HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application-NEEDS UPDATINGI PERMIT APPLICATION FoR: concrete 1-11y1 West Palm Beach State: FL ccc-1518181State or County License: Zip Code:33407 Phone No.561{35-4788 E-Mail: Fax:561€33-3573 Daniello & Australian Ave, Suite 9 Flll in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( lf different from the Owner listed above) 772-229-9690 zip 6s6g.34957 City:Jensen Beach 772-229-7799 State: The Princess Condo 9650 S. Ocean Drive Phone E-Mai Ct)L, T"{T Y (L ALLAPPLICABTE INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPTICATION TO BE ACCEPTED 06/28/16 Permit Number: Date: Building Permit APPlication Plonning ond Development Services Buitding and Code Regulotion Division 2300 irginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 ;;;;irtt't 1G2-L553 Fax: (v72j 462 \578 Comrnercial - Residential- 9650 Q Ocean Drive;Jensen Beach,FL 34957 Unit #703 Address: Legal DescriPtion:The Princess Of Hutchinson lsland 4502-61 0-0000-0006 Lot Property Tax lD #: Block No. Site Plan Name: Project Name:The Princess Condo Setbacks Front-Back: -- Right Side: Left Side: Concrete RePairs HVAC Gas Tank Piping Shutters Generator Windows/Doors RoofEtectric I Rhmuing Sprinklers Total sq. Ftof construction: -of Cost of Construction: S Utilities:Sewer Septic Building Height: lf value of construciion is or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. INFORMATION:CONSTRUgNON Address: Nr.r t_ltr SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN I.AW INFORMATION: DEST6NER/ENG|NEER: Name: C$M - Engine€.ing. LLC _ NotApplioble Address : 1235 $.E, lndian St. Suite 103 City:State: Fl. Zip:vw7 772-22s1,6l0l MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Zip: _ Phone: FEE SIMP1E TffLE HOTDER: _ Not Applicable Name: AIJ-^-..huut E)J. Clty: Zip: _ Phone: Clty: Zlp: _ Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACfOR AFFIDVIT! Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and lnstallation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permh. St. Lucie Counw makes no reoresentation that is grantinc a permit will authorize the Dermit holder to build the subiect strusture which conflicts wlth anv aoolicable Homeownerslssoclalloh rules, bvlaws or and covenants that mav restrict or orirhlbit such structure. Please consult with your Homeowners fusociation and ieview your deed for any restrictiois which may apply. ln conslderation of the granting of thls requested permit, I do hereby atree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance wlth the approved plans, the Florlda Building Codes and St. Lucie @unty Amendments. The following building permit applicatlons are exemfi from undergoing a full ooncurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swlmming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen nooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use and subscribed before me of X rtrysical Presence or - Onllne Notarlzation -<- I --} o}-n L=en.d' a t-n , . Name of person maklng statement. TIMOTHY O. ERICIGOT{ MY COMillSSlOtl, GG aX55, EXPIRES: Bondod 4a"r;fu-,f ! (Signature Notary OF Sworn tothtL (or day of of Contra.tor - or - Owner Eullder as applicable z@by Commission No. COUNTY OF Personally Known -X- OR Produced tdentification Type of ldentificatlon Produced- REV]EWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETAIION REVIEW SEA ruRru REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Address: CiW: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: WARI{ING TO OWNER: Your fallure to Rccod a Nodce of Commencement may rcsuh ln be recorded twlce for Notice of Commencement must of on before the rf intend