HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Permit # 1707-0600Edward Roseberry
From: Edward Roseberry
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 7:18 AM
To: Edward Roseberry
Subject: Per�mif #1707A=0600,
From: Jasmine. [mailto:brow8488@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 10:16 AM
To: Edward Roseberry <RoseberryE@stlucieco.org>
Subject: Re: Emailing - Report_FL_Review_Comments_Noncompliantjrf.pdf
He.lio, The-eost for the-Roof--was-$2300,,a.nnd it was installed-August-2005.
From: Edward Roseberry <RoseberrVE@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 9:47:05 AM
To: 'brow8488@hotmail.com'
Cc: Edward Roseberry
Subject: Emailing - Report_FL_Review_Comments_NoncompliantJrf.pdf
Dear St. Lucie County Permit Applicant,
Please seethe attached plan review comments which have been generated for your permit. As soon as we
receive the modified plans and any additional required documentation back from the design professional,
contractor or owner we will perform the additional reviews as necessary in order to complete the plan
review process. Once the plans have been signed, by all applicable plan reviewers, we will move the permit
forward either to the Fire Department or back to permitting for permit issuance.
Thank You,
Ed Roseberry, Plans Examiner
St Lucie County
Code Compliance Div.
%t* I P14- t
How was your service? Please contact Carl Peterson, Building Official, at petersonjo-stlucieco.orq to
submit your suggestions, comments, and feedback.