HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSI SKIRTING VENTILATION SPECIFICATIONSr Mantle supply pg& aWrtM tOP rail enO8 Of vent9gquon � � ��{��+� �.is+ ( � 9 � QOct.Atlantic Went Pans'8 that Sdd Mn sidd6tio.. 6 supplies FS9 Of pans average 281, hiLah Ve * 9 gas might. 70hergforse i are Med 'gas 9q. pal r PRn9l Used, QWma Typical 14" x 70, Home .,= 165, lineal ? set at 28heights Top Raid vent: S finve{ fv ME x 2r50 sq, Inches per foot 124 ice• 2a" vane penef: 124 pcs.. x 9�y,8 sq, inches Per. PC TOW Vey AfttoS 1 sq. 1nchee Toff VenUfffition sq. ft. 412.5 sq. 1827.1 sq, inches '527.7 527.7 e . Inches / 144 -3 OF venwation c,-_GC0 --�� I AV i P Ai ATTACH BACK RML 1. Determine a place fot mounting. Puce bottom OF of back rail just below hotfoot edge of the home.iitia %cation must oft solid support for attaching and wind toad press = for panels ad mite. 2. Keep the bank raid wa'tght and kvaL Soap a dWk Gee around the home to guide sae top edge of the bath rA 3. Correct sctgvving or noTmg t t*W for buck sad: Scat on the back Me of the home. Fosidom ten or penile in the team of the slot S=wlndd to OROVI % a clearaaee -of 1116° from the back aa$ swface. Now avoid 4&dy screwing or Wing back sail. A 1116" ctgsatrcc dlows fir nomW eggansion and contra ion with temperature chanr- PIM it tcsesv or mg in cuesy other slot 4. Provide a !/.Z" gap bets+ n each back rail W.&n for nOrmaf &Aai Q patraion. To », 4 smutd comer, refer to Smp R PASO A: WTAL19 IEL, IMIL 0E 'YO 1. Deteragna uo Lugar pars d montaje. Colosiuo d bards infetior del rid do afioyo junto d4o del both urfeaior de In tm lm ublcaddn dcbe of ew un apgo firma qvA pe MIM dM % ridm y soportar to prad6a For car de viento en Ion, pameLs. I Macau dexche d rid do soporm y a nivd. Bduque unn Linea cos d cocdd catimdo slteds3or pars guiat el botde supeoAr del rid da spgm 3. lft& Ct>rncto Para dear el dd de aPayv: GomkAM Ca Ia pane for ds la case. Cotogue lM claws W d =ta do Ia strum pm davm.Iatrvdu= los cl my d* uns hco um do IA6" desde to superEcie dd ria de aFgm Note: % clove may Ajusradame m et dd de apoyo. Una ho S= de 3/16" eon is Cab= del Claw perm did ei mpacio suU=te pm a6satba la mpamin Y cm=crddn norma1w resuitaretes de los mmbiaa de tempw4um Col ffm ten Clause en mum dmm 4. D* = Camu de I M COM Csda Secddfi & reel de qM70 Pm teber en cucnta Im cq=On tfirmkm normal. Para ittssalar d products almtlodor de lea eaoini m, wmdte d pwo I. Gcmtnd prq»t oc, ftp z the grauad so that it b atitootb, ft, of loose dump% clods oc ptotud* Qbsmk& Guard again uneven tattling of newly acavaaed ground by mttttdng d bottom rad an tteded (2 kn Weber 2 IVlaatc the ground location dis®ctly below the outside, bottom ed of the home. Use a laud or phaab bob to dettmm= dris 10ca6 at each comm 3. Soap a CIA Bee or *etch b nYIOa string bctw"n cash C9mcr ga & the bottom rail 4. Pbaidon fire bolt m rA Isiah tlyc bath leg tdMd the inside of t dtelk live paimetea 5. S3rivs �"� sp'risea every 14 ioci�es.T4ro acts of boles ase pravic is the bottom to U, tp are 6=cd kL ids the ci xu'A and on' backiCg. Ground qAW maybe drim in either We at iacOMOU 19 inchm 6. bmllasitnt an eonc M. Use a 3W tt mIW 118. You may a &M a hole toot A 3116" mAy -mw =a plastic gam (Nail s sctCw taeteriate are available at Most 1Atdwate tons.) To imtatl smuad cornet, refer to Strop E. PASO Be L IL+iFEIptL�IR �19ORMS DEL EIE 1. Ptepraddn del piso de tie m ftpm e1 Pico da mantra qua uaifoteme, esn cocas mdt;_N ter om d obataeulm que sobrea c1d plea Rorja in imtalacWn coven d asmtsmImm .no unif etaom redineacavados, montaatdo drillinferior en uaap"te loaders tmtada W s 21. 2. iV=q re la ubirs668 e0 d ON d =mmente abo dd 1 ittfrrior eat+ = de Ia Casa. Use un nivd o una plomada deteemtm eata ui3stWOR en cWa cgdm, 3: Mugm Ina ir= to e( aotdd =fish o c*qm una wet tgdn gnt m taco es0a pare gross d dei de apayo. 4. Cdoqued deldeap p coma FM ds=pg& hada d'ILCU► pedmam ,maaculo pot is Um de tom. 5. Immdm Ins tdrm pM erg of Pim 9 ca 19 Fes. nil infedxot se propordonon dos conjuntos de agujems. )&too se eamentMA deotro dd 0, ea la pace de soportc. Los damn gruesos pars el piso se pueden clavar a trava de cualtluicra de los agujerm a una distanda do 19 pulgadas ears A 6. InsWa4dn ea picas de co onto Use ur claw de Ve pare mamposteda. Ad mkmo se puede taladtar on spluo pan un tomillo de 311V dpo Molly cots soda ply d(z (Los tnatcd&s de da��los tornMos esdn disponibles en It mayorfa de in Para hutdar el produeto airededor de tag esquinas, consults el pRso E. S"ip C: PANEL INSTALLATION 1. 11%;nning M away fmm the lowest corner of the home] me== from the ground up to i-IM ebm the bottom edge of the back raiL (If the temperature is below 4o7,with frozen ground, measure to 3" above the back rail edge.) Z Mcasurernenti on alopaagground should be taken every 16" (width of panel). ., 3. Cut the bottom of each panel to angle with the gxrnutd, Each cut panel section should 4p 90° to the bottom edge of the home. Use aviation snips or a powof saw (with a fine toothed saw blade tumed backwards) for cutting 4. Punch lock tabs every 4" along the top and bocrom edge of cut panel sections (or outside pm&m of each panel face for 13" Va Mcst). A. Malco (SL-S) Snap Jock Punch tool is recommended. Consult your sklrting supplier fox' obtaining this W. Thbs Are to be positioned ouvAW to catch on the hooked e* ofthe rails. 5. Inte&dc panels and instill into the bottom rail. Begin with the f ht panel inserted into the bottom tag. Lacktks should mp past the hooked edge of the bottom rail. Insert next pane section into the interlock hooks along the vernal edge of the panels. Seat each panel securely into the bottom rail. Repeat iuxterlocldng panels, forming about a iz-foot mcdorx. Raume panel cut and interlock rttethod. To install around cornet' refer to Step E. 0 KI CS PA� Ci INSTALACI614 DE LOS PANELES L Comenzando a W de la sequin inferior mis bale de le cesa, mida deede la eupedcle del* haste I ill" orriba del borde niedor del r1e1 de apoyo. (5112 temperature amblante dutante la i=raWdn es inferior a los 407y el piso estd tongelado, raida hasty 3" aniba der horde del del de apoyo). z. Las medicieoes en pleas one desuuvel deben hom se a cads le (ancho del panel). 3. Corte la parts inferior de cede panel on angdo segn el desn►vel del piss Cada seecidn de pAnd cortado debe estar a escuadro (W) con el borde inferior de la casn. Use djeras de hojakwo o una sleet eldctrica (con una hop de aorit de dients £no arlacada al revels) pm eoxMC to pantiles. 4. Pufam las lengtiew de 4qm cede 4° a to Imp del borde superior e inferior delae seccioxt� de pander cottados. 5eracomienda el use de Ulm puuzonadora de mono Mako (SL-8) Snap Dock Punch. Consalte con su pta Ar de ceaCW sobw Como obtener en hem mientL Lae len&eras deben colocam heels Aem a fie de poder enpacim el horde de gancho de los deles. w >. Eoganche los panelcs c introddzratos ea el del inferior. Conuence con el primer panel inuoduddo on el del inferior. lie leag,etas do cierre deben engand=o hesta mis aU del horde con gancho del riel de apoyu. Zntroduzea la Aguiente secdda de panel ea los gauchos de enclavamiento a to largo del horde vertical de los paneles. Asiente cads panel firmemenm on of riel inferior. ltepit� el endmuniento de Jos panelcs Basta fornrax Una secd6n ?e spto2droadamento 12 pies. Rearntde cl eorte de los panics y e1 memdo de enclavuWanto• Plus instalar e1 prodacto on In esquimas, consulte el paso E. SUP D: INTERLOCK PROFIT RAIL WITH BACK RAIL L Stair sapping one end of the ftnt top rail into the back top - rail, creating the interlock Push the front top rail upwnd, it. entire length until the front top rail is completely intalocked with the back mg. 2. Overlap V each top rail secdan. To install around comer, re6er to Step B. PASO D: ENCLAIIAMIENYO DEL. RIEL FRONTAL CON EL RIEL DE APOYO 1. Comience engamehando Un eaaremo del ricl Croatalsaperiar en el rid superior de spgo, paxa fomaar el mecsnisroo de enchvemientm Empgc el rid superior de apayo hack arriba en Coda su longitud hasty que el riel frontal superior estd wropletumente engawJndo an el riel de apoyo. 2. Traslapo 1' cada secci6et del riel supedoA Auz ins alar el producto ea lay esquinaa, eoroulte el paso E. STEP E: INSTALLATION CORNER INSTAL. 1. Top back riii. — Make a 1" vercit:al slit from the top. llbp interlock hook should be completely cut dtrou&. Notch 45'onbottom cwndleg. 2. Bottom tall — Notch the back portion with snips, ae illustrated, Bead around a corner and attach to the ground. 3. pants — og pure( to proper height. Determine point of corner bend-,, bend over a table On fonnidg a uniform angle. 4. Top &ontra7 — Notch at both the top and bottom hooks of the £font tail, as Mustrated, Bend around the earner and Rt jam the interlock with die top back rail. Refer to Step D. YOUR PRE-NMCHED 70P FRONT RAILS ARE INCLUDED IN TRIM PAK PASO INSI'ALAG N DEL PRODUO EN LAS F,SQUINAS 1 1. Riel superior de apoyo — Triage UA corn versicpl de 1° dude i,parte superior. Ei gaucho supctior de enclavamiento debe cortarse aomplet=CjD..% Hags Una muesca a 47 en la pats, ca R& inferior. 2. Riel inferior — Corte la pord6n posterior oaa djeras de hojalatero segue se maestro en to Austraci6n. Ddblelo alrededor de una esquioa y clbvelo Al piso. 3. panetes — Corte el panel a la allure aprapiada. Determine el panto de doblem doble cl panel sobrc el borde de Una mesa, pars former un A*o recto. 4. Riel frontal superior — Corte los gancbos superior a inferior del rid frontal, s*n $e Bmtra an la figure Doble la pieta atrededor de la esqutna y enochela ea el a d vamiento con d rid superior de apoyo- Conaulte el peso D. EN EL CONJUN'I'O TRIM PM $E INCLUYEH CUATRO RIFLES SUPERIORES FRONTALES YA CORTADOS. neta_s AM212 IMA020 r J nr r nn t n nrn non r .,r..T . . II1T .l...T1.. ....... -- , -- -- ... --