HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0772 Cl1 ,~~ ~'." ;.!t " . \ THlS lNDENTUR;:. M~d~ thi.... :8 ~,I(J _ .day of. J,~,A. I). 19t.~,. 8~TWF.F.N --- ..._-#,}. ~(UI<r.:.~ (~--c..t:\;~.,.~a.c,.... ..-... I .. ....._h. ..'--,-. 01 the County of-... .... d.~~... .tJ_t.4- c,i..... . an.! State or.. . ...E. (.~id. 4:. _...,.,. _.... .....,put~ . of the first part, aDd -J.. J.:l~.:~flrfdC.c..Vr;;_'''''':' .-..-..,... ._....h. ,h...: ... .... . "-". ...... - -\'" ...... '''-''''-- uf the CouDty 0'. cf-th . ".{~ ~~ and State of. ..::r. ?~, r,:l.,a... '..,,'..... ....... .. ,_ ..part>' _ of th~ wcoDd part, Wlna.:SSETH. tbat the 53;,1 pard' ~. of the first part, for and in considrr:ation of th~ sum of..... ,<J.)>~1.V ./~t.-.... ~U~ ..c~-<....<..._ ~. , .;; C(.,"e---~ c~y j<_c ~ _I>OIl...rs, to/l(~H-in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ad'lIowltdltd, ha._. gr...nted,.bargaioed. suld and tran.ftrr.d. an,I b)' thest prestnt. do,l,-S. ,,:nnt, barg...in, ..11 and transfu unto the said p":,rt}'__._ of the "cond part and_, h(<h h . ... ...heirs and aasillDS forner. all that tert...iD parcel of land lying and bting in tht County oL.. . (f,c . ..A.tlt:;;~...__,. ."... ,.." and Stat~ of...... ":::"~v.~ .~cLo~. '_""'h' .. ...more panicularly drscribcd as foUows: ..., ... ... .._ . .. , . . ......_........,... .....__..... ". 'f:.~~..L..J.5'). . .C~ C-~'('.":'/.: I.;~. ., /.~!- d.:.~l"(-::~g~ .t.-I-. C ~~'!r..' _.[(>t.~'l-.!!,..c",f".~.. Li-...._ .___ .. .1~~.!J.t<~-Y..:...::y... ~ ~!:~(l~,~~,,(-t- 0. . ''1~Y.. .-:t. .q.,.;.e..(";.~-;~_i~(,~~~',r.-!:y :...ti~.._L3!_~)___.. .._.{!.('{!'?"k4jt~-r... ~.tUd...ty .::... qe(> ...v ?,J---.-.. .....-..... -... ..~ Jk.-- ....1. .... UL~.....__..__. _. __. _____ . ...... ....... .. .. _.__ ..........0000_...._....1. ... \ ___._. .p___ _'_,u'n..._._~ n______._____ TOGF.THER with all the tenemenls, hereditam.ou :and appuntnances. ,,'ith e"u)' pririlegc, right, till~, int.rtst :aDd estate, dower aDd right of dower, rn.rsion. remainder and eas.m.ntther'lo btlongiJIg or in anywise appertaining: TO lIAVE AXD TO HOLD the same in fee simple forner. And 'he said parl-L{1,; of the first pan do.~._ co\'e~nt with Ih. s~id parl.v_.... of the ..con,) p...n thal_ ,~ . .bwfull)' Kized. of th~ said pr.mi~es, that th.,. are irrc from all illcllmh!anees and tb"'I.!.t..<.y !'t.#<-.~oo<l, right and la....ful authority to sell th. $.Orne; and the hid parL!:!.~. of the first part do~ hereby fully ..-arrant the title to s:aid I"nd. al!d ..-ill ddent! the s:,mc: ag"inst t"e lawfel eb.ims of ,,11 persons whonuon.r. IX WITSESS' \VHEREO.....the said pa:,.iU,._ oi the first part ":a..'~_ htr~I1nIO set. .,Iu.~;'" ,hand.1. :and sul,i, the d...y and year abort wrilt~ Sign.d, sc...led and dclivtred iD our pr.sence: .......~._ fi..,.!...?)V:~q,-<-. , ~~ ~-.: :U.. 0/. 1'1) ."1--'$. q=,,~ ..ttiflu~.a<..s:' ... ~<:1" ~'''~:.:<''I- . ;.,' ..- 9..y:; .:~ ~~.t-:/.L ...;. '. s' _..Z!~~.~:C< ~~"<:<, 1",.,- t:.- :......t.; "J.... hU; eP?-n''',<~,~"" ~/'-~ ....,.J;..J~;t. ~/j,q ~'~c''KdA.. . .,. f -J...:[,.$-,,:~.- -...... UJ?'n a./ -'. ~ar ._._ .. (SEAL) ...(SEAL) 1- t..c#"" ,t! STATE OF. COl'XT\" OF '. ..0;.1.. t.. ;/.: V u.....c. I HE~EB\' CERTIFY. Th:at on this personally al'Pc"reL.. :<,,, _J..7. r; . d~.(."1 :\. D. IJ.v..~ before me . .day of. fI~~. to me' L.110\\ I'l to bf' rhc- ~~r50n . _ '!~s~,.ht'.1 in and" ho txt'cr.ttd thr rOf('1;oin~ con'-f',-antt to .. .and sn.r:ally aclmo...ledg.d tl:~ U.cutiOD ther.of to br..., /lk~ ~?;~. I ~ , ._T:II.~.,.~...~.~...~ a. ~:"a",~d:':'" <<- ~ of the Coaoty of__d.,.. iCL(' .;,oLe,.. . ,...nd St"'l~ of ....J.~~, d <L ...._....~........,__._..1.kod~., ?{"m.'tl..eA.. ;tf..~t7P':~ <b,.q~S--l.o ~f the. CouDty of...._ .de: _.<_U c." "'Dd State of. .'.':7.<fi. i....... d.. .t....,... ,. . . f h ~ . , - ,part, Y .._ 0 t ~ seeon.. part, WfT~F.SSI:...,.H, that the said part:tic.. of the f:rst p...rt. for and in CQusidtr:alion of th~ .um Of..cfui"h,t:- .Ak<- (~( c.{A..l:. c:-l... .....-...., ....., '''n' ..' . ,. "', .!lollau. to~~ .in ha~d paid,lhe rce..ir-t ",'he-reof is hueby acknowledged. ha.lltL. Ir~t!d, barlaioed. sold and trusiured, an.! bythse "rrs''lll do v~ngrant, barg:aip, ..II and trandtr unto t"~ uid pa~tY._.._ of the steoDd 'U~ . . ' . J' part aDeL.. -. ;--_':7t~.,r~ and ~'(.ns forenr. ," that ttrtain p:uul of l;ond lying and briDg in the. County oL ~.~, .q,.u. i.L-<, &Ad State of.,.. ...Q.---~ {(,,<;t.-.. .'.... . -more f,arti,,,larly d6uibcd as folio.....: c/A.e. ~~?~#.-=...!-t. .''1 ~;, tkL ..J:ru.//':' &;a.40h 'L, dl:'c/ ~O 1/ . .. .<",)_..rt.~ .~ _ dr~"l~.L ~ . (~€l, J~:l c . \3 9) Y/u.,i..'ly /l~';f..i:_. <L.:l.z( ..a~-7-I:.....~4...11 e-t~?i." .r.J.~ ~~.~ .._._4J..f,::!.~t...B:c.~~.,.,..".<.~#'.n .... ..::t.O _.. a C~-CL >I/. ,\. J), 19~ 1_ , Iu-:T\n:,":~ : ., I , '1 j ; . ! parl.'(4, of the 6rll part, and r -. .. . '.- (~'7C.';'-Il,<'1' .(4. l.Cj.J-t"_.__ / ~ ..?r/ ::?~~_. t-"~'... l~.t!.~ ~; ~--";,.' , (!'u n.:"L t'..c. ( .L.- ;f;.: ~O ....9. (A: .J.lei. U-;-6~ , -. --_._.._-~-_. --\---. ----, , -,\ TOGETHER with all th. tenem.nu, !l.redlt"m.nlS and "'l'pn:tenar:CC'.. with e".,ry pri.il..:". right, tille, inlue" 3UJ eilate. dower ..ud flg!:t of do.....r. rcreni,D, remaiDder aild e~m'Dt the~clo belongiJI" or in anywise :app.rt"'UHng: TO If.-\ vi-: AXD TO 1101.0 th. SOome In ie" s:m;>le f.>renr. ADd th~ said part.~_ of the lirst p"rt do ..i.--tr (OTen:ant with the uid par!'\. . . .. 'J; II,., s.c'mJ pan l:'aI. , it.L.!/ 'l.--L<.. .I:a....i..\I). srizcd of tho: - , ... . said prcw.... that tbey arc fre~ from ..II Incumbrances and th"f'~~/1\ ('<<<.good right 3!Jd la...iul .....t:,o,rit), to scll th. ~.m~; :an:} tbe said part.)'..,.. oi th. /irst part do~_ hueby fully ...;ur~nt the title to ...id I.nt!, ","d ...ill dciend tbe s~me 3gainst Ihe b....iul c1...im. 0: all ptrWRS whomsor.er. IS WrrNESS \VIIEREO...., th. ....i!.! p...rt, ~_ of I:'C fir.t I'"rt "" ~. . her.unto set. ,-:{u:;.. h...nd... :and s.e:a.L_ the d...y :and yur abo\e written. Sign.d. waled and deli rued in O!Jr prescnce-: ~ ,) (5E.\L) , , :..~n~ /&LL {JJr/..,. trtJlt.:~ ;eo~ " Eo. r~t:--~ u, 0.0 (SE.\I.) j' /. STATE OF. &rrc- ~ 0{. .41, t:..c.u:..<.~<- , J ~ / e.(.. r;Z/0l.A-";: I HEREBY CER. TIF.\', Thu OD. tJ,if,,, ~,' . da)' of. , -' personally appeared-. a, e,~ e> t(~~ q"',:e?-t -<}--<- ;[c-~r'r4/ G. :,;C~O~:.L_ 10 me known to ~ thl" pc'rson "I ,r('!(:"'i~.J to and ,,'ho f'~l'('atrfl thr T(\or~~u,";': (on\'!'"),;;..u("(' If. ~/l-t. '" [( O~ COliS'{\" OF, . ,\, n. 191. L_. bci<>ro' me- < ~ . }I-1.':' ~_.f.-L-~ free act ,and s...er:all)' :ackco...le,jged th~ u,cclion thereof to be, r"f.--c'.I."<. fr..:act aDd dud for the use. and purposes th.rein mentioned; u. IJ ._:d.-:' , and d.ed for the I1S.. and pnrposts th.r.iD mentioned; ud the said_ the wife 'J! th. uid,_... . ._on a separate and ponte uamwtioD t"k'D and made by and brfore me. OlDd srparat.ly and apart from her !aid husbar:d.: did aekDo...l.dge that she mad. h.r..,\f a party to the uid Pud of Conn,.anc.; for the Purpos~ of renouncing. rtlinquishing aDd connying all hrr right, title and intrrc:st, wheth.r of dower or of separate property, JtatDlory or equilatle. in and to the Ia...ds therein ducrib.d. and th..: .be .xecuted said cl.ed frerly' and roluntauly and ..itbout any cODstraiot, f~ar, appreheDsioD _ c.r compubioD of or rrom her said busbaDd. ~. . > i WITNESS my signature and ollicial .eal at_. ::;'//.I."L OR-:.n the County oL..:..li._._:::~:..~~.~n~_.__.._ and Stair oL ,:I (.~/~. cl^--. ...the day and y.ar last aforesaid. ..,11\ "'" 0'. VI "VO T.4-\'y~ ... ;; ~- :: _ __ c: -:,~V/Jl,t. .~. STATE OF FLORIDA "0(0 t-#o COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE j ""OIl'P" OD this-. ,~ !) .day of_ ~;R-' L--< . ~. A. IJ. 192/._~ at ,L~ ~ ~IOCk 11_ Pl.. thd instrumellt was /iled for record, :and bring duly aeknowl.dg.d and P~OytD, : hue recordeoJ tile same on pag.. . t3 , 't ,of Book.. 't..3 ..in the Pllblic reeo<ds of said COnnt~ . 0 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hue hereunto s~t my hand and afliud the seal.jlhe Circuit ('ourt of th. Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of .aid State, in and ~saicI~~ ~ ~ .~ "1 _If;..u. /&~,,<--:".V ..?L,t?..(SF.AL) 7//</ (Jn~1;- ~--'9;';'u-" J.Uy'" /94, . " c' (... A L... ~ ~~ ......--. ......-..- __QYp_nti!_~~_..~...._ ___..._ault. -.--..-. . ... .. Ud. t.<;J;t;;;;;.~'?..c.~'o,~_.....D. C. " 0Hd R<COf1l So. fl. 5t. ~C""D"', FI<-rldo. ~ 1....""~ D<<i:l ____..._ _--___1 AL, Wet 1;>' 11'4. .-iJ___.. ~ ~att41~tftk'-~~ ......... .... "7.... ..fere--.-...... Hf'e~~...i<.....l:..<~..."hnJ ;.,,1 ~;.~ tIttt ~.~Mneff-:rp:trty-m .;.< ,~.I (/" ~ '.' Cea.L1-Al'(,. far \II. ,...~.......r "",nofum,..ilDr u.!;nq'<"c"';n~ jln..t ...."nu~).~..&!1_hc..r_t:.\ll..-t t;'t'~ JqJ lut.,. t htt.lll.::r (Ji :......n.... V' .A ~'I;..-..l..'- ~l.l>.~f1j. .-:t,ny. f) ~ M ...ila"k.. ill .i Ie &J.e.-Jaa4a-.&J.u.u. .MK.iNd.-aed that Ine-. ~.I{~~'i;~.j .aid .!~~d uc.ds_ ~ ",..l.41iuanly-..n-wTrin:r.t:-2ttT-"uu.30:,loI;'''. i.....,. .v",;,'_:,~u-":""Ii $It' II_,_hi.. .f 81 ('V. ..r Iii J In .\... -" WITNESS ~..ignature and ollicial s.al at_..... O~ tl4 ' t. ~ _in th. Counly of... and Stair cL, ::r~.~c..' c;.< rL' ..th. d...y and ,ear last aforeoaid. ~. 0,," "<.. ...p '.s~ ~~ ?- "cTiJ$Tlas;' ,n. )n. m<-L\'..C./L (SEAL) .__~~/J~(r", ___--,-J.,.IU.s/'fA-_;_. n......fi" C.L . " .:. C,. ...4.. Jt "1.- u e..-u:... STATE OF FLORID.~ I COUNTY OF ST. LUCfE. , \ \ ~ "-- U 1. . . ~o o. thiL.. I' ..day of_. ~ J ~ .-\. n 191 I" al K '. .o'dock /l m,. Ihi. ill"..:m.nt "'", .' '.1 /S- f B k q3 th LI . of . filed for record, aDd brlnl duly :ackDowledged and prOUD, I han r.cord.d Ihe same on p..ge. . .0 00.. .in e pUa ;0: rt<or.,. saiu CCMlllty. IN WITNESS ~IIEREOF, I hue hrreuDto HI my h...nd and ..itu.1 Iht ....1 <of Iht Gunil ("(.nr. ..f'lhr r:,il.tnlh Jo,lic;..1 Cianit oi .:ai.I :"'1,'. m .....J lor said CoatIty. Dto4 Rccor4 So. C'. SL..... C_ly.~.. t..... lad,__ .., ~~ ~O '/"q V. . ~IX' :'~q D.C r? 6!. <1>..( c!- u ct. . C4J rj-J ~i. <-~ d.," d:.. ~ &/./~~ .auk, :J15 L -:- I I 1 . .