HomeMy WebLinkAboutREROOF PERMIT APPLICATION - 658 SENEGAL CTAM AppLWABLE JNM MUST BE UIMPL£TED FOR APPLICATLON To PE ACCEPTED Date; 3-4-2022 perm It Number! Y7.I,__ I 1 r 1J, Building Permit Application 01pr;nin4 prig DrurdopM1Crat ° eS eUI kWW Md U, e.U0rn t2iV?Ra+I Re &i dentl al. Mow 177ZJ 4E2-n!51� fax: (7731 4fj2-15 I�B CBiDG Fu rid I ng PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. REP001' _ L�P�.qP[�)SEE) f PRGYEIVIENT �GCATION= Adder: 658 neg2g C7 FT PIERCE property Tax ID 91tv. Plan Name- Block No. � Proaen Name_ DETAI LED DESCRI PTON OF WORK - .REMOVE INSTALL PEEL & -STICK UKDERLAYMENT F'L2569 N15TALL SHINGLE F"L10674 I NSTALL R I DGEVENT NOA NG. 190 217-03 N-ew EW=rlwl meter � Second Ele4Ancal vleter [,off mvit required] I CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION' Adalxionfll work t(� M 01!0or-ned ur4&ef this permit —check all that aPpl4; chaoical _ Gas TWA —Gas Piping _ Sk)Ufters _ W4 -ndOW$JOMFS J Pond F IECTFIC PIameing , Sp6nklers _ Crermnator X iko� 5112 Pitch total SN. FI of COMMictidn; 22 90 IeDsst Crf [Onbir{uCtI-arL: S 117. 60 5a. Ft. of First Floon 290 LlttlkLLe5. _5ewes , 5epTIC BLIII&mg HNght. 6 FT F&WNER/LESSEE: I CONTRACTOR: Nimne Wendy S Tuns AddFSSS; M47�ri - C T— city! F F3T P 1 E RCE _ staa e: FL tip Code- ;3 0 _ Fax. Phunc No. - Mail:_ - PpI In fee sihipl�e -nde Holder 10n fkW page 1�111`dW45rent E- Namk%; Cormpanlr 8M0R,ELINE ROOFING AdOM$$:1IM SW GLENDAL E STf?�ET Ott-_ PART ST I HrIF —$tat,' FL Zlp Code; 5498 t Fax - phone ND 772-260-95$5 E.M.11 EFIORrtLkNERCQFIIktG@YAHOC.1;OM firorrL tfie "r IMLd abmi I Stdtie Dr Count Laoense O 13 T 17 11 vault of numtr%glign Ix 2500 m mwre, a RECORDED Phnico ar r-inkn mew&wmt 1i taqulre d. If value d FIAVC is $7-54M er rnare, io RECORDED Notice of CGYnRYenQeffMM raregrLlred, SUPPLEME NTAL CO NSTR UCTION LIEN 1..+4W IN FOR MAT1 ON: VE51GhIEWEl GINEEIL Not Applicable Na Me: Mdrms; _ Ci : State— inp, PhanQ - FfE SIMPLE 1'1Y'LE HOLMR: _ Not APPIkAW Name: Addr-ess: 1 Qty r_ dip: Pl�orye; MORTGAGE COMPA-NV- � r��E Applkable N art1e: Addresz: City; State: zip" P Dne! BONDINaCOMPANY- —Nvt ApIpirtabre Name; - Addness_ My; BP; f1home.- OWFiER/ COFITRAGTOR AFFIDVIT,- APPUraticm Is Webe made toob[*In a perrrrltto do ktt- wwk and Instal. Orl as Indkaoed. I certiFyr that hL3 Wrjrk or In5-kAllatl0r1 has [orn ed prior [0 ewe isRgFlc* Grf a permit. ��� ul%[M makes Fin resentETI` n that if rahri!� a perrnlk wil *uthdrlL the permit Pbok t w �IId tf•t slrLU ire whlth i � wi�+� at+y� appl�cablq Hrt�hBnr�ners iasa�ar,oh rkries, byUws a and too enantf that rrQv restrict or sknAturp- p��ese consulT with yrbur Hbmeawnpr% As ailon and r4v-nY lour 4Ieed foir arg rlteri[1lDns which rnEpp . In rnnsjderatlan Df the granting ok Eh* requnstao ptrmlt I do hvgr-tfy ay L-- [hat I will, •n III nespect;, pwFQrm am wank 1fi acccrrdsntr v r[h Ow approvmd plAns, the Florlda BLJIh' V Codes aFld 51 Lurie Coun" AMv1ndmrhrj. The folwwy rkg b„ IIdIeg aermn a;,plitarlarls are em*riml: From wroWmanE a 'Lill tancurreaw TzMrw; Mom mWitiam, a�swrlr Etrucx ws,;wlrrfm[Tw pW5. Fanras, walls, signE,;wwFl etorrrs and ;pmr&.wrV uses waawthornon4*saftntlal Use WARN ING TO OWNER: Vmr fadura to Flemrd 4 NuUca of i�omrrrenwarrMnl nrR result In p*rd t wicE for improvements to %.Wr prop". A Nodte of Comil-mnament must be recorded in the public recPrd5 of St- i .Iola rd-bi irnt u =hnel nnstLud -nn tNip bahr m 6ebre llia flat inspecti0R- If You Intend to o btal n firl ancing: tM n 5011: STATE OF III DRIq - — CUUMV f f 1 1 4 t � S world jo (Or afft I and_ bmfted befwt nne of _ Phy l Presence a Oallne Nalar+; pktlth Narnd mr person making Personally KmaYrh •� j]p PTpdut&d Ioe'gtlFlCat14F1 TYgw of 0�ntJOcatron Pr4dured_ t5ign?Ture P71%*L- state 0f pRAr4Dv NsOQFE Cornre1i5810+1 NO. I r Jatar� R1eb1ir -T1'K01= a+ F w ail �ammo 3+nn Y ail � ' • �]?15 ML rgmni.o--Mali=4riiMc ^r....... filmy a'9-- REVIEWS Fr{�MTZONING SUFERV15OR C�LI ITER RFVlEW RFWEW PtA S I VfGfTAMON SEA TURTLE REVIEW REVI EW I MVIE I NILAN-G-RCIVE REVIEW