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30 Day Temporary Power Release
-�1 'v�5i `lh C T ®4 3 la'.1/1Q" ST. Lucie County, permitting 155' P s 7'1462-t- iW R.egd lbe i= ay`` ` i li it r� ov el ase Date. Mdrem P.rot NQMber \n\\ . THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL. PO ER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PR©PE2,TY, FOR A PERIOD NOT -TO EXCUP "i°MRTY .(.30) AAYS, FOP, THE NOOSE OF TEST. ING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN AERARAMN FOR A I INAL.IiSP6fiQN. IN CQNSWtRATION OF APPROVAL. Of: THE REQi, T VIfE'1•i Y A GE AN — AG -At FOLIO' : I. Vats ierrwmry power irdease is rftested lbr'-he above slued papoose Oniy, and there wip be nb Occupancy of any type, oft'ier than that permitbad by t:ongrrwcwn during this tirw.penod. 2. As witness py, our signaWMS, vv_ hero -by agree 0 abide by ail Wins and wWibons of this agreement, includ➢rig Building Division Poky, which is lncdrpdratW herein by reference. 3. Ail conditions.'and *uirementzr ftt in die ati"a6ed document ent led Mquirements-For 30 Day Power forM06g" have ;beers fulfiiied and. the premise is ready for compliance inspection, 4. All re4uests for a6 e*ie ion beyorrd 30'days •must 1�a'rnade in wriUhg tD the saudirrg '0mciai stating the' rea50rf for the reWest, Power maybe removedTrom the site. and/br a Stop Work. Order issued if thP. Fina'i'LWecUon has riot been approved within 30rdays. A fee of $100,00 vuill be reguired to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEOMY RELEASE -AND AGREE. TO 14OLD HARMLE , ST. E aNQ E COUNTY, ATHEIR Ei+ PLOYEE$ FROM ALL. L:II�,i1L,i1�ES ANO JW M� -OP ANY TYPE;011 AIAT101F WKCH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF TH�$-TRANSAC"i'ION, iiVGCtiDINC AN-.Y t)AN AG"F:' I -.MAY SE INC Lf D• QUE' TO THE DISIO 3N l ON OF ELECMCAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF `MIS AgREEMENT. E9Z-A 9000A000d m-1 999L8LKLL -WOad 90:3 L 8 L 1- ti0-0 L