HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETRECEIVE PERMIT NUMBER installer License DEC 19 2021 ity, Permitting; Address of home ! %l. 6) 4�a to being Installed Manufacfurer L r► -J a� -�,?�/ Length x width �' X NOTE ' M home Is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan if home Iva triple or quad wide sketch In remalnder'of home i understand Lateral Arm Svstams cannot be used on any home (new or used) where the sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. Installer's initials typical pl�u spa1�? 'i .....55 J®IWarel ■ �! ■ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ Z7■ e to �.,- ■ ■ ■_ ■ ■ ■ o '. ■ �i■■■!■ ■■■■■r�>-� %=WN■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �i�■■■■■i■■■■■L1uCd�7G.�i/iilti.«7■il•■�■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■!■■II1Cr�IL'�1111Cr1■IItL�■■��■■■■■■■�■ PERMIT WOF K-SHEET page T of 2 New Home ❑ Used Home Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual 13 Home is Installed In accordance with Rule 15-0 Singip wide ❑ Wind Zone II El Wlnd Zone III ❑ Double wide ' installation Decal l-ur Triple/Quad ' ❑ Serial PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOME'S Load ��n8 capacity Fooler SlzIXe (sq Ir>) 16' X 16' (26 s) 181/2' X 181/2' (342) 2D' X 20' (40D) 22' X 2Z• (484)' 24' X 24' (576r 26' X 26' (676) 00 8 00Dst 5, 8 8 2500 s 6 8 8 g 3000 0 8 8 abuo Ps 8' 8 - =Tpoiarea rmm Kure ids.:-i pier spacira mie. PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size Perimeter pier pad size Other pier pad sizes (requlred by the mfg.) ®Dmwthe approximate locations of marriage wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this symbol to show the piers, Ust all marriage wall openirigs greater than 4 foot POP LAR PAD SIZES - - - tttt-Y1Ili ON EI1 itifYF4;-sir#W!; �Pzfi'ZII■i•� !■i��:s �'[■ andaneir plerpad sizes below. Opening Pier pad.size ANCHORS „ X 4 ft 5 it X, 1r FRAMETIES X 2a r paceedzat5 4doohome TIEDOWN COMPONENTS L OTHER ES LflngltudlnaiStablllzing Device (LSD Mbar Sldewal( Manufacturer- . PILL EZ4 � longitudinal Longltudlnal Stabilizing Device wlLateral Am7s Mardage wall Manufacturer_ +'n = a K T- "-so m- Shearwall Ir PERMIT NUMBER oc P Ro a Es : The pbcket panetrometerteste are round d oM to pat or check hereto �deecllaare 1060 lb. soil L! without testing. 10 ' Xxc; - x2 X��l� POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Ted the perimeter of the horbe at 6 locations.. 2 ' Take the reading at the depth of the,looter, S. Using600 lb. Ins oremento, take the lowest ' madp and round down to that increment. X�?S x o-2 7-7- TORQUE PON The results of the torque probe test (s Inch pounds or check here If you are declaring 61anchom without t no _ • A test showing 276 Inch pounds or loss will require 6 foot anchors Note: A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. .anchors are allowed olthe sidewaii locations. I uriderstand 6 ft anchors are required at all centerline tie pot* where the torque test. reading Is 27%or less and More the ntobtle ('tome manufacturer may requires anchors with 40 o ding capacity. installer's Initials ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED iNSTALLrER Installer NameDate Tested Ionngot electrical conductors between muktl•wide units, but not to the maln,power ounce. `I'hIs•inOudas the bonding wire between mutt -wide unitm . Pa; um na bnneot all sewer drains to tern odsting sewer tap or septic tank ft. ' onnect all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other idependent water supply systems, Pp. PERMIT WORKSHEET page 2 of 2 1 Debris'and organic matelot ved Water dralnapa NaturalSwale Pad �� Other Faideraffil—R-1—ifflos units Floor, 'type Fastener. �� Length: Spacing: Walls: Type Fastener. �I14� Lengh, —� BPaoing: C Hoot. Type Fastener. " mil i en she. Bpaoing: For•used homaq a n, 80 gauge, 81 de, galvanized m_qtal strip will be asntered over thepeak of the—f and fastened with gaiv. rooflnp nabs at 2" on center an both sides of the centaft - Oa hv.sth.rofedino e.milRe+e+tf • . I understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation, mold, 'meldew and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly Installed or no paskel being installed. I understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket. Installer's Initials_:• Type gasket �fa�l�' Installed: Pg, Between Floors Yes Between Wane Yes Bottom of tidgebearn Yes _W"therproo ng The bottombbard wig be repaired andlor taped. Yes Siding on unite Is Installed to manufacturer' {loot o"� p�. �fas Fireploop chimney installed so as not to -allow Intrusion of rain water. Yes aneous SWIng to be Installed. Yes �^No,r,..,_• Dryer vent Installed outslde of skirling. Yea NIA Range downflow, vent instelled'outside of silrtin Y Drain lines supporlsd at 4 tobt intervals, Yes �'es WA /"�'+"r Eisctrical crossovers protected, Yes Other; is accurate and true based 'an the installer signature (LI Date