HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0494 . " 4~2 "\ "~, DUoh 01 'tho lortil M~. Luole Biyor >>ra1Dage D1Btl'lo't, al no. uurve,eel and looa'toel, aD4 1101'8 parUoularlJ' cle~lbeel as tollowl:- , . Beg1mhg at . >>O~t 380 ft. Borth of 'the 'S. ..oomor at the S, W. 'i of tlie - -..-.: 8. .. t. 'thenoo 1$0 f't. ln a Borth.ellt.rll 41reo1;1on to a po111't .60 tt, W08t at the lI. w. oorner 4f tho S, W. ''i of til. 8. W. t, aU of whlch 110. in ancl ls .. part at 804. 28. . - , Typ. 36 8. 11, ae B., ancl oonta1n1118 3 aDd 91/100 aores more or 10s8. 16. .& otrlp or JHlroel of laDd. 126ft. In wi4th. whloh 1-188 aSt ft. on the S~uth"8teX'1~ .14e and il... tt. on the Borth.a.terl, 81de of the ~~'l'line of the Dlyer.lon ])1.toh of tho lIorth 8t. Luoie BiYer >>1'a1nage D18trlot. aB now BUrYeJed ancl 100ate4 anel more psrtloularlJ' 4eBorlbeel as follow.:- Bog1nn1.ns ata poin't 286 ft. B. of the S. Yf, oomer of the S. B.-{ of the S. W. -t. thenoe <Me) ft. in a llorthweswrl, direotion ,to a pUnt 330 f~, Borth of the S. W. oornor , ~ of the S.... 'i otthe S. W. ~, all at Whloh lle8in and i. a part of 8eo. 28. TYp. 36. S.R. " 39 B. and oontaiD1ng 1 end 27/100 &Ores more 01' less. , '16. A etrip or paroel of land, 126 ft. in width. whioh 11es ~ ft, on the Southwe8ter17 81do and 91... ft, on tho Bortheasterl, .s1de of the oenter line of the Diversion' ~1toh of the Borth St. Luole Rlver >>ra1nage D18trlot, as now looateel and BUrYeJeel and more p.rtioularlJ dosorIbed as follows:- Beginn1J:1g at a poin't 206 ft~ Borth of the 8. B. oorner of the B~ E. i 'of the B.lI. I. , 1 t, thenoe 1680 ft, ln a Borthwester1.y ellreoUon to a point 286 ft, East of the B. W. oorblr I ' , . ~ of the B. B. i of th. B. W. i. all of whloh lie8.ln and Is a part of Beo, as. Twp. 36. l , _ ' /" S. B. 39 B. and oontatn1ng . and 647100 aore8 more or leS8. , , 17. .& strip or paroel of land, 126 ft. in wIdth. whioh lIes 3&t ft. on the 80uthweBterl, 814e and 91... f't, on tho Northeasterly 81de of the oenter line of the DIY8I'slon j DItoh of the Borth St. Luole lilyer lirainage D18triot, as now surveled and looated, and i , i ~ more partlo~lJ described 88 folloW8:- , " Be~11rIUtg at a poiD~ 190 ft, Ba8t of tile 8. W. cornel' of the H. w. 'i of the 11. E. I,!, thence 880 :tt.' in a Borth.e8terl, c1lreotion to a po1n~ 206 ft. Horth of the SO. W. o orner , ! of the B. W.,! of the B. B. !, all of whloh l1e8 1n and i8 a part of Seo. a3. Twp. 36. 1 S. R. ai ., and con't8:1n:.ll8 0 a.n4 80/100 aore8 more or le8s. ' ./ t', - ; '- 18. A atrlp or paroel of ltitlA 126 ft. in width, whioh 11e8 33t ft. on the I . . j 801l'h...Mr17 0140 and i1t ft. on the Borthea8ter17 slde of the oenter line of the DiverBion I ])1 'toh of the Borth 8t. L~ie Myer Dr81nage' ])lBtrIot., as no. looa1;4lel and surTo'Oel aDd \ llIOre parUoulal"lJ' eloBoribe4 a. tollowa:- I ...;;~ ...~ ...:;; f.: ~ l "1 ! - ~_l ! ~ It, thenco I.' - ! of tho 8. i , i 39 ., ; , .,. !, . 19. .... strlp or paraol of land, 126 ft. ~ wielth. whloh 110. a&t ft. on ~ho ! ' , ',. JsouthwesterlY 8ielo andtli ft.- on tho Bortheaeterl"81do of the oenter line of the D1ver81on I ' I >>Uoh of tho Borth St. Luolo lilYor Drainage l>1atrlot. as now 10081;41el 8D4 BlUYo~ed, ad ~ . i ' ~ 1101'0 parU01llarlJ' deeor1be4 a. followo:- I Beginning at a point 120 ft, :Bast of the 8. W. oomer of tho 8. B. -t of the lI. E. ' i!" thenGO 1'6 n. in .. Borthw.aterll direoUon to a point,laO ft. Borth of tho S. W. OOrDer IOf th,O S. ~.. '!, of tho B. .. ~, aU, 01 flh1,~ 11e. in, and 18 a par't of Sea, ~ ~. 36, S. B. , f 89 .. aDl\ oon~111D8 0 &D4 IO~ .or.. ~. or Ie..~ ~ Beginning at a poiD't 130 ft. Borth of the 8. E~ oorner of the S. W. i of the B.B. 1726 f~, in ~ Borth.esterll elireotlon to a point l~ ft',B,'of the B, W. oorner W..t, of the H~ B, t, all of whioh lies In and 1. 8 part of 8eo. 33,' Twp, 36 S. B. . , . and oonta1n1ng " ancl 96/100 aore. more 01' le88. / I ~ .. :: '" \ ',;, ;,.'. ~ !:. <"'.. i. ',. '.. -'~"""-~-i ..\;f....-.~......- . - -' - . - ~. .. . ~. ',', .-~"''''...~.,'~ ~ .'0._ .:". ~~~: