HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Efficiency Code - Void FORM R405-2014 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE:FOR BUI'LDLNG CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and 'Professional Regulation;- Residential Performance Method Projeci,Name RiED RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street: 127$0,NW MARINER.CT. Permit Office: city,State,Zip. PALM CITY,FL Permit Number: Owner: Jurisdiction: 'Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce County:: ST,LUCIE COUNTY.(Ftorida Climate Zone 2 1t. New'construction or existing ,Addition 9..Wail Types(2956.0 sgft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple farrilly Single-family a.Frame-Wood,Exterior. R=19.0 2556:00 ft? b.Frame-Wood,Adjacent R=11.0 400.00 W 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c:NIA I IR= fta 4. Number of Bedrooms(Bedrms in Addition) -3(0) d•NIA R= ftz 5. Is this a worst case? No 10.Ceiling Types t 1.0 sgft.) Insulation Area a.Under Attic er led) . R=30,0 3641.00 fta 6. Conditioned f area above grade(M 3641` b.NIA R= ftz c,NIA a Conditioned floor a•below grade(82" - 0 91,Ducts � R ftz 7. Windows(847,1 sgft.; Description Area - a,Sup: ftic,Ret:Attic,AH:Attic 6 425 a. °U-Factor: \D4 =0.40 61.17 W b.Su . Attic,Ref:Attic AH:,Attic 6 225 SHGC:. =0:20 b: U-Factor: =0.45 224.00 W 12.C oling systems . kBtu/hr °Efficiency SHGC - :2o Central Unit 58.5 SEER:16.50 c. U-Factor:, =O.. 12.50 0 b.Central Unit 18.0 SEER:18.50 SHGC: =b 2 3.;Heating systems kBtuthr Efficiency d, tl-Factor: ftz a.Electric Strip Heat 34.0' COP:1,t10 SHOO: b.Electric Strip Heat 17.0 COP:1.00 Area Weighted Averagng C7epth: 2.SB4°ft:Area Weighted Averag : 0,201. 14.Hot water systems-None,required 8. Floor Types (4641.0 sinsulatio Areaa`' Cap:NIA EF:0,000 a:Slab-On-Grade Edgeion' R=0.0 1.06ft? 6 Conservation features b;NIA. R_ . gz. c.NIA :R= 15;Credits CF,WHF,Pstat . Total Propo Modifier]Loads: 89.30 �+ Glass/Floor Area, 0,233 /taI B ilne,loads: 92.27 PASS t hereby`certif.vlhet the plans and specifications vered�by ' Review of the'plans and CAB r this calculation are in compliance with the Flo a Energy \eF tions covered by"this Code. on indicates compliance ry /i, `_'�fi�,•���"r Flotilla Energy Code; PREP D B onstruction is completed t BATE ing wilt be inspected for ` . n a with Sectiion 553.908I hereby certify that this building,.as esignerl,isin m iance t tes.with the Florida Energy.Gode'. 0 wig U1IVNER/ GE : NG O ICIAL:DATA: . compliance requires;certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air h filer enclosure qualifies as certifies factory4ealed In accordance vuith R403.2,2.4. Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and an envelope leakage test report in accordance with k402.4.1.2; 7119/20171:24-13M EnergyGaugsO USA-FiaRes2014 Section R405,41 Compilant Software Page 1 of 7 E }4 yy��:4�y�'p �y ,>r h 4Y. r .af rl 1 - �II I f r PROJECT 4 Tit ew R1.EDSRESIbENCE rooms , 9ulkling Type User Gaon iti' 3 Address Type Stree#Address ,,��:.,_-�"--,'-1.",I':­��-,-",,.�­­",_,I­,','`��­�I";r;-.,.�I�,.�'�",:�-�4''­��"",�;�-,..,�_�_,l�.'"%­,l,;��.,aL�n..I��:,-; ''�,-p�,;Lj i-,�.,"�.- -,_I�,L"��;":.t4,,,-%�-,,,i�,�.I1,,�­­�­.".I-,_­:,�I:I,�,,—,,c,,:",;�.,"����­..,:,"��l"-�1"..,­�",'"",,�,,,,��.­�_.�`,-�­�',I,1�,��tl�l"'1.", weer d onAr+E�a 3t341 L`dt# Toga!Stories 1 i>Of Una " 1 Blaok(Subdiv'Won VNorst Case No PlatBdok Builder Name 1;" Rotate Angle 4 Street: 12780 NW MARINER C ^ Permit Cross Ventilation` Ito Jurisdiction Vvhole house Fah ' Yes aun ST LUCI COU City,State ZI PALM CITY NTY € Family Tyke ' Single-family , ' p �. f AlWEwMMIJ Aiiditian FL a Comment F E I CLIMATE +i 4 z 9 K ii f {l T ; 3. 3 IECC Design temp tnt Design Temp Heating i6sign DaHjT i . t7es n Locattoh o , TMY Srte Zone 97 5.G 5 to Winter =Summer Degfee Daysr AAoisture Range FL Fart pierce FL HERO BE,4CH_MUNI 2 39 90 70 75 Z99 62 Low. a a 1 .. ELt CKS n 't` Number Name Area 'Wiume;=�� t % , 1 "AhU 1 2854 25ss4" ° 1 3 AHU 2 791: ., s... - 7119 i . x, , -: SPA i Name Number r qr ea Volume Kitchen Occp ants P drooms, ln8!It3 Finished Cooledh: Heated 1 BATf13" a 72 648 '. � i e n , _ ti No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 NEW"FAti/iLYsROO 7v8, 8642 No n 0 ` 1 "nvYes Yes 'is. 3 BEDROOM#2 192 17,_ No { .z p'f 1 1 Yes . Yes Yes P 4 , < CLO$ET 54 488 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 5 DENJBEO 208 1812 N Yes Yes 7 0 4 1 1 Yes 6 t3ATF12 Y 7, No 0 : 1 No 7 y POWDER 46 405 Yes es. a 4 1 �N0-, Yes Yes 8 `- LAt1NORY 1114 1296 ENO if 1, Yes Yps Yes $ tClTCHEN 182 1638, NC i) 1 Yes Yea Yes; 'f0 .BEAT ROOM 317 25ti3 :No 0 1 No Y®s Yes j i ATRIUM r 27A 2466� 1 0 0 No, 12 LIVING'} ti• Yes N ,, 357 3z1a Yes a 0 , Yes Yes Yea 13 DINING " i08 1755; '.Noi0° 1 f Yas Yes Yds 14 IUASTER Blrpftt3q 344 2740 No �2 1 �a 1F Yes' Yes Yes 15 WIC 2' s 49 4d1 No 0° 1° i6 WIC Yes: ,Yes Yes d2 376 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 1 MASTER BATH 201 ': 1809,� No 0 1 Ye 18 . _ . :Yes Yes rI TLT T24 216 " Va 0,, 1 , Yes Yes"_ 19 CLST 1 35 315 No0 1 Ye&;' Yes r Yes . 2b FOYER ;1A0 1284 4 ,,- Na, 1 Yes' .'Yes Yes A x Lr c' :� �'�,.s ,: . .. .. , .II 7i19J20171,2A PM ` ,' Ener a ~ gy.atige�USA,-FlaRes2014 Se,c on R40W 1 Compliant Sbfiware " ° � i., r Page 2 of 7 . FORM R405-2014 1FLOORS # P(0or T Space Perimeter Perimetar R Value Area Joist 11 Value Tiio Wood Ca 1 Sidb=0n-Grade Edge Insulatto BATH 3 4ft 0 ?i fe 0 1 0 uls"n-Gi'ade"Edgy insulatio NEW FAMILY RO'661 0• 73111 ft'' _._ 0 1 0 3 Slab-On-0rade Fdgs Inaulatto BEDROOM.2 16,ft 01 192 0 1 0 4SIeb•On-Grade Edge.lnsulafto: CLOSET 6 ft 0 54 T " .. 0 1 0 6 Stab-On-Gr4de Edge Insulatlo. DENIBE0 13ft 0 20f'fl� 0 1 0 BSiab-0n-Grade'Edge insutatto: BATH 2 i'if 0. 7210 0 1 0 781ab-On-Giude Edge.lnsulatio POWDER- 1,It 01 45,ft° _.. 0 1 0 $Slab-On-Grade Edge insulatio LAUNDRY 2 ft• 0 144 W 0 1 0 88teb=0r-Orad®1~dge insuletio. KITCHEN lift 0 182 fe 0 1 0 106Iab-On-Grade Edge lnsulatio GREAT ROOM 1 ft, 0 317 ft' 0 1 D 11SImb-On-grade Edge Insulatio ATRIUM 1 ft 0 274-ft' 0 1 D l 128tabOn-tirade Edge lnsulat4o LIVING 26#t 0 35t,1`0 0 1 0 13Siab-On-Grade Edge,insulatio DINING 17.ft 0 196 W 0 1 0 14Si9b•On-Grade Edge Insulatio MASTER BEDRO 35 ft 0° 300 W 0 1- 0 'AbBl"n-Grade Edge lnaulatio WIC 2 Cft' 0 49 fN 0. 1 0 16ftb-On-Graf Edge ineulatio WIC 7 ft 0 42 ft2 0 1 0 179tsb4n-Grade.Edge.lnsuletio M ASTER BATH 29 ft 0 201 ft' a.. 0 1 0 ilstab-0n-4rede,Edge Insuiatto TLT 14#t• 0 24 its ... 0 1 8' 19Stab-Ori-Grade Edgy rklatio" Cl_ST. 11 ft 0 36If- ... 0 1 0. 20SIab•On•Grade Edpe Insutaub FOYER 12 ft:' 0 140 IF r.. 0 1 0 ROOF / Roof table Roof Soler $A Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch V 0 Type, Materials Area Aran Color Absor. Tested Tested insul. (deg) 1 Gable or Shad `Flat tllelslate 3837 W $08 fi''. .;Medfum 0 0, NO, Wo No 0 16.4 ATTIC . V 0 Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(114 Area, RBS IRCG 1 Full attic Vented 300 3841 ft'`° N N 7119120171;24:Pm EnergyGaugeO USA-FlaRes!014 Section R405,4:4 Compliant Software .Page 3 47 FORIA R405-2014. . CEILING . # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area• Framing Frac Truss Type 7' Under Attic,(Vented) BATH 3 _ 30 Blown 72 fe ' 0,1 Wood 2 UnderAttle,Nented) NEW FAMILY RO : 36 Blown "738 ft1k 0.1 Wood 3 Under.Attic{Vented) BEDROOM'2 ' 30. "Blown 192 ft2 0.1 Wood 4'• Under Attic(Vented) `'CLOSES 30 - ,_ Blown 54 ft- 01 Wood_ 5' 'Under Attic(Vented) DEN/BED - 36 Blown 206ft2 .0A Wood 6'• Under Attic(Vented) BATH.2 30. Blown, 72 W 0.1 Wood 7 Under Attic(Vented) POWDER 36 Blown 45 ft2 0.1 Wood. 4 Under,Attic(Vented) LAUNDRY '30 , Blown 144 ft2' 0.1 Wood 9 Under Attic(Vented) KITCHEN. :30 down 182 ft 0:1 Wood 10 Under Attic(Vented) �GREAT'ROOM 36 Blown - 317 W 0A, Wood 11 Under'Attic(Vented) ATRIUM. 30 Blown 2744tr 0.1. Wood 12 Under Attic(Vented) LIVING 30 Blown 357 If 0.1 Wood 13 Under Attic(dented) DINING 30 Blown 195 ft2 0.1 Wood 14 Under Attic,(Vented) MASTER',BEDRO' 30 Blown' 300 ft2 0.1 Woad 15,' UnderAttic(Vented) WIC 2 30 Blown 4912 01 Wood f6 Onder Attic(Vented) WIC 30 Blown 42 f? 0.1 Wood 17 Under Attic(Vented) M ASTER BATH 30 Blown 101 ft2 0,1 Wood 18 Under Attic(Vented) TLT 30 Blown 24 fV 0A Wood 19 Under Attic(Vented) CLST. 3o` Blown 35 ft2 0.1 Wood 20 Under Attic(Vented) FOYER 30` Blown 140 W 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below �. ff , TA Space _ o 1 NE Exterior 'Frame"-Wood BATH 3 _19i 6 0 9 6 54:0 ft' 0 0.25 0.5 0 2 0 0:25 0.5 b 2. NW .Exterior' Frame-Wood' BATH,3 19 -12 0 9 0 108.Oft 3 NE Exterior Frarne-Wood, NEW FAMILY 19` 30 0 9 0 270.001 0 0.25 0:5 0 4 SE Exterior :Frame.-Wood NEW FAMILY 19 25 0 9 0 225.0 fe 4 0.25 0:5 0, ,_,;,;_5 NW Exterior Frame Wood NEW FAMILY 19` Al 0 9 0 99:0 0 0 015 0.5 0 &. NW Exterior Frame-Wood' BEDROOM 2 19 16 0 9 0 144.0ft' 0 0.25 0.6 0. -7 NW Exterior Frame.-Wood° CLOSET '19, 6~ 0, 9 0 54.0 ft' 0 0,25 0.6 0 8 NW Exterior Frame-Wood DEN/BED 19 13 0 9 0 11U,ft2 0 •0,25 0.5 0 _9 SE Exterior Frame-Wood LAUNDRY 19 2 0 9 0 18.0 fN 0 0.25 0.5 0 _,__10 NE Exterior Frame.-Wood kITCHEN 19 6 0 9 0, 54.0 ft2 0° 0.25 oz 6 i 1 -SE Exterior. Frame-Wood KITCHEN 19 6 0 9 0 54.6 R2 0 0.25 0.5 0 __-_12 NE' Exterior Frame-Wood LIVING 19 '17 , 0 9 0 153.0 ft2 0 .0.25 0.6 0 -__13 SE Exterior = Frame='Wood LIVING 19 91 '0' 9 D 81.O fta 0 0.25 0.5 0 _14 SE Exterior Frame-Wood DINING 19 2' 0 9 IJ 18.0 ft2 0 .0.25 0.8 .0 �5, SW Exterior Frame;-.Wood DINING 19 15 0 9 0. 135.0 ft?,, 0, 0.25' 0.5 0 �16 NE Exterior Frame-Wood MASTER BE 19 - 15 J 0 9 0 135.6 W 01 0.26 0.5 0 _.17 SE Exterior . Frame-Wood MASTER BE 19. 20 0 °9 , 0 180 o W .0 0,25 0.5 0 1$.. NW Exterior Frame-Wood 'WIC 2 19 4 0 9 0 36.0 ft2 0 0.26 6.5 0: 19 SE Exterior Frame,-Wood WIC ,, 19 7' 0. 9. 0 63.0 ft2; 0 0.25 0.5 0 �20 SE' ' Exterior Frame.-Wood M'ASTER BA 19` 1114 0 9 0 128.0 ft2 D 6.25 0.5 0 7119/20171:24 PM' EnergyGauge@ USA-FlaRes2014°Section R465.4.1"Compliant Software Page 4 of 7 SS _.�N IN IN IN .iN IN �N Ij ry fO OD -I 07 ,tJi A W .N N. N N to N ',A W" tN. .a d co "W N 62 to CO ^.'t. m tir ,p- W C/I C C CA CO to rn cn,� (4 C*- z Z. 'Co- oz Z. z z 0), z`, z z to to a Z- z 0 a m m m A m m m m. m .m m m g m m, m m G3 • m �; pND- A. :G..:.O •-.F. 65 O? 0 W tQ N N, C - CO Eh -CYt A A G N . ... .� . a 0 ;� � Q. To o .. g -, S-r , •s ue 'S •� 'a.' s 'S 'S �. 'S r. ? S' s m a z _ _ _ ar � m Si m' 'm Sr' m "�, ,�• m m 3 �t 'n T '+t' -'t .'n m 'n 'n r r 'r r r. r-• r r r r r -r- r r r r r r e- r r r r r m m' m o- ;m m" ,W, �' m a o o a, o 0 0 0 0 0 m m 'rrt m to in m m in m m m m m m m m •m 'm m m m m rn .m m m ,v '�`` a O a O, O D a a O o o a o ` , cy a s a' a a o a v v a s 0' a` a a s a � ev a � °o ao a ¢ S 0 0 0 0" o- o 0 o a a a o 0 o a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 o w . �' C• C G G C C C G L. C. L. C C C C E C Cr C C C C Cr t - ,� CLI a' a• a o' a a` a• Q c cr a• Cr a�: Cr o• Cr Cr a• v a Cr Cr � Cr Cr w= w m m m m 'm m' 'io- m m m io m a, cc 'u cS m m03 cfl ` < -G C -4 t -G -C < -f. o m n n A cT N b w m w m m m m m m m m m w m m m m m m- m m m •m m w � �� r r' r -+. -1 $ to N w 0 w to w w to w 0 0 w w :w w" tD 'w w w �as w w w � rp � C (/y fp" Cfi r r � �,N q o -1 -1 { g a. a s P. d o a a o d o In a a o o d d .a a d (D o a ;a '�► _ _ o j A• .? .:p "A �A .P A A .ta h' is 1► •A .ta t. .P. A A t.• :is ? � :•a �„ ED_ -` 't0 tO. tD`.:.CO to tD 'd. c0 <� UY Iy�'r C3 0 .O �Q .O Ci a' a a C); 'O ;O 'O �-6 �` � d a.'C3. a Cn. 'a d O `O a S N RY :N •N tV io R4 .N N l a N lV ht i4 N' �. LV I+J :N F3" N i4 13. i3 N, N 17i O' C] d. d O O s � . O C-0 �. LG ; CJt :t'' O CAD- A $N. W"• N 0 O •CADCNft. N m N.. ca - a:. O O 'W o b Qa O O C) d '0 a d 0 5 3.. N tV N N t+J N S N, V Os C7 Cri .d o o b a o 0 00 a o a a o •d o a a a 10 0; a o Q .o .o D o d d ;. ..�.' .'�' .� 'r"'d r� .� '.�'. '� .�' ram. .� .� .�.` '�1. � .�' .� .�" �. '.T .�" .�.1' .�`.' .'�.' � �T. •a 3 �. A A A .1. ? b A: A A A A A A A" A O A A; A JA is A A A A A an d O C. .m-. a o 0 0 o d a a a: ti z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z `z; z z a z: z z z z z >. w aNi w cNn cNn w - } o O a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 O = O > >" 3. 3 O O. a = 3 = 3 3 � = 3" 3 7 3 3 O 3 O 7 d. O m tD m m 0 m w m m m m . m,. m Co m m w (D fD "m m M. m 0 t9 w. U) o+ ,cn C" •cn :in to c" 0A in of m � w . to z z z z z. z z .z Z, Z, z z z z z z z z z z Z z z z z Z dp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 a. 0 a o o w @ m m 0 0 0 O O 7 O CD ca3O, m w m m m m w co, � m m m m m m , m m m m m cD � o d 0 a b 0 d o" o 0 FORM'R405-2014 ,GARAGE # Floor Area Ceiling Area Exposed Wall Peri deter• Avg.Will Height . Exposed Wall Insulation 1 48.3"ft?° 384 ftl 40 ft 1 o ft 1,1 INFILTRATION # Scope .. Method SLA • CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 9 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .0004 3B23:1_ 209,88 394.71 - .2922 7 BEATING SYSTEM System Type" Subtype Efficiency, Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Strip Heat None COP1 34 kBtulhr' 1, sys#1 2 Electric Strip Heat, None, COP:1 17 kBtulhr 2 sys#2 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtypa- 'Efficiency Capacity. Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit Split SEER:16.5 58:5•kBtu/hr cfm 0 8" 1 sys#1 2 Central Unit Split - SEER:16.5 18 kBtu1hr cfm 0.8 2 sys#2 - SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM y _ _ FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name - System:Model'# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF fl' DUCTS Supply- - Return Air CFM.25 CFM25 HVAC# V # Location. R Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handier TOT OUT ON RLF Heat Cool 1 . Attic 8 425 ft' Attic 1.05 W Default Leakage Attic (Default) (Default) 1 1 l 2 Attic 6 22b ft2 Attic 65 fta' Default Leakage Attic (Default) (Default) 2 2 TEMPERATURES Progratria_ble Thermostat:Y Ceiling.Fens; Cooling Jan (, Feb Maf ( Apr ( May ( Jun pC Jui tX�Aug pt�Sep ( ]Oct W,N ov ( Dec Heating Jan (X]Feb (X]Mar ....[ Apr { May [ ]Jun ( �Jul [,j Au 11'Sep (:]Oct Nov (X,DecVentingJan [ .E.eb Mar [X Apr t 'Ma [ )Jun [ Jul 17 Au [[[ l Se IX]Oct Nov I ]I Dec 7/19/2017 1:24 PM EnergyGaugeQ USA-FlaRes201;4"Section'R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 6 of 7 FORM R406-Z01d Thermostat"$ohedUle: HERS,200&Refefence ` Schedule ps 2' ¢ 6 Haws • 6 7 8 � 9. 10 1") .-+ 2 f x Cooling(Wt5) AM 78 78 78 78 78 -78: 78 78 "V 80 6Q '80.PM 80i 80 78 78 78 � 78 78', 78 78 78 Coohng�{WEH) AM 78, 7$ 78 78 78 78 78 �78.�" 78 78. PM 78; 78 78 78 78 78` 78 78 .° 78 78 78 78 Heating{WO AAA 66 66 6fi 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 . 68, 68, PM 68. 68 88 8 68 68 ,' 68 68 '68 _ 68 8fi 8 ' Hegting(UUEH) AAn . 6s, 66 -66 66 66 '. 68 68, .` 68 '" , 68 , -6'8' 68' PM^_ . 68 �68 68 88 68 68 68 68"-„ 68 68 66 66 ,. i i e r .. ar A v F + x , v 7/1912017Y1;24 PN1 ' V ' nergyGauge�USA, FlgRes201A Section FWO AJ Compilgnt Software Page 7 of 7 ��� ,- FORM R405 26,1 ,� N$ R PE--r'�,�.,.-,��A,,�,',--�,�Ei��,.�,:,,:I 1,,""1—�,-�--.-,,�,�,:�,',,,.��,,,.F.�,,,.,--""�I,���-,,."`4�..-.,1,,,,�4-,;�:.,,�,�f.,I,���,`�,-�"`,1,,�'-�-�-.,,.*.�--�7�I.,,�"­-.,--,,"-,,,'�I,­-,i�,,-,-I,1�-�,�1t;,".-�*�,,,",',-�,,�,1-I,,-�,-",;��-.i j-,,'-i1-,--,,",,f­.,­- R1MAN`C LEVEL LPL= f .' • } ,. �.= D{ S LA-- AF D ESTIMATED ENERGY`PERFORMANCE 1NDE C* 97 1`he loner the Energyperformance;Index,tte more efficient the home i ' N1IV M INER C A 127t30 T, p C TY, FE-, LM i x+y F ,;k f,,{ K l . 1 New cunstrudtian or eXisfirrg.N Addltroh a y r � 9 Wall Types . insulation Area 2 $Ingle f rally er mu tiple family `,w w 3,ngle farttily a Frame Wgodr i xtertior R=19 0 -' 2556 00 fN 3 `Number of unds,If multiple family+ t, b Erame Woad,Adiaceht R f 1 oz, 400 00 ft' ° o N7A R �{ 4 dumber of eedrodrrss 3(0) d t o R ,, .. . ¢j h 5 r is this a worst cased � k 90 Ceding Types Insulation Area F N a Wd4Attic;(V nid% {P 6 �onditionerf floor ar®a ft �R 30 0 364i 00' { ` 3b41 r i f b NIA R 7 Wifitlows 11 r~N>A 2 " .: Descnptlon , Area m ft2 a I Factor 1 DbhU 0 40 611;1'f'ftx 11 Ducts u R =ftz SHGC SiGC 0 28 a Sup Attic,Ret Attic;AH Attic 6 425 b. U-Fadtir pb1` 0 45 b Sup Attic,Ret Attidi AH Attic 625 224:00 tT SHGC SHC(2 00� 2 ooiin s tems F d U-Factor `�i�bl,U`-040 1 :50ft$ C 9 yscBtuthr Efficiency a Central Unit 5t3 5 SEER 1650 SHGC.. SHGC 0 25 b Central Unit 18 0 SEER 1650 d U Factory tWA -� ft2 a l SHGC ' w ' 13 Heaan s stems '> g y kBt dhr EfAoieh Area Weighted Avenge Overhang bepth ,2.138d ft 4 4,Electric Strip Heat 34{). COP 1:00 " b Etectnc Stri Heat "" Area Weighted Average SHGC 0 2Q1 p 17 0, COP 1 00 8 Floor Types insutatbn Artie f4 iiot water sysf.',m Node required a<S>ab OnGrade Edge Msulafion R 0 0<< 3641 00 ft' A Cap NtA b"N1Ak , � R z ET it WA R, 1t' b Gonservatian featuras,, 1 , , Credits E CF,bVWF Pstat ,- s $ r ." Y d b .n s= ..y a r r �k iyy ,.� y Y `.; 1 certify that this home has compiletl with t#�e Honda Energy Efficiency Cade for Biilding Construction'ftirougi the above energy�avng features which will tse instalied�,(or"exceeded} d� l�l>3�r ,o rn thin home before final inspection `Otherwise, ew EPL Display Cardinriil l completed ° : based on installed Code�co iant feotu s � r ;B,", irr Si ,n- ate= r � -q 3 , Address of New Ho 7 "� , CityiFL'Zip `7 '7 ✓�, �Qb 0N C/ *Note This is,not a Building Energy Rating If your ihde(is,below 70,your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage(SE M)incentives if you obtain a Florida EnrgyGatige Rahrg Co ;tact the;EnergyGauge°hlotline.at(32 I) 63&1492,or see the LnergyGatge well site a#,`anergygauge com for inforrriation and a list of certif%ed Raters For,:" information about IhtM Fi�rida Budtling Code, Energy Conservations cohta't the Fldhi Building Commission's support staff r" " } Y "` Label regwred by Section R30313 of the Florida Building Code, Energy,Conseruetron,if not dEFAULT . 7/19l20171`24 PM , Energy, 6ugeV USA' FIaReS2014 Sgcticn Rd05 A 1 CoijtpUant Software ,` Pa e 1 of A i 3 F �, 3 ...�, _x9 e, , .• , , FORM R405-2014. TABLE 402.461.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA ProjecttVame: R1ED RESIDENCE Builder Name: Street`., 12700 NW MARINEKCT. Permit Office: ' . City,State,,Zip.,- PALM,Cit1 ,FL,., Permit Number. Owner, Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce COMPONENT 'CRITERIA CHECK Air barrier and thermal barrier A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous barrier; Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Air-permeable insulation shall not'be used as a sealing material. Ceiling/attic' The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the Insulation and any gaps In the air barrier shall be sealed.. Access openings;drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. ~ Comers and headers'shall be insulated and the junction of the foundation Walls and sill plate shall be"`sealed, the junction of the top plate and the top or exterior walls shall be sealed. 1 Exterior thermal-envelope insulation for-framed wails shall be installed in j substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. .. ( Knee walls shall be sealed. Windows,skylights and doors. 'The,space between windiiw/door jambs and framing and skylights and framing shall be:sesled.~ Rim.joists Rim joists are.insulated arid"include an air bairie'r.' Floors-(including above-garage' Insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent contact with underside artd,cantilevered floors) of subttoor decking. The air barrier shall be installed'at any exposed edge of insulation. 'Crawl spacewalis Where provided in,lieu of fiobi insulation,insulation shall be,permanently attached to the crawlspace walis,. Exposed earth in unvenied crawl spaces shall be covered with a Class I vapor retarder With ovedapping-joints taped. Shafts,penetrations ' Duct shafts,utility.penetrations,and flue shaft openings to exterior or unconditioned spat e,shall be sealed. Narrow cavities, Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow cavities shall be filed by insulation that on installation readily conforms,to the available cavity s aces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage:and conditioned spaces. Recessed lighfing, `Recessed light fodures,inswked in the building thermal*nvelope shall be air tight,IC rated,and sealed to the drywall. plumbing.and•wiring Batt insulation shall be out neatly to fit around wiring'and plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available_ space shall extend-behind piping and wiring, Shower/tub on exterior wail Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be insulated and the air barrier`Installed separating them from the showers and tubs. Electr cal/ptiohe box on The air barrier shall'be installed behind electrical or comrhunication boxes or -air sealed boxes shelf be installed., ` HVAC register boots - HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor-or drywall. Fireplace An air`barrier shaft be-installed on"fireplace walls,Fireplaces shall have gasketed doors 7/19/20171:24 PM Energy.GaugeO USA-FIaRs2014;Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software page t of 1.