HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Tropical Isle Constructionf Angela Huff,;:" From: Pierrette Guenette <memerepete@hotmail.com> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 4:31 PM To: Angela Huff Subject: 331 Tropical Isles construction SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Questions, call Customer Service at 772-462-2146. Sent from my iPad August 22, 2019, Good afternoon,Angela, In response to your e-mail dated August 6, 2019. The permits were for a cement slab, carport and garage ( shed ). ` Tropical Isles Board members of 2017 came to our house to inspect what we were planning to build before the cement jQ slab was approved and poured. A plan for the construction was provided to the 20.1-7=Boaii&member-sran-d was ,una_- Dim �usLy-tsig.ae�a.nd-appravedbby;the 2"i�fi7"I�olr"dWe—rnbers. In order to be approved for a building permit we were required to provide written permission from Tropical Isles Park. Your office should have a copy of this signed approval along with a sketch of the proposed construction which was also provided to Tropical Isles Board members of 2017. The cement slab was poured on March 26, 2018 by Carlos, a Tropical Isles maintenance worker after receiving a permit from St -Lucie County ( permit # 1801- 0407 ). The cement slab was inspected and approved in April/18 by St -Lucie County Building Department. From the time the cement was poured to the time the construction on the carport and shed began in 2019 there was never a complaint from the Tropical Isles Board as to the size or measurements of the cement slab. �u 7-f L4_ f <,q 1--S i / �VCb�(,�6c i We had to hire an Architectural Engineer. efore being issued a building permit. Multiple inspections were done on the construction process and every timethere was an inspection, the inspector asked to see the Architect plans and therefore the posts 1 and beams were . - d and approved accordin bo the A - , M— a ba# ioi�;"A i' la +'rF '► ed t�is # a -- atca st efure�ap 'a pt < asts -an� exe - tt p4rre`. Our carport posts are 1 foot from the .property line and our shed is 12 feet from the neighbours house and 2 fe"et from the property line and that was all on the.sketch given and approved by the Tropical Isles Park. * Concerning.the'crosed breezeway and the door at the back of the breezeway. -We temporarily closed -off the breezeway with a door to lock the shed because we -are away for 6 months. There will be..a 4 feet breezeway which will follow the Architect plan. * The.breezeway will be 4 feet wide: The sketch for the'shed (garage) and carport were provided to the 2017 Tropical Isles Board members and signed and approved by those members and they never asked for the dimensions of tbe.shed '(garage) or carport or the building materials. Those- members, were more concerned that we didn't go out of our , p-roperty•line with the cement extension. The cement extension is 6 feet wide on the neighbour's -side and measures 17 .feet wide in line with the back of our house. We did not'alter the cement size .from the time of the pouring back in March, 2018 : Contrary to the accusations from -the 2018-19 Tropical Isles Board members we did not alter or expand our cement. Towards March,2019, as per the Architect plans, We had to. -cut our existing cement slab into six (6) -24" X 24 " square holes and each 24" deep to put rebars, in,and pour cement over them for more carport postxeinfgrcement. -This cement pouring must have confused the 2018-19 Board members into thinking that wehad altered the size of our cement slab. * We asked the Architect for a lettt�- modify the plans for the splices in the c rt area. A letter will be provided. , t,i Upica Isi, mfn m•urri req"utre setb c feet he ara-s y-g m . Tropical Isles never 1 ✓ told us of this setback when they verified and approved our construction plan back in 2017 nor did we :see this rule in their Rules and Regulations or their Prospectus. Did Tropical Isles provide your office with a copy of this setback and if so can you e-mail us a copy please? LA I) * We feel that we are unfairly caught between arguments involving decisions made by the 2017 Tropical Isles Board members and the objections from the 2018-19 Board members as to the approval of our construction. If the present Board feel that a bad decision was made at that time, they shouldn't have us pay for it. The Park should have clear a precise Rules and Regulations for new construction and make them publicly available especially when Board members _ can change every year. As to the St -Lucie Building Department, they dem ded Architect plans before giving us a building permit. We hired an Architect and those plans were approved by the B 'Iding Dept. The construction process was inspected and QU approved by your Building Dept. inspectors as the co truction work carried on. Those inspections were done and . followed diligently according to Architect plans. No that 90% of tfe construction work -is done, both Tropical Isles and ,the St- Lucie Building Department is accusing us of rongdoing and are asking us to pay the cost of modification to our construction. This is unjust and unfair.. :- Thank You Pierrette Gue nette and Lionel Guenette l Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. PVa LL•tiY' . Lc i, V (YJA v �y1,47Z:/t �-e,� �►� �I � J � S� � Ot a`� � LA , I + It w ecv -,T V2 �C_-_� [A] 105.3.1 Action on application. The building official shall examine or cause to be examined applications for permits and amendments thereto within a reasonable time after filing. If the application or the construction documents do not conform to the requirements of pertinent laws, the building official shall reject such application in writing, stating the reasons therefor. "Iff M A , -3 ffii-M-aklws-alri-s,' igi� a pd weir IZE-Umflarms .-olffine MV0,11 ile M M Me s e C ME Mealffill C TO, s I and -M ro 70 F MY a W e. 13.61 MaMe r1ex, in, Maras , aissue p__e_,'rLMLL' When authorized through contractual agreement with a school board, in acting on applications for permits, the building official shall give first priority to any applications for the construction of, or addition or renovation to, any school or educational facility. PLANNING DEVELOPMENT August 6, 2019 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Angela, CONMSSIONERS With regards to 331 Tropical Isles Circle. The following issues must be corrected CHRIS DZADOVSKY with revisions to plans or engineers approval to be compliant with FBC. CHAIRMAN 1) A revision to the plans for the location of the posts & beam for carport. Post & beams DISTRICT 1 are placed further out from original plans. 2) A revision for closing in breezeway and added door in the back where a 4" breezeway ANTHONY BONNA should be. VICE-CHAIRMAN 3) A revision that shows accurate dimensions of breezeway, garage, and Slab extension. DISTRICT 2 4) Engineer's letter or revision that provide details for rafter splices in carport area. LINDA BARTZ DISTRICT 3 Respectfully, FRANNIE HUTCHINSON DISTRICT 4 David Johnson CATHY TOWNSEND Chief Building Inspector DISTRICT 5 Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation 772-462-1865 HOWARD N. TIPTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR �G•iB 8. �c7i7',�, 0 DAN MCINTYRE COUNTY ATTORNEY Enclosures (stated) MAILING ADDRESS 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 PHONE (772) 462--1.-5.53; TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-,1_'578 E-MAIL PE R NUTS@STLU C I EC O.O R G WEBSITE WWW.STLUCIECO.GOV ��fitf ela Huff �! To: Pierrette Guenette Subject: Permit 1902-0441 Good afternoon Mr. Guenette, Please accept this response to your e-mail dated July 22, 2019 regarding the permit for your carport and garage. I have researched.this matter and have found the following answers: * Do they have the right to object to the construction when it is almost finished? * Yes, the co-op can object to the construction. *Does the Park overrule the building permits from the County? *No, however, the county does not enforce deed restrictions. The Building has also researched this permit and has found the following issues must be corrected with revisions to the plans or engineer's approval to be compliant with the Florida Building Code: *A revision to the plans for the location of the posts and beam for the carport. The post and beams are placed further out than shown on the original plans. *A revision for closing in the breezeway and added door in the back where a 4" breezeway should be. *A revision that shows accurate dimensions of breezeway, garage and slab extension. *An engineer's letter or revision that provide details for rafter splices in carport area. The Zoning department will require a revised plot plan as part of the revision showing all existing and proposed structures. It has been determined the side setback for Tropical Isles must meet a minimum required setback of 15ft structure to structure. Please show the next structure on the revised plot plan. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Ange [a Huff Zoning Technician Building and Code Regulation (772) 462-2134 huffa@stlucieco.org St. Lucie County Building and Code Division Is committed to great service and your feedback /s important to us. Please tell me how we're doing. w N Angela Huff From: Pierrette Guenette <memerepete@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:08 PM To: Angela Huff Subject: Fwd: Building Permits for 331 Tropical Isles Fort Pierce Email contact from St. Lucie County, FL Attachments: Desktop.zip Begin forwarded message: From: Pierrette Guenette <memerepete@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Building Permits for 331 Tropical Isles Fort Pierce Email contact from St. Lucie County, FL Date: July 23, 2019 at 1:53:44 PM EDT To: Angela Huff <huffa@stlucieco.org> Good afternoon Angela, Tropical Isles Park through their lawyer, John Carrigan had us go through a mediation telephone conference on July 17, 2019. The letter that I am e-mailing you are statements that the lawyer made -at the conference and that I requested he send those to us to show to the St -Lucie Building Department. As I mentioned in my e-mail to you yesterday, we covered the whole shed with tarpon to protect it from the elements while we were away and covered the breezeway between the house and the shed since we have our stuff in the shed and the shed door hasn't been installed. Sincerely' Pierrette Guenette and Lionel Guenette On Jul 23, 2019, at 9:12 AM, Angela Huff <huffastlucieco.org> wrote: Good morning Mr. Guenette, Thank you for contacting me. I will ask Code Enforcement to go to your property and inspect to make sure the structures are complying with the minimum required setbacks. Meanwhile please e-mail me the copy of the lawyer's letter. I will be in contact with you soon. Thank you, Ange(a .Cuff Zoning Technician Building and Code Regulation (772) 462-2134 huffa@stlucieco.org <image001.png> <image002.jpg> St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us. Please tell me hour we're doing. Flom was your service? Please contact, Melissa Brubaker, Supervisor, at brubakerm@stlucieco.ora to submit your suggestions, comments and feedback. From: St Lucie County, FL [mailto:webmaster@stlucieco.gov] Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 4:00 PM To: Angela Huff <huffa@stlucieco.org> Subject: Building Permits for 331 Tropical Isles Fort Pierce Email contact from St. Lucie County, FL Message submitted from the <St. Lucie County, FL> website. Site Visitor Name: Lionel Guenette Site Visitor Email: memerepete@hotmail.com Cement slab permit - 1801-0407 Carport and garage (shed )permit - 1902-0441 Tropical Isles mobile home park had given us a signed approval for our new construction which we provided to the County Building Department to receive a building permit. Since we are snowbirds and are away from Florida for 6 months we covered the construction with tarpon until our return. Our building permit is still ongoing and the work is 90 % complete. Although building inspections have been done with measurements on the permits as proof of the true size of the shed and carport, we received a letter from the Park's lawyer accusing us of building the cement slab, carport and shed larger than requested and the letter also states that the Park wants us to demolish the whole thing. They want us to go back to an aluminium carport and to return it to the original size. We checked the Rules and Regulations of the Park and there is no size specification for sheds or carport or construction materials preferences. Do they have the right to object to the construction when it is almost finished? Does the Park overrule the building permits from the County? We need some help. Can your Department do something about this problem or give us advice on what to do about it. If you need more information or see a copy of the lawyer's letter,please e-mail me. Sincerely, Lionel Guenette Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are p ublic records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. to 11 � c9�'tJ �GCJLJ i�y�G�O�"''0- - Oda-aj (fr-" ~ ROSS EAR.LE EONAN 8 ENSOR., P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ROYAL PALM FINANCIAL CENTER TRANSOCEAN BUILDING SUITE 101 SUITE 309 DEBORAH L. ROSS* 789 SW FEDERAL HIGHWAY 1701 HIGHWAYAIA JACOB E. ENSOR* DAVID B. EARLEt STUART, FLORIDA 34994 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32963 JOHN P. CARRIGAN* ELIZABETH P. BONAN* SAMANTHA L. SIMPSON (772) 287-1745 (772) 563-9555 t CERTIFIED CIRCUIT CIVIL MEDfATOR BOARD CERTIFIED IN CONDOMINIUM* & PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LAW ** Settlement Communication ** July 18, 2019 Via Email (memerepete@iotmail com) and U.S. Mail Lionel and Pierette Guenette 149 William St. Apt# 5 Sturgeon Fails, Ontario Canada, P2B 3N8 Re: Tropical Isles Co -Op, Inc./Guenette Property Address: 331 Tropical Isles Cir. DBPR Arbitration Case No. 2019=02-0721 Dear Mr. and Ms. Guenette: As you know, our firm serves as counsel for Tropical Isles Co -Op, Inc. (the "Cooperative"), and the purpose of this letter is to respond to your email dated July 17, 2019 inquiring "what you want us to do to the work that is already done and approved by the County". I interpret your email as an offer to comprise, and therefore will respond in kind. The Cooperative requests that you modify the improvements to the dwelling in accordance with the plans and description provided to the Cooperative on the Exterior Change to Home Approval Request dated December 8, 2017. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Returning the carport to its original size and construction, including an aluminum roof and removal of the structural posts along -the property boundary line used to expand the carport. 2. Not installing the proposed new garage door on the she 3. Returning the existing shed to its original size and construction as specified in your original plans. 4. Ensuring the items identified in your plans as the "new concrete" and "new shed" are constructed are in accordance with the measurements provided on the schematics attached to the approved Exterior Change to Home Approval Request dated December 8, 2017. MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 2401 • STUART, FLORIDA 3499S FACSIMILE (772) 287-8045 • WWW.REBLAWPA.COM Lionel and Pierrette Guenette July 18, 2019 Page 2 of 2 The Cooperative further requests that any modifications or new building permits from St. Lucie County be provided to the Board of Directors prior to the start of construction, so that the Cooperative can confirm your plans are in accordance with the approved Exterior Change to Home Approval Request dated December 8, 2017. In addition, the Cooperative is seeking reimbursement of its attorney's fees and costs incurred to date, which will can provide to you if we reach an agreement on resolving the carport and shed issues identified above. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please let me know. NOTICE: This correspondence constitutes an offer to compromise subject to FRE 408 and Fla. Stat. 90.408. Regards, Esq. cc: Board of Directors CONSENT IN LIEU -OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ` OF TROPICAL.ISLES CO-OP, INC. Inc., a The undersigned, constituting all of the Directors of Tropical Isles Co-option set Florida not -for -profit corporation, declare that the action expressed in the Res t date of the forth below.is takenby all .of the Directors of the Association as of the lates_ - . - , Directors' signatures. rovesld sapproves the following RESOLVED, that the Board hereb app .. described addition or alteration to the M ile Home and/or Lot submitted Y y - Id (insert. name of Resident);-. _ - ` ,.1 -- -t —r r _ ... i �Al�At VULI MIMILWS! XVA iffi= U 1It) cIrl/iM RESOLVED FURTHER, this Consent Resolution may be executed in one or more counter parts, arts, and including by facsimile or electronic transmission, s' each o which shall be deemed an -original- and all of which together shall be c same Resolution. Director's. Signature: Printed Name:._ Date: cw� CONSENT IN LIEU•OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TROPICAL ISLES CO-OP, INC. The undersigned, constituting all of the Directors of Tropical Isles Co-op, Inc., a -Florida not -for -profit corporation,. declare that the action expressed in the Resolution set forth below.is takbn by all .of the Directors of the Association as of the latest date of the Directors' signatures. , RESOLVED, that the Board. hereby -approvesldishpproves the , following described aadltiori or alteratign td•the Mobt Home aVor Lot, submitted by t insert(name of Reside ) � ' RESOLVED FURTHER, this Consent Resolution may be executed In one or more counterparts, and including .by facsimile or' electronic transmission, each of which shall be deemed an "original and all of which together shall be considered one in the": same Resolution. Director's. Signature: -Printed Name: Date: 331 Tropical Isles construction Pierrette Guenette Thu 2019-08-22 4:30 PM To: huffa@stlucieco.org <huffa@stlucieco.org> Sent from my iPad August 22, 2019, Good afternoon Angela, In response to your e-mail dated August 6, 2019. The permits were for a cement slab, carport and garage ( shed ). Tropical Isles Board members of 2017 came to our house to inspect what we were planning to build before the cement slab was approved and poured. A plan for the construction was provided to the 2017 Board members and was unanimously signed and approved by the 2017 Board members. In order to be approved for a building permit we were required to provide written permission from Tropical Isles Park. Your office should have a copy of this signed approval along with a sketch of the proposed construction which was also provided to Tropical Isles Board members of 2017. The cement slab was poured on March 26, 2018 by Carlos, a Tropical Isles maintenance worker after receiving a permit from St -Lucie County ( permit # 1801- 0407 ). The cement slab was inspected and approved in April/18 by St -Lucie County Building Department. From the time the cement was poured to the time the construction on the carport and shed began in 2019 there was never a complaint from the Tropical Isles Board as to the size or measurements of the cement slab. * As to the location of the posts and beams for the carport, they are according to the building plans. We had to hire an Architectural Engineer before being issued a building permit. Multiple inspections were done on the construction process and every time there was an inspection, the inspector asked to see the Architect plans and therefore the posts and beams were inspected and approved according to the Architect plans. We also recall that you, Angela informed us that a carport is not a structure and that the posts can be erected on the property line. Our carport posts are 1 foot from the property line and our shed is 12 feet from the neighbours house and 2 feet from the property line and that was all on the sketch given and approved by the Tropical Isles Park. * Concerning the closed breezeway and the door at the back of the breezeway. We temporarily closed off the breezeway with a door to lock the shed because we are away for 6 months. There will be a 4 feet breezeway which will follow the Architect plan. * The breezeway will be.4 feet wide. The sketch for the shed (garage) and carport were provided to the 2017 Tropical Isles Board members and signed and approved by those members and they never asked for the dimensions of the shed (garage) or carport or the building materials. Those members were more concerned that we didn't go out of our property line with the cement extension. The cement extension is 6 feet wide on the r-, neighbour's side and measures 17 feet wide in line with the back of our house. We did not alter the cement size from the time of the pouring back in March, 2018 . Contrary to the accusations from the 2018-19 Tropical Isles Board members we did not alter or expand our cement. Towards March,2019, as per the Architect plans, We had to cut our existing cement slab into six (6) -24" X 24 " square holes and each 24" deep to put rebars in and pour cement over them for more carport post reinforcement. This cement pouring must have confused the 2018-19 Board members into thinking that we had altered the size of our cement slab. * We asked the Architect for a letter to modify the plans for the splices in the carport area. A letter will be provided. * As to the Tropical Isles minimum required setback of 7.5 feet on the side yard as you mention. Tropical Isles never told us of this setback when they verified and approved our construction plan back in 2017 nor did we see this rule .in their Rules and Regulations or their Prospectus. Did Tropical Isles provide your office with a copy of this setback and if so can you e-mail us a copy please? * We feel that we are unfairly caught between arguments involving decisions made by the 2017 Tropical Isles Board members and the objections from the 2018-19 Board members as to the approval of our construction. If the present Board feel that a bad decision was made at that time, they shouldn't have us pay for it . The Park should have clear and precise Rules and Regulations for new construction and make them publicly available especially when Board members can change every year. As to the St -Lucie Building Department, they demanded Architect plans before giving us a building permit. We hired an Architect and those plans were approved by the Building Dept. The construction process was inspected and approved by your Building Dept. inspectors as the construction work carried on. Those inspections were done and followed diligently according to Architect plans. Now that 90% of the construction work is done, both Tropical Isles and the St- Lucie Building Department is accusing us of wrongdoing and are asking us to pay the cost of modification to our construction. This is unjust and unfair. Thank You Pierrette Guenette and Lionel Guenette .` �� � 1 � � � 1 '� �I2 � � I � 1 � , , �' � � ! � � A `) �r����A�A�i � E `` �� � �� � , I) C � h� l�1 � ►,� ' , 1 wl������' � � ' ' �. � , � � �, �� 1 � � a I ` iN _ ,�`� '�r 1! !► � 1. � , �' �- (� _ � ♦ 1.� _ � _ _ � �` ,`� � � , � � �� ; j � � �. f �, �. 1 , � 1 � � � /1 � 1 rl 1 � -Jim a Ali / .. —