HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolar Blanket Information2-V15-09-28 12:10 Midwest Canvas: About Us SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 P 1/3 Page 1 of 1 MIDW D f Vt ►- 0 dYll„n:1 r(6 :�`(►: � F1 1904 1997 SPrclsl Pnl1111911 Unlaur Alum1plua lar durshlulf 0101 9141:2lundrnhlt) In 19B4 we found that bubble pack wrapping could be used for swimming pool covers. We added special polymers to our plastic for strength and durability and Solar Blanket was born. In 1997 our team added a layer of aluminum to our Solar Blanket that increased its reflective value, increasing heat retention. The Space Age❑* Solar Blanket was born. In 1999 our team set out to improve our Space Age❑" Solar Blanket. We understood that by decreasing the space between cells, we could increase the insulation factor. New templates were created and Diamond Bubble❑• was born. Shaping the cells like diamonds instead of circles decreased the space between cells and increased the insulating effectiveness. And after all, diamonds are a girl❑s best friend. 9 Home ( About Us ( Products Djstributors ( Con act Us I innovations Online Warranty Reuistration A I littl)://www.midwestcaiivas.caiii/in—diaiiioncl.litml 1999 RECEIVED JAN 19 2018 W19IL3 C-gunty, Permitting 4/9/?015 2Z-15­09-28 12:10 SCP Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 569 1063 P 2/3 ` 20:15-04-05 12:18 SCP Branch 54 77234.380007 » P 3/3 Place - —. — Blared MIDWEST CANVAS CORPORATION WARRANTY DEPARTMENT 4635 W. Lake St_ Chicago, ll.. 60E 4-4. Installation etrid User instructlon, SOLAR BLANKED' CAUTION, THE SOLAR POOL COVER iS NOT A SAPETY COVER AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO SUPPORT PEOPLE. CHILDREN SIIOUI_D BE ADVISIED- THU SOLAR COVER MUST OE REMOVSp FROM THE POOL BEFDRE SWIMMING TO AVOID RISK OF DROWNING, INSTALLATION The Saint (Tani Covrrr is installed on tho goof with Ihn nir colts (hubbies) down (ummith chart r rP). Float tho cover on the pool a few daym before cutting to eeow the puckfng loldr, to stralahten, TAKE EXTr(FME CAUTION WI•I5N TRIMMING (.)I I CUTTING YOUR SOLAR POOI. COVER ON ALL FORMS OF VINYL LINFi) POOLS OR ABOVE GHOUND IJUOLS. YOUR SCISSORS 011 Ct1T7ING TOOL MAY DAMAC ETL VINYL LINER. Tho oover can be out 011311y wilh Ordinary scissors to fit 11 re culltourr, of Ilia pool aide Well. Before starling lhu cuttingproom, marl( tlin oullIm or Iho pool wall on Ilia cover with a murldrin poll. PlnAse exeirlse, cauilnn when cutting around culvert andannion. For oil types of VINYL LINED Prrrrh, removal the cover front Iho pool rillOr you hilva marked It and do (he Idmiliing urtd t:ulting away from the vlrlyl.11nr:r. Since 11 it; r,•asy to cut Off too much materiel, loaving 1i puur fit, it Is bultar to out the coverlorger then neco.witi y, then glvo 11 a flnal trimming for exact fit aflara day ar twn, Olrt:u the cover In col and in Place, It requires nn Pram m r, lies or weights, to keep it Itirm. With rile bubbles down, your solar pool aovor will float In place oh (110 water through wind and hHevy rails. MANUAL REMOVAL OFTHE COVEFI I.OR SWIMMING r'ull three or four feet or ilia cover onto thr. noels Paid ropeal mil lanlold manner (acenrdlon freihion) unlit the sulira covrat lu on file ttanrr, DO Nr7T ROLL'1'I•IC CUVL I1: WHEN OFFTFIC WOOL, Tl IF C0Vb1 i MUSTHE COVEriED WITI I TI IV WHITE POLYETHYLENE PRO•I LC i'OR WI I►CH IS INCLUDED WIT'i 1 IT. You onn roll the cover tan a solar real hilt muot still be covered with while pulyatltylono peolealor. MAINTENANCE AND CARE - 1. Protrot the CnverWhllo Swimming ThA aoVor MO SY be protected from the sunlight when It fe removed from the pool, Tile still unnorittes tnrnperalums hot etmuph to damage Ilia air (jtslis two h) t;lx layer•:: deep. The surota way to promri your cover wilon It is oil 1110 fluid to to covarll with the while opaque laalyothylom., protector whlah I:: (rick tluri wllh Ilse cover. DELAMINATION DUR 70 IMPROPER EWPOSURC or "rifE 801 AR POOL COVER TO Dlt is;r.,1' ;:UnII.IGI I'I' (WHI=N 017-F 11r POOL) WILL REsUI_T IN VOIDING TI II: ENCLOSED WARRANTY! 2. Cent in l•IPuitlllriq, To provai d dumps to ttio nir cells (Imbblas), the rrivarshuulti be carefully lifted overabrosive punf docks.. or roping ar any sharp, raggotl sutiur:n. 3. Du Not Trim ur Stoi•rt on din Lawn Your lawn coin be surfously dnmrtged ill it brier portod of lhno If the solar pool coves it; Irift on It. Jl. High Tomperatman Water tomperdturee abovta 30 duurrrar, F. flatly shomail Ilin life of your aulnr w rnvdrfrlll spa's In willO, lemperatutw:; excaep qoa. pool cuvnr and could also damego year poul its wall. i1 pool ltanrpara- !Lil-a , rise obove 80 degroos F. lho coversllnuld bii mmoved and cavern d with rho whileulailque pulyclhyleno pmlecta: We do nolurarr�nly If gaud i ct. Clonnhiu Maal dirt and leaves onn bo honod off Iho floHling oover dhrrgy Into yourpool skimmer. Run the circ iihitlon pump wlille hosing au as to send minulu debris Into the sidnlmer and through the Illler inmead of Into Ihn pnnl. If nncossmy, the lea( baalcAt or trail can bit ompuetl alior houlnn, Wahl :and a bolt brush arA amorally all that Is requlrocl to rornove hmnvinr grbuu and atfµtn front Ilia covet: A CLEAN COVh.;I•I ALLOWS FnR OhTIMUM SO4AI•I L•NERGV 11EATiNG. 1 ri. Storrule Attar rlenning the safer cover, allow It to Ory, Fold It Into four foul widths and roll It rip front one end, It ran HoWlin sturad standing an end, in Its urlulnpl rhlpping cnrton or In a largo plasllu bag. Always siuru 11 In a aharinrl orprolected area below 12o dogi'aeo I; 7. DO NA'r Ienvo,youi cover on lho pool other the swimming snnsan and:i.1'Ira cover 191101 a wlrlial• cover and its lifu may be anverely shnrtaned by winter conoillons, A, Chnmioolu The Solar Ruin rmvrrr will alunilicnnlly mducn your use of chlodnr. mmillain cl1forina At Ilia Proper Ir)val as recommondnd by chcamlcpf canlpany. When yuu'supar chlorinata' THE COVER MUST er REMOVED FHUM THE r• OIX TO AVOID SHORTENING IT LLSCrUL LIFE, Uo nnl return cuvor In pool until chlorine level jr, low and In the Idnal range of Vow• fis( kit. IJropor lavals must bet retained.