HomeMy WebLinkAboutpermit........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... -7ATI.- ALL 'ABLE INVIO Fid"S BE 1) FO' ON TO BE ACCEP'r 3142--2.2 1 .0- I d er it A- lication P. P Picrnnrng and £�et-Fei:o�pm-ent 5e�.�sf-.72s Building crn.d- Code Re-gv3fbn V-ivisrnn 230.0-Virg,inia A-lVonee, Fort Pierce FL .34982 .Z. Pfurlbing r% :v 1p% V" C-1 c1t CU dress: 313 Shady L.N IM In Pi smh._AUO UNIT22w- BLK 11 LOT 9 (MAP412NLes.=J -DnA RIVER �'�C x R t!s i d nt jmma- A Property T'ax. I D1- #: 64-19MM51 Oaauuto U Lot fiom iv•reWSie PM-zim BI •K N. R-MIN Name�H. P.,-.qen Duurf e'K 4N Setbacks Front a C kv; Rlgllti�ft Sfe-Left Side+- 5Q- Ea �;TRl'l�iT H A TL ERR-EPLAEMENT E€ectric P[urnang M Total Sqw. Ft c(f Constructi.on... %r .4 1 k'i�'a5 tc�€�: Cost -of osc d�� SIP C L M -amg Helen Dudek N Sprinklers U 1 J�! i t i ;'R- 4s;F .9 1-43. Shady A a d L City: PO:�P7R- sf-_-V21ty1_-A U- r� 0a O�= -W ly U 2 C�'% W, Zip Code-l: , Z. '0763 *768-w629A.P 5- Phone -NO. E M� ai 5k n-e "-otsgef;,1,ncG-r-ifferent Fill in feeneTitf t. page f-ro m tlm�'e 0 w.--- n-er I id Z.,223avel If value &cmstr-u- t is -$2500 or mcre, a RE. -CORDED N Jr, Xf A pplylt %aener .,Pator FL os HH-5$ Flo -or Windows/ Roof .- Septic -B u i'l u-4'i n g:7 H ei:r g h t T rs Roof pitch 77 r h, z M. V Name: WRE BOB ti L Arr F4.OI11-DA DELTA MECHANICAL �e�' MP2nVjPL '160 LAUREL FAIR CIR SUITE I I I Acfdress-. . F L it cit Y -1 cl-`1729 866-2 p Code,% Phone No. 8 6 6 w w2 19 110" 3 " 6"q G, trnuE�.TAtvlEC6-I/�NlCA1�.COi� F�.��RhR��`S i%4aw: 'P J 4.25.9-17 State or County Lipce -!-i sc V €tace saf Camrnceme. is required.. Z12 Xr; -t 4 i 9W D iti-NE.-R. INEER. -plkabl Not Ap ic e N a e Q*, Helen -D` Udek C 4*33-11 --�. a d N Add PORTS TLUCIE State.: lnac- IL T� ot A S1 - - - ------------ P, ------ apd-wPoW M Z: L T. Oil 7 �S -e M0 GE C-OMPANY: Not A e D I 'A"Al ITS B 0 8 E V N :31-3 ShadyL��S C State ity 0% TAM - - - -------- 7 qk Z..Ip: rl JIL 0111POL Y DING COM ;8 110. -a t CI PA. 02 LAUREL FAI P F., S h;ff E - 1 1: � I l -Addna a�N.-Jom XA C _it NEW 4- Pha- Phone.rm ... N OWD" lkER/ Cf) ww"Apffiff, A R APFID�%.�- IT& Anpil Lucie Lc::jn man�s n o repres-enta tbrr3ioth at is aran I.&I ng a Permit" wt i i a uthorl'ze t�e -permit holder tobuiid the subject strucLtu re T. he f o ow nbu ri n • perm-M Zip P-Hrcat::'o-ins a"ffl . P...xempt from undergoi ica Not Appi blx= :k6ZE -ka: ''nsta" d"cated. on, i's f:�.-ereby made to o�N� er"mft to 'o the wor i a S E n; of I certify that no work %a;?1- T.n-s-Ita.H,:1.at;o-n;. haSA comme.Mcete 1 pri or to tshEz! lkssuance Perm,1-H1L',- 5t:, -"� 3E 'M W .W% -I IJ4 .1. ion rLlesi -h is in con.. 'ct any -p 1. Cable H oi--n=... Own=prs A-tsociat' , bylaws or and covenants that may rest-r!*ct -or proh's"bit such x 9K n s�a�t�Li n you,strucl-lure., P-J-eas= co- I! Home 0wners;A_sr-ocia!v"-t'1'on and revei-ew your deed `or any restricticsn� wh'ch may applyt In considerat"lloti of tn'e ?E � � ,-bv agree th�1,at 1, '1in afi resaects;�-equested perm 'i" t do 'h�ere perform the work f XF in aiClmcordance with tne approve,d ol-ansthe Flcarida L0-.u--1w`d*ng Cod=s and St. Lvft`e wounty krn,.endments. -a-f revie w.-m r:®rom apdd-1t3lons ng a fuR corvt:urrenc, 1. 'r M, acce.,z.-siorl- stnv-ctures 7, s rrn im t n.a Poo 11-S S-Ign. 5CTrej=7:z I room'S� and accessory uses to. aric�finqer .3 Mn '.Is fiences., wall :21 _160r:1 WARNING 1r[^%-x OWNEtplfolw V`aur fal"huye to Reco3,rd a improvements to. v-o-ur pror-a3s,"'W A Notl'Ce V .4 ins-nei ork or eo „-ce 0i oeeernent migy se'suins your Virg twice -for Ic r1w -on ite -'LOM - M-. --en--cemen hfft, 1 - it -must be rezcor ed an. posted on t S* -1ta in JQ-'il * finan,nng,, cons " ntend -to sb' cn, - ommenceme, L it S1 j L 0 -in- 'U "i El 4-3 re 0, n em gE e-`-rac13-,-or asAgent flct.- rj ;z r Of: FLOEK""'I-D-�A f IISN��IMOUNT*- IVA The tor -roing ns men was owl edged before me th-5%09 ;r r t w1tF 1'ender or an atromev befona A ir "'Ignature of Contr F a nzp Hold e r/L i c The fo;-­golng tnstru th rent was knowtedg efore me by. 2G? m n Nay ming statemene o f persn o.,_ s t.,_atee 't Nae of perso.1m:ak' ersonaliv, Known. OR Produl-1:1%.-ed Pp.,.-Tsonally Kn n O R reduced` dentifi Type of I.-denfliflcation:, Type of 1.ci.--,.znt1fl'caALJon Produced Produced 41t Ilk 4;j&jj::o: rt 7 ,ry �:_ t I lViVa -;i F I dLj If $6 11 *W �7 Rev.. 8.� ion