HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM SOIL COMPACTION REPORT Head uarters SP CP Sk AN ENGINEERING Mailing 11345 U.S. Highway 1 GINEERING PO Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL.32958 I�j� AND TESTING Sebastian, FL.32978 Orlando Phone:772-589-0712 723 Progress Way SOIL COMPACTION REPORT C.A.#5693 Sanford, FL. 32771 ASTM D 1557 anflU&Mlb 6938 KSMengineering.net DATE TESTED: February 18,2022 FEB 2 4 2022 KSM JOB#: 2201867-1d/BS/dc PERMIT#: 212836 St.Lucie county NUC# 456 Permitting Nuc Model: MC-1 Elite CONTRACTOR: All Clear Site Preparation l� Nuc Serial M 31456 JOB LOCATION: 6504 Bayard Road Fort Pierce, Florida ITEM TESTED: Compacted Foundation Fill TEST LOCATION DEPTH PEN DRY MAX.DRY PERCENT OF SAMPLE READ DENSITY PROCTOR VALUE(P.C.F) COMPACTION 1 S.W. 0"-12" 40 D 108.0 108.5 99.5% 2 N.W. to40 D 107.4 1199.0% 3 Center 40 D 106.7 1198.3% 4 S.E. 40 D 107.1 98.7% 5 N.E. 40 D 107.8 99.4% Soil Description: Brown Sand 110.0 I I I W I I I I I I I I E In Place Moisture: 1 109.0 -J.. 9.6% G I Proctor Optimum Moisture: H I I I I I I I 10% T 108.0 _.i_..T _�._.. Proctor Max.Dry Density: P.C.F. P I I I I I I 108.5 C 107.0 —..�.._.G_ �. _.I_..�..._I._.. F @ Test Locations the Density& I I I I 1 I I Penetrometer readings indicate thp%%%1111111 D ♦�` E KE ��. R 106.0 Degree of Compaction Meets `�� J�,� •,..,,•Lt i�� Minimum Requirement �� '�,tCENei•. � Y I I I I I I I For an Unstaked Foundations 105.0 �-• -1 — I — �- •--I — I— �- —i Respectfully Subml'aed. = No.68366 _ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ulglta * *= Moisture-%of Dry Weight 4' signed '�, STATE OF = Q/-. Thislcem has been deotroNWly signed and .Julie Ke �toR�o • `��-Asclaimer: Contractor is responsible to maintain the tested area in waled by Tulle diran P.yt A. right seing66m ��•.•.••• P •`� thedate stated dlreetly to[he right usinga Date: i ""•. ops the condition that KSM completed the indicated passed 6gital signatae. Printed caples of this d-;,nasd ane net considered signed and sealed and the / �♦ compaction test. KSM is not responsible if the tested area has �i 4' signature must be verified on any eled— o 2022.02.1 Zes. been altered from the approved inspected condition. 16:34:54 -05'00' Julie E. Keller, P.E. President PE#68366 2/18/2022 Email to: john4519@gmail.com Test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written approval of KSM Engineering&Testing Geotechnical Engineering-Construction Materials Testing -Special Inspections-Civil and Structural Consulting Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 Certified Women Owned Business-WBE