HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvoicer _ Higgins Brothers Constructio RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL I 772-203.3490 26.88 SW Brigantine Place, Part St. Lucie; FL 34987 a sdnrooms54@live:eom Licensed & Insured CBC1255344 ALLSTAR SUNROOMS MARKETING &SALES GROUP 1ELITE 'ALUMINUM T11111Y�A17r �i{.E' RENNAISANCE PATIO DISTRIBUTOR _,% CORPORATION 1 .o e7elea LANSING BUILDING PRODUCTS PST• Name(s): .12 Date ofAgreement: I - - 00 Address: — 3 �� / /� / Home Phone: ,�! A �% �1 City; State, zip: /�� C—e 7 - Cell Phone: '' oMr. Email: Terre, 5� Day Phone: DMm. 13m, Estimated Start Date: Estimated Completion: Date: i ## LOCATION STYLErrYPE OTHER # LOCATION STYLErryPE - OTHER # LOCATION I STYLEfrYPE - OTHER 1 g 11 I 2 7 12 3 8 �13 II I 4 9 j jj[14 5 10 ;15 I - SUNROOMS & SCREEN ROOMS NOTES: L'01f% ,G C3) I / '00 v/1 f�/t I - INSULATED IMPACT HOAAPPROVAL NEEDED ❑Y ❑N ,SUNROOM: I CONCRETE ❑ Low 366 CONTRACTOR NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SPRINKLERS ADDITION: EXISTING SLAB & FOOTING: ❑ TURTLE STRAIGHT EAVE: CATHEDRAL: NEW SLAB & FOOTING: l TOTAL NUMBER OF WINDOWS ❑ NEAT GRASS ❑ OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF DOORS INSULATED IMPACT: ROOF: CAP EXISTING SLAB & FOOTING: I CUT EXISTING SLAB FOR NEW FOOTING: DOLOR 5fdrHITE ❑ BRONZE INIOUT NON INSULATED IMPACT ATTACHMENT,' R rSIWCO.H, _ ❑ GREY ❑ TAN ❑ BRONZE OUT/WHITE IN MATCH 5Y NG ELEVATIO ❑ BRONZE DESIGN: C�-OLD���.p� . S FRAMETOE ❑CLEAR ❑HYBRID❑VINYL ❑ ALUMINUM BRAND: IDBRON ED OTHER E A. PURCHASE PRICE $ Vve wtn prepam antl process au pelmh lnsmlWdoa arldlar MO pepenvork, cuatomerwill pay actual wet , permit dcea notl pair stucco and/or Include palntlng of erly kind.. we wlil tlrywaltarountl window or door opening B. DOWN PAYMENT $ !//!!// that's dkeegy related to the Installation. ��O J BUYERS INITIALS BUYERS INITIALS Nas home built prior to 1978? DYES O No ,C. JOB START PAYMENT ������ $ // D. BALANCE DUE UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION �uOG The ..d..Ipned eckl edges receipt of the teadSafe certified gukle to renovatkma end the tern srltl oodalons of the'Lmd Safe Work Practicee•Addendum if document demonebatea the home was bunt prior Io 1878. BUYERS INmALS i •••s a �rGYR VG lY IUI FOyIIIUIIt, ouyerts) nereoy aumonzes me supplier to charge their credit card, without additional slainaMM balance due to Buyer(s) account upon delivery or completion. I 1 have read and,agree to,the terms atid;&onditioins on"the front -and the reverse of tis Agreement I specifically.agree to the (1) purchase price; (2) work being performed; (3) work not baling perfotmed;.and (4) the terms of any attachment or specification sheet I understand that this Agreement and any attachments contain all of the promises made by Contractor. I have been orally advised of my right to cancel.this trans i dtion at anytime prior to midnight of the third business day after.the date of this transaction and I was provided with two (2) coples of a cancellation form explaining this right YOU, THE BUYER(S), MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTI N AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT, OF THETHIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER' THE DATE OFTHIS TRANSACTION. Signature of Contractor's Representative t;ignature of Customef Signature cf dustorrier Print Name of Contractor's. Representative Print Name:of Customer Print Name of White -Office Canary -Customer