HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0449 { ~ . ~,., I : ,.,,' ':~ r----, I " .......~ 441} . to . .r a 400el, aD4 the;, aomowle4pel bofore _ tha't the, OMoute' ~ .... tI'.o~ aD4 YOlllD'tar117 "I " ,tor the pupo... '\herein oxproo..el. \ .&.DJ) I IVJlDBi OBBtIft, that the aa14 J08&10 B. Go1RlJ mom to .. to b. the wile ot tho Ni4 hanol. A. 8011'4, on a ..paraw'aM pl'lya'te oDlD1naUon 'taken aD4 ado 'b,' aD4 'botore -; , ' ~ Nparate17 and apart 1'1'_ JUtr 8&14 hua'banA, el1d aolalCnrleelp. tha't ahe,..ae horHlf a J)&I't;, I to MS.4 a..d tor tho puJ'1)OH ot ronouDo1n8, rel1n4u1l1hiq ani. oOllY071Dl all hor Z'lp't. J f ~ ~ tlUo aD4 Interea't.. who'ther donI', ho..tea4 or of ..perate "j)roper't7, 8'tatllt0I'1 01' oplt- a'bl., ill aDcl to the land8 eleoori'bed, thorelD, aM 'that she exeou1;eel the ..11 eloeel freel, and Yoluntarl~ ~ without ~ 60llJlul.lon, ooneuaUlt, appreh.n.10D or fear of 01' froa hor said hU8baD4. WltD8a wq haD4 aZI4.off101al oeal at lI1am1, 00unt7 of DUo ancl stat. of .10r1ela, this t 6th el~ of ]Motmber A. D. 1.920. (BOT.lBY 81UJ,) W. B. 8hearBton BotU"J Publlo. lCr OolllD1eB1on expires Maro h 1'1, 1921, j 1 '\ I ; 1 i 1 J110cl aD4 reoo~oc1 this l&th dq ot Deoember, A. D. 1920, P. C, Blclrocl, Olerk Oirou1t Oourt. . Bl Ccd.~/ cL ~.,.~~ D.C. , "I -- (Of. Of. SBAL) ~. ~c o ~Q' I. n. ..,~. ~q ,I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ~ _ _ _ _ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . J ; - - - 1 OWlllltm o. BJlOD to 8BLJ1l J, ~~...a, ;:-: WARR4J1ft DIBD. . fhl. Indenture, JIacle thia 14th el&1' of Deoember ..... D. 1920, BWfWBBJ( Olarence C. Br01l1l (a 8ingle -.n) of the Ooun't, of 8t. Lucio in the 8tate of nor14a, })8rt7 of the f1rst part, and 8elJla J. .lDIlr... of the Oount7 of St.. Luo1o in tho 81;&to of .10Z'lcla, part, of the' 'J . seoond >>U''t4 .~ WITD58B!B, '!hat tho sald part7 of the fll'8tpart, for and 1J1 oon8ldtration of tho All ~ of t. 00/100' ])oUars, to h1a 1D liaDl patel b, 'the 8alel p~V of tho hOODA part, tit. rOOllpt , ' _r.ot~l8 hereb, aokDowlodsecJ.. D. gran1;ed. bargained anA Bold 'to the said part7 of the seoond pzt, her hell'. and aB81gnB foreyer, .,the follOwing eleBOribed land, to-Wit: ~ Un-cllY1c1~ ODe-Balt interest in and to: !be Borth..ast one-ca,uarter (ot) ot lionh-wst one-quarter (1fWi) of the loutil-east , . one-quar-toi- (BBl) of senlon 'fwn't,-t.bZ'~ (2&) To_ship fhlr'ty-flye (&6) South, Be.np th1ni~ '". .. _ . . . l. nino, (Z9) ~t, oon'ta1DJ..na wnaor.a more or 18S., ~ b~1D.8 lot DJUDbor thr.e (Z) of \ ' 8outh-east ono..qllKwr of Modol L8II4 OOll,lMW7f. 8ubcllY1Bion of .e~Uon tnnt7-"threo (U) , , I " fown8h1p thiZV-flY. (Z6) 8c)"a.~, ~se titlr~-n1J1e (Z9) Bast, aooorcllng to plat of 1I&1d nb-cllY1810n ~n ~OOd in the "Offl08 of the Olerk of tho 01rou1t Oourt of sot. Luoio Oountl, nor1c1a, in Plat; look 2, a't ~ 1~.' I I I' I I I I I I .&D4 'the Aiel ,en, of "\h. ftra't pan elo.. h.,~.b, ful17 warrant the 'tlUe to ..14 land, 0, ""'_, . . aD4 11111 4efen~t" 't,he .... aga1nat 1ihe lawtaJ. olaiM of aU porsona 1IhoMOeyer. II IJ!.uaa 1IIrRRan.. thw ..1el parv of tho. tll'otpar't baa herounto lOt h10 haM U14 , . ' Mal tho 4aJ .. ,oar f1ro't ab0'f'8 1rI'1'twn. 81gu~, ,"aloc1 ,~ elellYel'O~, r pl'e..noo ot 118: &c1,rln Betl~ Ilaronoe O. Br01D1 (Beal) !. &c18U" Lewi. . , ' - . "': '" *-"'..~ ,. .. . . -. . . . ~*->~ ~:. ~ .. "~.' -::- . '~.. - ~ - . ._~. -.. :;.-,:_.;~' :t.