HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation Report ShinglesJ F)o "\JTRNrTYJERD EVA LtiATION Owens Corning One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 SCOPE - EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DEsiGN, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorizatja, #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT#13 OXFORD, CT 06478 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 �� ��� FAX: (203) 262-9243 Itlon Report 037940.02.?2-R6 FL10674-1111 Date Of Issuance: 02106120.12 Revision 6: '? 0f 15/203.5 This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compiiarice with the 5 Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles LABELING: Labelingshall be in accordancewiththe requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE:; This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, .or provisions• of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity IERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words `rTrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. if any*portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTI.ON: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7. The facsimile seal a ppearing was authorized by Robert Niem Inen, RE, bn 10/15/2ois. This does not serve as an diectronkally signed document. Signed, sealed hardeopies have been transmitted to the CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: Product Approval Administrator and to the' named client 1. Trinity] till) does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned, •operate.d or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. sloes h6t have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued: 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. NeitherTrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically forthat purpose. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59I66, Florida DCAAME1983 ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: I. SCOPE: � i T����� W I RDD Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is. subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section. Property Standard 1507.2.5, R905,2.4 Physical Properties Year ASTM D3462 1507.2.7A, R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM 03161 2009 1507.2.7.1, R905,2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D72SS 2009 2008 3. REFERENCES: f2gim Examination Reference ate UL LLC .CER9626 ( ) Physicals 8c Wind Resistance File R2453, Vol. 3 UL LLC (CER9626) 02/15/2007 Physicals & Wind Resistance 20120516-R2453 UL LLC (TST9'628) Physical Properties 05/16/2012 06CA20263 UL LLC (TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34308 04/18/2006 UL LLC (TST9628) Physicals & Win.d Resistance 4786053137 022 /18/201 0211 /201 UL LLC (TST962'8) Wind Resistance 4786126532 UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties 02/10/2014 Classification letter UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014 10/02/2015 Miami -Dade (CER1592) FBC HVHZ Compliance Various NCAs UL LLC (QUA9625) Various Quality Control Service Confirmation, R2453 Exp. 08/20/2027 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.3. Asphalt Shingles: 4.1.1 Classic `and Supreme' are fiberglass reinforced, 3-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.2 Berkshire`s are fiberglass reinforced, 4-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.3 Devonshire""' are fiberglass reinforced, 5-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.4 Duration,. TruD'efiriltion Duration, Duration Premium Cool, TruDefinition' Duration Designer Color Collection, TruD'efinition0akri.dge , OakHdge" and Wea'therGuardm HP are fiberglass reinforced, laminated asphalt roof shingles. 4.2 Berk -shire' Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuardn HP Hip & Ridge Shingles,. Pro Edge Hip & Ridge Shingles and DuraRidge m Hip & Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles. 4.3 Starter Strip Shingle., Sta'rter5trip Plus and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles. 5. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building .code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report, refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. Exterior Research and'Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R6 Certificate bf:40th6r1zbd0h #9503 FL10674-RII Revision 6: 10/15/201S Page 2 of 7 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing =Classic° &Supreme: Normal Ndt6nsard or Windldreas High Wind dArea nes y .Aron porn irparitoe normafes Areas vienros flrarres 1- 5"Exposure zrposieidn 6.2.7 Minir,iumNailing —gerkshire°: Sealant•sirip La tlra do sallador 6.2.8 Minim•u'mNailing —Devorishireym: Exterior Research and Design, LLC: Certiflaite ofstuthodtarinri #9503 Normalrllranstard or WindndAreas High Wind Ares p ara Area prim t/ianros normalas desvata'os y Areas Wenros fooraos Q2u 121"._ /(AJ 121' 9._-i l•"" z"� {6J !'?" 1'-i 5 618" Exposure Ezpbsieion Sealantstrip to tira da selladar 8%a' redo oM syj, � o c a— W. 0 2" 1L+'phalt routing cement Camonto'Ja t0 ho do a<taft Nails Ten l" 5aots o(AsnbIt Rnnf r.--t Evaluation Report O37940.02.12-R6 FL10674-RE3 Revision 6: 10/PS/2015 Page 4 or 7 1 �`• ram. f V " RN11 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing, — Duration°, TruDefinition° Duration, Duration° Premium Co Duration' DesignerCo'lor Collection: ol & TruDefinitionV 4 Nail Paitorn ESquema do d clavos SUMJbilo£tsterring ama wioth Area de datos suleNaBo T. 12- 12• —� 5%" Exposure' SW„ +5pu1g•dAexposiei6n Nails Exposure Gavos 6y5pulg.deexpaslc:cn b 5 Nall f brundaml'"altep Slope Pattern "� Wen Gruvtm suldiarh Es uema rrt3and Ion areui out. da SUar/os — o,yremas . � � a�darl49daa rrtC'r _f b atr73wc4all>y'hp7Nr SunlBJe � cDrdac�lr�alr. 0SUNn77 \ \ Sutrflai/� artaicidra 9 Jim do 7" \• ` irgi v7A cbm uwbP 7G. ~ SweV3itD � e 57.1" Exposure Neils r«. Si, pulg. de exposlclo`n claws r � Mpbsura .,: MO. deoxpasici6n 6.2.10 Minimum Nailing —TruDefinition" Oakridaeo. nakridg e°4 4 Nall Pattom Esquema con d clavos ,• I•� - ,r —>1 Imo- ,r — . 5519"Expos6re Nails 55/8"Exposure fxposlei6nde5G/Bpufg. Clavx Exposicidrrde3S/8pulg. 6.111 Minimum Nailing—WeatherGuard° HP: Fa--��� •{�•• �,� ees 6.3 Hip & Ridge Shingles'. a Nail Pattern Esquema con bclavos 1• ,. 55i8'' Exposure Nails 55/8" ExposiCfavos Ex su ci6n de55/Spulg. EwFosicivnoda 55/6pelg. ellmold lmeila WPOW Mbft 6.3.1 Installation of Berkshire Hip an•d Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & R-idge with Sealant, WeatherGuard' HP Hap and Ridge Shingles and ProEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using four (4) nails per shingle. Installation of DuraNclgeTM" Hip &Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using two (2) nails per shingle. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations, including the use of hand -sealing for wind warranties. Exterior Research and'Design, LLC. E Certifi=e pf Aurhorizatlo'n 49503 valuation Report 037940.02.12-R5 FL10674-R31 Revision 6: 1o/ls/2o15 Page S of 7 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 i \e t �� `+ iT ' 1507.2.6 or R905.2'.S. Staples are not permitted. qu rements, but not less than FSC Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published re Minimum Nailing— 6'e'rkshire° Hip & Ridge and High Ridge: Fig. 2 Minimurd Nailing — Hip & Ridge with Sealant: Q'Gflii➢' �itsnsA�J►l�—ly �V�r I itYE� �Q�Ffi��ip'�fl Qa. off Qo ��t��.'Lh�.,,➢ttfl Sri°' ���tri! � � •.. GZ• QD kC..-�Q���� s� Lid. 1210 Mini.mum-Nailing—WeatherGuard® HP Hip and Ridge: Fig. A 4 s Pro Nlntl DA Nolls 4 A I A I I d4 .e I I A I I I I I I I �osuro �' TOPM&.v s"'10MM, rM Exterior Research a Evaluation Report 037940-02.12-R6 tijic6te bji7athbrizhrjojj tiori #9503 LLC. Cer03 r-L10674-RI! Revision 6: 10/131201S Rage 6 of 7 6.3.6 Minimum Nailing - ProE:dge Hip & Ridge Shingles: bar®vai0in� 4Nina8 Di>rectiion Sem9arttStrip \ fi" Exposure �'` 6.3.7 Fmst@h�\ FinaCmv@rEzpoaed tohers with Roaf Cement TRNrnr IIERD Standard 1�L"S$CnL17a 9i"---, Pattern �z f '51. Minimum Nailing — DuraRidge- Hip & Ridge Shingles: Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as -tested attachment requirements. Corning published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. e Top View Vue•Ert pran Il- Vl:ci superlur-I� 1 fto �, '•� vOie}i%;'Cmie`tiy'�iietirll•.- I I Id IT SIC O .0 �b vl�c I� •.i I I<---- I 3------�I Seallant Refer to Owens 7. LABELING: 7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. 7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in FBC Table 1507.2.7.1 / R905.2.6.1. 8. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Bui{din'g Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N-3 QA requirements. 10. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL LLC— QUA9625 ; (414) 248-6409; karen.buchmahnpul com - END OF EVALUATnON REPORT - Exterior Research and'Design, LLC6 Certifrcdtj?'ofAuthoz f stion#9503 Evaluation Report 037940.0212-R5 7110674-R11 Revision 6: 1011SJ2015 Page 7 of 7