HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJUL ..2 7 2017 ' ':'lUis4pscaLs#�scxr�dto�tccuY�iin�3t�tu, r_ mITTHNIG NOTICE OIe CQIVIMENCEI61ENT' St. Lucie County, FL IhE unilets�gnat hereby gw401R.- o that improvemant wM bo made to ocrtaia;reai property; and fn aceordanw tivft6 "Chapter 713 h%rida stato09,4WAAiaiwftig information is pmvIdW�In the Nonce u# pot :mil.: ant: l DBSCRIPTIQN. OR P$UPBRTY (t eSat desatpdon;and street addt eas) TAXFi}LIU. iV[TlViBER� 'f I�Q 1 sug O, LQCK Ci' 1,pT "I?t; UNiT 2GENERALDggCRWMN�OFB4P]LOVEMP,NTf )71e.,0 d..waibo grid ;i. Persons tv[tleitn:the,9tate of Ffozide:drsignated by Owner upon>vhom'goticts or outer docannenis t'ns{y be serval as prouded;tiy sextionfii� 13:(I.Ka�7...PlondaStatute's.• designates tkc foi 0*9 tgtecelve a copy of the Uenoes IVotioi;as provided o Sect ±i! orn **ADDRMaMRONStvtrtam : 9 tson da ot`not pf BxPt�.' G+:commeriesmentjj��cpjratio�ilata�si,ynarfrom, thcdatebfrtr�dinguoieas.a..liit'erentdate"�s oatter'si6utfioci dtlffi /Mahngec Eor n exe (Nafite gut"434 atf 0. whonl insttumettt was aited) Personalty Xmi ;;' or uodth of Y e:folloof IQ t* .- h1Y00M�#I>3191b1133 .. , EXfsOP Jtt7e 9d17 . , . � BoadedJ&uN�kryII�eF�rir3. _ s °Pablo