HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0467 ~ '~ . , I ~ < 4(t~ :' .. '~ 1. I~ I I I I r '~ \\ .IfNBBS rq hand anA offiolal seal at J'ort Pleroo, Count1 Qf st. Luole and Stliote of norlela, th1B ft4'. da7 of January A.. D. 1921. '\ 'I .,. W. H. Barr1e Ho'tary Publio. State of RIa.' ~ oomm1ssion e%pires ~y 28, 192., (lfO'lARX SJUL) J'11ed ,and reoorded tb1e 4th day ot Janu.a:ry. .A. D. 1921. , R. 0, Bl~~.4. Olerk OiroUlt, O~t. B7. ,Ud.~) r~ ~/vtt:LD.C. f:)~y, 0"60 3" O~\~\"r} , ; (OT, UT, SBAL) .f I BBO!Oll JIUJIIGD GEORGE .. ....UBI.R. 'f0, I W4!W.&HfY DUD. This Indenture. Mado th1s ~1;b. elq of l'ebrua17 A. D. 191., BBTWEU Heotor Hannigan of Jellsmer~ ef the Ooun", of st. Luoi8 and State of JIlL party 'of the first part, and George .. Aubel' of hU8118re of the Oounty of St, Luole and state of JIla party of the seoond part, WID'B8Smll, 'that the said party of the first part. for and 1n oonsideration ; of the sUm of J'ort;'~~~ilars, to. aoknowledged. bas granted, bargained, 801d and transferred. and by these presents do I I grant;. bar,;aln, sall andtran.:f.r unto tb. said _ty o:f tho ..oond part and hi. b.ir. and I I i I I Boot 3 page 2~ I, Provleled, however, this oonveyanoe 1s made subJeot to the limitations,oonditlons ! j i and reservat~ons relating to ros4s oanals and elitohes set ~orth in deed of dedioation J dated Jane 13th, 1911 Bxeouted by J'ellsmere Barms Company aooompanying saiel plat and re- i oorded therewit.h said plat being made a part thereof. 1 'f~ w1th all the tenements. heredltaments and appurtenances, with every privilege. ~ i r1ght, tltle. interest and estate. dower and right of dower, reversion. remainder and eas.- I ment thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE JJID TO HOLD the sams in fee . I simple forever. , 1 i I .1 i 'the la~ olaims of aU persona whomBoeyer. I I I i seal 'the day anel yeai' aboye wrl tun, i I 8igned. sealed aDd deliyereel in our pres.noe: I L, J, J'O~ 0, B, Bath in band paid.' ~e reoeipt whereof is hereby assign s forever, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the County of st. Lucie s.nd 3tate o' fia"liOre partioularly desoribed as follows: , , ' Lot Bo. 66 Blook (3) three Hall Oarter & James Subdivision Fellsmere lams .. ; . .. - Lota Numbers 1.39 " l'~ in !rownBhlp 3l South Range 37 East as per plat reoorded In .Plat , And the said pe.rtj> of the first part does oovenant w1th the said party of the seoond part that he ls'1a.~17 8e1.eel of the said premis'8, that they are from all inoumbranoes awl that he has good rlght and la1dul. authority to Bell the same; and the said party of the first part eloes hereby ful1;J warrant the Utle to said lancl am will elefend the sall8 'ai;a1ust III WI~~ WlfKRRllJ. the &aiel party of ,the first part bas her.unto s.t his hand end Beotor B.nogan (Seal) ."..- ..- , ,', ' .;1' ~.', /<"~.~' ,::