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OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: 14 ,3 REVISION FEE: I 2. 3. R 4. 8 PERMITNUMBER: (� RECEIPT -NO.: ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMiMUNITY DEVE ti BUILDING & ZONNG 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 .462-155.3SION . .APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS LOCATIO\;SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT INFOR-NIATION DET'►ILED DESCRIPTION'S OF PROJECT REN,1SIONS: % vk oc✓l lk/ledi�, 40 .0 ��•�j�� Gl L1•G"�-G CONTRACTOR INFOP-NIaTIO\: . U . ✓ - -- - r ST. OF FL REGJCERT# _3 ST. Li:CIE COUNTY CERT.» BUSINESS,N.V%IE: Qualifiers Name: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE:. ZIP: PHONE (DAYTI`IE): S 7 7 / a'! v _ — FAX # .ARC.HIT/EtiGIYEER: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP:' PHONE (DAYTItiIE): FAX# Sc6y1 Y f'Tl. m z v I•J i 5.� r--f rj-- imj? X IZX : Z s�o 5r ,S 4. 4,00' a 20.42' ± 2.3 CObERED PORCH 75- 24.75' a+ ---------------- 12-1_53------ ONeto 3/511 t RECEIVED APR 0 3 2007 Public Works 5t. Lucie County, FL X 0 3 10 J J fD n � t CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of St. Lucie County regulating building construction or use. For the following: Building Permit No. - 0610-0264 Parcel/Folio Nbr: 1326-800-0002-000/4 Lot # 1 Subdivision: Block: Occupancy: Residential - 1 & 2 family dwellings Building Address: 3130 SEMINOLE RD Legal Description: PAPAYA GROVES LOT 1 Permit Job CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 5/4 Description Permit Finaled: 03/19/2008 Owner Builder JOHN AND KIM DICKENS 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Christopher Lestrange Building Official (772)577-1010 Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Date Printed NOTE: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named, for building at the above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all the conditions of the Zoning Ordinances and all Ordinances or Building Codes of Saint Lucie County pertaining to the erection, construction or remodeling of buildings or structures. This also certifies that the electrical wiring and/or equipment, and the plumbing work have been inspected and approved. The issuance of this Certificate grants permission to occupy and use the property described herein only for the use indicated. Any change in use will require a new Certificate of Occupancy. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE SCJ.iI(AG (.K1f �/- Code Compliance Division Ft. Pierce, Virginia Avenue 349 2 INSPECTION CARD Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 hftp://stiucleco.gov/ce Permit #: SLC- 0610-0264 Conf #: 722 Type: Building Residential (SFR) Issued 03/08/2007 Status: FIN Double Fee: No Job Location 3130 SEMINOLE RD City: FORT PIERCE Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Lot: 1 Block: Parcel: 1326-800-0002-000/4 Subdiv: Flood: X Elev: Flood Map: 175F Job Description: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 5/4 Setbacks Left: 116.59 Right 71.13 Front 286.30 Rear: 538.02 Inspection Notes: partial final pending driveway culvert, termite final cert, and solid waste fee. (vw) LM w/ sandra R/B - need to hear from barbara miller R/B to determine culvert approval or not. 3/17/08 bacounsellor Owner Builder JOHN AND KIM DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Property Owner JOHN DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Property Owner KIM DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 SUB -PERMITS Permit # Status PT Cert # DBA Owner / Builder Job Description 0610-0264-01 FIN EP 21197 M PAGE C C INC 0610-0264-02 FIN PP 20966 TOM TRYON PLUMBING INC 0610-0264-03 FIN ME 21170 BALSAM'S AIR CONDITIONIN 316/08 CHANGE MECHANICAL SUB FROM GRIMES HEATING AND A/C TO BALSAM A/C. DPELTON 0610-0264-04 FIN RP 20108 J A TAYLOR ROOFING INC 0610-0264-05 FIN GP 19669 FERRELLGAS INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (772) 462-1261 Permit # Code Description Priori Date Sched. Res Description Inspector Date Inso. 0610-0264 104 Compaction Test 1 04/03/2007 81 Disapproved Shannon Boone 04/03/2007 0610-0264 104 Compaction Test 1 04/06/2007 90 Approved Beatriz Goycochea 04/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 105 Form Board Survey 1 04/03/2007 81 Disapproved Lydia Galbraith 04/03/2007 4/3 SETBACKS HAS CHANGED WITH THE FORM BOARD, OK WITH JODY POLISKY FROM HD, NO RESTAMP NECESSARY. FORM BOARD NOT MATCHING WITH FOUNDATION PLAN, NEED TO BRING IN REVISION TO PLANS, AFTER REVISION IS APPROVED WE CAN APPROVE THE FORM BOARD L.GALBRAITH 0610-0264 105 Form Board Survey 1 04/24/2007 90 Approved Diane Flanigen 04/24/2007 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 420 Plumbing Rough 1 03/27/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/27/2007 null Resulted: Tue Mar 27 14:13:16 EDT 2007 0610-0264 427 Temp.Toilet/Temp Culvert 1 03/27/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/27/2007 null Resulted: Tue Mar 27 14:13:38 EDT 2007 0610-0264 900 Plan Revision 1 04/24/2007 90 Approved Debbie Isenhour 04/24/2007 Permit Nun 0610-0264 r NUMEROUS REVISIONS SEE HIGHLIL zL0 AREAS ON, PLAN REVISIONS. 0610-0264 103 Eufer Ground 2 04/26/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 04/26/2007 Resulted: Thu Apr 26 14:15:00 EDT 2007 0610-0264 103 Eufer Ground 2 04/25/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 04/25/2007 null Resulted: Wed Apr 25 14:51:20 EDT 2007 0610-0264 115 Slab 2 04/25/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 04/25/2007 clean out footers, move euffer ground to full piece of rebar, tape or seal all copper tubing, count your dowels , some missing and some in wrong place 0610-0264 115 Slab 2 04/26/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 04/26/2007 Re -inspection 1 Resulted: Thu Apr 26 14:15:20 EDT 2007 0610-0264 121 Termite Spray 2 04/26/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 04/26/2007 Re -inspection 1 Resulted: Thu Apr 26 14:16:01 EDT 2007 0610-0264 121 Termite Spray 2 04/25/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 04/25/2007 scheduled with John Resulted: Wed Apr 25 14:52:50 EDT 2007 0610-0264 118 Column 3 05/16/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 05/16/2007 1ST FLOOR 0610-0264 125 Tie Beam 3 05/16/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 05/16/2007 5115/07 incall schedule john/ contr. bac 0610-0264 118 Column 4 05/30/2007 81 Disapproved Steve Brasda 05/30/2007 SEVERAL DOWELS NEED TO BE DRILLED AND EPDXIED // CHECK ALL WINDOWS AT SOUTHERN, WESTERN, AND NORTH ERN.EXPOSURES. 0610-0264 118 Column 4 06/05/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 06/05/2007 Re -inspection 2 0610-0264 126 2nd Floor Tie Beam 4 06/01/2007 75 Cancelled by Custome Barbara Counsello 06/01/2007 inspector, please give a partial on garage sheathing if ok. 0610-0264 126 2nd Floor Tie Beam 4 06/05/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 06/05/2007 6/4107 incall schedule with john dickens. bac Re -inspection 3 0610-0264 126 2nd Floor Tie Beam 4 05/31/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 05/31/2007 steel in 2nd. row of beam block is not tied. I checked all down steel it is ok. per J.B. 0610-0264 126 2nd Floor Tie Beam 4 05/30/2007 81 Disapproved Steve Brasda 05/30/2007 5129/07 incall schedule with john dickenson/ ob/ . asking forjim to do inspection. bac 0610-0264 132 Floor Strapping/Joists 4 05/30/2007 90 Approved Steve Brasda 05/30/2007 0610-0264 133 Window/Door Bucks 5 06/20/2007 75 Cancelled by Custome Barbara Counsello 06/20/2007 6/19/07 incall schdule with john/ contr. bac 0610-0264 133 Window/Door Bucks 5 06/22/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 06/22/2007 6/21/07 incall schedule with john/ contr. bac Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 134 Roof Sheathing 5 06/19/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 06/19/2007 Re -inspection 1 Resulted: Tue Jun 19 15:24:15 EDT 2007 0610-0264 134 Roof Sheathing 5 06/05/2007 91 Partial Approval Steve Brasda 06/05/2007 SHEATHING OVER GARAGE AREA WAS INSPECTED ON 6/5/07 // SJB 0610-0264 137 Strapping 5 06/19/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 06/19/2007 6/18/07 INCALL SCHEDULE WITH JOHN/ CONTR. BAC Resulted: Tue Jun 19 15:23:34 EDT 2007 0610-0264 137 Strapping 5 06/22/2007 75 Cancelled by Custome Jim Beams 06/22/2007 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 137 Strapping 5 07/03/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 07/03/2007 Re -inspection 2 0610-0264 140 Construction Rough Frami 5 09/17/2007 82 Disapproved-Reinspec Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 0610-0264 140 Construction Rough Frami 5 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 140--- draftstop top plates--draftstop thru block wall--draftstop plbg chase in mast bath--draftstop thru fllors Resulted: Tue Nov 6 09:58:00 EST 2007 0610-0264 145 Truss Drwg 5 07/03/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 07/03/2007 Re -inspection 2 0610-0264 145 Truss Drwg 5 06/22/2007 75 Cancelled by Custome Jim Beams 06/22/2007 Re -inspection 1 Permit Nun 0610-0264 0610-0264 145 Truss Drwg 5 06/19/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 06/19/2007 ` Truss drawings do not match trusses, contractor to bring out correct sbt for inspection of strapping and truss drawings. 0610-0264 167 Roof Final 5 09/19/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 09/19/2007 9/18/07 incall schedule with owner/john. bac Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 238 Electric Rough 5 09/17/2007 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 0610-0264 238 Electric Rough 5 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 238 --- avoidundleing over pnl --- add nail plates as required --wiring not complete -- Resulted: Tue Nov 6 09:58:40 EST 2007 0610-0264 351 Mechanical Rough-In(duct 5 09/17/2007 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 351 Mechanical Rough-In(duci 5 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 351---must support ac duct in attic w/strap—must seal all joints at boxes --- 2nd flr—ductwork not complete 11/5/07 schedule for john/ contr. bac Resulted: Tue Nov 6 09:59:07 EST 2007 0610-0264 423 Plumbing Top Out 5 09/17/2007 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 0610-0264 423 Plumbing Top Out 5 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 423--no press test on copper --no a/c duct against copper pipe --explain venting and capped vent in kit area bathroom --must install all toilet flanges ------ 2nd flr--no drain tests Resulted: Tue Nov 6 09:59:31 EST 2007 0610,-0264 127 Mullion 6 09/17/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:29:39 EDT 2007 0610-0264 136 Roof Dry-in/Tin Tab 6 07/06/2007 90 Approved Jim Beams 07/06/2007 null Resulted: Fri Jul 6 14:58:26 EDT 2007 0610-0264 141 Insulation 6 11/09/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/09/2007 1118/07 incall schedule wtih john/ contr. bac Re -inspection 1 Resulted: Fri Nov 9 13:17:26 EST 2007 0610-0264 148 Window/Door Attachment 6 09/17/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:30:00 EDT 2007 0610-0264 464 Gas Piping 6 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 490 Rough Gas 6 11/06/2007 90 Approved Van Whitaker 11/06/2007 Re -inspection 1 464--need gas pipe bond --strap gas pipe as required --no pressure test on gas pipe 0610-0264 490 Rough Gas 6 09/17/2007 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:32:03 EDT 2007 0610-0264 650 Frame -all 6 09/17/2007 0610-0264 141 Insulation 7 09/17/2007 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:31:14 EDT 2607 0610-0264 167 Roof Final 7 . 09/17/2007 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:31:40 EDT 2007 0610-0264 259 Power Release Form 7 0610-0264 260 30 Day for Testing 8 03/10/2008 no call to fpl- power existing per inspector. 3/10/08 bac null Resulted: Mon Mar 10 09:51:42 EDT 2008 0610-0264 464 Gas Piping 8 null Resulted: Mon Sep 17 09:32:49 EDT 2007 0610-0264 493 Final Gas 8 03/11/2008 0610-0264 493 Final Gas 8 03/17/2008 Re -inspection 1 0610-0264 800 Address Final 8 03/10/2008 null Resulted: Mon Mar 10 09:52:03 EDT 2008 0610-0264 808 Landscaping/Trees 8 03/17/200B 0610-0264 810 Health Dept - Septic 8 03/13/2008 74 Cancelled by Building I Barbara Counsello 09/17/2007 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 81 92 90 81 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 Accepted As Noted Barbara Counsello 03/06/2008 Approved Van Whitaker 03/10/2008 Disapproved Van Whitaker 09/17/2007 74 Cancelled by Building I Shaun Milligan 03/10/2008 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/17/2008 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/10/2008 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/17/2008 90 Approved Shaun Milligan 03/13/2008 Permit Nun 0610-0264 I duncan 3 13 08 permit #08778 0610-0264 999 Final Inspection 8 03/17/2008 91 Partial Approval Van Whitaker 03/17/2008 0610-0264 261 30 Day Expired 9 05/09/2008 92 Accepted As Noted Barbara Counsello 03/19/2008 0610-0264 804 Driveway Bldg 9 03/17/2008 90 Approved Van Whitaker 03/17/2008 0610-0264 820 Driveway/Culvert 9 03/19/2008 90 Approved Barbara Miller 03/19/2008 3/19/08 incall spoke to barbara miller road n bridge dept- signing off approval for inspection . bacounsellor no approval until license agreement on concrete head wall in right way is approved by management - as per barbara miller road n bridge dept. 3/19/08 bac 0610-0264 ' 821 Solid Waste 9 92 Accepted As Noted Barbara Counsello 03/19/2008 0610-0264 996 Final Termite Treatment 9 03/17/2008 92 Accepted As Noted Van Whitaker 03/19/2008 0610-0264 999 Final Inspection 9 99 Final Approval Van Whitaker .03/17/2008 Re -inspection 1 r Permit Nun 0610-0264 (772) 462-2172 INAR 19 2008 at, �biic ty CERTIFECALTE OF TER, MET T ' E����c CGNSTRUC' ION Sr`DTiL TREATMENT PERMIT # 661© b z(o -1 JOB ADDRESS 3 1 3 O PEST CONTROL G eA —� 6�1'j\) PEST CO ROL•LICENSE #. � 14 •ems -S�y J yes �ffe, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated eated the above4escri4ed construction for subterranean ted'td Kes And accordance Mth the stmad ands of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of ad°ea treated: '3G Percentage of solution: Date of treatment: 1119 - D R 1 st Treatment Re -treat Q Slab Ist Treatment Re -treat El D i-%reway 1st Treatment Re -treat Q Foo1s Ll 1st Treatment ® Re -treat Q Other Q I st Treatment Chemicals used: A, /,- 4,-( /--e Total gallons used.: C� Time of Treatment: — — U004.2.6 Ce,iE; ficate of protective Treatment for preven on of termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permir is issiced to and another copy for the building permit files. 77:e Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated; chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a vert fiablc record of protective treatment. if the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St 1Ltceie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical p2mal box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ❑ Aperime-ter for Final Inspection Signature of exterminator NOTE: Thor., must be a complered florin for each required treatment or re4reatment and this faun, must be on �Jte jab site to be picked up by the itmpector at time of each btspectio r or the scheduled inspection will fail and tt re -inspection fee charged Rerucd 6113102 dmg 11/27/2007 17:32 777462..' SLC INSMCTIONS PAGE 82/02 St. Luck County Hulidlvg & Zoning DePartuexat 2300 VirgWo Avenue Part Pkree, FL 34982 772-4624165 Fa,z 77Z 462-6"3 Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Dolt•: — D Permit Nmnber: C r PropertyAddrm;. l 3 O S AA (14di-e _fz ;-er� rt" 5-0 THE (MERSIGNED XXRnY REQt=T RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DAYS, FOR T" PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTXMS AND ROYYMN ENT IN PREPARATION FOR 1"NAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACI NOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: EiI VE® I. This kntporary powaxeicaft b requested W dw above Stated purpose only, and !bets will be no oiod. ccupancy of any type, other than that permitted by construction MAR 0 6 Lg008 during this time per Z. As whaw by our signsfa , wC bereby ag a to abide by ail terms and conditions Public Works 3. Aft Goofthis d rdo and lrMekidips equkf ate meted In be et ch d do meat entitled bErefn br ritarenceSt. Lucie County, FL "Requiremon for 30 Day Pover for Tesdef' have been tM0v4 and the pranise is ready for compliance luvection. 4. All requests for an extension b*Md 30 days tdnet be made on wtlfini: to the Building Ojr"6al stating the reason for the N40a$4 0ewer may be removed from the site Rnd/er a Stop Work Order Issued if the final Inspectian .has oat been apprhved within +30 days. A, fee of sife.04 wilt be regvkvad to M the Stop Work ordar. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMI►15S, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES MOM ALL LL42MITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OV MATURE WHICH 1KAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTUM OUT OF T11I5 TRANSACTION, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTIUCAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Z0/Z0 39dd SOlfldlO3-13S ZZ9699VZLL 9b:SZ 800Z/90/£0 NL � C4®Nj�^uc�O�'` q ` G ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ti BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT F�ORI�� •' BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 2. (/ - 7 U State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): � 00 / r �' lsG 141 I have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at 3/3 C) S�0.47 i1? ak /Z"-/- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will.immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED SIGNXitME PRINT NAME DATE Business Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: 772 _ e-IG yam, y email: OFFICE USE ONLY: .,P St Lucie, County Inspeed 2300 VirginAz Avenue ""'buc Works a� Ft Fierce, FL 34982 Ste Lucie C "�• ,� (772).462-217 � 400? `Uc1e C oP -s CERTIFICA E Off' TERMITE TREATMENT � CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT JOB 'EST CONTROL. CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL LICESE # '\' � � y L' `S 040 5��1 ces We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above4escribed construction for snnbterrA near termites in accordance with thae,stmnndards of the National Pest C trol Ass ciatiout. Square meet of Greta treated: 1" Chennicals used: . P'ea�centage of solutioan: _ �----Total used: - --.--. 1� Date of treatment: � 7�� � Time of Treatment: ❑ Footing ❑ Ist Treatment" ❑��Ite ti`eat SIa lst Treatment Re -treat El Driveway �❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat U Pools , LJ Ist Treatment k'13004.2.6 Certzfeare of Protective T'reatmeat forprevention of termites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certtj4'cates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. 77te Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and dare of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number of gallons used, tot establish a verifiable record q f protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment, shall be completed prior to final building approval. St lLude County requires for the final inspection for Co, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box, cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ❑ Re -treat Q Other ❑ Y st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Perimeter for ]Final Inspection ua�ew�ua 4 va NOTE: There attest be a completed form for each retluired treatment or re -treatment and this form mast be an floe job site to lie,picked up by the inspector at three of each inspection or the. scheduled inspection will fail and are-ilnspeetion fee charged' ,Revised 6113102 dmt; A. M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. ? 4 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE S`r A4 PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 924-3575 FAX: (772) 924-3580 00 sirs lt' Al< REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPACTION Client: John Dickens 5800 Eagle Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Site: 3130 Seminole Road Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida Foundation Pad Report Date: Project No: Lab No: Permit No: REVISED: ** March 19, 2007 07-1151 06100264 April 3, 2007 Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dry Densi s Percent Compaction In Place Proctor 1 3/9/07 NW Corner 4-5 108.3 111.5 97.1 2 Center 4-5 108.8 111.5 97.6 3 1 3/15/07 1 SE Corner 4-5 109.3 111.5 98.0 * All elevations are above natural ground. **This report contains a corrected address The depth of the fill was approximately five feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). No soil borings were performed below the recently placed fill. Distribution: Client - 3 SLC Bldg. Dept. - I PCM/js Submitted by: A. M. NGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. Paul C. Martin, P.E. Florida Registration No. 65051 IISERVER-Art'IEICompanylC.O.D. Jobs0ickens. John107-1151 - 3130 Seminole Rd., Ft. Pierce, SLC- Pad w. Fill.doc A. A ENGINEERING AND TEWIN d'EIVED 590 N.W. MERCANTILE PLACE PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 34986 P ARM n 6 LOCAL OFFICE: (772) 924-3575 FAx: (772) 9 8 2007 Public Works St. Lucie County, FL REPORT OF FOUNDATION PAD COMPACTION Client: John Dickens Report Date: March 19, 2007 5800 Eagle Drive Project No: 07-1151 Fort Pierce, Florida 34951 Lab No: ----- Site: 3130 Seminole Road Permit No: 06100264 Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida REVISED:** April 3, 2007 Foundation Pad Density tests and Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) readings were made at a minimum of three locations in the building pad. Density tests were performed in the upper one foot of fill. HCP readings were taken in hand auger boreholes at one foot intervals from slab grade through the depth of fill. The density tests were performed in general compliance with ASTM D 2922. The HCP test, in conjunction with information about the soil type, is empirically correlated to the relative density of subsurface soils. Density Test No. Date Tested Location Elevation (feet) Dry Densi s Percent Compaction In Place Proctor 1 3/9/07 NW Corner 4-5 108.3 111.5 97.1 2 Center 4-5 108.8 111.5 97.6 3 1 3/15/07 ISE Corner 1 4-5 109.3 111.5 1 98.0 * All elevations are above natural ground. **This report contains a corrected address The depth of the fill was approximately five feet. The fill should extend at least five feet beyond the building perimeter. At the time of our testing no information was available regarding the foundation pad setbacks. In the locations and depths that were tested, the fill has been compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). No soil borings were performed below the recently placed fill. Distribution: Client - 3 SLC Bldg. Dept. - 1 PCM/js Submitted by: A. M. NGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. �g-, " " Paul C. Martin, P.E. L Florida Registration,No. 65051 , IISERVER-AMDCompanylC.O.D. Jobs0ickens, John107-1151 - 3130 Seminole Rd., Ft. Pierce. SLC- Pad w. Fill.doc Jai r �zr(itri l/fa"a` Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 hftp://stlucleco.gov/ce BUILDING PERMIT Issued: 03/08/2007 Conf A 722 Permit #: SLC- 0610-0264 Job Location: 3130 SEMINOLE RD City: FORT PIERCE Permit Type: Building Residential (SFR) Job Description: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 5/4 Subdiv: Lot: 1 Block: Parcel: 1326-800-0002-000/4 Page 1 Owner Builder JOHN AND KIM DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Property Owner JOHN DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Property Owner KIM DICKENS (772) 577-1010 5800 EAGLE DRIVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Setbacks Left: 105.00 Right: 80.00 Front: 345.00 Rear: 555.00 Zoning: AG-1 Number of Units: 1.00 Floors: 2 Buildings: 1 Square Footage: 3,671.00 Minimum Floor Elevation: Flood Map: 175F Flood Zone: X Elev: _ Job Value: $ 613,895.70 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that separate permits must be obtained as required'by the Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further, he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the 2004 Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this County, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10), F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s.713.135, F.S. Raymond Wazny Building Official Date For Automated Inspections, Call (772) 462-1261 For Questions, Call (772) 462-2172 St. Lucie County Land Development Code Section 11.05.01 (A) (2) states; Building Permits shall expire and become null and void if work authorized by such Building Permit is not commenced, having called for and received a satisfactory inspection, within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work is not completed within 18 months (permit by contractor) or 24 months (permit by owner) from the date of issuance of the Building Permit. Building - Code Compliance Division Receipt 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Fl- 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 http://stiucleco.gov/ce Date: 08 March 2007 Job Address: 3130 SEMINOLE RD Received By: dpelton Paid With: ck Paid By: SELECT AUTO Sign: Receipt#: 0000051894 'ermit Number: SLC- 0610-0264 Amount: $13,199.72 �redit Card Number: Check Number: 30416 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CT>RK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3021646 OR ': 2774 PAGE 1485, Recorded 03/07/20 't 12:41 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No.��' Property Tax Ili No.�_�2—t:/�j� State of Florida County of .2b_ & tt The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. , Legal Description of property and address if available 31 30 Sa 1 mo I RJ � � �a Puy/a "yt' f(:Pi3 0 ^ 33) ,(e f' / ice& ` 1c, .4c) C 0 -22 1 -;Lqq General description of improvements /�(t w lio,.n --ter— L - Owner J di a n/ /GFf EN S Address- .3 1 3 0 .va I E 7-Z-7' to e,C o { , Owner's interest in site of improvement Fee Simple Title holder (if other than owner) /Vaal/ t Address Contractor L ✓" 1 Phone # Address Fax # Surety Phone # Address Fax # Amount of Bond Lender Phone# Address Fax # Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name Phone Address Fax # In addition to himself, owner designates of Phone # FOR # to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided In Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a different date Is specified. w Signature State of Florida, County of Pik Lc c i Acknowledged before we this ri , day of OrC-%'� 20 t:, by �� E1 Y 1 C`\e who lerso 1 known to me o has produced O-0 L E iu as identification. 2�erv� Signs of u f T r Type or Print N e of Notary (Seal) Title: Notarylic Commission Number CF1E comml► DONT3206 Expo 7H?/Z010 pafdaryptMyAsi..lne STATE OF FLORIOA I ST LUCIE COUNTY CDl�fp THIST.OCERTIFY THAT THIS ISA LE �co TR;U�E{{gypp}ND CORRECT COPY Of THE Ofl�l,fYO E TV f M. Fri r, =L1 er f �v OG,w, ti �tr�Q By eputy 10j14� Date.. ./_..,_..._.. DATE FILED: t C75 1 L 1 11L_C PLAN REVIEW FEE: Q ' RECEIPT NO.: ItW PERMIT NUMBER: O(__.p l O 4- CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: CERT. CAP. NO.: ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLETE & FILLED IN TO BE ACC + DYED St.. Lucie County Building and Zoning ReQu, 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652" 772-462-1553' APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION p� G 2 . 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 2. S/D NAME: 7 G i L o fi SITE PLAN NAME: 3. PROPERTY TAX ID #: 317 (a - -0 0z - OD 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary): 5. , PLAT 6. PAGE , 7. BLOCK 8. LOT BOOK oi NO. D tf _ NO. N NO. f 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PARCEL SIZE: ACRES/SQ FT. LOT DIMENSIONS v2l 7 7- X a 5 7.2� 1,Y DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OR WORK ACTIVITY: SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: 3 �6 BACK: + RIGHT: 1 5-55 SIDE 90 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) [NEW CONSTRUCTION [ ] EXPANSION/ADDITION [4]-'RESIDENTIAL (] COMMERCIAL [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: ; 'Si /7TiGL 5/ q, 7if'4161—/ O SIDE �� J [ ] INTERIOR RENOVATION [ ] INDUSTRIAL 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION: �°Z�. 15. Sq. Ft. 1st,Floor: 16. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 300f The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. St. Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modify the indicated value of construction if it is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent with similar types of consWction,activities. If the value is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 �CODE COMPLIAI ' %,E DIVISION RESIDENTIAL ZONING REVIEW FORM Job Address 31 30 5. ¢ rn in Permit # Q (Q [ d - Ua (O-r Flood Zone Information EF Alt Development Fees Height Requirements Historical Properties 0 Nonconforming Use or Lot 0' Nonconforming Structures ays Setbacks LJ' Survey requirements 0" Site Plan Resolutions DFlood Certifications E?'-'Lot Splits El"Flood Way - COBRA Wetland Identification Shoreline Protection 0 Temporary Uses Health Department HIRD Issues © tility Hook Up pact Fees Easements Lot coverage and square footage Lot and Block 9 Owner Information Contractor Information �General Contractor License EO /Sub Contractors License R Signatures EY Section, Township and Range Map Number [� oning and Land Use L Lot Coverage Ltd FCC Code V egal Description lan review for Bed and Bath NOC ❑Location - Mainland 12 etc ED-- Electric Hook ups (Guest House) ❑ Road Frontage (County or Private) Lot & House Dimensions_ l Job Description D'Jurisdiction (Warranty Deeds Zoning & Land Use Eg"Plat Books I st Review Date 10 / I S'/� 2nd Review Date jo / %oq/0 (OFinal Reviewly iV /0 Zoning Examiner Name SDDCE UORIeF Signature REVISED 6121/06 BY DMG St. Lucie County Building & Zoning Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 (772)462-1553 OWNERBUILDER AFFIDAVIT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT F.S. 489.103 (7) EXEMPTIONS State law requires construction to be done by licensed contractors. You have applied for a permit under an exemption to that law. The exemption allows you, as the owner of your property, to act as your own contractor even though you do not have a license. You must provide direct, on -site supervision of the construction yourself. You may build or improve farm outbuildings, a one -family or two-family residence or a commercial building at a cost of under $25,000.00. The building or residence must be for your own occupancy. It may not be built or substantially improved for sale or lease. If you sell or lease a building you have built or substantially improved your self within one year after the construction is complete, the law will presume that you built or substantially improved it for sale or lease, which is a violation of this exemption. You may not hire an unlicensed person to act as your contractor or to supervise people working on your building; it is your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have licenses required by state law and by county or municipal licensing ordinances. You may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done. Any person working on your building who is not licensed must work under your direct supervision and must be employed by you, which means that you must deduct F.I.C.A. and withholding tax and provide workers' compensation for that employee, all as prescribed by law. Your construction must comply with all applicabl aws, ordinances, building codes, and zoning regulations. Initial I understand that the building official and inspectors are not there to design or give advice on ho to eet the minimum code. Initial I understand that as an owner -builder that any contract disputes with sub -contractors and I must be Cridled in a civil court with the advice of an attorney. This department will not mitigate any contract disputes. Initial I understand that if I compensate any person or company for work performed they are requir to be licensed in this jurisdiction. If for some reason they do not possess a license, I may be responsible and liable Pke cost of the license. Initial I understand that if any person that is unlicensed and uninsured gets injured on my construction Troject- they may be entitled to workmen's compensation. I could be held liable for all doctor, lawyer and related al cost, which could include loss of wages during recovery from their injury. Initial To qualify for this exemption under this subsection, an owner must personally appear and sign the LVding permit application and initial the above. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above disclosure statement and that I further understand that any violation of the terms of the owner/builder exemption shall be reported by the Building and Zoning Department to the Florida State Department of Professional Regulation. S' ned and acknowledged on this day of OCrT of 20d1 .o a wnerBuilder Signature STATE OF FLORID COUNTY OF Q Q= P The foregoing instrument was acknowledged �_T©h r1 Ip ; r 1/__cns who p COCWentification. �L QLn C t Type or Print Name of Notary yy8H Commission Number ° i MY COMMON 0 bD 632697 EXPIRES, November 21, 2009 B®11� Thru NoHry PuBlk Ua�anvrRsro Signature of Notary Title: Notary Public before me this LL_Q day of (DC-1— 200� by is personally known to me or who has produced St. Lucie County Building & Zoning 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR SUMMARY John Dickens will be using the following sub -contractors for the (Company/Individual Name) project located at Seminole Rd. /113267800 .Q002-000 4 (Street address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub -contractors listed below, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County. Trade Name of Company/Contractor St. Lucie County/ State of Florida License Number Electrical q Plumbing �`y O`1 P` �'L c m 17 n Oq 191_p . 10c9`v�I1�:3 . HVAC/ ., r n- - t=� cct- i cn pa-Rc, 44-a c Mechanical 0-3 �� . A Cam► `T Roofing - P-- 1--c-,_ I -VOA: c36°i . `i CGC l Gas UFFIC� USE.; ONLY PERMIT ISSUE 'DATE: NUMBER: ®o� G ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS +�. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT .FP. �ORlO . BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: Obo3 State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): fT1 Pqq, Cc .roc. Name/Individual Name) Qi Iq—I have agreed'to be the eToX 1 C_ sub -contractor for-,6&lvl �i moils . (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNA IRES ARE REQUIRED 742 %one A�� GNATURE PRINT NAME Business Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT # ISSUE DATE w-6-on& DATE ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OR1� BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: a Z) 16 State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): Pf 1 % 0 k 7 l & 3 C Name/Individual N have agreed to be the �Gu/�77,3• •cry' sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at `�),2/�J�%JD�e- wed (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No_ 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE 12EQUIRED SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Business Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS N. y BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT �OR1D BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: 1t 4 al State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): - ©V t C1y I J V- i have agreed to be the (Company Name/Indiv dual Name sub -contractor for J 0 X/V (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at 31 �f ,� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSIN O GI: 'AL S M550�„! Business Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) OFFICE USE ONLY: U IRED aam?15 E &nM'LQ15 D(o PRINT NAME DATt 1�- i G ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS � ••r rid BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT OR10 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: � O 1 OR) State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): CC — 0,134S W 0 have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) �%NC' sub -contractor for (Typ of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located atl/?,a (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE 11EQUTRED CC- G C KO,C) /o- Uct - oG SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Business Name: A . Mttj for- R Address: 3o "t, City/State/Zip: - 'F/ r p Phone: 77 [ C6_ 1iOc�Q email: T_ dl�l`IL oL' ��t Sdcti'�� • Jl�'� OFFICE USE ONLY: PERMIT # ISSUE DATE ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT • F�ORI�P . BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number (If applicable): (Company Name) have agreed to be the sub -contractor for J01-/4f E 0,' (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at S;� I& Aw.e% (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED SIGNA PRINT NAME DATE Business Name: Address: "7 City/State/Zip:.Phone: ' 7� -� y� ����� email: CE USE ONLY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 - 772-462-1553 FILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT; I, the undersigned, am the owner of the following described property: E-0 0 - ©00 17- - 800 -14 (Tax ID/Legal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development Permit, BP Number QtQ I b- 66149,-I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance with Section 7.04.01(D), St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property, St. Lucie County is neither obliged nor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the immediate community. % /o';') 'cy Property Owner Name 4Propertyer Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS —01--Vt-�7d 'DAY OF , 20-%,6 BY rk��W12 C WHO IS PERSON LY OWN TO OR WHO HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. GNATURE OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC TITLE BER FRANCES M- Notary Public, State of Florida 01 Nly Comm. expiresNF hDD5'09097 Bonded lhru Ashton Agency, Inc. (800►451.4854 EDWIN M. FRY, Jr.,.CLEi -F THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 2607434 OR�BOO 21 PAGE 249, Recorded 04/21/2005 a-,' :43 PM Doc Tax: $1295.00 Rec. Fee S 10.00 Doc. Stps. $1,295.00 Prepared by and Return to: COMMERCIAL TITLE SERVICES, INC, I 1146 21st Street, Suite 2 I Vero Beach, Florida 32960 I incident to the issuance of title insurance I, Tax ID # 1326-800-0002-000/4 CT-8843 THIS WARRANTY DEED made the / /"^* day of April, 2005 by Charles H. Schreck, Jr. and Amy J. Schreck, husband and wife hereinafter called the grantor, to John E. Dickens and Kim B. Dickens, husband and wife whose address is: 5800 Eagle Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 hereinafter called the grantee: WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the z grantee all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County, State of Florida, viz: w Lot 1, PAPAYA GROVE, according to the -plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 40, Pages 33 and 33A, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. TOGETHER, with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. F' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully Z 5 seized of said land in fee simple; that the grant has good right and lawful Q a authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby a rants the title to said land H3 and will defend the same against the lawful claims all persons whomsoever; and W that said land is free of all encumbrances, except es accruing subsequent to re December 31, 2004. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has si aled hese presents the day and year first above written. Signed, Baled and del'vered in the presence 1' w tness LINDA S. OWEN Printed Signature,` Witness 2n1 Witness Printed Signature of 2n1 Witness a. AX Charl H. Schreck, Jr. or's Address: 19t' Street Beach, FL 32962 State of Florida nty of Indian River The foregoing instrume as acknowledged before me on this date, by Charles H. Schreck, Jr. and Amy J. reck, who i are personally known to me or who has/have produced: as i entification. WITNESS my hand and o cial seal i the State and County last aforesaid this // � day of Apri 005. LINDA S. OWI:�I Notary's Printed Name Notary ublic My commission Expires: (Notary Seal) Runa. s 0*= ANcortx,uwon D0202003 a.) e�YM AYy 14. 4007 J Property Appraiser - St.Lucie,C(��y, FL Page 1 of 1 John E Dickens Record: 1 of 1 Property Identification PROPERTY RECORD CARD <<Prev Next» Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print V%WE CO Site Address: TBD ParcellD: 1326-800-0002-000-4 Sec/Town/Range: 26 :34S :39E Account* 148326 ti � Map ID: 13/26S Land Use: UNCLSFD ACRG% Zoning: WI - PSL City/Cnty: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Ownership and Mailing Legal Description Owner: John E Dickens Kim Dickens PAPAYA GROVE (PB 40-33) LOT 1 (6.101 AC) (OR 2221-249) Address: 5800 Eagle Dr Fort Pierce FL 34951-2322 Sales Information Assessment TRIM Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 2006 Val: 259300 Land Value: 259300 Acres: 6.1 4/11/2005 185000 01 WD 2221 10249 Assessed: 259300 Building Value: 0 9/17/2002 60000 00 WD 1592 / 0109 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 0 SgFt 12/29/2000 160000 02 WD 1353 / 1310 Exempt: 0 12/30/1991 120000 01 WD 0770 / 0602 Taxable: 259300 4/1/1982 135000 00 CV 0374 / 0255 TotalTax: 5191.24 BUILDING INFORMATION Na Sketch No Image Available Available Exterior Features View: RoofCover: RoofStruct: ExtType: - YearBlt: Frame: Grade: EffYrBlt: PrimeWall: - StoryHght: No.Units: SecWall: - Interior Features BedRooms: Electric: PrmintWall: - FullBath: HeatType: AvgHt/FI: 1/213ath: HeatFuel: Prm.Flors: - %A/C: %Heated: %Sprinkled: Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cond. YrBlt. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 1 9900-UNCLSFD ACRG N -Acres 6.101 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. 175 http://www.paslc.org/prc.asp?prclid=132680000020004 10/16/2006 Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2522 hftp://stfucieco.gov/ce Date: 16 October 2006 Job Address: 3130 SEMINOLE RD Received By: bushs Paid With: CK Paid By: JOHN DICKENS Building Receipt Receipt#: 0000046329 'ermit Number: SLC- 0610-0264 Amount: $375.00 �redit Card Number: Check Number: 128 Sign: r DATE FILED: (�tp I O(__D PLAN REVIEW FEE: RECEIPT NO.: G PERMIT NUMBER: OL-p CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: CERT. CAP. NO.: ALL INFO MUST BE COMPLETE & FILLED IN TO BE ACCEPTED _ St.. Lucie County Building and Zoning I),- Q, Pap- yw, * 2300 Virginia Avenue ��OR10Q • Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 772-462-1553 APPLICATION for BUILDING PERMIT CERTIFICATE of CAPACITY/ZONING COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION G i2 _ 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 3 ( � �M%NQL� �D�cG/ Ft e�� fc-•-e- 3Lf "I'� 2. S/D NAME: /� qa CL C Qp 115 SITE PLAN NAME: _1D, dAF4C 3. PROPERTY TAX ID #: l 3od & - 0 0z - 00 - 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary): CGS Q 5. PLAT ' 6. PAGE 7. BLOCK S. LOT BOOK, �aa NO. , Oo1 G q 1 _ NO. /V NO. 9. PARCEL SIZE: ACRES/SQ FT. �c 5 �'J LOT DIMENSIONS W/ 7 6�X• 7, z' s1 X a 5 '1• 7G /00Fr• 77' 10. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTOR WORK ACTIVITY: 11. SETBACKS (ACTUAL) FRONT: $ACK: RIGHT: / LEFT: / 3 5j 5c SIDE 90 SIDE �� S 12. 'TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Check all appropriate boxes) NEW CONSTRUCTION [ ] EXPANSION/ADDITION [ ] INTERIOR RENOVATION [RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL [ ] INDUSTRIAL [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) 13. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: 14. Sq. Ft./CONSTRUCTION: o C 15. Sq. Ft. 1 st Floor: ,- I6.. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION.: $ The value of construction is used to determine the amount of permit fees to be assessed. St. Lucie County reserves the right to question and/or modify the indicated value of construction if it is demonstrated that the submitted figures are not consistent with similar types of construction activities. If the value is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement must be submitted with this application. SLCCDV Form No.: 001-02 d OWNER INFORMATION NAME: vs ADDRESS: .SF1C�4 � -'a CITY: O,eT �i E/2L'� STATE: ZIP. PHONE (DAYTIME): (7`Z- 577-1 01 0 email: IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): (_) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ST. of FL REG./CERT #: ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT #: BUSINESS NAME: OCOAVC,e / An/ ' QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX NO. email: ARCHIT/ENGINEER: ADDRESS: /g�� �ztJ 3/GTN CITY: Poe LUG> PHONE (DAYTIME): 7( 7?4 79 - 900k�— BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: . CITY: STATE: rC STATE: ZIP 3 Z/qF!: �/ ZIP MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS: • `4 CITY: STATE: ZIP IMPORTANT NOTICE: When a permit is issued and it is not picked up within 60 d'ays after notification it will be voided and returned to you by mail. CERTIFICATION: This application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated, and to obtain a certificate of capacity, if applicable, for the permitted work. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that separate permits may be required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC., not otherwise included with this building permit application. The "following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concbrrency review: room additions, accessory structures (all -types), swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory uses to another non- residential use. NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: AS THE APPLICANT FOR THIS BUILDING. PERMIT, IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT; AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. zx'�, .� . AEFIXONTCTOR SIGNATURE i 0t3 CTOR SfONIATURE STATE OF FLORIDA c STATE OF FLORID COUNTY OF COUNTY OF The foregoing ins en*sac owled ed The foregoing inst u;�m�ent wa ac owle ged beff- me this ay o201by bet reme this�fc)"ay o 2� by ersonally ��`t��t/,�s o is personally_ known or who has produced known to me or who has produced as identification. / as identification. of Notary or Print Name of Notary Tvpe or Print Name FRANCES M. WHITAKER Commission No. ( j)Public, State of Florida My comm. expires Feb. 09, 2010 No.DD509097 Bonded thru Ashton Agency, Inc, (800)451.4854 FRANCES ,M. WHITAKER Mo.-alminrhm th.09 2010 Bon lod.th u Ashton NOTE: TWO (2 I RCS _ff0VM_TD_. EACH SIGNATURE MUST' BE-NDT=ZM7`] + YING FOR THIS BUILING PERMIT AS AN OWNER/BUILDER, THE OWNER MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR TO SIGN_ THIS APPLICATION IN -THE OFFICE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THE APPLICATION. For specific instructions see appropriate permit checklist. . a� �`•'a `�' �`�,.�"' -nSd�'`' i-i't� .g� '•Ca :x�.i .a ��^" '2r�—c.dsJ' 'jy z ' .,��r,'�tG e ',�Si � . 6 f tr a•a'x ai,.i., �',ip# %` i.U{ y 7�`£+dc` 3 ; �� r. 9 r' ® c F^~^y� • C.yu�t MR, u�- '�. { �./� 81 - 4. -X +4 Y. tP .15c'• .nii''�" %"-1- a" 14-.5! ''t�l.l,�'" 'Y: 3`. F� 1 i v'�•cS h tx.>?-d�. F ..1�' -�-a .. R, i LOT OF • OF •T I LOT RE I VED T+SL'F....,1f. i'=a;•=L't.F '7e a ;yr7 l'��'cez�]$yy � .� �K '.(.,1°•.+�.'f9^'3.t ��:i„biti_M1?X'`��.'��ral3-T�4vzi3sH�'i•i.:,s��J'��a,•e..`Ji"'.2;Y.:�'�'_i� 7=..+�.. .X'�'' - :--'•=>f.rj?ro---`<" �+: RK..ii .`, ' 2��,:yyajrJ Y'... �'- ..-..�-'..� ,w. i�,-ii.a�' �..•v� a p $ R•+.ca„>�`r•:H•y, .}�;'.��{�'C ' .tom"-<,ic+� fxw. r+: ' a-;$T�;„t�a�,„. „,,4 I�.+�''Y'%}If'cR". ^�2.y' 9 �`�" "-✓�", >LfXF'.. ':„�d"�i1 �t -�"y ..7[w�tY`. '1' Zi7 'h^�'>r*t�#.,yY.. u-_.,C.^Y f:,,�.- ' i .;:•.Y. p iY`f '._ ' ADMINST ' LIBRARY / f I PARKS = PERMIT VARIANCE IMPACT FEE 193 . - IMPACT FEE a FEE ' a l • �3 REPORT PUBLIC BLDe HABITABLE RADON FEE CODE I IMPACT FEE a a �j7 AREA (RADON) SCHOOL In o- in GROSS ROAD CREDIT Y N WOTAL ROAD IMPACT FEE IMPACT FEE e� D D IMPACT FEE DUE S� ` SCHOOL CREDIT Y N TOTAL MISC FEE IMPACT FEE & SCHOOL IMPACT FEE POLICE FEE FIRE FEE TOTAL Lf} ` ®D I s bD POLICE/FIRE IIV �r,,, 1:�) MISC FEES ADDITIONAL Y N SPECIFY TOTAL PERMITS of ALL REQUIRED J. �� Il��u�o�,.l �a.�nn►-�- � rjQ C6 FEES . REVIEWS ZONING ZONING PLANS MISC. VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW-E�Dy BY , ' •EXAMING , DATE 'Dl I g' �IO /� IOOlIL-0IC> COMPLETE INITIALSC�� QQ - I / l z i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of LOT 1, PAPAYA GR( as recorded in Plat Book 40. at Page; of the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. LOT AREA: 255,658 Sq. Ft.; . 5.87 Acres± STREET ADDRESS: 3130 Seminole Road, Fort Pierce, FL. CERTIFIED TO: JOHN DICKENS BENCHMARK CENTER OF HEADWALL (ASSUMED) ELEV.w50.00 0 FIR .ice O ■ ■ i N Z ti ON r �( M q� �o' I N i � X�O. I O ;l v I Lnn co \ Ip C �. V D 1 O X NO) X FIR CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the survey reps my supervision and further that the encroachments unless shown or not MARCH 24, 2007 Date of Signature 77 F 051 (BEARING BASIS) N89045'00"W 1007.289 EDGE OF WATER S89052'36"E {�s"�e�formed und'er___. o[id���ertf��i 3 er 9 No; 7235 ,,�,:',' -- - SURVEYORS' NOTES: 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the North line of Lot'__ platted and bears N89'45'00"W. 2. Written dimensions -take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for constru tion and/or design purposes. 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 5. This survey is� based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO175F, with an effective date of August 19. 1991. 7. City water & sewer are not available in this area. 8. Elevations shown' hereon are based upon an assumed datum. 9. This plan information to` be verified by contractor prior to construction. _r 0 FIR I 0 1008.77' LEGEND DUE = DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT FND = FOUND n OHE = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES IR = IRON ROD FIRC = FOUND IRON ROD & CAP SIRC = SET IRON ROD & CAP ; R/W = RIGHT—OF—WAY P = PLAT DIMENSION M� = MEASURED DIMENSION P /D = PK NAIL & DISK N TT = NAIL & TIN TAB 'Jv 1 X, I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 �A� I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 01' 'n 04 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,;F� PROPOSED n TWO—STORY a+ .6 g RESIDENCE 4.6 i a LV Cr N COVERED o W p n 0' ENTRY a 0n. 0 4.50. 5. 34.17' IA ") 1 1 1 Q ' I 1 X 4I� Il►saff(, ,oei cl 1 � 1 1 I •(?- = FIRE HYDRANT 0 = WOOD POWER=P_OLE fZ( = TELEPHONE RISER _ = WATER METER = CABLE TELEVISION RISER pQ = WATER VALVE E--= POLE ANCHOR WPP = WOOD POWER POLE WM = WATER METER CL = CENTERLINE EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1 1 1 1 I 1 X.. �h X -------- 538.02' _/ I /------- ----- r Y hog X V ..bp rO (0 ►o FIR ,: Date of Last field work:03/22/2007 ! Boundary Survey & Site Plan An n n Prepared on the order of: .�� e t t Bennett Surveying + Mapping 439 S.E. Port St. Lucie Boulevard Unit 107 Field: Port St. Lucie, Florida 34984 tel: 772.336.4933 fax: 772.336.8689 Draw^' email: wbennettdd®cs.com Soale: JOHN DICKENS LM WB Job No.: 07-0307 WBB Date:03/24/2007 1 "=40' Sheet: 1 of 1