HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit WorksheetPERMIT WORKSHEET I page 1 of 2 PERMIT NUMBER Installer ' r� License # I ,A - 1 1 0z51 48 New Home Used Home Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual ii rr Address of home. 1 _ (� ��C`Q5 `mod Home is installed in accordance with Rule 15-C being installed Single wide Ej Wind Zone II Wind Zone III Manufacturer Length xwidth {�_`•�s i Double wide � installation Decal # NOTE: if home is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan Triple/Quad 0 Serial"# if home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new used) where the sidewall ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. Installer's initials initials ' Typical pier spacing 7 I Word 2' �✓/ 'Show locations. . Lateral Systems dark lines to show these locations) � � tRRlti� ■ �1 ■Li ■_ ■ ■_ ■ ■_ �.� �1--�— ■ _■■ _■ 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 r-r-r-,--1—�-T-r = _� -1---r-r-1-;-T-p-r-r-; �-�-T-r^IT-r-r1-5-T-r-r-, , r I , . , ... lots. -r--'-'1-�-7-r`1•-r--t-1-l��-r 1--I � ---1. Aq j•� - �/VT r r r 1 r r 1 r r-r-r-,--1-•1-1-5-,-�-r-r I L 1 1 1 1 _L.L _I_J_J . 1 , L_L _L 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 , 1. 1 1 _J_I_s_r_L_�_1_J_J-.�_r.-L_L I 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 t t r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h_1_J_y_J_r-L-V_I_-1-1_7_V_..-F.-1_y_..�?-r-V_r_I-.1-.�-y-r.^f•-H _I_.��.I-J-r _,._r _I-J t^r-r-I-�-�-�-�-1--r'-r�-�-7-r-r-r-r-�--t-*-r-r -r•'-r-�^t-*-r-r-r-r�-�-�-r-r-1 �-^ '-^- 1-�-' 1 ^ r „� �• t' -� -11 1 till PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Load bearing. capacity Fooler size (sq in) 16" x 16" (256) 18 1/2" x 18 12" (342) 20" x 20" (400) 22" x 22" (484)- 24" X 24" (576)- 26" x 26" (676). 1000 ps lbuu psi 2000 s zwu psi 3000 s zsbuu ps interpolatedorm Rude 15G1 pier spacing table. PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size A_`�p Perimeter pierpad-sizegm?�h,rct Other pier pad sizes -1'Z WC -I L (required bythe mfg.) Draw the approximate locations of marriag wall openings 4 foot orgreater. Use this t 1 symbol to show the piers. List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foo and their pier pad sizes below. ANC RS Oft 5ft �Qi]�tI�177'fi�9 f:�X� Opening Go ew. -e _ I -vie I'/Gs2 Pier pad size S4M A .q i -a0MOSMIS KWIM II■s�z:�s%t:��WAS FRAMETIES within 2' of end of home spaced at 5' 4" oc -- TIEWWN COMPON WS OTHER TIES. Number Longitudinal Stabjllzing Device (LSD) _ _ Sidewall f Manufacturer QZ7411Ex TSH Longitudinal Longitudinal Stabi#iing Device wZ La�teral Arms Marriage wall Manufacturer //b/ (L/t%f. �flf Shearwall_ PERMIT WORKSHEET PERMIT NUMBER POCKET PENEMMETER TEST The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to psf or check here to declare 100.0 lb: soil without.testing. Y Y • l�f/N�V �`r' 7 X POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at.6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the looter. 3. Using.500 lb. increments. take the lowest reading and round down to that increment V X i B jThe results of the torq.ue�probe test is ��� inch pounds or check here if you are declaring 5' anchors without testing Atest showing 275'inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. Note: Astate approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. anchors are allowed at the sidewall locations. I.understand 5 ft anchors are required at all centerline tie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and. where the mobile.home manufacturer may requires anchors wi h40 lding capacity. Installer's initials ALL TESTS. MUST B PERFORMED BYAALICENSED INSTALLER Installer Name j}S ait Ll tdb&'_ Date Tested ec r ca Connect electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but notto the main power source: This 'includes the bonding wire between mult-wide units-. Pg. , F um Ding Con nectall sewer drains to an e)asting sewer tap'or septic tank. Pg. a i iYp Con nectall potable water supply piping to an 6tisting watermet6r;, watertap, or other Ipage 2 of 2 e .re_paratrn Debris and organic material removed 4 Water drainage: Natural Swale Pad ✓ Other. Fastening multi wi a units Floor: Type Fastener: Length: Spacing: Walls: Type Fastener: Ag. Length: Spacing: y �' Roof: Type Fastener. gth: Spacing: 0 ,*V,, ,.9. For used homes a min!-3-0 gauge, 8" wide, galvanized metal strip will be centered over the peak of,the roof and fastened with gals, roofing nails at2".oncenter on both sides of the centerline. Gasket (went horp roofing requinnwnt) understand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used homes. -and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled marriage.walls'are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being installed. I understand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket. Installer's initials Type gasket A/J god*' Installed:, Pg. Between Floors Yes Between Walls Yes Bottom of ridgebeam Yes The:bottomboard will be repaired andlor taped. Yes _ / Pg. Siding on units is installed to manufacturer's specifications. Yes Fireplace. chimney installed, o as not to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes 01!s7c aneous Skirting:to be installed. Yes ve, No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes NIA Range downflow ventinstalled outside ofski 'rig es N/A Drain lines supported at'4 foot intervals. Y Electrical crossovers protected. Yes Other: Installer verifies all information givenVdth-thispermit '� is accurate aDdb sed on the Installer Signature ,,zl (i�' 22Z— Date pago L revision 6/07 OLIVER TECHIIMOGIES, INC. FLORIDA INSTALLAI;I& INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MODES , ,..' �.,. c�o�cc L STEEL FOU ATION SYSM11 MODEL 11011V" (STEPS 146) LONGITUDINAL ONLY :FDLLOW STEPS 1-9 FOR ADDING LATERAL ARM: rV110w Steps 10-15 FOR CON(:RET;t APPLI%ATIDNS: Follow Steps 16-19 ENGINEERS STAMP ENGINEERS STAMP . Oliver T6chnologies.af 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If the following conditions ds occur. 76' c) Roofreaves exceed 16" d) S dewall height exceed 6? a) Pier height exceeds 48" b) Length of home e) Location is within 1500 feet Of coast j ;aTet e,L TION OF GROUND�AN 2. Remove weeds and debris In an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) . 3. Place'ground pan (C) directly below chassis 1-beam . press -or drive pan firmly into soil until flush with or below soil. SPECIAL NOTE: The longitudinal "V' brace system serves as a pier under the home and should be loaded as any other pier. It is recommended- that. after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1/3") before.home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9'below then remove jacks. IB�I 1 eTlOk OF LOhulTllDI�A "•Vt• BRACE SYSTEM NOTE: WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM Q11>LY, A WHIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED, SOIL, TEST Pe OR PER SOIL CLASSIFicAnolc IF PROBEa 27 A SHOULD FBe USED -ro DETERMINE OOT ANCHOR MUST BE USED. F PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 & 350 A ECT Ty OF ANCH4 F OT ANCHOR-1ilAY BE.USED STEST READINGS ARE E 175 GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL TIES STABILIZER OIATES ION PO1� 7S (PER FLORIDA RE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED 4. Select the correct square tube brace (E) length for set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always used as the bottom part of the longitudinal arm). Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled to length as long as a 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT (ApnrnY_ 45 degrees Max.) 1.25" ADJUSTABLE 1.50" ADJUSTABLE Tube Length 'tube Length 5. install (2) of the 1.50" square tubes (E (1a' tube)) into. the "U' bracket (J), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment. 0, Ploce 1-',Team connector (F) Ibosely on the bottom flange of the I-beam. F and fasten loose with bolt and nut. 7. Slide the selected 1.25' tube (E) into. a 1.50' tube (E) and attach. to 1-be6m connectors O hr 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. The angle is not to exceed 45 degree,and not.below 40 degrees. 9. After all bolts are tightened, secure 1.25" and 1.5.& tubes using four(4)1/4"-14 x 314" self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes. INSTALLATION ATION OF I ATERAL T'ELPSCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM SYSTEM THE MODEL 1101 -0 (LONGrtuo1NAI. & LAirtRAL 1%ROTECn1ON) 6UIUINATEG THE NEED FOR MOST'STABIl RE R PLATES & FRAME TIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 5'N'. FOUR FOOT (W) GROUND. ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home. manufacturer's instructions. NOTE: Centerline. anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 11. NOTE: Each system is required. to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabilizing location. This frame tie 5 stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18" from of center ground pan. 12. Select the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50' tube- as the bottom tube, and the 1.25' tube as the inserted tube.) 13. Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H).to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 14. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50' brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector ( f ) with bolt and nut. 15 Secure 1.50" transverse arm tot 25" transverse arm -using tour f411/4' - 14 x 3/4' self-taaaino screws in�na-drilled holes. OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 031-7%4555 1:800"284-7437 Fax: 931-796.8811 www.oftdechnotgos.com page 2 revision 6/07 INSTAL ONC A ooncnete runner, footer or slab may be used to place of the steel ground pan. a) The concrete shall be minimum 2500' psi mix inimurn of 8' b) A concrete runner. may be either longitudinal or transverse. �een the concrnd. must be, a fin ete bolt and thetedge of the concrete (see below). longitudinally or 18 inches transverse to allow grope c) Footers must heve minimum surface area of 441 sq. in. (j.e. 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" deep. d) if a full slab is used, the depth must be a 4 minimum . Special Inspee�on of the system bracket -installation is not required.. Footers must allow for M least a from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete. NOTE an The; bottom of all footings, pads, slabs d nntners must be -per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL: (Model 1101 LC "V") � °loci in Wired condete use Psrt� 17. ,'"_,"��� ucltaC Part# 1101-1N-CfX A L%gdWtl._simply install the bracket in runnerlfooter �2 5!8'x3' concrete wedge bNis (Simpson part # ,01-[3 CPCA (dryseiL The 1101 (dryset) CA bracket is-atfached to the concrete using () men using a 518' diameter S162300H 518' X 3' or Powem egpivelent): Place fire CA bracket in desirl dust aed location. Mark bolt hole locations; . masonry bit, drill .a hole to a minimum depth of 3'.. Make sou and rt wedge bolt nuts. Is Take aohammer and k9 d� tiia wedge bolts holes, then place 1101 (dry. set) CA bracket onto wedge r down by hitting the nut.(making sure not to hit ft top of threads on bolt). T of c Ggaft_q�rnplete by tightening nuts. LATERAL: (Model 1101 TC ' v") art # 1101-D-TACA) 18. For wet set (part # 1101-W TACA) installation simply installthe.anchor boll into runnerlfooter. For dry set installation (paand mark bolt hole locations, iheri using a 518' dram. m�#S1=00H 5l8' X 3' or Powers equdrill a hole'to'a minimum tivvale t) Into (D) corttxet de -37. e sure all ry w0 concrete. blown out of the hole. Place we trolls .(Srrltpson pa drive the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit c6nnedor and Into drilled hose. if needed, take a hammer BrrdTllg= �e Mk � s to be ai or the3oo of concrete. the top of threads on bolt). then remove the nut 17 & 18. 19. When using part # 1101 CVw (wetset) or 1101 CVD {dryset), install per steps Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2.. = STABLORRATEAND FRAMETELOCAT ON 0eedsb behaledvAi►18i%t esbfo rilerdgoundpana ) 3. 0= LOCATION OF LONG(tUMPLBRACIVG ONLY 4. g3—. BLONPRCl lAl..LACATKX S `i . IN ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' • ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' • • A • 16 • HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS 6 systerns for home lengths- up to 52' and 8 System & for homes over 52' and up 80'. One stab lizer plate and frame tie required, at aa& istaml bradng Won page 3 uAsion 6107 Longitude dry concrete bracket part # 1101 D-CPCA Wet bracket part # 1101 W-CPCA not shown Florida approved 4' ground anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers specifications for sidewall'straps are in excess of 4.000 lbs. These locations re .re a 6' anchor. Per Florida Code. U-Concre U bracket transversf J - ground ran :::.._ - e V Bracket INSERT` F = "V° BRACE I -BEAM C TORS ASSEMBLY H = TELESCOPING TINS�dI ARM AS8EMBL*? I = TRANSVERSE Aft, $EA CONNECTOR J= V PAN BRACKET-:" 33 ;_ Model # 1101 "V" - Transverse arm I-beam �_— connector Model 1101 CVD eaAcr Model 1101 CVW not shown ----- C = CONCRETE FOOTERIRUNNER D = CONCRETE U BRACKET TRANSVERSE CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 42 x 2 1)2m carriage bolt & nut) E = TELESCOPING V BRACE §:,,H _ Transverse arm TUBE ASSEMBLY W11.5 BOT- Top (1.25) TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE bottom (1.5•) INSERT Tubes {� Concrete Footed Runner - F ='Yr BRACE I -BEAM' CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY _ = (&connects with grade 5 -11Y x 4' carriage bolt F • � beam 2 connectoH = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM d-concrete... ASSEMBLY —r 'w Bracket I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM CONNECTOR (connects wrth grade 5 41T x 21i2 " carriage botf & nut) r J= CONCRETE ` r BRACKET (connects with grade 5 - VT x 4°. carriage bolt & nut) Model #1101 C Ir 1- GLIY�R TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931 796 4555 1.800484-7437 Fa)d 931 798-8811 www.clivertechnalogise.com NOLL0nHlSN00 d3iS �nN Bul�a LL£LV # M33NI`JN3 T/N0ISS3djOMd 03831SID38 000AA GUVN03'1 t� 31VO MMULO 'AIn03 MO S830NVH 1SI01' 9ZnS1 S,NOSdVIIS ONISn OL X Z I'd Ol 03N31SVd S83ON18LS I'd ZL X Z SM30NIMLS MIVIS I'd ZL X Z (£) i0dofi°v2M noloeo1a3smeU lWd YO%%%NIN0dXASnVd lU-/ 'HOnOMHL SSVd Ol .9 £—V 3M3HdS V MOTIV ION TItlHS S0tl3M1 HIVIS d0 301S 3HL NO S0Mtln0 03MIn03M MOd SONIN3dO '30Vd 301SNI NO SM383S DOOM Oft) HLIM SISOd Ol Ol 03HOVutl WOL10B V dOl V X Z 3H3HdS M3LM= .V V d0 : MOTIV ION TIV 'HONI 9/£ NVHL 3HOM AB 1STnMNS 3HL (133OX3 ION TMiS SHIMS 10 1HOni ANY NIHLM HLd30 OY3 L 153LV3HO 3H1 M03 ONIOV31 S,OVM 3HL OL 31ONV LHOM V LV ONV SOV3NL IN33VPOV d0 LTMcl 1SOIELW 3HL d0 S3NYld TVOLLIIMA 3H1 N33RUS ATTVINOZMOH 03i nSV3L1 38 TT/H5 HLd30 OrM 3HL 'S3 Nl OL 38 TLYHS HLd30 OY3NL P1nmin 3H1 'HONI 9/£ NYHL 3NON AB LSTTIVNS 3HL 033OX3 ION 77VHS SEWS d0 D OM ANY N61LVA 1HO13H HWH I.S31Y3L111 3HL 'SOY3IL, IN30YM 3HL d0 53003 ONKNM N3311138 ATMJLLi13'L 033 MYSA 38 TIVHS 113SM 3HL MHONI i/£—L 38 TIYHS IM13H VMPJ. H9NOLVW 31 53TOR dtl0 IIHM 9 X Z—OLZ Snl S,NOSdWIS ONISn S1SOd Ol OLXZ la0 (WINO 301S MIV1S) SLSOd '1'd N33M138 0300tl OLXZ(Z) NOLL03NNOD 1SQd 01 OLXZ H3V3 ltl IN31VAIn03 HO SM OS DOOM .Z/L—C X.4/L SOS S,NOSdNIS (V) ONISn rSLSOd OL 03HOtllltl '1'd OL X Z (L) (ONIONT1 30 53015 HLOB) dVMLS NM00 3LL /M MOHONV ONnOM9 .0£ NOIL03NN00 LSIOP VIM 01 LSIOP HOV3 ltl 1N3itlAln03 MO 31ONVM84 SM3ONVH 1SIOP 9ZSnl S,NOSdWIS 3Sn SLSIOP MOON '010 .9L .Z X NOILOn&SN00 9NIUNYI '1'd 9XZ 'NOIL03NN00 Id Ol 1SIOP WIM HOd SM3MOS DOOM —V X .f/L SOS S,NOSdWiS (£) 'NIW ZxZ 'SM3SIM 3MOW MO MnOd RUM 1HOI'1d d0 S0V3ML d0 NnM SnOnNLLN00 14OV3 d0 301S 3NO 1SV31 1V NO 0301AOMd 38 TIVHS INMONVH, 3H3NI 9£ NVHL 3MOW ION 0NV S3H3NI V£ NVHL SS31 ION 38 TItlHS '3d0IS dWtlM d0 30tljMn5 HSINU NO 'ONISON OV381 3HL ONINIOPOtl 3Ntlld 03d0IS 3Hl WOMB WTIVOILM3A 03MnSV3W '1H013H IItlMONtlHa � :781POMad (11 ad%1 E'9'S l t EMS --03SS393M 3 5 9`.11-Fw?Wd [I adAl £'9'S1 LEMI mnOH10 LiVinOHIONON 10, xew.;t VERTICAL VINYL SKIRTING ( components & installation ) P $ncK AT-rAGHED wiTki IrDCk SG46wS MD"APART t r SNAPS 1ilro TOP+ BACA FLOOR — 141c 9 SCREWS' AND PAruEI CvT$ VL ► TE!__ P_` �a 3.9 �n PER PooT BLOCK s�p�oRT SfoCuREb dF VEArTILA'MoW TO '4P 84CK Aan gOr1'TOM i�hiL� vw W4 �.n►cN �t2Ew5 ?ALL O� LS «'N OL B3y � �iM►OWNG TOP GRp4T AMA CE ft"18 G)- VP ON PAlvem.) J�,I WTTAGHcp TO GRou'uA% ptF SO L ?Snce� 0AwkNitE6: AWL 19 "OG l SarroY'-�-�gN s mn Li lim SIM A%