HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0526 . -=-'~~~_'_":'" .>""'''--~'~:":~~:-''''''';,"~":''7t-:''-- _~T_~,~_' ,_",:.._.._..n , - . . - . - ~ .'( '.,- -;, : ~~-:.-~~~:? ;-~~; :'~:;.: ~~~.~~ .7":'-'~"- , ." ;'. ~ j'";.~1 - ~'I''''.~ - 524 I I - l' . I r , , ! 1 i ~ .. I A. 'I. W. HOQO, B11I01J!OB,!O B. L. PRIOB. I I .~'RR11l!'l DBBD. { I - i !HIB JJmQI!UU, lII4e th1a 26th dq ~t JanUZ7 A. D. 1821,' bet.een A. Y. W. 1lOCIO, i-as heouwr of the Bstate of .AnU1e Je. Hog, 4eo....4, and BeJiJamin Hog, as '.&dm1n1Btrator t with wW- UDeD4 of thl, ..tate of Annie Je. HOIS8, 410e&884, >>U'ties of the first part, ! u4 B., L. 'BlOB, of .ort Picoe, 8t. Luote Oount7, 1'l0r1da, party of the seoon4 part, I . ' . ' , ~ Wl!BB8aBtH, that the 8&14 parties of the f1A'." par'~ for and.1l1 oonsideratlon' of the lAUD j I i of TBH DOT.T.1RR and other valuable oonsideration to the. in hand 1l&14, the noeipt whereof ! ,I 18 herebl aoknowle4ged, have 8l'utld" bargained, .old aDd trueferred, and b7 \hI" I presents 40 grant, bargain, .ell aDd tranefer OW the said })artJ of the 8eooD4 part ana. f ! his hetrs and assigns forever, ail that 4erta1D paroel of land lJing and be1D8 in,thl OountJ of St. LuCie and state d JIlorld&, and IPOre partIoulU'lJ de80rIbed a. follow.: , OOllll8noing at the South.at oorner of Lot Thne (3), Seotion Three (3), !01l18bi}) ,- 1';' 1'.' . Thlrtl-five (65) South of Range .ort7 (40) aUt and thenol run Baat four hUDclrecl twentJ , ' (620) feet to the point of bes1nn1JlS of the 'traot herebJ 4e80ribed and oonve,eA; ~ 1 Ille4 aD4 reoord.a.. \h18 86th 4&1 of JallUl7, A. De 1821. (Ot. Of. Sa.u.t P. O. &1clre4, Olerk Oirou1t Oourt. a~ ~:l / ,-' / ../ B,' ,.1'C't'~~ r,," ' ,,,, -/:"a- D.O. / ~~~\t=\~9' ~fP'P - ~"" ' , - . ----- - - - .- - .. - . 1 from this po1nt of beginning run k8t one thous&nd on. hundrecl flfty-wo and five tenths -L , I ! (1162.6) feet more or le88 along the South 11118 of sa14 Lot Three (3) of said Seotlon !hree (3) to 'the "'8t line of tu right-of-.q of the' J'lorIda Bast OO8st Railwal; thenoe run IorthweBter17 along the ...t line of .aid r~t-of-WQ sIx hundred eUt7-su (666) feet . , more or less to a point on the West line of saldrlght-of-wq whioh' is six hllDdre4 fIftl- six (666) feet due Borth o.g the South l1ne~f sai4 Lot fiiree (3) of sa14 Seotion Three (3); thenaev'l"UD WeBt to the SOutheast oorner - of the Oemetery I.o'. thenoe run B. 890 W' W. . "'~ (Var. l~ 50' B. j along South Une of Oe.eterJ Lot &s no. fenaecl one thollaaD4 three hundred 8eventY-Mven' and seven-'entba (1$71.7) feet IIlOre or 1~S8 to, the West l1De of said Lot three '(3) of said Seotion 'three (3), thenoe run 80uth one hundre4 tl\1rtJ-three an4 five tenths (133.6) feet, thenae run Bast four hundred twentJ (620) feet, theMe run South fIve hundre4 twentl-flve (626) feet to the point of begi""ing of ~e traot hereby oon'Y81'8d. ; 1 hoeptin8. however, fro. the above de801'1ptlon ~e -rIght-of-.rq of the Dixie High.,- ... now looateA on &Del aoro.. 8&14 la:D4. fhe forego inS traot of laDl being 'a part of the 8o~th half of Lot three (3) of Seotl0D three (3) in TownBhIp thirty-five (36 ) aouth of Range 60 las:" and also being a :part of the trut of lllZl4 whioll "8 oonT87e4 b7 Alexa:a4er Bell and wife to AnD1e X. Hog b7 cleed dated XoveJDber 16, 1889, and reoorde4 on page 661 of Deed Book JI, Beoorda of Brevarcl Oqunt7, i i ! 1 noriu. , ~' \ ~ tOGBD:BJl with all the t.nelWnt8, he re di taaents and appurtenances, with e'Y8ry prh-llege, t , ~ right, title, 1Jlteu8t aDd .state, 40wer and right of dower, revera1on, re.inder aDcl 8&ae- \- l,,~t :t~r.'o beloD8ins or in ~he ,appertaining: to IUVB J.BD..'f0 HOLD the aaae in f.e I ,.J.. for.vor. i ',:', , ",,- , , ~f"'>" , ." t - , .," , . , "~ : ~ , ~I .. . +\1~ i:" , . , . II I ti.~ t' f,. t; i' tJ:. . I -I i . ' .', "".~ .... -~. ,. _ ~" .,,; , . ,'.:,: '" ~'::', '.' ~ . \ ",,' . _. r .. ~<',;, :.: <";";.:, :',',', . :~~::,':',~ .' .~:,: : ,