HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0717 [ 2().,~ I I L ) .: ----- I ~. ~ '>'Y) . THIS INDENTURE, Made Ihis.... IV f.. . ... . ...dl)' of. ..... ..../.. '(;.&~ '.. ....... ..._.... .. _.... ...... ......A. D. 19l.Q...... BETWEEN -.... ...-..--....... . ..O~2n~vn:u..<..oo~Uv......~...~~~.~:<J:'......__.. ......00_............._._.___..._ of the COIlDt)' or..Q't.-,. ..c,(.!~~c,.. .. C~,,"'HA~. .... .~and State 01...... .. .. .......E' ~~ 4'.........._........ _ .._-..._._..part_. . .... of the fin. part. aarI .. ......... . ....... ... ...... -........ ............ . .... .........._..~,.. a4...~~.r.!:]:!,/....__.. ._......_....._..__.......... ...._.... "_'_'''_'''_'' .............._.....____ ollhe County of .... . ..... .. anel Slate of.. .... ...r:::i'll.... ..... ......:1........ . ............ _parl~ of the _el part. ~a~S~ltJc::;:e.;::;;:.~_. Of. t~e first.par~~or. ~~~~n ~~~~dt~:~::I:~ t::_;l~..~:~ ~~n~ ~i~: t~~.~:,~:~:h~~~~~:..~e~~~;~~~::~~~~ ha.u<... g.anltd. .bargained, sold ~d lransferred. and b)' thcst prt<<ats do..cL.grant, bargain.. ull anel transf<< unlo lhe Aid partl'--:- of the _el part aneL.... :I~.......~htirs ui ass,ps forner, all that ce.tain parcel of land IJing anel beina in the Coaaty of__ .dt. ..r:.4~.~_._..._._.... ~. ." and State of_.._... ..S'.:.!..,~_::L~.._...._. ...-IPQfe particularl)' ducribed as folio..:.. .... .._.._..__.... ._. .... . ......... .._.. .... . m...... _.....___._____._ c!f"..{!.. .:I......?k ,.<1' flu. .lk~Nd"""J:'I#'0-li.. .~,1.-7,!<<.. n~-d/tA.~_ (j u."~<Q."-t-. , I Ir /. r.-. (' '.. d IJ. ~ tr - , .$lCc.-& Q.lL-:. ..-...'Y-~!..&:1:.l?i m<~).-{I-~0.YL!::1:.~p-_.flf,+J1ii..:.-..lA.!L-(..J-~-~--.---!.-)_- t7L-~ ~ ...:J~\ .~~j-... a;~~--i-:!....t...-..~-(lJt:I.:cL.i.:-lC-:.~n.r=..~n..4:f.-<.:?:..c>;.-q,~.fd:L-~~~~ _..1.L<..kw.-~~-.,~.L'::C~~$~r\,. Z.jf.{f<.~:....:.V-?7.....f=~......~~.-..t~--:~~~ ~_d-:-!-, ......~ .!i. ~ .{...~(.~..__.:k::t.?::~ -.-r~t':::lA.~..2::.Q.~. _.. ......_~L.~._~,.A.....k.E_:O./h.-q;.&..q.. h4 A..!:~~.n. . . iJ '-'. r-".1 J ' _~ . . . J 4 --'.' rr de -r- l;U~. o;7v~~~~--.-'.:. "~..~~-.-J~~-. t:~-~~I<.~~~~lW1~'g.~...-:-._- ".~ :;:1- Jlr.JJ..,-2Z~~..../...~-4.-'!c:.~-:!f-.-11=-~h ~5<;. r.~ .- .. . -._.4-.:1.:-.k&_.,'d~t- ~.~.u --- '1___ .. 'h-jJa.:.LJ.44',1".__,.."? ~14... '-roO "_'h' ..._..._....... '_"__'" . ._.__..___.__._.____....__..__:_._...._______ _.__.___~ ---..---------------------..-.----.--.-.--~-----.--..-.- ...----- ---. ...-..----.--- ---------- \. _.___._________.._.___..______......._....._.....___..h. .__.__.._____ __ __"._._ .__..h_____. 0" _ ."d"..__ .__.. __._._____...__...__ ..._ _ _ ._._ .'_'" .._h_.___.____ __.__._. '---' ._- .--.... .. .---.-.. ...-----...... .......... -.-.-.-. ....--------,,-- --------. --- -.-----.-------..--.---------......---..----...-...--...-- -..-.-" ---. ---. -------------------------...--..---------.--------.--------. __h___....___.._.......___._._.~_._..___.___.._____... ___.::..__ d._,__ _._____..... . ......______. _._._._.___. .._._______.._~ _. ..._.___.__ _______._.____.__. ... ... --...-.--.-.-...---.-----......-. .'-'--". .... -.---- __.._____.._.h. _.___ _._._ _. .._.. .-.___...._______.__....u.. __._.. _ . ___._ . ..... _..._._._.____._...__..._.._.______.__ i I I I- i TOGETHER with all the tenemuts. hereditaments and appurtenances, witb eycr)' priyilcge. riaht" title, interest and estate, clowcr and riaht of clower.. rncrsion, remainder and eisemcat thereto belonging or in anYwise appertainina: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fe~ aimple forner. And the said par~ of the fiut part do~~. CO~CD~~t wi!b the u,d part~_ of the se~ond part thaL ." ~4t.,-.... .... ..lawfull)' acizccl of the said prtmisu, .that they arc free from all iacumbrances and that_..J'.'~X.A..'-good right and lawful aatborit)' to sell the same; and the said paru;--.. of Ihe first part doLu he.eb)' full)' warrant tbe title to said bod. and will ddeod the same apiDlt the lawfal clai.... of all persons whomsoner. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOf',the said parf- of the first pan ha~_ bere':;io acL.. )(f~.... .band.- nd seal_ ~e da)' and)'ear aboYC written. Sigaed. sealed and deliycred in oar presence: , , =:~~_l-~?~~~=tl!)~:! c..-=~..==~_-:-_~~~.-:.:..m ....: cr.. . , ..'.:=;...~.~~/.~:~~i?/.~!:-.~6.. ., ! i I I I ~ I i ; 'm.. /11,.~~o/.~-,--_.,;c:~~~.._ _....(SEAL) --. -.--- -. .--......--.------...-___.__....(SEAL) STATE OF. :....;.. .~ . ~'U~.....d P.I _ -"".!..U;, . ;':'.:.<-:.<;j-..~>- l .' ..J I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 00 this. ... . ~ :..?t'l...' "-.'. ..da)' of. .. ..,()iCL-Lf , "' I ~ . . 1-'. ~ /rrr:s.. ...rJ:1,.~~..",,~-..:... .::-,.;t.-o!.,u-~... ~ ...' ~ '-4f:-VZ _......... _. ..._ ___ COUNTY OF ---^- D. 192.0.-, before me personallJ appeared-.......... to me Imo.n 10 he, thc fh'rson. . .. describe.1 in and ,..ho cucated :he foreltoinl: conu)'ance 10. .. .. .._.. _..._._.___.. .. .._.. ._ ,~, a.,. Q....~-:f/~: _..and sen~all)' acknowledged the execution lbercof to be.... '~~:1rce act and deed for thc uses and purposes the.ein menlioned; an the wife of the saiL___. _. . ._.. arate and printe uamiaatioa acknowlec!ge tbat she made berself a part)' to the said Deed of raken and madc b)' and before me, add sepa!atrl)' and :opart f.om her ConYC)'ance, for thc parposeof renoanci lag and conweJlag all her right, title and interut" whelher of dower or of separate propcrtJ, stah1tor)' or equitahle . e ds thcrein drs:ribed. and that shc ueculed said deed freelJ and yolantaril)' aad wilboat aa)' constraial. fear, apprebcnsion ..L:.:;; .a., ..,^- Qf n ..iii L__ .,;.4 1...aJ.~nd. ~ WITNESS 'U.gnatu.e and official seal aL-.._........ ~ .... .... - :Lvn- d a.,. . . and State 01... . . . ...... . -;._ __... .... .... _the da)' and Jear last aforuald. ....in the Count)' oL_JL-.... ;t~____..._.___ ..:;!L~~h'~____'" ..~_.(SEAL) h~.....,. ~ ;,,{.4-4: r tF~~ I ?h.,_ ~;"7 l.y/~ ~ of ,...., ..~.It.l.- STATE OF .'LORIDA I . '~7 r COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE f ~ I On this.... .--. .2,0. .. . _da)' of..-. #._ ~ .~,. . '_.. A. D.I9Z.I~ at. ~r..o'doek...? ~m.lbiS iost;~_nt was 'led for record. aad being dul)' acknowledged and prowen hue recorded the same OD P..c,... ::t-O ~ ...of BooL f .~. .in the pablic recorcls of ~ Cout)'. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hlY~ brreaato sel m)' band anei affixed the seal oi .he Ci.cuit Cou.t of Ihe Fiftecalb Jadicial Circait of said State, in and . I .....;, "'-- ((lj, t-" '!~0 ~ \ I. -+I~ ... . o.G__So.o.S1.~CouI7.I'Jori4a. 1mw.lact_~CQRD VEFtJ,r:IEO ---.-----...~--..-Ocrk. --- -.----. --C2dd::l~___.D. C. (J ~J..4 . .. \ ,-- ! ! ~ THI8INDBNTURE,lbde th~_. :(1 f- '. .day \)f. -:iJ(dtl~ ..m~ .~d ~~~~...~j.f. J h~...~,~. of the (MInt)' of...g{,/:. ~.c..-c.....& . . . ...... .an.) State oL... ". .. .",,4.~;..<.,- . parl.q., of llie first parI.. and ~;:~~~~'~f"J~~~?~z;. ..~ . ~~~..'oC4t.YJ.:~;~;~~ . .~.t.y.._. of the KCQntl ~a't: WI.TNF.SSETII. thatlhe uid pa'l..~of the fiut pan, for and in cOIll,.le.alion of the' sum of. ,:;;;~~V '\:!~t..L~~./.A....tL ~ 'I~ ,-<.. . 'aJ~ -~.-.. ("'''}l~'l'C:>. ----.. . ...-........... /,'1.._<..... . ... ... .. '1" 'P' ... . .. . . . .. . ..!>c,lIars. to ~ .m b;and paId.. thc r~ce'pt whcrcof IS hereh)' ackno,,'led!(etl, bLJlC.. l1'&Qtcal. baraained,. sold aIId tllllsCerred. and bJ these'p.tlrnts do...... ._gralll. bargain, sell and transfer uato Ihe 53;.} pan) ._... of the second part anL' ~..-'...~rs an~ assillDS fornt7. all that certain puccI of Ialld Iyiag and being iu th~ Couaty nf- .;I.t-. /.: ~ ,..... ':".~ and State 01-_......__.. .~..:~.~~.~....u_.. : . u...mare particularly <Ic$Cribed as foUo.$'. . .. ~Jhv.~.~ oI~n::!40 r-: @:;- e~. f:-l.U:(~. 7. O&~~~ ~e~~_ .~e(. .(r~~~I"'.t~.u.u ..,- .... ,,~7t:)./J~~"v:[L.:/:/...IDDl.t;I.<d4-'?--1.4u "7iJ...{.t-'1 'I.L~4.... .! w..~!...,--..!~.!?fi;_../o... ~._i--/~-t-.:~f:t::~'f _u.vC<..ld .f..~~-< d..- ..P-c-..~._~:X.'h"h(,~..;, .!~-:~:.==_.l~___=~!:, 4.:~"~ ..<L",-fc(!L.,I~~<,'" J ~ \ . \' .\. O. 19J().., IH':T\n:t:~ ---------------_..._--_.._..~-_.-......-.-- --..-....-....... _ .-.. '- ...-.-- ----..---.-.--- --.+.---- -.----..- - ..-. - - ..- .....5 0 .~ -.... - '.' . . .. " ... r; te{J//l . .c/.__ 'fZ!u'-f .._.._.__t.~t ---.--t.- .c._.._ .-. .... .... ........ ... -______....__._'"\___.. ""_ u ...' ",.. TOGETHER witb all the tenemcn.s. he.ed'ii.menlS and 'appllrtenanc~'. witb every Ilri.i!cge, right, litle, inte.est and b.~te, <lo..er alld .igbt 0; dower, reversioa, remaander and casement there.o belonging o. in anywise appefl;aifllllg: TO 11.\ \"E .-\XO TU 1I01,(J the: ..me ID fee .s'L'1pl.c fo.uer. , . A And Ihe sail par~h' of tbe: Iiut part do...__. cowcoant ..ilb the uiJ'pilrt V... 0; lb~ see'JIl.J 1'".1 Ihat/~. "'''''- .la",iuli)' seized of the said premiscs. Ih.t the)' are free from all incumbrances aad that~;tot."'- ;;0011 .itlbt ..nd ia,,;ul aUlnority to >cJI the samc; and Ihe. saili p;a.~ .. 0; , the first part do-,-_ hercb)' fully warrant the titlc 10 ,,,,01 land. and ,""I delcnd the s:;nlC agilinsl Ih~ bwiul cbims 0; all persons whomsoever. IS WJT~t:SS WHEREOf', the uid parr...i:~ of th" fout ~rt h"l-~.._ hereulltQ M:l .#...L<..L han~. and seal ~ the day and year ;aboyt: "..illcn. Si&ned, <<alcd an" deliu.ed in our prcsence: ......" .-' "G~r.[j, C(d~. nl l STATE' OF . CZ€-&1 71-< t. j:1'r.-V- ~\. . oJ 4'.'~cL<...- at I... ./_ u..:. ":'-L. ~.f~ ~_.-(.(-;# :-:1.---;-, " .f J ~ '- (SEAL) ,..'V1~~,i .; <-- ,..,. U ,. /f . 'J lSEAL) ! f I HEREBY CERTII:'Y, That on Ini. ;z." ~... .da)' of. .-~ .)<-~.~ <e: ,....-, ,\. II. 19.?Q._, ~iM~ mc perSooallJ appcarcd._:;.!I.(..l~:<.~....,.t :.iL., L(..<r.'-"f'- (, ,._'_, .' f.'..t-( ,,'/-i 1<'/..; ,'. ./{ € 4 ((. ';.-<. to ~J.!".oa".. to II~ th~.rcr!ll."l.4 '~~$'i12*.. it: ;lnd ,,'ho c-Ircutrd thlt' fon.~.,;n;.: C(...'I'").ant:<' Ii) . .-.. 7~ 6 ~.k.! ~..u i~1 . . . .a.d sen.ally ;ackno\.lco1gcd tI.t tucuti<>n the.cof t.-, he,. /7L~<:t. free act t . d.. . . aod deeJ for the ases and purpo.cs the,reir. n:entioncd; and Ilre said.. "..::- (~ 6 (..(.. :.. ~..! (~ ;.;'" "- the .ife of the said-._.. .:.(l/..'..,{-.l4. "''-c..-~ ~...... l-L.tj:.,. ,_ . ..on a, SCJ>ar3te a..d "riute eXilmina!ion takcn:ud made b)' and beiore Int, ar.d separatelJ aDd apan f.om hr; s:Ud husband, did 'acicno1OIedj<c lhat she n..de herself a parly to the "",I lJ,.:.! 0: CoaU)'aDCC, for the pllr:>osc oi reDOuncing, rcliaquishiJlg and con.eying 211 hu rii"l, tidc ar..J in'....!. '~helher Qi .Jo,.,er or of 5C\OInlC prop.,,)., "tat:Jlory or cqailable. in and to lhe bnds thc.ein described. &.Dol Ihat sbe ucc:tJtetl ~id dred freely aad ~o:antarily 2nd ..;Ihout any Con.fla.nt, fur, app.ehcns.vn COUNTY OF Cor compalsion ol or from ber said basbaad. ,..- a.: 7'.1- {../ (....i r"C.<.... :-=--l .,,-,(~~:, L 'c. . WITNESS my.signatu.e and official Iral at_.. n and State oL. ..:'Y.. y.j,~ .the da)' aad yur last afo.esaid. i;rvM0 \ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE _in Ibe Co.ml)' oL.. C;:. - ./. /- <~I 4- t...... (~EAL) ./..?~, '~ _ ~'. e~_~h~ "..( T.''''' /".' <~_{;:L_ r.';'1 ,:;.,,,.,,;"'./... 'V/;<~ .,{".., q, "'''''J/' ~y"r , p On thiL.... ..... .. .day 01_, . . ../.-a..<:..--_.' A. ;). 19Z/ .~ at Lt. ..~"dock .; ..OJ, thi. in'lrllrntfll \u. 6kd for record. and being dul)' acknowlcdced and proy& bne recordcd lbc same on page' 7 ~~. .of Book.. ~... oJ ..ia the public records of uid Coant7. IN W1TNF..sS \YlIHREOF, I bawe hereaoto S4!1 my band aa., affixed rllC .~al of I"~ Cirru;II',.".t of lht !'iileenl" ]u"iri<al ('ircuit ,'i .ai,1 ~I>t",;n dIU' for said Coaat)', . (~ IJJ-r C/~\ Doed R-.J So. 0. ~ C_I7.I'Iorib. I>r...I""t~......_ '::'~ '7.. .j~/'. . -. . . ~~c..- ',1. . . ." -_.--...:--..-..~~-......., ~/icl~.~ ~-"L RECORD VERIFfE.u" .aerk. D.C. , > i 'j . i