HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OFTHE CIRCUIT COURT.-Slf.4IE COUNTY FILE # 43701'2S OR BOOK 40.64 PAGE 442,. Recos tzti'0 20.1.7 11r39 01 AM TFIi$-!$ TO CERTIRY THAT THIS IS 'ATRUE. AND CORAEC COPY 'OF THt i. r Rfe A;.- LPH E.•S •� -.pffiM1Tt4UM9ERr , `T7Je8iwcelsnctrrvtAJ� a�5ita �+J�r •r Ila of •;i NO TUCK CUMMENCEME The ondersigaed hereby given riotice than improvement µall be made la certain real:propmty;,pd.in accordance .with Cliapmf 713. Florida statutes the followitlg Woimatioril provided in tluNotieetof comme6oirh6t. 1:DESCREIP7lONOFFROPERTy(tegaldesaiption:and:sh,eet.addm,).TAXFOUONUIVPER 301•-1i(-0002-000- 39E 2.GEN$RALDESCIZIY'TIOI�IOFIItRPROV�MirIV'T1 ?'?.�''"•� atian va. iui.arr:inc rcc.+ci c�vcu 3.OWNERINFORNLATION:•= s.Name.�U�r:A,A,e-guy �'diag_^orziirats�ri • b.ilddress 80D0 S. USIa. Suite .402r. -:PSL. FL 34952• _ cinterestiaproperty d. Natnc:and address of fee simple titleholder Of other than owner) 4.CONTR M.R,SNAME,•ADDRESSANDPHONE;NLMER: Wynne DevelOAment CQrporati'on 8000 S. USI a Sdi te 4'0.2, PSL`. .FL 3495- _:. 777._8.7R-551-1 ,Sr SURETY'S NAME; ADDRESS `AND. PHON. ETdUMBER: AND BOND AIMOUN7': & I ENDEWSNAM4 ADDRESS AND PHONE Nt)1VIBER: ?..Persons withk the. -State of Florida designated by0wner_ uponLwwhom notices or otberdocuineats maybe served as pro- deti;py; Secdob713;13(1)(i)7,FloridaStabites: JQ 1T1 Brennan Kit i%ADDAR.FSS•ANDPHODMKU SECs3ai.t as Ff Ai �rrra� :Ft, 34 'S7 7.72-41 t rbWdidon;tohiacselforliecself,Ownerdes:geatestli*faltowigg2oreceive aeogyoftheI"cae.'Noticeas.providediaSection 713.13 (1)(b),'Florida Statotes: -. NAh�, ADDRESS AiVD PHOitB Nila�ER: 9. Expurieondate ofnodem is l.yiwfrom the datcof recording tin = it different;date.is. Matthew Lyle Wyi'tne, V -P P.res dent SignaWre,of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Tidef0froce Owner's Authorized Officer/DlreetorlPartnerfManager State of Florida County of. Sfi.. F.urie - .� �:o:tletx Za 7 -The foregoing_instrumeutWas atiknowlealgedbefore`rne'tbis 3 • dayof - - By Matthew Zy1e Wynne as A es-, . (Name.ofperson) (Type ofauthonty;. a ei Wner. officer, trustee, atwo v in Tact) For ynne Building. Coroora.tion (Marne of party.on behalf of whom inswument was ==red) Perso-UyXuown_...r orproduced the fonowing type ofTt3 .t rs Qp[ZpTHYMiN WYW4 MYCO[i7A)lSSIONIFGG03t1145 Y N. AA•SCtN 70 an - 131 FatPeRfS OclgDer2,?A20 y anted TJacne of i?otar Public). (Sigaatcce of .. siyPulilic) (Sei+ ��; Bors4ed71iiti NoaryPit;eJndenvnYe�s -_ Under penaltiof peajury, Tdeelare that.I have read. the fortidib and that thd• facts lh it'are:trtte to the tiest.of. MY,knowledgts soil es belief(seetion 925ZS;,Ftorida Statutes). Sigtiature(s):of Owners) or O.waer(s)`Authorized P!rs-r/Direelor/Partner/Maaager'who'signed.abore By: BY kca.ctrsOrtooip��al . 553