HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Efficiency Code C� 4 FORM g405�0 ;FLt3RlDA;ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE Ft)R BUII:DtNG CQNSTRU TION, Florida bepartment of Business and Professional Rerilatl�n Restlent�al Performance Method. u. Project Nerne A Eb RE8ID�NC� � � euik3er Nam 3 Street,t 127t30 NW MARINER Cr Permit;O City State;Zip, pALN(Ct f Y FL Permit Num rs ` ti. Owner .iurisdirtion Resign Location FL,Fort I?ierGe; Ccunty 5T UCIE COUN fY(Flarkia Clunate Zone 2') 1 °_New Construction or existing„ Addition 5 VN811 l ypes(2956 0�sdft} insuiat�ori Area 1. { 2 -Sin to famil or muki to farm � g fg�� �Ftame Wood,Extsfior R 19 0 2555 00 ft' J. 9 Y p, lY Sfn IEi i b Frame Vlload Adjat rit` R-i1-,D; AOO46"I 3 ;Number of units ff`mulfiple fatuity 1- a N!A R ;Number of Bedroam�(C3edrms In Atldibon} 3(0) ci NIA R bz 5. Is this a worst case? �jn 90 Ceiimg Types{35b6 sgft j: insulation Area,' r a tinder Attu{Vented] R 30 0;• 36'0&PD ft2 ti; ironditiaried floor area above grade(fN} 360Q: b N!A R , i :Conditioned floor died below grads(ft?} 0 N/A: R= ft2 11 Duets 7;,INindows(84 ? sgft) C)escription Area a,sup Attic.Rat AftiC,AH Attic: S: d25: a U-Facto ,` Dbt;UmO dt).. 6.1117 ft° b„Sup lltua,,ltet Attic,AHMPiitc, SHCC' SHCC 0 20:, is U-Facttlr.< Obl Ll 0 45 2 4,0r);f12 12 Cooling systemsi kBtuihr- Effic6ncy SHCC� SHt3C 0 2tlA a CentralUnit:'' bS'5 SEERsit360 b Central pli 18 0 SEER IG 50 : c t)-Factor Dti U=0 40= 9> 50 ft° „ SHCC: 5HGC—o 25 ` 13 W��tirig sys#emsL kstulhr ,Effiaency" tl U FaCtor' NJP ft= a.Electnc Strip Heat= 34;4 COP t00.: SHCC' b Electric strip Heat;' ;17 0 COP't 0`, u Ar®a Weighted Average Overhang Depth=. 28Sa:ft: . "Area Weighted Aver80e SHCC 0 201, id Hotwater systems trlane required' g 6 r=loorT es 3600 0 ft � a Cap NIA ij a yp ( sq } �. lnsuiation A�naa s Slab On Grade Mtge insulation; R 0 0 3600 00 tt;•" EF 0 000 b 0onsaroafian featur+as. b NIA ttA2, >. r.-<.- �. 5 Credits- �CF WIiF;:Re;tat° GiasslFJor Arear` 0 235 Total Proposetl M,oditie�,Leads 85 = a� � �. F T�t�tl Bs�seline Lfsads �g9 92,E 1 hereby certify that the puns and sp.�ificaticns covered lay i2eview of the plans and`. o����� , thlS calcuiaf on are in mpiiance whit the Florida EnergyY Spec icatians covered by thtst {�� t:ode calculation indicates camplianae, ,� , °a � inn#h the Fl0nda Energy ode i,. �ut�:, 4• _ �a,;"„ O, l PREP -D 8efore.consiructcn is corm feted' 4 p bAT this buildding wrll'be inspected foc' cq!,n rrce with Section 553.900!i I hereby certify that this building,as designed, t pale. .Flonda Statute y t t with the Flonda Energy Cade OWNERIAGEN�y, x ;DATE DING t)FiGIAi_ 1 s _ Compliance requirei3 certif(cabon by the aid handier iintt manufacturerthat the,air handler enclosure quaitn�s a� �ettified fact oory eased in accordance with R40'2 x 1 „Y Compliance r8quires an Air Barrier and irt�ulattora Inspection Chi3ckliet in accordance,w R 0 d 1 '1 and an p�veiope leakage. ; z i fp k ,� 9/1t1/2017 fi 5�l AKA• EnergyCauge�USA FlaRes2014 section i?4t5 #1.Gntnpiient_5oftware; Pagel of 7 M FORM R405 2014 � PROJECT re, RED RESIDENCE r ?i3edroorh 3 Address Type Street Address Euild(ngType: User Cbntl�ttonedAres 3600 Lot# t3wmer I otal Stones. 1 RI0dkfSubDiv sign of Units 1: VNarst Cate, Noy Plaok Butlder Name ;Notate Angle;., - © Street:' 12Z8t1 NUV hAARiNER C 1?emut Office Cross vefitilation Nc County ST i:UG1E COUNTY Junsst�c ao�t `1lUhnte Hausa Fan; Yes,:> City:State,Zip PALM CITY i�arrtitY Type ', Sn�le�#amiq n o f+lewl�ustang A�difion ' fi ` 21 Comment- , �. F CLIMATE _ . s=t. / '" IECC ,Ctes�gn Temp int Design Temp' S Heating pesign Datly 7ernp v ;De�stgri location TMY Sde Zone �87 5 2 5��o tlu�nfer�Summe► Degree Days (�oistuw Range; a FL,fart Pierce FL VERO BiWAGH NiUNi 2 39 SO 70 75 n �9g 82 Low s - {{ �r Number.:.. PA Natter = Area Uolumc' 1 AIiU 1 2809 252$1. Y E SPACES xi Sc. Number: ,,;Name � Area`„�_. �{olume ;Kitohen , .G1ccu0ants,r.F.Bedraortts. .infil ID �intsh�i Canted Heated f 1 YBATH 3 72LOU," No 0 . 9- X®s Yes Yes Z f NEW FAMILY ROO 697.` AM' Nd BEDROOM 2 192 1728 Na: 0 1. l as° Yes Y•es, , i 4 CLQSEt 5A 486 No 0„ i Yes:: Yes; Yes r '3 DEIVlBED 208 2 No. wp1 �YJes Yes'= Yes 6 BATH 2 7Z 648 No. iS j 1' IVo .' Yes. Yes 7 PnWDER t 45 4bS3 No= 'rx 1 No. Yes Yes r 8 t+�UNDRY 144 12'J8 Na Yes Yes 9? KITCHEN 189 16 t3' fVo' 1t) r t3REAT R04M t 317 j 2853 , ' Nor t)', 1 tVo`.` Yes 11 AT121UIIhh 2T4 r 2466 Na- .b' _ p1 Na., Yes Yes i2 LIVING € X857 $2`13 No fi• 1^ lies Yes Yes 13 DINING 19b ' i756• Nar <t?,` y Y.bs`` Yes ' Yes,- c 14 tut,MR,BEpROO 300 27(10 No, ', 1 "1 Yes': Yes Yes 15 WIC 2 s 49 44"1 NQ' i) ;1 Yes. Yes: Yes 16 VdIC 42 371} No 0: 1 Xes. Yes.i Yes 17 AMR,BATH a s201 1809. Nq_ - q 1� Yes� Yes,: Yes 18, TL'T 24 218, No ;<, , 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 19 CLST 35 3153 No 0' Yes Yes., ye~ 'I 20 FOYER f 1260 ` No; 0 ;1- des'.'. Yes •> Yes w y �. ` $77812U17>6 54yAM EnergyGauge}USA„F1aies2014 Section R4U541 GOmpiiant`Sbftware' Page 2•of 7' a FORM R4Q5 2414 FkiorType Space ,Perimeter,Pehmeter;R-Value, ':Area. Joist R Vatub, T(!e Wob l Caipet 1 Slab fJn-Gradetlge Ingulah�b BATH 3` 1$';ft 0 72 ft3` 0 k 2Sfab-fait-Grade Edge Ins(ilat+o NEW FAMILY RO 86'ft 0 69?ft?, b! 1 0 R 351ab-Uri raz�el:dgeinsulafta BEDROOM2 '10'"ft 0='.. 1g2ft°•- 4 ti 0 %491&`bn-Grade Edgeinsuiatto CL(a8 &';ft' '5 Slab-Ojj,.Grade Edge InsuTatro DEN IBEiS $Sidbb O -Grade EdgeS$$Insulatlo BATH`S 1-ft; d 72ft� l); 0' 1. 7 Slab-OO Grado Edge insulatho I�OWtSER i ff?' 0;'. 4 ft' Or 1 U S S1aio�On`Grade Edge lgsulatto 1�1UNORY 2 it Q 1d4 tt' 04 1 0: #S1,6-0 4rade Edge Insul tto, kiTCHE I 12aft:. tl 182 fk" 0 1 0 OSIab Obi Gratle Edge lnsu o GREAT ftt7OM y':i#, b= 39?fE?. U: 1 p; tsiSleb-0 -Grade:Etige insulatio ATRIUAr 1 . 0.' 74 12Siffib-Cyn=Grade Edge lnsula#ia LiUING 26tt:. 0,~ 357 ft�`. .(1;y 1. rr . • �138146-On-GradeEdge.Insul666, DINING 1Tft=:' Q:` 195ft D 1. a0 < ^14Siab-0n-Grade Edg®lnsuiatto i11U15TER BE4fQ 35;ft: < 4 f55i8"r 6•Graae Edga insufatfio 1NIC2. G 4;t; ff;.. ry W; 16Siat) 04'ade Edge insulat�b WIC 7'ft:': 4,.., 4Z v x r -17SIab-On-Grade Edge lnsuiatio M ASTER B 4 fH • W..W,...... 18Sia(s ty»=.Gradd Edge in&uiatro � TLC` 10'ft d' Zd ft" b< 1; 0;: ` . 4 �1�9SlairC/n-Grade Edge�nsulatio CL'ST F 11 off:::- 0: ;�6,itz .8 1 0,. �20SIab-briradeE�gainsui0to FOYER 12�fEw. 0' 140fN Roof Gatsle Roof, `polar SA" Emitt Eniitt Deck Pkbh 1j ,'0 T e MaterialsF yp AreaE Area Calor Absor 7estetl< Tesfed sui in (tleg) 1 Hip; r Fta# Isiate 3?84 ft� d ff2 Meiiium 66 No0 9 No0 18.4 z r a v JY V # Tyke i Ventiletionr Vent Ratio(1�n)_ Area RBS.. IRCC _ .,„ 1 Kok kV®nted 300 43000#t� Y t i 911812t)17 6 54EV.nergy_Gauge�U$A t PiaRes2014:Section,R405 41 Compisant Software::' Page 3 ofT=• > 4 ' 5 4#o q a6ed etenn}}o }uelldtuo�}4.804L1 ua!} S fr4QZea2igl� tfSn r�a6nia�h6tau }Nb ti9 9 t!OZI$L!B p 0 St �E'0: Q: z}IO'OZ�= 0 6 ,OQ '�I"" 6� ;tls:� tf POOM ewer; a'=--- . !N. 0 9 0. �Z 0 f V OJNV POOlU1 autet� VOW-3' 3"S 6k— Q, 9Z`Q` 0 #± .6' Z�ffjit; Rp?!U1 Biuei ratan lIf1N B 0 2l3.l vw DOOM atu rON 3 S 1 t 38 1.t131Sb+Nl;' p0a ewetj rayeax3 9N �1' "" z}l0 S>;E 0 6 Q' S4 6l' 4JP M49 Paa awes lopeix3 MS 9l� .0 'S'0 SZ.o= 0. z8 0 8b Q 6 0' B L: JNIIVtq paaM aiueJ j totae}x3. 3S trG> xa 5 Q sa a; A Z4 0 ;0. :aN►n t$' t i t4 keiufft toBaix3 as E} k fN 0'. 9.Q' SZ;04 0 z}10 Y .U° 8 0; 9 6t; N�Ft�ll pea ewea s ro epd 3S t L:� """" 0; 'S;.O O, Q; zQ O ig 0 6 0 8` ;,6,G° N3H�11�1 POaf4} 8wea rolta n3f 0 5'o 5Z 0 0 z�1,Q 84 U sp, 0..` 6t A2iCINttlfi. 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SEER 16 5 18 kBtulh'r �cfm 0 8„ 2 '; sys#2 '_. f O�:AR w HOT WATE R SYSTEM Colleotort a •Stof3ge ' ;Cart z# Company Name System Motlet# Collor Model# Aria;` 1/olura` FEF ' 2 DUCTS Bupp HVAC Location F 17alue' Area Location area, Leakagr Type Handier TOT Ot)T, QN RLF -Heath Gbol �`-'Athc °', ;S 426 itz Athtr 105;f�+ ttei'autt Leakage �-,Aft�a - {Oefautt) {Default) 1. , "�;1 :, E ,.. - . Attic� .,�. E., -225•fta ... ,Aitic 65'it* ,t3efautt Leakage Attic',. {Default},'{Default) Z• 2; 2 ' t x TEMPERA?URES `' t Programatile Thenrostat sY + Ceing'Fans Heating HJan - H,,Feb `MMer ArOn. Jul A g Sip Or�t VN.ov:�" ov,? Dec Venting Jan= Fab r nnay h Ly f T 8h8t2017 6 54AM: "EnergyGauge t1SA fljgf® 014 SeCtlon t2d05 41 Gompliant:Software: raga ti gf 7 iti ostat Schell efm H $2 u , 6R dD6 Refs��toe °: Hor�rs Cooiing{ G) Ai1t1 76 78 7$ 78 7$ 7$ �, 78 . :,M 78.��: dd• r $d. 60`" .$a PN( 80 B0� :7$ 5., 78 78, 7$.. 76 76' 7$: 78= 78 CooUng j1111 H) AM 7 78 '78 '7$ 78 78 78 7& 76 78 78= M r . 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AAR 686 66 8Q 68 68 68 68 68 5S PAR 68,,. ,._6$. 68�z..:. ...88= 86,zs `66<v ,. k: §: r P � } � F 6 � Y e $pS 3 4 w 3 , s 3 x- 9ti 2diT 8 r5d AM= EnergyC3 ugW,,U 6201d SecNo i R40S 4 i Compliant 5oftwa41 Pagg 7 of 7' © ! 05-�l 4 TABLE AIR FARRIER AND411�SUI.ATIQN 1�15PEC?It")N CONIPQNENT CRITERIS° , Project Name 's Et1En ftSIbENCE t3ifilrler hiarrib stirs ti e tz7sO NW MARINER Gt Permit office,: t;aty,Sfatei�:lp, PAUVI t:i7'Y AFL, .� Permit Nurrtber ' t�WCfer` -" Jutsdicfion;`"° ,Fart Pierce 5 i h C.t'�MPON' EDIT 4 CI�ITERlA�.. , WtHECl " -'Air baler and theme!bal rier A'cormnuorys eir banter stiaf!be ittsafted In the taufid�ng anvalppe `' 1*xferltir#herntai attvetppe contains a epnt�n ous barest QiaK orto�nts in the air banriar shall Besse 04h Air:p®rmeaksle�nsuia#ton". hati not be usaii,as >;epl�rtg;ma#enal Ceilinglatht: Ttie airbrrieinany dropped ceilin )spffit Al shall be aligned with the ,hsyilafivrf aindan�,�aps in'tlie air bat`riershatt be seated °: 'j � •, Access openings,drvp dov►m stags yr kneetiVatl,�ioors to unndittoned :.; " , ..: F,'- ° � atop spaces shali�tie sealed; Carriers and headers shall tfe insulated anti the luncfori of the foundation walls` ifidiilll�pJate shah tie sealed d#th The lunptton e top piafe�end the top or extenor welts steal€be sealed p: erio� tiermat aaualopa rrisutat�on for frainsd waits shaltbe;lnstaited En x- subs nt at, aet and ci�nnupus aitgnmrrt# ultN the air barrier * f�hee wa ail be mated: fish llrlmtlt�Ws;8k �ghts artd doors `Che space betv�een wlndgvirldoar tarr�bs a►td frt�mEng end skylights and x. framing sNeibsested n n^ t Rim,folsts',... r3irtyjoists.are,rr►sulated.antl'.mclude`en air bamar Pipors (lrtcttxitgjabpvarage' tttsutattorti siall�re iristatted fo malNtin permanent contac#w+fh underside and car�leitered floors) of sub�oor-decking y` �° , . ,` w :f Tlie ar �arr<er shali;be installed at staytposed edge of ir►sulafion . Ctavir!Espy w�l(5 '` a � VUter����rdad to lieu of��prrnsulatrdh,��n§uJetlon shall tee,permanently ., '` , ; attached to-tNe braMspace walls, tposad earth in�uruanted crawl spaces shell be covered with a Class I VpJr ratai Tier +ntN b�teritapng#ants taped Shafts;pantrations Dttc shafts;util►fy penetraUnns,and;;fitra shaft openings to extenor or UnCd F � radttioned spark shtbe seated �. `"Narrouv cauitte& � � gaffe iri farrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or�rti``arrow cau�ties shad ba filled ,s ., " by insulation that�►n ins#akin readily confpr tpha available eav�y Czrag sepaaraticlt Us, be spices , ReCebSE±tl�igNting � ' Recessed`llg�tt fixtu>"as in�talted in the buil�i�nj�fherrr►sl envelope shall it be . ti ht lc rated,s�ci s sled# t#fe arywatt,: g a 'lumbtng wiring a#t tnsuiaon shall be�cut neatly to n#around wtnng antl piurabmg in �ttsnQr wtis,o insblat�on-first ran ins#aliat�on re8tdrt�►'cattfomis to available s space steal(extend behrnd piprng ariri wnnng ndtbsshatlb e errSawrtubocerorwall ls dY to hw a u . bat rirr,rnstatletl separating=;them"from the showers;and tubs.;' w Alec#riIphone' rx tin y t tte air barrier stialita�e installed treNnd aledric;al or cotrimuniG�itlon btyxes dr a� t>pxes staN-bei��s�'talied f NUAC regl:ter boats' HVAC register boats that penetrate tiutldrng thermal envelope steep be ��" ,.,._ = sealed ter,ttte silb-ftopr or drywall � _ ` s Ftrepla; e An;arr barrtr #tait las installed ortireptace e+alts Fireptaces.shall Katie . , a$keted=dears. �. 718/�Ot7 6 54 AM EnergyGauge b t)S} FiaFtes2o14 Section R QS 41 Can4plh►rlt Soitwe�e; :Page 1 0 • t ^FCfR1�i aao�2014 ,. E�IER "'PiER 0R'MANDE LEVEL ' L DISPLAIC CARD: ESTIMATED ENERGY �'Eh�CJI'MANCE.�INbEX` 97 The'±lower the EnergyPerformance Index,-fhe more effici of the dome w t2780'N1N MAF2lNER PALIUI CITY,FL,,- r; 1 r New construction rirexisting Addition 9 Wail T ypes insulation Ared 2 Single fam�ty ar muihple family Smg(e-femity a Frain a Wood Extenor 19 0 25�00 ftz b.game iNood,Adjacent: R 17 0 400 t)Ofit?• Number of t]nhs,itraulttple.family �' c:N/A ft2 R _ 4 Number bF Hetlrooms �t0) d,tVtA " x #0 Ceiling Types lnsulahon Aria 5 as this a VYttrSt case s 3t300 00 ft � aUnder Attic ent�d � R= z 6:.Ccndsianed floor area(ft� x00 b•!V!A F a 7r'Window3" 3!)�5cnptlan Area c NJA - .R= {� • a U i�a�trtr Cib,tl 4�4 6? 1Tf ." 11 Oycis R ft�. a Su AO!;,Attic AH Attic` SHE SiGC--O Z0 b`Supg Att�d Rat Attic,AH Attk" 6 225 � b U-FaptoC Obi,U 0 48� S�IQC SM{3C 0Q. 12 Caoimg systems kBtulhr Efficiency ". c U-Factar Dtii U--OdO, 1"2,50ft?- a'GentralUnit � _ 58bSEER:1`650> SHGC; SHGC 0 Z5:` b Central Unit 18 0 SEER 1B 50 f, U If acfcr �° WA m , SFiGC. 93 Heating systems kBtulhr: Ono Area WM hted Average Overhang Depth; a.,EieatncSfrip Heat; 340 COP; 00 btectric Sfnp Hea}_ 170 COPt AreagWelOhteddAverage SHC' 0iti ! ' 14 H-,-raters' tams boner u 8 `FIaar Types insulationa ys eq fired,..- :� alab•q Grade Edge Irisuiatton,_ R 0 Q 3&oa DO ft� a NJARz x, �xEF. NJA R b :Conserv'"On features, . i I certify thatthis hometas txfmplied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code far Building Construcfipr through the above energy saving features whioh vuili be installed{or`exceeded) � ' in thus home before finelrinspectio> Other3arise,a i1e L bi.401 �y Card':wdl be Corr pieted based on msfailed Code compliant;features Budder Sigr�aiture. � `DB�e � � �'' g 1,- Address of„NewkHam Ci IFL Zi * , 6 � � - � tS!- ""Note This�is�not"a riilding.Energy,,. if your latlex is below 7g,your tiome,'nay qu iify for�energyefficient` mortgage(l=EM)innenfives if111 �you obtain aTFiorida EriergyGauge Rating "CantactAhe EnirrgyGauge Hotline at(321,)` 638'1�92 or see the EhergyGauge web site at energygauge coin for nfot r ation and a list cOrtifi6d Rafsrs For Information about ther�lbnda B' ding Code,Energy,Conseryation,contarrt tni3 Flr�rida Building Carnrnission's support:. =staff' ,- t y F, 'Label;required by Section R031 3:;of the 1"londa budding Code,Energy Conservation,ifnot bEFAt7LT • - 9Jt8rzo17 6 54 AM! 1:nargyC3aage�US FlaRca2614 -Sect"en 46 +11.'Compliant Softmrai Page I of i" t 6 �' n