HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMI'M, CLERK OF TL j;&tctAT COURT SA NT LUCIE COUNTY Fim # 3w219109WM14. at 03:46 PM Record 81ld reiuq a In: OR BOOK =9 PAGE $61 - NZ Doc Type: NC Chrlatopher J. TwolUt�}f, P. A. RECORDING: $16S0 844 East Oceafl t3lvd., $ulte A Stuart, FL 34994 �e�el,ab abW�\EN FN) Penult Now Tax Folic No (�14if1t�Od_� __�aD11�aC16 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SPATEOFFLORIDA COUNTY OF St, t,uote THE UNDVA$IRNl=O hereby gives natkce that f mvemept wit be me& to cartain real prop", anti In accordance with Chaplet 713, FtarM 6tstptes, the tolkrwing Information is pravidad io thin Notice of Commencement, 1_ t]eacrtptim of property: Sec Att■thed Exhibit "A'- Legal D acyiption E, General description of improvements: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AmWOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS 3, Owner lnformavon.or Lessee information if th* L&sz;&= coutracWd tar the improvements: a. Marne and addresS: Terence L, Baxter 10701 5 Ocean Ur Unit 612, Jensers Beach, I•L 34937 b. laterest in properly: FEE SIMPLE c. Name and address of fee simple tftteholder (often from Owner Listed atwe): / 4_ Contractor (NAM and addfeas): Mel•Ry Construction 10967 S Ocean Delve, Jensen Beach, FIL 34957 fa, PtWne Number: (772) 222.0430 5. Surely Information (if applicable, a copy of the paymorri bond is eflachad): s. Name & Address: — b. Phone Number: c. Amount of Bond: 9 a. Lender(name and address): $eaceeet National Bank Sl) Kindred Street, Suite 315, Stuart, Florida 34004 ATTN: CONSTRUCTION LOAN ADMINISTRATION MANAGER a. Phone Number: 8RO-708-9991 7_ PetsOns v4hjft the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other, dosur mir, nay be served as provided by Section 711z3(1)(4)T, Flodde statutes: a. Name and address; b. Phone numbers of dsalgnrrted persons: 0_ In addition to hlmsetf or herself, Ownst designates Seacoast National Bank of SO kindred Street, Suits 315, Stuart, Florida 24894 to receive a COW of the Lienoes Nodes as provided M Section 718.13(1) 0), Florida Statutes a. Phone Number; sw7W $991 9. Expotlrm date of Notice of CoMmencernaot (Inns expiration date nW not be beflnye fire mnpW m or construclion and final payment to lire comiclor, but wig be one yeat front the dote of fecording unless a d(ffarent data is spedll ; WARNING TO OWNER; ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRA11ON OF THE N0710E OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERS IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 743_ PART 1, SECTION 713,13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 7WIGE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE .JOB SITE BEFORE THE: FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMEMCr!MT. Verification pursuant to Section 92.626, i' OW$ Statutes: Under penatdas of psrjury, 1 declare that I have read fhb forgoing notice of oomrnoncement and that 1ho facts stated dwrroio arC itue to the best of my knowledge snot beliof, signature of Owner or Lessee, or Owner's or Lowe's, Attlhorizad OlricerJdfradorlf'arirrarlMana4et. ST. Terence L. Baxley IM: LK STATE OF�R(At'vL. 4o e� COUNTY OF-Sr�neir !NL,-RIrY ---The fore!!, fn fruftreft yma adbmwtadged befotva tMt this --- day of, by: .u<8 L .� who le peraonagy to me at veto has praduoed r [s V aE _ea identitieationand who df IQ0 8A-0e (SEAL) L.UCAS W G FFIP-DL.ER Notary public - State Of Now YortEr" OTARY PUB G Mo. o-1-F=33609 Qualified in Sohdnectady County My Gvmmisalon Expirns 0111912W6 Netic.- of CamnwncemmkSUB Revisw la►27f>tt'iT Reptseee SHM16 �9 M `✓ `'' '� JOS€PH E. SMITH, CLERK OF CouRT $ART LUC Ili COUNTY FILE* W&1W 0af05r2tt14 at 03At3 Ply OR BOCK 3ti39 PAGE M - No Doo Typa: NC Retard and return to: RECORDING: $78.BU Chrietopher J. lWottey, P. A. B44 Fast Ocean Blvd., Spite A Stuart, Fl- Z4i184 Wo not�+rk a0oe MR gel Pernik Tax Falb No. N) 454.j4MSAlits-Otte/5 l2) 4"1,47aM1.72R 3 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 61AMOF FLLORIDA COUNTY OF St Lucie THE UNDERSIGNED hMW 911sas rrdke that knproventerd WIN bg made to certain MW OW11A mid In emordarrce with Chspler 7t3. Florida Statutes, the following Fnrnrn,ation is ptovided 16 this Notice Of Commencomenk v -i. Description of property: See Attached Exhibit "A"- Legal Description > 0 M 2. Gerteral description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMI X t2ESi0ENCE ANDJOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS r 3. Owner information or Usftea iosoftt tion if me t eaaee contracted for the improvernants: a, Noma and address: Donna D'Alcia t l 278 Tampa Ave. Albany, NY 12200 b, Interest in proparty: FEE SIMPLE t. Name and ,addres% of fee Simple tillehoWer Oftrent from Owner listed above): 4. Contractor (Name and snares): Mal-Ity Cotlatfut tlon .� 10987 S Ocean Delve, Jenren Beach, PL 34967 a. Piton Number. (T72) 229-0439 r,. Surely Information (if a9plimbtc, a copy of lba payntogt bond to attached): I a. Warne & Address: i b, Phone Nurnber. I Amount Bond. 6 c, of 8, Landar(nante and addreao), Seacoast National Bank i So Kindtod $trett, Sum 315, Stuart, Florida 34994 ATTW GONSTR JCTION LOAN ADMINISTRATION MANAGER a, Phone Number: 800,706-9991 7. Persona within the State of Florida designatecl by Owner upon whom notices oc other docutrnntx may be servad es Iuovidad by • $QC0011713.13(1)(a)7, Ej7db 90JR1: a, Narita and addreas: b. Phone num"M Of deslgnetad persona: B. In addition to himtetf or herself. Owner designates Sosco%nt N2ttionat Rank of 50 I(trdred &test, Suite 345, Stuart. Florida 34994 to twelve a copy of the Liences Notice as provided. in Section 713.113(1) 0), Florida Statutes. a. Phone Number. 800-748.999l 8, Expiration date of Notice of ComrMACemerd (the expiration date may not be before the completIon or crostruclon and final payment to the contractor, but will ba one year ft= the date of recording unless a dillerent datb it etxdti - WARNING TO OWNM: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION CX THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYM8NTS UNDER CHAPTER VS. PART 1, SECTION 713,13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT W YOUR PAYING, TVVICF, FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND F'OSTSq ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST IMWECTION, IF YOU INTEND TO' OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT VOTH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY 6EFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, Verlrtcetion purauanl to Section 92-525, Florida Statutes: t)olAer penalties of perjury, I derdara that I have read the 1tu9ctn8 rtoSoe of cvmmancarnorrt and that tits faetn stated therein are true to the treat of my kouv ftd*a and helW. S"ture of Owner or Losses, or Owners or Lessee's Authorized OfficadDb*CtoC1PAditeI[MAoaAer- by: Donna VA1018 Bs: By: its STATE OP nv`n-rzrir� p COLttdTY OF-mtr$�iiv�e� AG"t�^'t� !^� The 101e0ahM Inatrunrentvwas actnrawkCdgW 130M tttC qua e Q -' ley of, t9 �� by pww A t! t d3 wtm is pa&analty Wtown to me,or who has produced N r ve r s era ida¢nWICANert and who did pakee ld� (SEAL) LLIGAS lilt G FIET)LF-R � =a Natary Public • SWO at NOW Y20 - (TART Puetle too,o7-FI8233600 Qualified in Sctfenectady County My Commitminn Fxnlre's 0111812015 Notary of GwrNna�etrpettf SliR ReNts¢tl 1 W?9r2a'!1 tteptacas tHf/T010 Parcel 1: Condaminircrn Parcel : Lot No. V-13 of VENTURE OUT AT ST..LUCIE, IM, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereof; as recorded in O-K Book 189. Page 1677, toWthw with all amwdretants thmto, tagather with an undivided share in the common eletnemts appurtenant to such Unit and all other appurtenances to such Unit as set forth in the at. Lucia of Condominium; and according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 16, Pages 7 and 7A, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. and Parcel 2. A portion of the North 50 feet ofthe South 100 feet Of GOvemment Lot 1, Section'12 Township 37 South, RmUp 41 East lying iffiest of the Westerly right ofvvay line of State Road A1A, &A ofthe Indian River and being a we particularly described as follows: Begi miing at the Intersection of the Southerly exumion of the Easterly line of Lot 13 acid the South litre of Venture- Out in America at St, Lucie, Inc,, Section "C" as rccvrded In Plat Hook 16, Page 7, Public Records of 35,1.,ucie County, Florida; thence South ,30°03`38" Baal, $ distance of 57.74 feet; thence South 89*56122" Wost, a distance of 35.14 feet; thence North 30?03'38" West a distance, of 57.74 &et to the South fine ofsaid Subdivision; thence North 89"5622" Mot, along said line a distance of 35.14 feet to the Paint of Beginning. MEL-P ' CONS TRF CC- ION, INC. JOB Parcel 1; Coadominium Parcel: Lot No. V 13 of VENTURE OUT AT ST. LUCIE, INC,, a Condominium, according to the Declaration of Condominium thereat, as retarded 1n O.R. Book IV, Page 1677, together with all anwadments thereto, together with an undivided share in the commons elements appurtenant to such Unit and all other appurtenances to such Unit as set forth in the Declaration of Condominium; and according to the Plat thereof morded in Plat Book 16, Pages 7 and 7A,, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. and PaicM 2: A portion of the North. 50 feet of the South 100 feet of Government Lot 1, Section '12 Township 37 South, Range 41 Bast, lying West of the Westerly right of way lino of State Road A 1 A, East of the Indian River and being more particularly destrriaerl as follows: Beginning at the InWsectlon of the Southerly e4ensiont oftttg Easterly line of Lot 13 and the South line of Venture Out in America at St, Lucie, Inc., Section "C" as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 7, Public Records of St. Lucia County, Florida; *tenet South W03138" But, a distance of 57.74 feet; thence South 89056122" West, a distance of 35.14 feet; thence Noob 30003,38" West a distance of 57.74 feet to the Soutb tine of Said Subdivisiort; thesm North 8905622" East, along said fine a distance of 35..14 feet to the Point of Begiunbg. MEL-RY coN. STM"' ON, INC. JOB DATE _�.,..... � .