HomeMy WebLinkAboutManufactured Home & Installation SpecsApplicant Address Manufactured Home Installation Specifications (Must be completed and submitted with your application) JAMES YOUNG 5230 COMPASS COVE FT PIERCE 34949 Manufacturers Name PALM HARBOR Roof Zone 20S Wind Zone 3 No. of Sections 2 Width 24.0' Length 36.0' Installation Standard Used (check) Manufacturers Manual X Site Preparation Debris and Organic Removal Water Drainage: Natural _ Foundation YES Swale Pad X Permit # Year 2017 _ 15C-1 Other Serial # TBD Page # 13 Page # 13 Load bearing soil density Or assumed 1,000 psf X Page # 13-15 Footing type: Poured in place Portable ABS ON CONCRETE PAD Page # 22 Mainrail frame block: Size 8x8x16 Placement o.c. 10.0' MAX Page # 23-24 Perimeter blocking: Size 8x8x16 Number AS REQ'D Location DOORS & HOST BEAM SIDES page # 21-22 Ridge beam support: Number 20 Size 17.5 x 25.5 Location I BEAMS Page # 23-24 Center line blocking: Number 10 Size 13 x 26 Location MARRIAGE WALL Page # 32 Special supports required (fireplace, bay window) Yes No X Page # N/A FACTORY INSTALL a used CFC CENTERLINE Mating of Units: Mating gasket �yp Page e # 36 Fasteners: Roof Type 6" LAGS Spacing 12" o.c. Page # 39 Endwall Type 6" LAGS Spacing 12" O.C. Page # 40 Floors Type 6" LAGS Spacing 16" O.C. Page # 37 Anchors: Type 6,000 3,150 X Page # 69 Height of Unit (top of foundation to frame): 24" - 36" Page # 23 Angle of straps 45* Page # 68 Number of frame ties SIDEWALL ANCHRRScmg 5'4" o.c. P� Page # 64 Number of over -roof ties (if required) N/A *ANCHORS TO BE CORE DRILLED IN CONCRETEage # N/A Number of sidewall anchors Zone 11 Zone III 14* Page # 64 4 4* = HOME PRIDE LOCK DOWN SYSTEMS Number of centerline anchors Number of stabilizers Page # 65 &SUPPLEMENT Vents required for underpinning (I sf/l50 sf floor area): No. 6 Page # 95 Prepared by: CHARLES P. ROGERS Date: 10/30//2017 Revised 7/22/2014 PERMIT NUMBER CHARLES P. ROGERS Ucense# IH1025311 � PALM HARBOR Length x vildtff 36.0' X 24.0' Ft MA or Rlwains Zone X Minimimum R EWAOCII Floor at or above tUl"in. Requited 801MO i n Q OR Minimum Mr Piers 0 Addrg of home 5230 COMPASS COVE PL. FT. PIERCE, FL 34949 AtoQr: Cortrpift dhWm bebw orm*mN aepmb dhWam I understand L09W Arm Sys = cannot be used on any home (new or used where the sidewa6 Be lmEgg exceeds 5 R 4 In n �� Typal pier spacing Installers inkleft IV Qhrnu mm mm of Lnnattudinal and Lateral System HOME PRIDE SYSTEMS i ■ ■ F4. ■ ■ ■ ■ 'L3 C�i� �1 w J �1�� ►+��1 • - • . • • . ++rs�+��++� +••...•• 1 Lmmumew Sf rg Device S� Manufacturer Longbrow StwadwDevice w/LVWWAnn Wlan rf8Wlrer HOME PRIDE MOMS LOCK DOWN • "� ' PERM WORKSHEET page I of 2 New Home ® Used Boma ❑ Home boomed b the Maros InStolk ort mares Home is Installecl In mince with Rub 16-C 13 Single Wide ® Wrid Zone II ® Wind Zonal 111 Double wide Q instal on, Decal it TBD -rdpid Quad D taww # PIER SPACM TAtE3f.E FOR USED HOWS WI oapacw w* (sq tn3 ur x 16" {2t,8) 181? x 18 wr (342) 2(r x 20p 000) 2P x 22' O"r 2d' X 24' (6,1sr 2fi x 26' W% 3500 t3' t3' B' 8' 8' li • Wgglp~ s m ma mu-'r pm spat rlg Tp • PIER PAD SRtr'S I beam pier Pad sbm 17.5 X 25.5 Perk. r pier pad size 13 x 26 Other t� l� S� VARIES PER (required by the n*.) ATTACHED 1--- W FACTORY PORCH - Draw t o approxhfISIS locations of marrbge wall openirt9s 4 foot or greater. Use this srnbd to stew the piers. List all Mantp wall openatgs greater than 4 foot and Owk pier pad sixes ter. POPULAR PAD SQES Pad Siae Sq In 16 x 16 2b6 16 x 1S 288 10 x 22. 17 x 22 374 48 131/4 x 261/4 3 17112 x 2212 394 20 x30 400 173116x253116 .441 24 x 24 a( 25x.25 676 ANCWM Opening Pier pa"ite Oft 15 5R SEE ATTACHED FACTORY DIAGRAM DETAILS FRAMEIM X +� kX spaced at V V oC [X Other Ties Number tlAartiage wal4 Sidewap 14 Slnearwal 4 r. Longitudinal 4 _ PERMIT WORKSHEET page 2 of 2 PERMIT NUMBER The po".penetratielm tM are rounded down to pot or check here to declare 1000 fbL sod X wilhout testing. POCKET PENETRONETER TFSTWG IIETMOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 lordions. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the footer. 3. Ong 500 Ix Increments, take the lowest Ireadmg and round chum to that hu not The results of the torque probe test Is NIA Inch pounds or chectc ps o 275 inchEA tit pounds rare 5 foot . ancho Now A state approved Waal arm system is being used and 4 R anchors are showed at the sidewali locations. I understand S It anchors are required at al c ei terkie be pok is where the torque test reading is 275 or less and where the moble tome awnulkturer may reguirea anchors with thotdtng capacity.InlAfiSrS its ALL TESTS YU$T BE PEFtFORMED BY A LICENSED *WAUJ9t lnaftla tame CHARLES P. ROGERS Data Tested Connect docdri W conA c tom between mu%*%ide WAs. but not to the mein power source. This indudes the bonding wire between muff wwe units. Pg. 53 Cab -ad all Sewer drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank Pg. 54-55 Connect ar pobble water supply piptng to an existing water meter. wt3er tap, or other Wepenftd water supply systems. Pg. 78 Debris and or�nio material removed Willer : Natural Swale f>ffm Floor: Type Faaterher. LAGS Length; 6" Spacing. 16" Ways. Type Fasfondr LAGS 6" SpaCkV 12" —Rootf Typa Fa�s%ner. LAGS t gam; 6" Spa12" For used homes a min. 30 gauge, Jr wi l% galvanized nil Strip will be wed am the peak of the roof and fastened with galv. mo" nails at r on cerrber on bath sides of the centerline. I aaderatuxi a pmparly hilted gasW is a reguir+errrent of an new and used homes and ttwl corn. mold, meldew and buoMed marriage walls we a msuit of. a poody Installed or no gasket being Insf led. I and nd a strip of tape will ad serve as a gasket. Instaws Indtaws e^— ype 9g" FACTORY INSTALLED I Pg. 36 Between Between Bottom oS'2n��es The bottomboard will be repaired "or to Pg. 94 F�on whits la Installed to mandbcturefs Y chimney bh�ed so as not to allow, intrusion of � vvater.(9 Slcir" to be install No Dryer vent installed outside of sic 1n4g. IiD hangs downtlaw vent Installed oubkie of rfi NIA Drain Uives supported at 4 foo ' Yes Electrical crossovers Yes Oder: i all Infom>altlort gw*n with this Permit woficriheat Is accurate and tRe lamed on dw Wftliler suture lL BLOCKING LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE CONSIDERED TYPICAL BLOCKS MAY BE MOVED FROM LOCATION SHOWN (WRH THE EXCEPTION OF SHEARWALL OR COLUMN LOCATIONS) AS LONG AS THE MAXIMUM SPACING IS NOT EXCEEDED, UNLESS OTHERNRSED SPECIFIED IN THE NOTES BELOW. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ANY ADJACENT PIERS MAY DEVIATE FROM THE LISTED SPACING BY 10%, SO LONG AS THE OVERALL AVERAGE DISTANCE BETWEEN PIERS IS EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN THE LISTED SPACING. SEE SECTION 3 IN THE PALM HARBOR HOMES INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON BLOCKING THE HOME - COLUMN LOADS 1O =15821 02 =15821 O = 19741 ®= 19741 NOTES: 1. BLOCKING SPACING BASED ON 2OPSF LIVE LOAD ON ROOF AND 1000 PSF SOIL BEARING CAPACITY. 2. CONCRETE BLOCKS ARE ONLY RATED AT BUPOUNDS, M POUND PIERS OR HIGHER MUST BE DOUBLE BLOCKED. 3. !LOCKING REOUWFDAT OPENING LESS THAN 4rIN VMTH OMYT0 IIAKE NVNI-OPERATIO4AL DOORS OPERATIONAL PERIMETER SUPPORTS ARE REQUIRED ON EACH SIDE OF ALL OPENINGS GREATER THAN 4W (E SIDING GLASS DOORS. BOX BAYWQNDOWS, RECESSED ENTRIES. ETC-) REFER TO THE INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR MORE SPECIFICS. 4. MARRIAGE LINE BLOfADrIG ONLY REQUIRED UNDER WALL MARRIAGE UNE WALL AREA& 5. FOR WIND ZONE D AND ID INSTALLATIONS. AMR IS REQUIRED UNDER TKESHEARWALLTWHERRE THEY ATTACH TO THE SIDEWALL. THESE SHFMALLSARE DNDKATED AS DARKENED-M WALLS ON THE FLOOR PLAN. B. ABS PIER PAD SUES AND CAPACITIES BASED ON MPDRMATION PROVIDED BY%WNUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDATXXNSYSTQAS. am TYPCALT*00W SREUD RECDPFRNErM WOOUXI 1y sarwwwnw ITEM LOCATION WRNtlADE LIE `� H]CI.YIOGTION IWA4 LOCATM" N RFA0PERM.0MYI.O0= N 7. STABILIZER SYSTEM PER PAW HARBOR INSTALLATION MANUAL AND ALLS{DEWALLANCHORS ARE SPACED AT ¢4 MAXIMUM. FOUR FOOT GROIN ANCHOR MAY BE USED IXCEPTWHERE PALM HARBOR NNSTALATION MANUAL SPECIFIES OFFERENT. B. TT IS THE REBPONS®RDYOF THE DEALER ANDK)R INSTALLER TO CERTIFY THAT ANY BLOCKING ANDIOR FOUNDATION PRINT(S). OR ANY OTHER DIAGRAM SUPPLIED FOR ANY SITE INSTALLATION. MATE WITH THE LOUT ORDERED AND SEHNG SET AS WELL AS THE CONDITIONS OF THE SITE. THE MANUFACTURER -WLL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGESAR6BNG FROM FAILURE OF THE DFALERANDIOR MALLERTO MAKE CERTAIN THATTHE CONTRACTORNSTAU.ER RVS THE CORRECT DIAGRAMS. REGARDLESS OF WHATWAS SUPPLED BY THE MAUFACTURER. THE MANUFACTURER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBRRY OR LIABILITY FOR THE DESIGN OF THE BLOCKING ANDOR FOUNDATION. 9. FOR MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REFER TO THE INSTALLATION MANUAL T0. ALL SETUP MUSTCOLRLY WDW H THE PAHARBOR HOMES INSTALLATION MANUAL E. 40 cl Z rw V JI O.ml, ® 0 ra 'CKMaMP.RDWR9 ".l.00mw PRORnwIS ," 1 LOGTION PAWL e1RELT: am pVlWN01601UNTON nut.wsnmua 2/3 SERAV-0D 'M moovm NAOW W DESIM W FOR7D PWROOF WELOAD MD IMPW SQL. 9FAIZpm CAPA BLK-1 9HET:O" 6' Y 6' -11'-4 1/Y--( 18'-0 1/Y a.^ 34'-6� a--30'-6� e— 26'-I j' e-- 22'-6j' e-- 17'-51' e-- 12--11' e— '-94' 6— V51' 36'-0" 12'-0' •_4• �•_0• �0__r 29'-5� 24'-0 3060 3060 f"-12'-4� 5'-4' 0' MASTER BEDROOM ; LIVING ROOM 124.2 SF r O 197 SF i% c 13 ' � V COMBINED 24'-s 237 SO. F[:' (155). 41 14 22'-7' 25 -32 - 71 - 47f--� Im ^ `a =� ":; annl:c ve r 0 -- Kitchen /Dining --- - ' Ality.>. :....... .. �_ ' ..4 ; ....... . �v^......:._ REFRI'G I OPT....'.�6`.I Lam.-71. 1 27-- 24•_41• 303fi ._6 . .-53._ �y— 34-6 " y�-30'-611 a'-- 26'-6j" a^ 22'-6�' d 9- l-1- IF---4- 6 FI-5 3/4 —C 0 Column Requirements '4� in 6'9'3' lie -4:1�� Stud Lergth: 106 -2L1 @ 16 01C. 03 SPF Floor Dead Load: 11 Mmdege Wall nitr 108 Wmtl Zone: 3 Roof Dead Load: 15 / _ ...�... F.rmosure: C Rm1 Live Lead 20 No. ! l Peslene 26 GA. Straps Opt Bracket Lags IScre,,s Tab Span Max, Stretch Stud # Type & Size Block Cdumni Load 1 r 1 1 1 s 1 W-5• 0'-0• 1 1.24 N 791 1 a 114 1 1 6 W-51 T-0• 2 1-2x4 N 791 2 T 1 1 5 6--6- 0--0• 2 1-2x3 N 791 2 B 114 1 1 5 6'-5' ". 2 t-Zs3 N 791 3 T 2 1 6 ". 01-w 2 2-2.3 N 987 3 B 115 2 1 6 W-4' 0'-0' 2 2.2z3 N 987 4 r 2 1 6 8'-4• 0'-0' 2 2-213 N 987 4 B 1/5 2 1 6 8'4' 2.2u3 N 987 Ytl01�' axal 1s Ri 30 32 BEDROOM 67.7 SF x g�§ om li= RETURN AIR PER "PA69-DS-3" UNDERCUT DOOR Whole Ouse Fan Notes: UP to 1428 Sq Ft. = 1 50 cfm fan 1429 to 2571 S . Ft. = 1 90 cfm fan 2572 and above = 1 110 cfm fan f g� &'-}i' '-11'y 9412 _il a-- 6'-9. v� -51. 5�L0'��8'-3 1�J2. 2 311 3' 6- 1 5pecfal lnstructlorI Truss #)000000ex X-12 Roof Pitch X ft. flat ccillng X it. Cathedral Ceding R XX-XX XX 11EC C CONF6?M FOR 41 ORDER SPECIFIC nEM5 WALLS WITN IUAN INSTALLED WALLS Wif OSB INSTALLED WALLS WI .OSB INSTALLED • APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MOBILE HOME SAFETY PRODUCTS dba Oliver'Technologies, Ins. P.O. Box 9 Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 MAXIMUM PIER LOADS IN POUNDS BASED ON SOIL VALUES Pad Area 1,000 lb. 1,500 lb. 2,000 lb. 2,500 lb. 3,000 lb. Remarks Configuration (sq. ft.) soil soil soil soil soil Max. 16" x 16" 1.77 1,770 2,650 3,450 4,420 5,310 5,310 16" x 16" 1.78 1,780 2,660 3,560 4,430 5,340 5,320 16" x 18" 2.0 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 16" x 18 ''/Z" (rounded) 2.0 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 18'/z" x 1.8'/2" x 15/16" 2.360 2,360 3,550 4,730 5,91.0 7,090 7,090 18 ''/z" x 18 ''/z" x'/4" 2.375 2,375 3,563 4,750 5,598 5,598 5,600 13 ''/4" x 26 ''/W" 2.4 2.375 3,563 4,750 5,938 6,400 6,400 17" x 22" 2.5 2,500 3,750 5,000 6,250 7,500 7,500 20" x 20" 2.75 2,750 4,125 5,500 6,875 8,250 8,250 17 ''/z" x 22 '/z" (rounded) 3.0 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 %000 9,000 17 %2" x 25 %" 3.0 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 9.000 9,000 24" x 24" 4.0 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 21.13" x 29.13" (rounded) 4.0 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 23 '/4" x 31 ''/4" 1 4.698 4,698 1 7,047 1 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 PAD CONFIGURATIONS Pad Description (Pyramid Footer Configuration) Pad Area (sq. ft.) 1,000 lb. soil 2,000 lb. soil 3,000 lb. soil (2) t3 14" x 26'W' as a base and (1) 20" x 20" on top Three (3) 17" x 22" Three (3) 17 %:" x 25 'h" 4.8 5.0 6.0 4,800 5,000 6,000 9,600 10,000 12,000 N/A N/A NIA CAP BOARDS MODEL # IDENTIFICATION OT I CB 1 I Plastic Cap Board OT 1 CB2 I Plastic Cap Board DESCRIPTION 1"x8"x 16" 2" x 8" x 16" The cap boards were test on umu pier juju) wim euner a singe ut uu-sw ataa -u .,aii vvu,u-- �1 1 HOME�"PRIDE Manufactured Housing Installation Instructions Loch Down Ati choring System Wind Zones 2 & 3 1-Beam Connection T ,w IX NOTE: If oneor more of the following conditions exlst contact a Registered Professianal fog)neer Lateral/Longitudinal Strut ram, L5i • Location is within 1,5W of the coastline. • PlerHeight exceeds 48". .. Rbofeavasexceeds 16". • Sidewall height exteeds.96". • Length othome exceeds 76'. ReaVlnea+ents t-tm use •1. The use.of the Lock Down Ancho lri sysiem requires sidewall vertical ties atno greater than 5V on center. 2. Centerline anchors to be slieA accordingto the tall torque conditions. 3. Sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4000 pounds requires a W anchor. 4. Sidewall vertical ties can use 4' onchorsin %oil type 40. Facing the home Facing the home LEFT CORNER RIGHT CORNER S. Homes requiring 4 Lock Down Anchor assembll require the longitudinal 7 7. s atxl!•oral Britton oaeM aruhor. All struts must be Installed towards the centerof the home. r„* 1 7 A. �y� .+,�f}••�'^{ ' �iVVY.T�1�'.: y�+'.'�..1"pnf,.�•j�1 yil(l'(''�xt J �`1� 'ryit 'r4 '��Y�i L`ri .: �+` ):'s%j^ .•� ir•:�b Facing the home Facing the home Facing the home LEFiCORN ER CENTER RIGHT CORNER 6. Homes requlring6 Lock Down Anchor assembIles only require longitudinal r� struts on the'4 cornecpositlons. The two center positions only require a lateral strut. All struts muslba Installed towards the center of the home. fit �. ri'•� tf' t ! 'i 1 Y 1 j iMj1 'I'• •f 7 b; (' Y tf L � .,-4°�- r'. t• M,, a a�fr.- Yo ,~X��t1� '.f+ t...t: C;':sh 1,. .yt1 t :i ...t.'3,g'.•..- t,�.' ';' ;•.5 7. The placement of the comer systems should be at a sidewan vertical tie that falls no more than 11' and no less than 5' tram the end of the house on ea6 corner. 1. Nua_ pFtuw NUMBER OF LOCK QOWN ANCHOR AS5EMBLIES NEEOEO• Wind Zones 28, 3 with roof phah G/12 or to, Single or Double section homes 36' to S1',11a In length (excluding hitch) 4 + Single or Double section homes 52' to 76' In length (excluding flitch) 6 NOTE: Roof pitches gteator than 6/12 will require additional systems, contact tome Pride, Inc. for assistance. NOTE,. Homes less than 36'— Luck Down Systemshould notboused, ANCHOR ASSEMBLY PLACEMENT Using 4 Anchor Assemblies �7m-- Tm, � ve Lack Do" Anchor AssembN Components Ust / 1. Ground'Anchor with Strut Attachment Cap 2. ]%.Mate, ) 3. Lateral Strut i 4. Longitudinal Strut �S, Beam Clamp Assembly Using 6 Anchor Assemblies Wo"rl�ta�G�wr tot w is era �t � as w c•'au� Lock clown AntnOr AffarnblV Insgllattgn Instructions The Ground Anchor with Strut Attachment Cap w01 lake the place of one perimeter anchor and alignwith a sldewall vertical strap. install this anchor at a slight angle, not to exceed 15 degrees. This assembly indudei a-ttablWar plate that is.itistalled with the anchor and pouched with a U-boit and.t— noi3. The et.blll;er plate should be drivel. Ildv It,. 6rwur7 the.anchor is about 2/3 Installed. Attach the stabilizer to the. ah�hor shah ustdg thh U-boll and nuts then complete the install of the anchor until the strut attachmentcep Is flush to the ground or slightly recessed into the ground, nopmore they) K". The Strut Attachment 3kbr�a 'Cap should be Installed within H" or flush io.the to of the stabiil:er' laid. j �!t t' �s•�f.4�,�, �, rx .Icon iilmrratinn to the right.:'i NOTE! State of Florida allows a pilot holes to be drilled to atsbt anchor installation in ektramety hard soil tondhions. If this process bused during installation of the Ground Anchor with Strut Attachment Cap the sall must be placed back In the pilot hole and compacted at 6` intervNs, This process should take place when the anchor is 8"•1D" from fully Ipstilted—allowing room tor the toll to W placed back in the pilot hole and property packed; 'A" KF�PRI A 2. Once the ground anchor assembly ls fully installed, attach longitudinal' and lateral struts according to the diagram under anchor assembly placement (page 1.). The lateral arm tasieners.are'to be insfalled tightly inuis and bolts). The Beam Clamp assembly has two holes for the bolt and nut placement. Depending on the width of the beam, the corresponding hole should be used that pushes the front of the metal plate as doseas'pouibte to -the upright of the beam. See the illustration on page Lateral struts should be Installed In line with the center anchor head and attached at the top 6f the I-beam. Lateral strut angles must fall within 10 degree minimum • 60 degree maximum. Longitudinal strut angles trust fall within 10 degree minimum -SO degree maximum ts¢yIA,W gaesahM ,qu5 1.0m 1.4 snot ".x jKkm .. —RU'ar c*­6cn After the Lock.Down Anchor Assensblies have been.rullY Installed and oil permilet anchors and straps fully Installed oad tightened — eath strut has o felt tepPmg screws that must be'lnstalled es the Anal step, Predrilled holes. are provided. on the outer strut indicating placement. It the predrilled holes can not be aaessed, Install the screws as close to'the,piedrllred holes As pdsslble - making suro.they are tapping into the inner strut. The Lock Down Anchoring System should only be used for homes In the state of Florida. This anchoring system is not designad, tested or appoved for use in anv other state. ContactHome Pride'InQ' 276-4%0562 Of at conMdut haenchors cam for any questions concedng this product. Notes,: PRODUCT WAR ILIM Homo Prida warronli he Lode dawn Anchor System (HP LDS) agolnct date inworkmnnship and mat ttal of the silo of Its initial instellatfon. Tfds Wosanty Is only W the benefit of the original purihMe't and Is no(traesferabla. The lip Los is spacifialty designed and approved for use In the State of Florida. This.product Is not approved for use and should rat be used outside theState of Florida. 71113 Product must not, be roused or reinstalled at airy other location. 11 used in Violation of this Wanontyornot lnstatledinaccardancewith instali n ru lens, ali written and Implied warranties are void and disclaimed. HPLDSproductswhichprelound to issue detects w61 bo replaced or repaired et Home:Pdde's sprier. This Expres%Warranty, Is limited to replacement of product. When the product is replaced, aR Wavanly righle'ero axdngulahod. There are no other warranties japress or Implied) whatsoever which apply to the HP LOS product or to items that are lunctlonally part of the HP LOS product. Home Pride disclaims any and all other Implied warranties, including (but not limited to) warranties of habitabigty, workmanship, materials, and fitnou for a particular purpose to the extent allowed by law, and any Implied warranty that exists despite this disdalmer is limited to a period of one it) year from the effective date of this Warranty. Those Ilmltaflons shall be enforceable to the'extent oeimittedtry law, HP LOS products which are examined and are found not to be detective will be returned to user and all costs associated with examinatlon of the andwf product will be Incurred by theuser. Thd user Is responsible for aR maintenance of the his Los -product, including ra;ular monitoring of stability and Integrity of HP LDS products. for a warranty claim, contact your distributor, or Home Pride IWet 15100 industrial Park Read, Bristol, Virginia, 24202. 3. H� VERTICAL VINYL SK12TING ( aamPonerato & instul"tiOn ) TOP FRONT Snaps Into top back to hide screws and p TOP BACK . Attached with 3/4" screws 16" apart VENTED PANEL 3.9 Incas per foot of ventilation secured to top back and bottom rail with BOTTOM Attachm to ground W 7" galvanized nail 19" o/c If sandy soil, then attach to ground 8.5" o/c *ALL PANELS ARE ACCESSIBLE BY REMOVING TOP FRONT AND PULLING UP ON PANEL Vinyl skirting installation Here's everything you'll need to add that finishing touch to any foundation. ABTCO Vinyl Skirting is engineered to fit together precisely, for a professional installation every time. Installation is quick and easy Before you begin your skirting installation, you will need to gather a few household tools; Hammer, chalk line, tape measure, tin snips or aviation snips, and plumb bob. 1. Install the vinyl ground channel directly under the outside edge of your home, using galvanized nails. Use•a plumb bob to determine exact location. 3. To go around corners, bend the back skirting trim at the comers of the home and continue nailing. Do not cut. 5. Snap the front skirting trim into place to hold panels securely. To form comers, do not cut the panels, notch and bend the panels. Follow the special guidelines shown In Illustrations 6a and 6b to finish the skirting trim at the corners. 2. Install the back skirting trim. Snap a chalk line at the bottom of .your home to mark the position for the back skirting Vim. Nail the trim pieces to the home using the nail slots. Make sure you place the nail in the center of the slot and do not hammer tightly. 4,,Measure the skirting panels to the properbeight, subtracting 1/4" for expansion. Cut the panels to size, using tin snips. Slide panels over the back skirting trim and into the vinyl ground channel, Interlocking the panels as you install them. To form corners, bend but do not cut the panels. 6, a) Cutting outside corners. Determine the location of the cor- ner and cut a 5118" section from the top edge of the spring lock. In the center, cut a "V" 314" deep and 1 118" wide at the top edge, and a small "V" cut at the bottom. Bend the front skirting trim and snap it into the comer. 6. b) Cutting inside corner To cut the front skirting trim for inside comers, cut out a 1" or 2" tab in the top edge of the spring lock and make a small "V" cut through the bottom lip. Bend and snap the trim piece into place. Av ABTTCO. HANDRAE GRIP 517F517E L4�1 E 1lONCDICULAR cNT c" RECEsm Ptrmlalrl.�' • Bi Pemlder sE,� 'HANDRAIL HEIGHT. MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE SLOPED PLANE ADJOINING THE TREAD NOSING. OR FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP SLOPE. _ SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 38 INCHES.. `HANDRAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS. • HANDRAIL ASSEMBLES AND GUARDS SHALL BE CESIGNED TO RESIST A LOAD OT 50 PLF APPLIED IN ANY DFECTION AT THE TOP AND TO TRANSFER THIS LOAD THROUGH THE SUPPORTS TO THE STRUCTURE. 2 X 2 BALUSTER/ LIN. (3) SIMPSCN'S SDS 1/4' X 4-1/2- WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM MST TO POST CONNECTION. (51 t6d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT P.T. STEP LAUDING FLOOR FASTEN TO HOST FLOOR MEMBERS USING SIMPON'S 1/4• X 3-1/2- SDS WOOD SCREWS OR EOLAV. AT 12' O.C. STAGGERED SCREW PATTERN g .i. ZX6 2X6 P.T. LANDING -CONSTRUCTION IS- O.C. FLOOR JOISTS USING (5) 164 NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. 30' GROUND ANCHOR W/ TIE DOWN STRAP STRAP TO WRAP AROUND P.T. 2 X 6 TIGHTLY (DO N07 OVER TENSION STRAPS) (EACH SIDES OF LANDING) : MAMMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4 INCHES. THE RISER ILL BE MEASURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE UICENT TREADS. THE GREATEST RISER HEIGHT MTHIN ANY FLIGHT, STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEXD THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 NCK MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10 OLOff& THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE ISUM HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE FORMOST PROJEClON ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE GREATEST TREAD DEPTH "THIN ANY FLIGHT a EXCEEDSTADtS SHALL NEXCEEDTHE UlEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INUL OF 714E TREAD SHALL BE NO GREATER NON BUT NOT MARE THAN T-1/4 = RS. A NOSING K_ NOT REOIDiZF,D 1•HFI2 T. 5/4- X 6 BOARD RAIL CAP THE WARDS MAYBE WOOD. ALUTANUM. VINYL. OR EWIVALFNT. OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW -THE PASSAGE OF A 4' DIAMETER SPHERE (1) 2 X 6 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH 2X6 TO POST CONNECTION. NOTE: 2 X 4 TOP & BOTTOM ATTACHED TO TO POSTS WITH (2)98 WOOD SCREWS ON INSIDE FACE OPENINGS FOR REQUIRED GUARDS ON THE SIDE OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A W% MIN. (116 WWOOOD TSCREW OOR EQUIIV S-O' LAMBING HEIGHT - 5 SiTPS (MwJ 4'-D- LANDING HEIGHT . 7 STTPS (MIL) STAR AND LAUDING RLUMINAPON REOIARID CONCRETE OPTION - IF STEPS ARE INSTALLED ON EXISTING CONCRETE. THE GROUND ANCHORS AND TIEDOY.N STRAP CAN BE OMITTED. THE P.T. A X 4 POSTS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE;EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB USING SIMPSON'S L-BRACICET OR EQUVALENT. (3) 2 X 12 P.T. STAIR STRINGERS ATTACHED TO P.T. LANDING USING SIMPSON'S LSC ADJUSTABLE STAIR STRINGER OR EOUIV. K1L`li:Litl(•]a-l:Iil� I�?J i s iaf CiiJ.6TI:]>t�Y•1.17l Ali/I: L DIMENSIONSALL • CONDMONS PRIOR TO CQNSTRUCTION, ALL STAIR. COMPONENTS TO BF PRESURF TREATEDi CONTACTALL FASTENERS IN AI • •• • 4.,N••• . 1 V-7 •TAT--,EDF,r;0'4�-'a, w VA -NO?AKA MS*NWNDs¢D-I=W- pAeAE ;Pb3.t1 G m G II n W 7 Q C m R Dl..ron�.ua. $i STEP COUSIR=TCH ✓+•» e�roaom I�ess�xno+x w.n...nneAi