March 9, 2022
St. Lucie County Building Department Plan Review
2300 Virginia Ave
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982
Cc: Permit # 2112-0525
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as a response to your comments regarding permit #2112-0525.
County Comments: " 03/02/2022"
1. "No wind design provided."- (1603.1).
2. "Sheet P-3 as approved by Dep is a 3' wide finger pier repair. This was changed to a 6" wide
pier. Please revise to match DEP permit or revise DEP permit. ( A-107.2.1)".
3. Additional Sheets were provided outside of the DEP permit (signed 12/06/2021)
(A) P-4 for a 3'-63 pier.
(B) CS4 for a 6' wide pier.
(C) CS-2 for a 3'-6' wide pier.
(D) CS-3 12" mooring pile ( Replaces CS-2. (Al07.2.1)".
Poseidon Dredge &Marine response:
1. See Revised CS-2 that shows the wind design.
Nettles Island Marina, LLC has a Submerged Land Lease with the State of Florida which is
issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Nettles Island is authorized
to make repairs to existing marina structures under F.A.C. 62-330.051(5)(d) Replacement or
repair of existing docks and piers, including mooring piles, in accordance with section
403.813(l)(d), F.S., provided the existing structure is still functional or has been rendered
non-functional within the last year by a discrete event, such as a storm, flood, accident, or
319 All: cIA: ne Blvd. Suite A � Lantana, FL 33462 � O: 561-296-4991 � F: 561-697-3238
P05EID g N
2. No change were made. There are (2) size piers existing in the marina, see FDEP submerged
land lease. 6' wide for the main piers and the 3'wide for finger piers. Both the 3' wide finger pier
and the 6' wide main piers to be replaced. The north 6' main dock as depicted in the drawings are
to be repaired and brought up to Florida Accessibility Code Specs.
3. (A)- Submerged land lease reflects 3' wide piers. All drawings submitted reflect 3' wide pier
indicating 3'6" center to center on timber piles, 3' wide on the dock.
(B)- This is for a 6' main piers
(C.) -3'6" Represents center to center on timber piles. Pier dock is 3" wide.
(D)- Existing mooring piles to be replaced in same footprint as existing.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Javier Quevedo
319 Wickline Blvd. Suite A � Lantana, FL 33462 � O: 561-296-4991 � F: 561-697-3238