B .Euller-Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M=OSFA): ---Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons,l2-inch o.c.- - -_ ➢ H.B.-Fuller Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-PG1): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (08500): - - Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12=inch o-.c: Note: OlyBond Green may be used W'here_OlyBond 500 is referenced. ➢ OlyBond Classic (OB Classic): Full coverage at 1 gal/square. . ➢ ICP Adhesive& Sealants Polyset CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. Note: When multiple layers(s) of insulation and/or coverboard are installed in ribbon -applied adhesive, board joints shall be staggered. ➢ Note: The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. _ - 7 Unless -otherwise noted, all insulations are flat -stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at.the following thickness limitations may be substituted -with the following - _ . Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. In no case shall these values be used to 'Increase' the .MDP listings in the tables; rather if MDP listing below meets or exceeds that listed fora particular system in - the tables, then the thinner board listed below maybe used?as a drop -in for the equivalent thicker material listed in the table.- ➢ A.B. Fuller Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M=OSFA)_ -MDP = 457.5 psf (Min0.5-inch thick) Fuller Millennium PG-1-Pump Grade Adhesive (M PGl): _MDP -157.5 psf _(Min0 5Anch thick) . ➢- OMG OlyBond-500 (OB500)� _ _ - - - _ MDP`__-45.0 psf=(Mm 0.5-inch thick Multr-MaxFA3), - ➢ OMG:OIyBonB 500-(OB500):=_ MDP, _; -187 5 psf (Min0 5-inch thick ISO 95+ GL) __ ➢ IVlG`OlyBond 500 (OB500): ; _ MDP - 315 0 psf (7VI�n 0 5=incTi thick ENRGY3) - _ _ ➢ OIVIG OlyBondS00 (OB500): - _ _ MDP - 487 5 psf _(Mm O S, inch thick ACFoam _TCP adhesivesB� Sealants P:olyset CR-20 = - MDP 117 5 psf-_.(Min_1.0-inch thick) - �_ - — i - - 8- -For adhered roof insulation and, board -size: Unless otherwise noted, refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet I (February-2020) 9 For mechanically attached components orpartially-bonded insulation, the -maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed at leastthe Zone 1-PRIME design pressure determined in --- - accordance with FBC Chapter 16. Elevated pressure zones shall employ an -attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the.elevatgd pressure criteria. Commonly, used methods are dEMQ ETC,ILC - _ - _ _,_ - _ •= - __-" -- - _�.: __ : = vatuat�o[� R pori�4290 02.08-R25:for FLIB4-H2 7- = Certificateof Authorization J►32455 ` __ _ - - =_7TM (2020) FBtNON-HVH2 EVACUATIOJY : y-= -_ _ _ - _ _ Revasion 25 09%30/2020: � _ -- 02018 NEMO_ETC, LLC-= _ - " _. Polygl�ed Bitumen Roof Systems;:(954) 233-1330=- _ Appendix 1; Page'2 of 94'z- I Kitchen Item Date Acquired Replacement value Total y i t , a _ ^ { �, $ j- 1 '�`�`` 14,590 Side by Side Maytag Refrigerator a` ' t = ti gf 2004 $1,450 Dual Fuel Kenmore Elite Gastop Range 2006 $2,000 Maytag dishwasher 2008 $650 Microwave 2006 $100 Kitchen -aid mixer and accessories 1972 $500 Toaster Oven $50 Antiquestained glass window $160 Solid wood kitchen table & 4 chairs 2008 $550 wicker bar stools 1994 $600 Vrfl nova custom clock $260 Solid o wall caddy $350 -Asys Lapto Computer 2011 $900 = Compaq Presar aptop 2004 $1,100 2 table. lamps $175 ;> Back-up hard drive $100 Wall clock $50 Longaberger basket collection (12) 1994 $900 1 set -antique dishes $300 1 set Corningware dishes $100 1 set Corelle dishes $250 Corningware serving dis s $150 Antique teapots (8) $450 1 framed art work anyan tree) $55 Watercooler $110 Vertical blinds 75 Custom win, ow treatments $440 Glass bak ware $100 Alum'(rum bakeware S gZs water pitchers ��^^^ 1' - 12 Redwine glasses �,sJ ma -t' ;'� r`� `t �° I i l �� I (A ��4 25 Cookbooks 12 Champagne Flutes Corningware Bakewar6 3 Glass Searing Bowls Wearever Pots/Pan 24 piece set of glass dessert dishes & bowls Crate & Barrel Servers Kitchen Knives Steak knives 12/28/2014 VILLANOVA $165 $110 $165 $125 $275 $175 $60 $100 $145 $220 $80 $275 $100 Page 3 of is VILLANOVA000121 Credit Card .safe- _- ANSI/SPRI WDS,-FM_ Loss_Prevention Data Sheet 1=29; Roofing.Application Standard: RAS 117 and, fang Application Standard RAS 137. Assemblies -marked with an asterisk• carry the limitatidn5_set forth in Section of FM Lois Prevention Data -Sheet 1-29 (February 2020) for Zone 2/3-enhancements: - -- - - - - 10 - Forassemblies with ill'eoniponentOully bonded, the maxin urn -design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical de_ sign pressure determined in accordance with FBC-Chapter 16. -No - _ -- wnn rational analysis is permitted for these systems. " it for mechanically attached components over existing -decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance: =A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance_with-ANSI/5PRI-FX-1 or Testing Application Standard'TAS 105. _ - -12 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re -roof (tear off) or recover installation, the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be installed, If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question, field uplift testing in -accordance --shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. For bonded. - insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation, the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of --the Authority Having, Jurisdiction, as documented;through field uplift testing. Field uplift testing shall be in accordance with ASTM E907,-FM Loss -prevention Data Sheet 1-52_or Testing Application Standard TAS-124. - 13_ _ Refer to FBC 1511 for requirements and limitations regarding recover installations. For Structural Concrete Deck or Recover Applications using System Type C-1, C-2, D-1 or_D-2, the insulation. is optional. _ Alternatively, an FBC Approved insulation board or coverboard may be used as a separation layer. Board products shall be preliminarily attached prior to roof cover installation (Note 5 herein). The separator component shall be documented as meeting FBC 1505 and, for foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover in Recover applications. 14 Lightweight insulating concrete (LWIC) shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWIC is referenced, refer to current LWIC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. Unless otherwise noted, for systems where specific LWIC is not referenced, the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over.structural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1, Point 1. For "pre-existent".LWIC references, listings were established through testing - over lightweight concrete cast using only foaming agent (ASTM C896), water and Portland cement (ASTM C150), with no proprietary additives, in accordance with procedures adopted by Miami -Dade BCCO (FBC CER1592). Use of these listings in new construction or re -roof (tear -off) applications is at -the discretion of the Designer -or Record -and Authority Having Jurisdiction.— -15 For bonded membrane applications; unless otherwise noted, refer -to the following. - MEMBRANE /ADHESIVE COMBINATIONS _ REFERENCE =LAYER - _ MATERIAL 2 -APPLICATION BP=AA Base Ply One or more plies Polyglass G2 Base, FBC Approved-ASTM D4601, Type II - Hot Asphalt at 20 40 (Base and Ply sheets, Ply One or more plies Polyglass Ply IV, Polyglass Ply VI, FBC Approved ASTM D2178, Type IV or VI Ibs/square Note. _ _ Asphalt=applied sheets or Insulation shall:not be applied to poly film surfaced, membranes. Asphalt -Applied) - Base Ply One ply Elastobase (sand/sand), Elastoflex V. Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 HP, Elastoshield HT SBS-CA1 PG350 at 1.5-2.0 gal/square Cap Ply_ _ Elastoshield HT G, Elastoshield HT G FR, Elastoflex V G, Elastoflex V G FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 HP, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6G FR,-Elastoshield35 G, ElastoshieldTS-G FR,.Polyfresko G SBS (sand -backed), Polyfresko G SBS FR (sand -backed) Base Ply One: ply Elastobase-(sand/sand), Elastoflex V, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 HP — — - -Elastoflex Polyplus 35 at 1.5-2.0 SBS-CA2 Cap Ply Elastoshield HT G; Elastoshield HT G FR, Elastoflex V G, Elastoflex V G FR, S6, Elastoflex S6 HP, Elastoflex S6 G,-Elastoflex gal/square 56 G FR, Elastoshield TS G, Elastoshield TS G FR, Polyfresko G SBS (sand-backed),:Polyfresko G SBS FR (sand -backed) - — - - Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Elastobase (sand/sand or poly/sand), Elastobase P-(sand/sand'or poly/sand), Elastoflex V, Elastoflex S6;-Elastoflex, = S6 HP, Elastoshield HT _ - 20-40 SBS-AA: Hot Asphalt at (SBS, Asphalt -Applied) Cap Ply- Elastoshield-HT. G, Elastoshield HT G FR, Elastoflex V, Elastoflex V G,'Elastoflex V"G FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 HP, Elastoflex S6 G, Ibs/square .ElastoflexS6 G FR, Elastoshield TS G, Elastoshield TS_G FR, Polyfresko G SBS (sand -backed), Polyfre-sko G SBS-FR (sand -backed) Note:.' =Asphalt-opplled sheet or -insulation shall not be applied -to poly:fth surfaced}rmbranes. - - - _ Base-Piy_or PIK= 70ne or more plies-Elastobase (sand/poly), Elastobase-(poly/poly), Elastoflex V ElastoflexS6, ElastoflexS6 HP, Elastoshield HT SBS=TA -:, _:.. Elastoshield HT G, Elastoshield HT G FR, Elastoflex V, Elastoflex V G, Elastoflex V G FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 HP, Elastoflex S6 Torch -Applied_ (SBS, Torch -Applied) Cap Ply- G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshield TS G, Elastoshield TS G FR, Polyfresko G SBS (poly -film backed), Polyfresko G SBS-FR (poly -film - - - - backed) NEMO ETC, LLC. Certificate of -Authorization #32455 - _ 7- EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION -- _ ©2018 NEW ETC, LLC --- Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (9S4) 233-1330 Evaluatio6__Report-P9290.02.08=R25 fbCFL3654=R27���. _ Revision 25, 09/30/2020 _. Appendix 1,==Page 3 of 94_ CLERK of. COURTS South County Courthouse 250 NW Country Club Dave Port St. Lucie, 'FL 34936 Phone: (772) 462-6900 r Flours of aperatian: BAM -5PM, KAonctay - Fridzy 1 M From 1- 95: • Tz.ke St. Lucie Nest Blvd, exit Ul (0.2 Miles) • T yarn east onto Reserve 'B1vdlSt, L'ubie West .Blvd (0.9 miles) • Prooeed to NW Country C&ul') Drive' From LJS1, Fort Pierce: Turn West onto Virginia Avenge {turns into Fb 7�jlCkeechQbee Rd) {4.D miles) Taste 1-95 south ramp towards West Palm Beach (7.4 miles) • Take St. Lucie West Blvd, e)jt 12' (0.2 Miles) • -Turn east onto Reserve .Blvd/St, Lucie WestBEvd 10.9 rn[1es} Turn left on NW Country Giub-Drive - MEMBRANE%ADHESIVE COMBINATIONS - = e REFERENCE LAYER -= " - = = = - MATERIAL - _ APPLICATION 584-SA Helf-adhering (followed' (gas, self-Adneang Hybrid sys<e) Base Ply Elastobase SA by torch -applied sheet)_ = _- Base Ply One -or more plies Elastofiez SA V, Elastoflex SA V FR, Elastoflex SA V Plus, Elastoflex SA V Plus FR, Elastoflex SA Base HD'" SBS-SA = Cap Ply Elastoflex SA P, Elastoflex SA P FR, Polyieflect Self -Adhering Note: Unless otherwise noted, permissible membrane substrates for SBS-SA are limited to the SBS-SA Base Ply options herein, (SBS, Self -Adhering) Elastobase (poly/sand) or Elastobose (poly/poly). - APP-CA1 - - Cap Ply Polyflex G FR = PG350 at 1.5-2.0 gal/square APP-TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Polyglass Base, Polyflex, Polybond - (APP, Torch -Applied) Cap Ply Polyflex, Polyflex G, Polyflex G FRI Polybond, Polybond G, Polyfresko G, Polyfresko G FR - Torch -Applied APP-SA-H Base Ply Polyflex SA Base Self -adhering (followed (APP, Self -Adhering, Hybrid Systems). - - by torch -applied sheet) Cap Ply Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polyfresko G SA, Polyfresko G SA FR, Polykool APP-SA (APP, Self -Adhering) Note: Unless otherwise noted, permissible membrane substrates forAPP-SA are limited to the SBS-SA Base Ply options herein, Self -Adhering Elastobase (poly/sand) or Elastobase (poly/poly). 16 Vapor barrier options for use over structural concrete deck followed by bonded insulation carry the following MDP limitations. The lesser of the MDP listings below vs. those in Table 3A applies. VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS; STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECK; FOLLOWED BY ADHESIVE-APPUED INSULATION PER TABLE 3A: _ OPTION # PRIMER VAPOR BARRIER INSULATION ADHESIVE MDP (PSF) TYPE (NOTE 15) APPLICATION -C-VB-1. PG100 Elastoflex SA V Plus Self -Adhering D-IS or CR-20,12-inch o.c. 760.0 C-VB-2. PG100 Polyglass Base Torch -applied DAS or CR-20,12-inch o.c. - -75.0 C-VB-3. PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering DAS, 12-inch o.c. -75.0 C-VB-4. PG100 - Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering M-OSFA,12-inch o.c. -157.5 C-VB-5. PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering CR-20,12-inch o.c. -270.0 _ C-VB-6. PG100 Elastoflex SA V, Elastoflex SA V FR, Elastoflex SA V Plus, Elastoflex SA V Plus FR Self -Adhering M-OSFA, M-PG-1,.OB500 or CR-20, 12-inch o.c. -290.0 C-VB-7. PG100 - SBS-TA (with sanded -top -surface) - - - Torch -applied M-OSFA, M-PG-1, OB500 or CR-20,12-inch o.c. -290.0 7 The following surfacing may be applied to the Cap Ply without adverse effect on the system wind load performance. Refer to current Florida Product Approval for approved Polyglass and KM Coatings roof coatings = for application -limitations and a_Roofing Materials Directory -for fire ratings associated with coating usage. _ _ _ SURFACING OPTIONS FOR POLYGLASS MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS - -OPT10N # SURFACING FLORIDA PRODUCT -APPROVAL SURF.-1..-.= PG-300 = = FL10291 SURF-2:: :PG.600 - _- - = _ - - ~=FL10291.- SURF-3'c = __ _ .:PG650` FL10291='-.`' - - SURF-4. - - - ` PG 700 - --FL10291 _ - SURF-5. PG 700 CIS FL10291 SURF-6. PG 800 - FL10291 =SURF-7:-- _ �,FoLyplus_60 FL-1029Y--. - Certificate 8 .Authanzati-n.0-2455 _ _ -_ ?T" EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION ©�018NEmD ETC, LLC -=- = -_ = - _Po)yglass Modi�ied_Bitumen Roof Systems; (954) 233-1330 - _ _sTEvaluatlon:Report'89290:02.08-R25 for. FL1654-R27 : -=- - — _ -Revision25:09/30/2020 - - Appendix 1,-Page 4 of 9..4 SURFACING OPTIONS FOR POLYGLASS MODIFIED$ITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMS,'; .' :OPTION# - SURFACING ---FLORIDAPRODUCTAPPROVAL�-=` 5URF8:= - = -Polyplus°65= SURF-9. PolyBrite 60-FC NOA 20-0611.01 __ = r_ SURF-10. PolyBrite 70 - - FL10291 SURF-11. PolyBrite 70 QS FL10291 :'SURF-12. PolyBrite75 FL10291 SURF-13. PolyBrite 71 HS FL10291 SURF-14. PolyBrite 90 FL10291 SURF-15. PolyBrite 90.1 NOA 19-0610.02- - SURF-16. PolyBrite 95 FL10291 SURF=17. - PolyBrite 95.1 - NOA'19-0610.02 SURF-18. KM Acryl 15 FL27409 SURF-19. KM Acryl 15 QS FL27409 SURF-20. KM Acryl 25 FL27409 SURF-21. KM Acryl 25 QS FL27409 SURF-22. KM Acryl 40 HS FL27409 SURF-23. KM Acryl 85 FL27409 SURF-24. KM PS#250 FL27409 SURF-25. KM PS#220 FL27409 SURF-26. Turbo -Set FL10291 = 18 "MDP" = Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads. Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads TABLE IA: ••• • • • OR • ••• • • SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF 0 EIR Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 15) System Deck MDP No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (psf) (Notes 6,7,8)- - (Notes 6,7,8) - SELF -ADHERING BASE PLY: _ Min.15/32- MIn.1.5-inch Polytherm; ACFoam II, Polytherm = D IS M OSFA, -{Optional) additional =• =D-15, M-OSFA;''- =_ -_'_ (Optional) SBS SA, SBS-- SBS-SA, -SA,- W 1- inch G,-ACFoam III, ENRGY-3, Polytherm H, H-Shield, OB500 or CR 20 -layers(si of base OB500 or CR?0 SBS SA - — _ - T9.APP TA _ _ SBSrTA, -TA 52:5 _- _ - =plywood -= H-Shield CG, Multi=Max FA3 - -_ - -- - ._ -insulation . = _ _ HrImSYSTENIS WITH SELF -ADHERING APP-BASE PLY: Mm 15/32- Min. 1.5 inch Polytherm, ACFoam 11, Polytherm J D ISM 9SFA -(Optional) additional -D-IS, M-OSFA, - G ACFoam III, ENRGY-3; Polytherm H; H-Shield,. OB500 20 -layers(s) of base = = -08500 or CR-20 AP SA H (Optional) APP TA APP-TA _52.5 -- pfyivood ' _ H-STiiefd'CG, Multi-lVlez FA3 orGR r.- - - =insulation - HYBR_IDSYSTEMS WITH SELF -ADHERING SBS BASE PLY: _Min. 15/32- Min. 1.5-inch Polytherm, ACFoam 11, Polytherm D-IS, M-OSFA, (Optional) additional D-IS, M-OSFA, W 3 inch G, ACFoam III, ENRGY-3, Polytherm H H Shield, -- layers(s) of base SBS SA H (Optional) SBS TA- SBS-TA -52.5 - `plyvliood - _ H=Shield CG; Multi -Max FA3 - _OB500 Dt CR ._ . Insulation - - - .08500 or CR-20 - - v Certificate ofAuthorizatio� #32455 - -- - 7TM=1 DITION--(2020)-FBC NON-HVHZ EVACUATION -s __- 02018 MEMO EIC,_LLC ,}� _ _ __ Iiolygla'sviVIodlffed-Siturnen Roof Systems,_(954) 2331330= Eualuai)oaReptirt�9296.02.08-1125for-F11654 1127 -_ Revision 25 03/30/2020 __ Appendix i,Tage7.5 of 94--- 1B: WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) ATTACHEDTABLE SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ANCHOR BONDED INSULATION,• • ROOF COVER An_ chorSheet _ ` Base insulation - _ Tcp Insulation -; _ R_ oof Cover (Not_ _ - System Deck Fasten Attach Attach Base No. Note i j sf) ( ) Type Attach Type Type: Ply (Note 11) _(Notes 6,7,8) (Notes 6,7,8) Ply .ASPHALT: -APPLIED OR TORCH -APPLIED BASE PLY: - 9-inch o.c. at min. (Optional) Min.1.5- - Min. 0:75-inch Fesco Min. 2-inch lap and 18= inch Polytherm, Board �„ W-4 15/32- Elastobase, ='~Simplex Elastobase P MAXX inch o.c. at,two (2), 'ACFoam II, ENRGY-=3, HID sphalt _(homogeneous) or. . min. 0 5 Inch' - Hot asphalt BP -AA or SBS- (Optional,._ =A BP -AA or-N. - - 0* - inch (sanded -top) - Cap equally spaced, Polytherm H, H-Shield, _ Structodek High AA rn - SBS-AA _ plywood staggered center H-Shield CG, Multi - Density Fiberboard rows Max FA3 = Roof Insulation 9-inch o.c. at min. (Optional) Min.1.5- Min. 0.25-inch BP -AA, Min. Elastobase, 2-inch lap and 18- inch Polytherm, DensDeck, DensDeck SBS- (Optional) SBS-TA,_ " W-5 15/32- Elastobase P Simplex MAXX inch o.c. at two (2), ACFoam ll, ENRGY-3, Hot asphalt Prime, SECUROCK Hot asphalt AA, BP -AA, SBS- -45.0* inch (sanded -top) Cap equally spaced, Polytherm H, H-Shield, Gypsum -Fiber Roof SBS-TA, AA, SBS-TA, APP-TA- plywood - staggered center H-Shield CG, Multi Board APP-TA APP-TA rows Max FA3 - 9-inch o.c. at min. (Optional) Min. 1.5 Min. 0:75-inch Fesco _ Min. - Elastobase, 2-inch lap and 12-- _inch Polytherm, Board (homogeneous) or BP -AA (Optional)- SBS-AA W-6 15/32- Elastobase PHot Simplex MAXX inch o.c. at two (2) ACFoam 11,ENRGY-3 .asphalt min. 0.5-inch Hot asphalt or SBS- - BP -AA or SBS-TA, -52.5 inch (sanded top) Cap equally spaced, Polytherm H, H-Shield, Structodek High AA SBS AA APP-TA plywood staggered center H-Shield CG, Multi - _ Density Fiberboard rows Max FA3 Roof Insulation = 9-inch o.c. at min. (Optional) Min.1.5- Min. 0.25-inch BP -AA, Min. - ° - Elastobase, 2-inch lap and 12- inch Polytherm, DensDeck, DensDeck SBS- (Optional) SBS-AA, W-7 15/32- Elastobase P - Simplex MAXX inch o.c. at two (2), ACFoam II, ENRGY-3, Hot asphalt_ Prime, SECUROCK Hot asphalt AA, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA - 52 5 inch (sanded -top) Cap_ - equally spaced,, Polytherm H, H-Shield,_ :-_ Gypsum Fiber Roof - SBS-TA, _AA, SBS-TLC, " AP.P-TA plywood staggered center H-Shield CG, Multi Board_ _ APP-TA APP-TA - - rows - - Max FA3 _ _ Polyglass G2 Base,- Elastobase, 32 ga 1 5/8 _ 8-inclro.c. at min_ (Optional) Min.1.5- Min: 0 75-inch Fesco __ _- -Min.:_ Elastobase F _(sanded top) _ _ _ inch diameter caps _ 4-Inch•lap and _ ___ inch Polytherm, ACFoam IIPolytherKl= - Board_ {hamogeneolis) or_: _ _ = BP -AA =- ._(Optional)= SBS AA, �i1L-8_y 19[32 Elastovent : CertainTeed tin with Inch o.c. at fhre`e ; _ = - G, ACFoam-III, ENRGY= -_ Hot;asphglt mm'0 5 inch, _ =Hot asphalt - orSBS : BP AA or ` _ - SBS TA, 60 0 = inch- plywood y Glasbase, Firestone 1.1ga annular _ ring shank r(3), equally spaced, staggered center 3, Polytherm H, H- - Structodek High AA SBS-AA APP=TA MB Base, IM Perma- nails rows Shield, H-Shield CG, Density Fiberboard Ply,28 orGAFGLAS_- Multi -Max FA3 Roof Insulation pos =:-- :NEdAO ETC iCC _Ev_a_IuationRepart R9290 Q708 R2t�T�1654i�T = _ Certificate of Authorization #32455 = - - 7' EDITION (2020) FBC NON HVI2 EVALdATION ~ _ - - = _ Revlslpn`,25 09/30/2020 - - -_ - - ©2018NEMCI-ETC, LLC =: �. - Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roo(-Syslgq , (954) 233 1330; _ - _ _ _ - = Appendiii 1 ageofi94 TABLE 1H: ....REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPEE-2: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE BONDED ROOF Syste'm - Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 151 _ MDP Deck (Notel) _ . .. No. Type _" -._ Fasten (Note il) --Attach Base. Ply N Cap" = (Psf) APA"rated, 7/16 CAT, Trufast,' Versa Fasteners (min penetration) & g inch o c at min. 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. SBS SA AO-SA,0.418 in., -Exposure 1 Elastobase, Elastobase P Plates; 2 screws per plate installed 180° into the at two (2). equally_spaced, staggered center BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- SBS AA, SBS-TA, -90.0 OSB or min.1Q32" or Elastovent holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction - TA, APP-TA APP-TA W-182 APA�rated plywood of the sheet* rows _ Note: *For re -roof or recover construction, field withdrawal resistance testing (Note 11) shall yield minimum 159 Ibf. Additional Versa -Fast Fasteners within each Versa -Fast Plate maybe - utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance - APA rated, 7/16 CAT, -" Trufast Versa Fasteners (min.'Y." penetration) & 9-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. 0.418 in., Exposure 1 Polyglass Base Plates; 2 screws per plate installed i80' into the at two (2), equally spaced, staggered center APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 OSB"or min.15/32" holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction W-183 APA rated plywood of the sheet* rows :Note: *For re -roof or recover construction, field withdrawal resistance testing (Note 11) shall yield minimum 159 Ibf. Additional Versa -Fast Fasteners within each Versa -Fast Plate maybe utilized to produce minimum withdrawal resistance Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) with n. /32 inch Polyglass G2 Base, Dekfast #14, OMG 3" Round Metal Plate with 9-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS SBS-SA, APP-SA, W484 plywood plywood Elastobase, Elastobase P OMG HD, OMG Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac) with at four (4), equally spaced, staggered center TA, APP-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA, -90.0 or Elastovent Roofgrip #14 or Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate -rows AP_P-TA with Trufast #14 HD. Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8) with Min.15/32 inch Dekfast #14, OMG 3" Round Metal Plate with 9-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c, W-185 plywood Polyglass Base OMG HD, OMG Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac) with at four (4), equally spaced, staggered center APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 Roofgrip #14 or Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate rows with Trufast #14 H D. Min. 15/32-inch Elastobase, Elastobase P Trufast #12 DP or Trufast #14 HD with Trufast 3" 6-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. W-186 . plywood or Elastovent Metal Insulation Plates at three (3), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBS-AA SBS-AA -90.0 - rows Min.15/32-inch Elastobase, Elastobase P OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG #14 Heavy 6-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and, 6-inch o.c. BP -AA, SBS=AA, SBS- SBS-SA, APP=SA; -: W-187 plywood or Elastovent Duty (min. 1-5/84nch long) with OMG 3" Round ==- _:atthree (3)' equally spaced .staggered -center - TA; APP-TA SB! A SBS-TA, --90.0. Metal Plates. or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates rows APP-TA Min.15/32-inch --. -- - OMG #1-2.StandaM Roofgrip or CMG #14 Heavy . __ -=6-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. W-188 - Polyglass Base = Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Pl_a_fes or OMG y= at three (3), equally=spaced, staggered center APP-TA- - AP P=TA _ -90.0 Plywood Flat Bottom Metal Plates - rows- ` _ .- - APA rated 7/ fi CAi - = - - -Trufast Versa Fasteners (min Y pennetration)-_ 6-inc h io at min. 4-inch lap and 6-inch o;c. - -BP-AA SBS_ _ _ SBSSA APP=SA; - - _ 0.418 m Exposure Elastobase; Elastobase P Plates; 2 screws`per plate installed=180"into the _ _ at three (3), equallypaced, staggered center SBS-AA, SBS AA, SBS-TA; _ -105.0 _ -- - OSB or min.15/32 -- .: =or Elastovent holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction TA, APP-TA - W-189 APA rated plywood of the sheet* rows. APP-TA Note: *For re -roof or recover construction, field withdrawal resistance testing (Note 11) shall yield minimum 103 lbf. Additional Versa -Fast Fasteners within each Verso -Fast Plate maybe - - utilized fo produce -Minimum withdrawal resisfarice k25 11654NEMO.ETCLLEvaluatioRrt R27 - - = - Certificate of Authorization #32455 = 7T" EDITION (2020) FBC N_ON HVHZ EVALUATION _ _ _ - - - -Revision 25 -09/30/2020 _ A2018 NEMO ETC LLC . _ = Polyglass Modified Bitumen:Ro9f Systems; (954) 233-1330.- _ - _Appendix 1, Page 33 of 94 `_.,