HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0709 .J 1_ 8 8 .~ THIS INDENTURE, Made ~~is_. ~..da)' 010..1: (~<I-~:..q ~ 1;, ... ...-..... ._-A.. D, ~ .( ''- BET~:F.N _1i.:': C.~LL.(C ;//(~.:~(-- (I."..c(, 1....'.~.iJL,.....t1:-'/'L.ll7=...1 .. .!~:t. .~c"....~I,~H.~.~.~..... .uu.~..:'._.t.!.!.~<t.. .1 of tbe COllat). 01.__._. . . aad Slale 01.. ,"h ... ..._... ..,.. ..... ....' ..... '" part..(..~. of the lira' part. aDel ../.... '.~ ,.'( ~(\!-'. J..n.d .L "','/1. ( H. t. ~...: .t-J/t.,~. ..(:~:t:'l' '1~:' .&..~-!...y-(~:~.~. ...... .... .... . .__........ ............_..._.00..___....__.._.... of the COanl)' of. ...1.. <:~.!::!., -( L ( 1(... . and Slate of... ' '1.(: 1.'-.'; ~ (.~ .(~:.(.{.~~..~ ft.""",,, . ...parl)'._ of lIae _01 part, \\'IT~F.SSF.TII. Ihat the said pafl-'-L..... of the 6..1 parI, lor and in consideratioD 01 lhe sum of ...:..,.,- .':C==" ... .....,.I.~I-(., . ... .... .... ..... . ......._..__ . . ..~_UOlla.s. to} lt~ Ul....ia h.nd paid, the receipt whereof il hereb)' acltnowledled. I I I I I I I I ! I.. I I I ! i i I I I I j ! ha..\.:.(... II:ranl~d. bargaintd" sold and lransftrred, and by these presents do...._. .-.Kraat. M.rpin. ull and transfer unlo the said part;-"':'-; of the aeeoael part and...I0. i'...i,'!. ...heirs and assilns forner, all Ihat eerlain parce! of land lying and beiDI ia the Count)' of-.. cf.l'..i(..-::?.!.~. ........ ..._ .... and Slale 01...... :.:'"'<.'.....'-:.~(..!.":-:~......... _mo~e particularly ducrit.cd as follow.,. .. ... ... .. ........._..... ..__......_. ;/{l./t~__di~.f'~;'$-:.. (.(Y'u,c,l-.~ /)-t:N:.(" ,...t::...i.l..J..J-il .,.. A~A:' d~,.f:dN ....)~.i~!~i~.~hl'-~:.Q..c.-:~f-~. l - .' ~' h'" #., .' fit" a- '. .N. \ ;:~:~~:~.~;:~~;:~;i~~:~~I:;,'}~S~:t5:~::~:=fi~ , .' /::.. { f,' '" I::) .' , . " I.. &. . .:-l.&..~..!L---=_L..__~.!.Jit:.....L.~. (.. ... ';"_tJ.J.:.J.L<=:.___._L"~Y..J:~. .....~~~"C..:<;f.-e""'_t-.~.. .__ ~~. ....,. '13::_-..._..1__- :~~~:~~:"~~;{=~~7;::,~~:'';;:~:":~;::::;;:;:;_~~~-::v~~:~'<:;~~~~~j:::.- ~ It. '" , ". I ~" '" j" -< . '. <.> . ~;?~:-.~~:~~~~:~..c:'-:::_:~2~~:_:'~.~~~'~"?"~:..~~~.'.. ..=~~....~:=:~.~..~.::~....~.~.~:.~:..~~.~~~~:~~~::.~=~ - .....-----... -------=::..:..-::.:::::....- ----- .-.......... .--------..-.--.. .- .'---~.. ..._... ... ..... ..--.-----...-:.. -...-. .--......... _........ .. .... _.... ............ ......- .......-..-.-...--...-..----- '-- ~.~-:_~-~=;-~-;:.:_:=-=~~~=~-~-~----~ . TOGETHER wilh all th~ t~nemenu, butdil3menls and appurtenancu, ..ith eyer)' priyilege. rigbt. title. interest and eltale, dower and right of dower. rnersioD, remainder 3nd easemeDl therelo bdong,ng or in anywise ap~rtaining: TO HAVE AND TO HOJ.D the same ,~ fee simple forcy~r. A~d Ibe said parLM~ of the first put dO_L_ co,'enant witb the laid part -/___. 01 the second part that.. I~. .::L'u.,. .....Iawfull)' Hind of the said pnmisrs, lhal the)' arc free from all iucumb.3ncu and Ihat....1. ~ .... . good rigbt and lawful authorily to seU the same; and the said par~ of . the fiul pa!t do_ herebl' full)' warrant Ihe tide 10 said bnd. and ,,'i11 deltnd the nme againS! the lawful claims of all pcrsons whoDuocyer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the laid part..'~"~._ of the 6rst pari haL....._ hereunto seL_.!~'~':''': han.u. aad HaI~ the da)' and )'ur at.o.e written. Signed. scaled and drli.~rcd in our presence: {1 f." ..........t..{..:...<(...~.....&:~.<..,.. .;/, !':;.a-/~k'J n .4,,'~~J"[~~.. j ([ r>.... ~J.. . -..... .. I ~:(>~.:V. _q~._.Y..tf:': fi! _ .__._ __.._._ _ (SEAL) ~~. .,-:)/ it '-.. ,~'~~~!'>'!'_-i:1.-:"-!:'~"';7 :._._~__(SEAL) STATE OF. ., , .j L.h" (. .J.. "'--' I f COUNTY OF ~) L t r: ,1,._# {..<. _,,__ <- ,_. . 7 J'~ I~t .::_ (~ !.-"'L. t-A.._, J ~., ..:/~(I_-hi-. .:~:o~../~ -...tt.i,c':u. i..f<. ~>"':-:' #'-~:::-.f-i-~_'.~ D.l~~ before me / '" ,;. I" vh ' '0 me kn01"n 10 J.r the' per;on .c:. oIescnwl! in and >tho exccul~d Ihr for~R<)inl; convcyance 10 "',:;. < <-(.. .. ~ /,i., ~.."'- a/'f-:.''<::< !_~ ...aol! scvcrally ackno..ledg~d the execulion thereof to be.....:!-/u:V~ ..free acl ~.:.- ;.-:..;'.,<. ~ ./'1, ,~.,~.'-<.. '~- and de~d for the uses and pu.poses lherein m~nti.;>~ed; and tbe '~~d_.. . . ........ ...m_._._..... . ,". ....:.. ..... ... . /;_ . ......_. . 'm'" ".. _..._.. the wife of the said_............. (L~..c.."'~,V U' J I.!&.i.l...-:._... . .... _on a scpar"~ and printe examinalioD 13ken and made bl' and befo.e me. 3nd separatel)' ....d apart from her said'h::Sband. did adtnowl:dge lhat she made herself a part)' to lhe said Deed 01 I HEREBY CERTIF\', That on this.. personall)' appeared.-. . (f2..;... C- ~V'/ Convc)'ance, for the pnrpo.e of r~nonncing, reliDfiuishing and convcying all htr right, title and inlercst" whelher of elower or 01 fCparate propertl', stalutory or equitable, iD and to the br.ds therein described. aDd that she executed said.deed htel)' and YOluDtarily and wilhoUl anl' cO~llrain!" fear, app.ehension c,r compulsioD of or from ber laid busband. WITNESS my~ignatu.e and ollicialscal at_.... .......'i.. ~.{!..L"-./_. and Stale of- t. .' ~..: ..( ..J.. ._the da)' and year bsl. aforelaid. (t1';.J t "..1. ...in the Count)' OL_...:~./-f..-:'_';;_{A. r:=.~L.._.._.___.._. ~... ..-.. ~0J.~...;~,- r6.~t+:IL:.. ....._ .._.(SEAL) /i._~/.A.~~'p..<,.('t.c:I_ ;,1.~.~- ~;. ..;".~..d.<.. ,.. , . ~ ." a .d ,.. ~/;-"'" r"'.:y.~"'-'--.#,..~t~''''-''t ._,/:..<:._t...~ #~-(_,,-, . , I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. Ll:CIE f . -~"'" c <' . I ,y." '.' .y Oa thia..... U . ...dal' of_ .....-(.. c .~ . . A. D. 19Z./...... at......:...."o'clod: ..::"4.._m., this ins"lIm~nl was filed for record" and being dull' aclmowledged and p.onn. I h(1 recorded Ihe same 011 page,. /~. -1. ...of BooL...:1' 3...ia the public records of laid Counll'. I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I bue herentllo sct m)' band and affixed the .r.\1 of Ihe Circuit COllrt of the Fifteenlh Judicial Circuit of said Stale, in and for laid Count)'. ~#- '-"' ,. w- ~ --'-.'-......-.... ....:.._~~,..~._~ ~______C1erlt. qECO~O "ER":.\~~__..___..._._.. .~/Yi5!~~-..._.D. C. o...l _ So. O. 5'. ~ c-.tw. n..rw.. ('..... JacbOll_ _ . i .-.- .----, o -'-1 j t I I l I i I I i .1 . . .~. 'Af ., TRlI INDBNTURB, Naele lhis . ; d'~~ ([}c.I~~. A. D. 1911.., BJ-:H\'I-:t:S '1 day 01 ?,r, J""'~t..;,. ~.. (v .Jc:,f.a~ ;)t.4:H".. . (J', ,or and State of. · ,; (, vn....,f .~ oJ~.l,.~.'..~ /.1c..< <......) 4c:. "'- . and St.le 01.. "'. ~ ~.~ ......: .. n .part-}i.-..... of the Iccotld part, WITNESSETH, ~hat the said pafl.Y.._.. 01 the fint p..t. for an";a con...lrr.uion 01 the sam 01 .~~ .c><l"..'<-LL...... ..'..,.... c(., ,.d. ~\I!.... ..(/~ c.c..-~.c.~oJ,..A.....c>...L(r.tr.1.- . .~n, to.. J. '........in hand paid. the receipt whereof is herd.)' acknowleda:~d, b~ lranled, bareai.ed, lold and lUJlsfured. aDd bl' these preSt"" do .:.._ .Ilrant. ha;pin, ..II alld transfer unto the said part .....__. 01 lhe sccODd . d.. h~ h . 01 . f' , put an .... . . ....;."..... e.rs a,! ass'lns Olenr, all .hat cutaia par.::rJ of land lying aDd beine in tI.e Count)' 01.. .,.,-:'!.. .~. ,<-.< C. <,..4 and Slate of.. .__.._:7.~""2:-:<-:-~.f...,.,,= :_mure puticu!a.I, descrit.cd as foll(;*s:. .. ~~._.~~t;..<- . \ ~).. ~ ~C>1:. ~ C'~-n. \ I, ,':f (jv-(..U 1.>>-~r;H..#.jp- ~.~~ .. ~.q~.p!r-'- ih.:.ro . ..d., .{' L{.,L.. <. (:.;t-L.U...l....~:.; c ~ :t...cnc d ~ ~ _. tl!t-:<n,.u~ ..l::.:~....:..~~.L}!.-e:. _.... ~.~~.._t.rk::I.,.. 7 I'IIJ. ~-...- f/~.o.~ ~ .J ~1~ /.3...._.. ~.....~.~.~...n..... ...e~!.~...Jf~.C::~~ . --.... ...-..._-- --.-.. ... -. of the Coot)' of_..:-..::ft-..~u,<.-,:..... or lhe liut part, and .... part.; of the Coot)' oL...'S/{-. ~.L-< ~ (,. ~ TOGETHER with all the tenement.. her~ditamen" and appurltnancrs. ,,'ith e,'cry p:i.i1eKe, .iaht. lille, inle.est ..,,1 estat~, dower :lnd .ight of dower. rnenion. remainder and easement thrr~lo kloog,ng or in anl'wtle appert.in:nll: 10 H.\VE .\XD TO HOLD tbe same III fee sur.ple forne,. AAd the said parL'f_- of the tiut pan do_.'.~ co>enanl ..ith tb~ uiJ p..t ....... _ uf .he 'cco:".I "art ,hat. ; -. L. ..\..,.full)' s~izcd of the Qid premises. that the)' arc iree from all incumbrance> aad .hal . "..\ It (t .... goo'. n.:l.l ~n.. lawful :lutho.itJl' to sell tiie ume; and the said part.) _" o)f lbe firsl part do..td.- hrrrb, full)' warrant the tit:e to uid bn'.). aDd ..11 delend t:,e lAme al~mn the la..iol cbim. of ~1I pcrson$ whomsoc>er. IN \VITNES5 WHEREOr, Ihe said parl.'-__. of :he iif5t part h. .'~ " hUeaalO '~I. ,'-' ,) han,)_.. 3nd se~J.. the da7 and :rear aboyc ,..illen. Silned. Haled and deliycr~d in onr !,ru~nct: .....:@.~.(t&. <f..... ab /~(. ...._...4q~....ti.....'c. .f;~-~~ ..U;- 1 ') / tt, J ...... .. <! ~,;~_ r --r r- lH~~ - 0- (SEAL) (SEAL) I I l" t i ! 0/ ' , .J CL.., -t {'.( C{. '- J ST:\TE OF. lil f." rl' ~_lA . -~ t.. COU~TY OF. I HER.EBY CERTIFY, That on Ihis ':':i ~y oj. (f." c ./ - (~<- ,u l'euouJl)' appcared_ ,.]:'>-<0;";'--. 'f... .-~.<, .,./....1' ~. <.<:-. ~ 1 t...L :..,.... ... I-t to me kn01\;n to be th~ pcr.!on ~ ,1C"ullt,~'.l ~n ~n4 whl) f"-:.~l1!C"f' thr ~hrf'~'lln;: cmur,.ancr t() .......... .:{.:. (--'--.. .\. D. 19/.9., I.dore m~ /'':~#.c .....;.__.._~~ .and senrallJ ackr.c,~ledg~d ,he nr,ol:on ,he.eof t<) he. i. (..., Irer act arid deed for the usu and purposes therein mtntioll~d; _~~.).. 'f f h ~.. . . ('pa~a.t(' and priy.J.:~ rx...mination :::'~; ~: :;:~'befO:~' ~e, and Rparalel)' and apart from ~er"~. .~ ge ,hat s"e ",.de herself a pany to ::.e ':lid DeeJ oj Connyance, for the purpose of r~nouncinR', relinqulShin 'lnJC 311 her ri~ht, Ii tie 3nd Int~~,~r~f <low.. or oj scl>arate p.operly, .tatnlorl' . ---- . dc,ibed" and dot she uccllu.1 ....id d~~.l (ruly an,) .olunta.il, and .'Ihoul any (.~n!:rainl, Icar, app.ehe"s:on ------- or eqa,tab'" in ud to the o 0 or from her aaid husband. !e ! .(. . , :..in tbe Connly 01_ WITNESS m)' ".ualu.e and ollicial scal at._. C. and Stale of- 5('~"'l ,( ", ..tbe day and Jear lut 3fore,aid. / ',__ . f-4..A.- V,...( '.- I '-.. t', I, (SEAL) I' _~ I ...~. #_~,.'..:...f,,_ ,1/ . /.....:z.of. ~j , t ,f,J ,~... ,;. .j'-j ; Ii). ..... C- t...- , _ '''0 '<(._/i". "_Co., ST,-\TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE .. fl" ""- b' ./ () , ~ ..dal' of_. .I .(..1_. ;\. I) 1921. ., al . .,c1od, VII t _dd .. ... 0 . I ., . ? 61ed for record" and beillC dal)' ukno..ledged and pronll, f bne recorded lht saDIe on page, if .of Book.. .... CouDI)'. IN WITNESS WIIEREOP, I han "~reanto ad ml"hand and affixed lh ual of tIlt Ci.cn;t Cou.t of Ih~ Fiflrcnlh Jul!icial Ci.~uil of said SUlr, in .n,1 _I} ..m. thi, inst'a;.mtnt "'-A~ .in tbe pablic reco.ds of said for .Aid Coaat)'. ~~ U:../ t/d 4-'..y.o. ,.. "-'.. .aerk. ;; ~ .k / DMat __ So. 0. 5L ........t_w. ""'Ida. \. tA.~ \ ~ RECORD v~o (;,111F/EO n...... lacl.oeTiI:4' :JS8CO ~ " . 1An D. C. {