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APPROVED, Material Approval
METhIALLIANCE A Value Added Supplier of Metals 1.5" Mechanical Seam 20" Wide 032 Aluminum 032 aluminum (min) 1.5" mechanical seam panel over 15/32" (min) plywood Metal Alliance, Inc 2120 SW Poma Dr I Palm City FL 34990 Produced by Metal Alliance's Network of Approved Regional Manufacturers Product Description Mechanical seam panel with a 20" maximum panel width and a nominal rib height of 1.5" Product Material Nominally 0.032" aluminum or thicker Fas+ener #101-inch pancake style fastener Nominal 2" long x 1.5" tall 26ga clip, 2 fasteners per clip Panel seamed to 90® seam Fasteners compliant with FBC 1506.6 where required. S u bst ra te/ Dec k 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plank (min S.G. of 0.42) `l`IIl/i,,.F``S:RE;e[,.*,,,,- This item has been digifally signed and sealed by D.E. Eng, PE, on the date indicated. Printed copies of triis docLJment af'o not considered signed and sealed and the signatLire must be Evaluated by: TimbDearY:dk:ncgo'vpe= LLc =```` .....`... :.81:;7...: ....- '~£= 3324 WFULnivE:¥=7;i°F6LlcGAa::::¥"'e FL = * ; * .: * = www.TimberLakecove.com 150Msal y###§§.:!e!een#verified on any electronic copies. 1.g' MEci+Ar`IICAL SEAM oa2 ALUMINUM Underlayment: Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.1.1/1518.2 where required. Slope: Comply with local building code or FBC 1507.4.2/FBC 1515.2 where required. Re-Roofing: This panel may be installed over a si.ngle layer of existing shingles as permitted by local building code or FBC 1511/1521, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by the applicable code. Fire Barrier: Comply with FBC 1516.1 and 1516.2 where required. Maximum AIlowable Loads a Instc]llation Requirements: Method A: (2) #10 x 1" fasteners Der cliD with cliDs at 19" a.c. and 90° seam: 76 PSF Method a: f2` #10 x 1" fasteners Der cliD with cliDs at 13" a.a. and 90® seam: 178 PSF A factor of safety of 2 has been applied. Technical Documentation: This product has been tested to the TAS 125 / UL 580-06 standard by Intertek Testing (TST-1527), report .6368.24-450-44 RO and to TAS loo under report J6368.07-450-44 RO. Compliance Statement: This product as described has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 2020,1504.3.2 (non-HVHZ) and 1518.9.1/1523. (HVHZ), as required by FL Rule 61G20-3, method lD. This product as described has been tested and demonstrated compliance with:• UL580 -Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • uL 1897 -Uplift test for roof covering systems • TAS 125 -Stcindard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems • TAS loo -Wind and Wind-Driven Rain Certification of Independence: David Eng, PE and Timberlake Cove, LLC do not have, nor will acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. The same entities do not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. Exclusions and Limitations: Design of deck and roof structure (to include deck attachment) shall be completed by others. Fire classification and shear diaphragm design are outside the scope of this evaluation. Accelerated weathering/salt spray is outside the scope of this evaluation. This report is limited to compliance with structural wind load requirements of FBC 1504.3.2, as required by Rule 61G20-3. Neither Timberlake Cove nor the manufacturer shall be responsible for any conclusions, interpretations, or designs made by others based on this evaluation report. This report is limited solely to documenting compliance with Rule 61G20-3, and makes no express or implied warranty regarding performance of this product. Design Process: The load tables in this report provides one prescriptive option for the fastening requirement for the applicable wind loads for roofs within the parameters described. For roofs outside of the listed parameters, design wind loads shall be determined as required by FBC 1609, ASCE 7, or other design code in force, using allowable stress. These load tables are based on ASCE 7-16. Use of these tables assumes that the structure is: • Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped building • Is not subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability; nor does it have a site location for which chcinneling or buffeting warrant consideration Engineering analysis may be completed by other licensed engineers for project specific approval by local authorities having jurisdiction. Jk MEVAIALLIANCE A Value Added Supplier ol "elals I---= __--I_==_/__-/__ __--ir- I n st r u ct i o n s : Select the appropriate load table that applies to the structure in question. Determine the design wind speed for the project location. Use the attachment method indicated for that windspeed within each roof zone. NOTE: ASCE 7-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-zone concept. For the load tables below, the worst case was taken for each zone and reported using the standard zones 1-2-3: Zone 1 includes zones 1 and 1' Zone 2 includes zones 2e, 2r, and 2n Zone 3 includes zones 3e and 3r Combining these zones creates a clear, simple scheme, at the expense of some design efficiency. Contact Metal Alliance Inc for further information or consult a licensed design professional. METHOD A -:=== 00 SEAM CLIP WITH 2" BASE @ 19. a.C. [10 FASTENERS PER CLIP Use this load table for structures whieh meet the following criteria: AIe located in Exposure a area Have either a flat roof, or gable/hlp roof with max slope of 45® Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less FL31653,01 : 32AI 150MS on 15/32" DhAVood Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 ZOO Z®lrv21.. A A A A A A. A A. A A'ft:a • I . I I A I ` I A - a D -ne- Zbne3: A A A A A ;tB'V'B a a a a Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Are located in Exposure B area Have either a flat roof lees than 7®, hip roof with max slope of 45°, or gable roof with slope between 20® and 45° Have a mean Rcaf Height Of 30 feet or less FL31653.01: 32AI 150MS on 15/32--Dlvwood Wind 105 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 ZOO Z®irval.. A A A A. A A A\ A A A A Zbne2: A A A A A A A Atr~5Y~"Br"yyyBTTh^ Zbne3: A A A A A ALB\;-a:TyB 8\ ^8 LaI \2 2 3 2 \1 1 2 2 2 3 12 2 3 21 1 2 32 2 3 a L Hip RcoF eeLE ROOF + a I e: ie% or LEAST Hol2o.mu. Di^ENsioN cx} a.th. unlcHEVER i§ e^iALiER. But Nor Ifss Ti+^N ErmEFt .A oF LEAST iioRlzonAL D"EN8ionl cN` aFT (a,eM} oR AI OETERWRED Bv lrsiGN oR oTi€R ^pnicABLE CODE ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING METHOD 8 ::== 0® SEAM CLIP WITH 2" BASE @ 13" O.C. 110 FASTENERS PER CLIP Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: AIe located in 8, C, or D exposure area Have ether a flat roof, or gable/hip roof with malt slope of 45° Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: AIe located in 8, C, or D exposure area Have either a flat roof less than 70, hip roof with rmax slope of 45®, or gable roof with slope between ZOO and 45® Have a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or less FL31653.01: 32Al 150us on 15/32" E]lwood Wind 105110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 ZOO • „ ` A I I I . - I - - -ne. . „ I A A A a - e a ® D Bne. Zbne3: A A AYE a \8' a a a JEL ME"IALLIANCE A Value Added Supplier of Metals UL Product iQ" TGFU.R40147 -Roofing Systems Note: We are enhancing our systems and you may notiee duplicate entries/missing/outdated data. During this interim period, please contact our CustomerservtoeathDEps:/ivww.uLcom/abouutocattons. Roofing Systems See General Information for Roofingjys±ems METAL ALLIANCE INC © R40147 2120 SW POMA DR. PALM CITY, FL 34490 USA Coated steel panels (surfacing) identified as "50ALLCOR" or "25ALLCORWALL", "50ALLRIB" or "25ALLRIBWALL.', "50ALLPBR" or "25ALLPBRWALL". Coated steel or aluminum panels identified as "200MSALLSEAM", "175SLALLSEAM", "145SLALLSEAM", "155SLALLSEAM", "100SLALLSEAM'', "150SLALLSEAM", and "50ALLV". Coated steel, aluminum, or copper panel identified as "150MSALLSEAM". Any UL Classified peel and stick underlayment may be used in conjunction with .'Versashield ® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection" and "Versashield ® Underlayment.' in any of the following systems. One or more layers of GAF "Versashield Underlayment," mechanically fastened, may be used in lieu of the Barrier Board in all combustible Classifications with steel or copper panels. Two or more layers of GAF ''Versashield Underlayment," mechanically fastened, may be used in lieu of the Barrier Board in all combustible Classifications with aluminum panels. BUILDING UNITS Class A 1. Deck: C-15/32 or spaced sheathing Incline: Unlimited underlayment: -One ply GAF "Versashield Underlayment.', mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: -One ply Type 30 base sheet or GAF .'Versashield", mechanically fastened. Surfacing: -Coated steel or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 2. Deck: C-15/32 or spaced sheathing Incline: Unlimited Underlaymeht: -One or more plies GAF '.Versashield Underlayment", mechanically fastened. Surfacing: -Coated standing seam steel or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 3. Deck: C-15/32 or spaced sheathing Incline: Unlimited Barrier Board: -Minimum 1/4 inch thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeck® Roofboard" with all joints staggered a minimum of 6 inches from the plywood joints. Insulation (Optional): - Fiberglass, polyisocyanurate, perlite or wood fiber, any thickness. Membrane: -Any UL Classified modified bitumen system, BUR system or CPE, CSM, CSPE, EPDM, NBP, PIB, PVC, TPO or TRE membrane system suitable for use with any roof insulation. Surfacing: -Coated steel or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 4. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: Unlimited Barrier Board: -Minimum 1/4 inch thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeck® Roofboard" with all joints staggered a minimum of 6 inches from the plywood joints. ply Sheet (Optional): -Any UL Classified Type G1, G2 or G3 base/ply sheet, Type 15, 20 or 30 felt or UL Classified Prepared Roofing Accessory ITG DY). Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 5. Desk: NC Incline: Unlimited Bari.ier Board: -Minimum 1/4 inch thick Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC "DensDeck® Roofboard". ply Sheet (Optional): -Any UL Classified Type G1, G2 or G3 base/ply sheet, Type 15, 20 or 30 felt or UL Classified Prepared Roofing Accessory ITGDY). Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 6. Deck: NC Incline: Unlimited Barrier Board: -7/16 0BS or 1/2 in. plywood over polyisocyanurate insulation board or polyisocyanurate composite board, any thickness. Ply Sheet (Optional): -Any UL Classified Type G1, G2 or G3 base/ply sheet, type 15, 20 or 30 felt or UL Classified Prepared Roofing Accessory ITG DY). Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 7. Deck: NC Incline: Unlimited Insulation: - Polyisocyanurate, glass fiber, perlite or wood fiber, any thickness. Ply Sheet (Optional): -Any UL Classified type G1, G2 or G3 base/ply sheet, Type 15, 20 or 30 felt or UL classified Prepared Roofing Accessory ITGDY). Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 8. Deck: NC Incline: Unlimited Insulation: -None required, however any UL Classified insulations may be used over open purlin spans. Any combination and any total thickness of insulation may be used. Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 9. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: Unlimited Underlayment: -Two plies GAF ..Versashield ® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection" or "Versashield ® Underlayment." Surfacing: -Aluminum roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 10. Deck: C-15/32 or spaced sheathing Incline: Unlimited underlayment: -One ply Firestone Building Products Co LLC ''CLAD-GARD SA-FR" self-adhered underlayment. Ply Sheet: -One ply Type 30 base sheet or Firestone Building Products Co LLC "CLAD-GARD SA-FR" self-adhered underlayment. Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 11. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: Unlimited underlayment: -One ply Firestone Building Products Co LLC "CLAD-GARD SA-FR" self-adhered underlayment. Surfacing: -Coated steel, aluminum, or copper roofing panels, mechanically fastened. 12. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: Unlimited Slip Sheet: -Two layers Atlas Roofing Corp "FR50". Base Sheet (Optional): -Type 15 or 30 or any UL classified self-adhering underlayment. Surfacing: -Minimum 28 gauge coated steel roofing panels, mechanically fastened. !±S!J!P2da!§d on 2020-04-o3 The appearance of a company.s name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL.s Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. uL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2021 UL LLC" Fixed Ridge/Hip Detail Detail NO, ss-RHI NOTTOscALE Plev. 01/20 Copyright © 2020 by Metal Alliance All rights reserved, No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Metal Alliance. 24 Vented midge Detail Detail NO. sslvRI NOTTOscALE Pev, 01/20 Copyright © 2020 by Metal Alliance All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Metal Alliance. 25 VentednidgeAlternateDetail Detail NO, ss-vR2 NOTTOscALE Plev. 01/20 Copyright © 2020 by Metal Alliance All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Metal Alliance, 26 __ I_ u-i-¥= _-__i:=====::==:== Eave Detail Detail No. SS-EDI NOTToscALE Plev, 01/20 Copyright © 2020 by Metal Alliance All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Metal AIliance. 29 Hemmed Hake/Gable Detail Detail No, SS-GRI NOTToscALE Plev, 01/20 ±!QIE: 4- MIN. LAP 0N RAKE DRIP EDGE WITH AI]PROVED SEALANT IN LAPS. NOTE: PERIMETER CLEAT FASTENED WITH 12 GA. ANNULAR RING SHANK iniTOR #i 0 DIAMETER scREw, 1 0" O.c.AT PERIMETER ROOF AREAs AND 6" O.C. AT CORNER ROOF AREAS. Copyright © 2020 by Metal Alliance All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Metal Alliance. 32